My Goddess

Chapter 493 Chaos Room

Oh, it's finally blocked. Please vote more. Teacher, I want to play basketball... Oh, no, I want red votes.


Albert did do almost nothing. His plan included how to deal with the confident Neo, and even Neot's way of dealing with himself was clearly considered.

This kind of careful style is Albert's true face.

At this moment, Neo was shot in the chest, and the burning sensation caused by the wound slowly turned from the initial paralysis to severe pain, involving countless nerves in his body. But Neo's face did not change much. He didn't feel much frustration except that he was careless because he was too close to success.

The pain was nothing to an old man like Neo. He just didn't expect that Nell's combat effectiveness was so fierce. Every punch of his continuous fist was like killing a cow, with a strong impact, almost pushing himself from his original position to the corner.

Cancer still pestered Albert. As Neo's strongest reinforcement, his attack was not as full of unpredictable phantoms as many people use *.

* There is always only one straight line.

Every straight line leads to death.

The speed of the straight line is insurmountable. Binho just waved the dagger quickly, and Albert couldn't do it again, and he couldn't even raise his gun again.

Cancer's combat effectiveness is obviously far more powerful than Neo. Even if it has been hidden in China for many years, the old man's craftsmanship has not been put down!

Albert doesn't know as much about Cancer as Neo, but he still instinctively dodges and looks for opportunities to fight back. He believes that as long as he is human and has limited physical capacity, the battle will always end at any time in the next second.

* There is always only one goal, chasing Albert's throat, so that Albert has no time to give more instructions.

In today's scene, Albert always feels that it is enough to have himself and Nell. This is the plan that began when I first knew that Su Yifan was with Nell. There were several modifications on the way, but the overall direction has not changed.

Cancer holds*, chases Albert's footsteps, and also tries to pierce his body in the next second.

Both of them know better than others that the battle will not last too long, and one of them will definitely fall.

Since the sound of the explosion, Cancer's eyes have changed.

Dead or continue to live, this exciting feeling has not been seen for a long time. Now that it is re-experienced, Cancer feels that everything is fine.

The soldiers are getting old with the passage of time. Only the courage to keep their hearts and pick them up at any time can fill their bodies.

At the last moment, he may still be hesitating whether he should embark on this journey. At this moment, Cancer relaxed all his mood and let go.

Once the battle begins, there will be no pause and no retreat.

Only die or live!

The footsteps of the two gradually moved back from the center of the living room, and Cancer * pierced Albert's throat countless times, leaving traces on Albert's body.

It punctured the clothes and punctured the skin.

has never left a wound that determines the outcome.

Cancer is not impatient. His feet move forward steadily, and the range of movements is very small, saving physical strength as much as possible.

Even so, the two gradually retreated from the living room to the door of the master bedroom.

At this point, Albert finally had no way to retreat. He couldn't turn back and open the bedroom door lock and rush in. That time was enough for Cancer to kill him more than a dozen times.

Cancer also became dignified, and his movements were not as violent as before.

Behind Albert is a thick wooden door. * If it fails, it may give Albert a chance to turn over. He finally forced Albert to the corner with repeated attacks, and he couldn't fail.

The actions of the two people stopped at this moment coincidentally, just like the movie screen being pressed the stop button.

A person holds his weapon high and can stab forward at any time.

A man put his arms in front of his chest and stared at the weapon fiercely.

The distance between two people is less than 30 centimeters, as if they can be entangled at any time.



Nelle's fist fell on Neo's protective arms, shaking the old man's chest, and the gunshot wound quickly oozed a lot of blood.

Compared with the non-sounding Cancer, Neo's posture is extremely conservative. He has been protecting his key points, and Ren Nell punches and kicks himself.

Nell's every blow tried to disintegrate Neo's defense, and each blow was decomed with most of his strength.

Compared with young children like Nell, the real old man is still experienced enough.

Nio retreated slowly with his head in his arms, continued to retreat along the wall, and gradually retreated to the opposite direction of Albert.

Behind it is the corner of the wall, next to it is a vertical air conditioner and a large potted plant, and Neo is also irresive.

Nil swept out, and her snow-white sneakers kicked on Neo's arms, kicking his body against the vertical air conditioner and almost falling down.

The power of this foot spread along Neo's body, twisting and deforming the shell of the vertical air conditioner.

Nelle did not continue to stop, but pushed the crooked air conditioner to Neo and punched the gap between his arms.

"Bastard, go to hell!"

Thinking that this old man had caused Su Yifan so seriously injured, Nell couldn't control her anger and almost roared and waved this punch.

The meteor-like fist hit Neo's jaw from the bottom up.

The boxing was really afraid of being young and strong. Even Neo felt that he might not be able to resist this punch. He wanted to move his neck to avoid this punch, but he felt that he should not be able to do such a strange action.

The snow-white and delicate little fist broke through Neo's arm defense and punched him.



A bang.

It was not that Nicole's fist hit Albert, but a gunshot.

Ivan walked in with a smile on his face, followed by six team members, like seven dwarfs.

This shot didn't hit Nell, just separated Nell and Neo.

Evan's muzzle did not point to Nell or Albert.

At this moment, Ivan pointed directly at Su Yifan, who was the most injured in the explosion.

"Sorry, let's make a mess."

Unlike the bitter and vengeful Ivan last night, now Ivan's face is normal and his lazy smile returns to his face. Except for the black muzzle in his hand, he is simply a harmless foreign sunny youth.

Nio covered the wound on his chest and gasped twice, smiling at Ivan, just as usual.

"Evan, kill these guys."

Iwan nodded, raised the gun in his hand, and was still aimed at Su Yifan.

"I came here and finally proved something."

Nier was not hit by the shot just now. Seeing Ivan pointed the muzzle at Su Yifan, she immediately retreated and protected Su Yifan.

"What do you want to do?"

"Nothing, cute little girl." Ivan looked at Nell's long white-gold hair and sighed, "Before last night, I thought I was the most determined person in the world, but I didn't expect everything to change overnight. A beautiful lady made me understand that I am still far away, and I still have to work hard a lot.

Su Xiao frowned slightly and stared at Ivan, who was hardly affected by the explosion, but still didn't say anything.

"Okay, don't pretend. I know it's not true." Ivan sneered and turned his gun to Su Xiaoqing. "Although I don't know how much this makeup technology costs, I really want to ask you for a set."

Su Xiao, who had been silent, shook his head gently, and his voice was as wonderful as many people had heard before.

"No, you won't get it."

"I have to get it!" Ivan's gun pointed to Su Yifan, "I have investigated that your nanoelectronic chip can kill anyone in three seconds, but three seconds is enough for me to kill the person you value most. Do you think it's more cost-effective than business? If you think this is the result you want, I will let you do what you want!"

Only at this moment, Ivan roared loudly, showing reverence in the eyes of several team members standing behind him.

Despure and fear of death is the most timid demon in everyone's heart, but Ivan still defeated it in this night's thinking and torture.

After repeated thinking, Ivan finally confirmed one thing.

For Su Xiaoqing, the whole world may not be so important, but Su Yifan.

Cancer and Albert still maintain a confrontation, but Ivan's words are enough to distract the two.

Distraction is equivalent to breaking the dead.

Albert avoided the effective attack distance of Cancer in almost a third of a second and successfully returned himself to a safe state.

Both of them also looked at Ivan, who seemed to be in control of the situation.

Nio understood everything almost instantly and stared at Ivan and asked, "Have you failed?"

"Of course it failed!" Ivan pointed a gun at Su Xiao and scolded, "All the information you gave is false!" Su Xiaoqing is invincible. She has no weaknesses except Su Yifan. You asked me to arrest her and only gave me 60 million US dollars. Are we the only one in the world to take this order?

Nio covered his chest and shook his head.

"There are more than a dozen teams willing to take orders, and you are the strongest."


Even Su Yifan doesn't know how to evaluate these people who calculate each other.

Iwan cursed in Spanish and made a gesture with his empty hand.

As soon as the gesture came out, everyone immediately surrounded Su Xiaoqing and Su Yifan in a fan, and some people took care of Albert and Cancer with a muzzle.

"Old man, 60 million dollars, you killed Hamza and let me be threatened by that woman. I'm not an honest businessman. What I want is a rate of return!"

Nio covered the wound and replied mockingly, "Isn't your reward in your body? Su Xiaoqing's nano-level chip may not be able to be bought with 600 million yuan.

Ivan's face changed, raised his hand and shot Neo.

The bullet still hit Neo's chest, not in the same position. Neo, wearing a bulletproof vest, was shocked to the ground and jumped up quickly.

"You know why I didn't kill you, don't challenge my limits."