My Goddess

Chapter 492 Old bastard

It was absolutely unexpected for Neo to say the word "deal".

No one thought that Neo would agree to take a powerful Cancer in his current state. Cancer is surrounded by Su Xiaoqing, who must be strictly protected. He can continue to bargain with Albert.

If it were Albert himself, he probably felt that he was not so easy to talk to.

When neither of the two can convince anyone, negotiations in a stalemate often occur, and it is more likely that fierce contradictions will break out.

For example, if you do something, such as a mermaid breaking the net, or cheating everyone.

As a result, Neo suddenly said "deal", which is simply surprising.

Nil didn't know what Neo was thinking. She took a look at Albert and Su Yifan, who had his hands locked with plastic buckles. The teenager's hand was tightly tied to a bomb that could blow him to ashes.

Albert laughed loudly: "Good, you're as smart as I thought."

Nio smiled and said, "All who are not smart are dead."

Su Yifan couldn't help interrupting and said, "Too smart is dead."

Nio took a look at the teenager and knew that Su Yifan was the most important part of the whole thing. If it's just Su Xiaoqing himself, Neo is not confident that he can make this girl who seems to be determined to give in.

"I need to see the money immediately." Neo is more sincere about money. "This is the basis of the deal."

Albert nodded: "I agree, so I'm ready to get the money at any time."

1 billion euros are calculated according to the prices at this time. If the cash is settled, at least dozens of people may be drowned. Such an impactful number needs to be mathematically separated by three commas. Even if AUU uses such a huge amount of money, it needs to go through a lengthy process. Albert said that he was already ready to prove that he was also optimistic about the success rate of Neo's action.

Neo was not surprised that he was well prepared for Albert.

If the preparation is not comprehensive enough, it is not the Albert you know.

There is a computer in the room and connected to the Internet. Albert still held a gun and asked Nell to walk over and operate the computer.

In the face of Albert's threat, Nell could only pinch her nose and endure it.

The operating system in the computer is AUU's OS, which is not strange to Nell at all.

The account name and password are remembered. Nell clicks on the fund operation option in the OS to directly see the account balance used by Albert.

The account Albert uses now is the same as the anonymous account used for the task that Nell knows. His name is nothing more than John. Smith and other funds tend to be a little more than the estimated funds. For example, there are 12 billion euros on this account now.

It is estimated that this number is the final bottom line of AUU, and Albert directly fired the price of 1 billion euros, making Neo even have no desire to bargain.

Albert doesn't care much about Neil looking at the screen. There is no secret information to check on the computer, and Neil already knows what she should know.

"Transfer money, Neo's account is already in the computer."

Nelle reluctantly said "Oh" and pressed the keyboard to start the operation.

Such a huge operation attracted the attention of almost everyone, and even Su Yifan couldn't help looking at it. He knew that Su Xiaoqing was rich and had seen the world. At first glance, I still can't help counting a string of zeros in my heart, and then secretly calculating how many Xbox360 pirated disks can be exchanged.

If converted according to five yuan a piece, it can be exchanged for about 200 million pieces, which is almost the 300 million cups of fragrant milk tea around the earth.

He did not admire the two old foreign men who decided to go to Su Yifan with a few words. He knew that this was actually equivalent to indirectly announcing the value of Su Xiaoqing. If it hadn't been for Su Xiaoqing, all this might not have been in this order. Nell will not come to her, and she will not be stuffed with a bomb in the center of her hands.

Su Yifan secretly glanced at Su Xiaoqing again. Since Su Xiaoqing did not speak, he also decided to be silent. He always felt that Su Xiaoqing must have some plans.

Su Yifan is also familiar with the look of looking down on the whole world.

Nelle was conduing on the transfer, and Albert's face suddenly changed, and the weapon in his hand pointed at Neo.

"Are you still not willing to take this money?"

Neo didn't even bother to pretend to be innocent this time. He spread his hands and made a helpless move.

A burst of fire burst from behind Neo.

The explosion close at hand is that the firelight and sound are synchronized, and there is nothing to see the firelight before listening to the sound. So a loud noise also came at the same time, hitting everyone's eardrums.

In sync with the firelight are countless fragments, and those bursting fragments sprayed out in one direction and shot on everyone's face. Almost everyone present was spared and felt a strong shock wave pushing their bodies.

In the impact of this strong airflow, Neo has rushed to Albert with the power of the explosion!

The time and angle calculated by Neo were just right, as if he had been accelerated by a rocket thruster and rushed straight to Albert, with a pair of daggers in his empty hands.

The explosion has been planned for a long time, and the real battle still needs to be faced by yourself.

At the same time, Cancer, who had been coercing Su Xiaoqing, to open his arms and protected Su Xiaoqing, who was still motionless.

Albert expected that Neo would fight with himself. He envisioned many possibilities and has been wary of Neo's movements.

At the moment of the explosion, the fragments splashed, the firelight brought thick smoke, and the dust was everywhere, and the vision of the whole room became extremely bad. Albert still fired a shot at Neo in this situation.

There was only enough time for Albert to shoot a shot. He then protected his eyes with his hands and retreated quickly and steadily.

The explosion wave was so strong that he couldn't lift his body away. Albert retreated in the impact of the fragments as if unaffected, avoiding the cross-air knife from Neo's face.

The knife light has never been so strong that it almost darken the firelight.

Albert shrank his head and retreated as if he was not affected by the explosion, avoiding the sharp knife and protecting his eyes from being affected.

In the next move, Albert raised his foot and kicked Neo's wrist to change the angle.

The knife light turned in the air and has changed direction, continuing to point to the top of Albert's head.

This kind of confrontation between elderly professional players is always like this, and the first move is to completely end the battle.

Albert's legs were long and straight, and his posture was as standard as if he had practiced ballet. He stretched out his leg and kicked Neo's wrist at a stable and accurate angle.

It's too late for Neo to change the direction of the blade, so he can only use the side of the dagger to resist Albert's counterattack.

Just like the calculation, Albert kicked the side of the dagger.

With a "buzz", the metal sound of the dagger almost covered the sound of the two ears after the explosion.

After the explosion began, the ears of everyone in the room could not stop. This is a normal reaction to a strong impact on the eardrum, but no one seems to care.

Albert's legs were so explosive that he kicked the dagger, making Neo almost unable to hold the weapon.

If you can't hold it, you can throw it away. Neo didn't hesitate. The dagger flew out of his hand and headed for the roof.

While the dagger was kicked away, Neo's other hand had already clenched his fist and rushed straight to Albert!

At this time, Albert had adjusted his posture and fired another shot at Neo.

There are too many fragments and the line of sight is too poor, so you can only shoot at the chest with the highest hit rate.

After the second shot, Albert knew why Neo was not injured just now.

There must be a bulletproof vest hidden in that fat coat.

Neo's figure was stunned, and the other one had been killed from behind him.

Cancer's face was gray. The moment he protected Su Xiaoqing just now, he suffered a slight injury, but this did not affect his movements.

The * in his hand is like a straight line, crossing Neo and shooting directly at Albert.

Albert didn't look at Cancer and fired another shot at Neo.

The shot was still hit, and Neo's smiling expression suddenly stagnated.

The third shot penetrated Neo's chest and directly shot a blood hole.

Neo, who had been smiling on his face, was shocked, covered his chest and retreated two steps, looked down at his wound, gritted his teeth and rushed to Albert.

This time, Neo will not face Albert, but Nell, who suddenly flashed from the side.

At the first time of the explosion, Nell rushed to protect Su Yifan, but was protected by Su Yifan.

Su Yifan's action was so domineering and irresistible that Nell didn't even tear him up. I

When the debris fell and the dust splashed, Nell pushed Su Yifan away and found that many small wounds had been cut off behind him by the debris.

Glancing at the bomb that was still tightly tied in Su Yifan's hand, Nell got up and joined the battle.

Nelle, who was confident in speed, attacked Neo as soon as possible.

Albert can detonate the bomb in Su Yifan's hand at any time. She is not confident that she can save Su Yifan, so let's just solve the bastard who injured Su Yifan first!

Nelle's hands are still clean and white, looking like white jade.

Such hands are clenched into small fists, and only a snow-white shadow can be seen in the air.

With anger, Neil punched the injured Neo in the right face.

Being punched by Neil, Neo just tilted his body to the side and turned to fight back, but Nell had alternated his hands and attacked near Neo's neck continuously.

With an incredibly fast fist and an angry power beyond the limit, Neo was beaten so much that he could not fight back.

Nio's chest is still oozing blood, and the little blonde girl opposite has forced him to retreat several times in a row and is about to retreat to the corner.

At this moment, Neo finally understood why Albert shot Su Yifan and let himself see the injured Su Yifan.

The bullet used in that shot is different from the one I was hit just now!

Albert had already thought that he would observe Su Yifan's wound, estimated the power of the sub-single, and then prepared different bullets in the same magazine.

This old bastard!