My Goddess

Chapter 505 Aftershocks 5

Nil felt that her hair seemed to dry unconsciously, and she stared at Su Xiaoqing across a table. Today, Su Xiaoqing is snow-white, as if he wants to integrate into the surrounding environment, dazzlingly white and pure. The goggles hanging around the neck look complex, but the style is very simple and should have more functions.

Su Xiaoqing, who is silent and silent, feels very oppressive, with a little breathless smell in her eyes. Neil always felt that the Su Xiaoqing in front of her was more terrible than before, especially after she knew Su Xiaoqing's various means.

Su Xiaoqing brought a simple plate and put it between the two.

Simple roast beef, rice, mushroom soup, a little fruit, a small piece of fresh milk cake and a glass of juice, which is almost the amount of Neil eat alone.

"These should be enough for you to eat." Su Xiaoqing brought herself a glass of water, and the clean water also looked a little mysterious in this snow-white room, like a drink that does not belong to this world.

Nelle looked hesitantly at Su Xiaoqing's food for herself. Although she was actually hungry, she had no appetite to eat these things now. Looking up at Su Xiaoqing, Nell felt that her heart also began to be full of melancholy, at this moment when most of the problems had been basically solved.

"Do you know I'm leaving?"

This is nonsense, but Nell still wants to insist on asking once.

Su Xiao nodded gently: "I know, no one can change your mind."

Nelle lowered her head and looked at the things on the plate. The smell of charcoal from the beef was extremely attractive, but she was too lazy to cut it with a knife and fork.

"Actually, I thought about changing..."

"For Su Yifan?" Su Xiaoqing was not surprised, but sighed, "Have you gone to bed?"

Nelle was a little annoyed when asked and stared at Su Xiaoqing: "Why are you interested in these things?"

Su Xiaoqing shrugged his shoulders: "Of course I'm interested. I'm still guessing who will sleep with him first. Now you have won the first place?"

Nil still wanted to talk to Su Xiaoqing about her mood at this time. Being so sarcastic by this demon-like woman, she suddenly had no mood and said hatefully, "I won't tell you!"

"It doesn't matter. I'll ask Su Yifan, and he will definitely tell me." Su Xiao smiled.

"No, don't go!" Nell was anxious, "This is private privacy. You can't do this!"

Seeing Neil's anxious appearance, Su Xiao smiled happily, as if this was her real wine and shook her head and said, "Well, then I respect your privacy and don't ask."

Nier didn't expect Su Xiaoqing to be so talkative. After a little twisting, she was not as angry as just now.

"Let's eat." Su Xiaoqing looked very indifferent after returning to her usual mood and had a kind attitude towards Nell. "After eating, I have the strength to continue to find your answer."

Nil really began to eat, with a big mouth, and didn't look at Su Xiaoqing very much. She seemed to be very attentive.

"Actually, do you know my answer?" Nell also drank some juice on the way to eat, so she took time to ask Su Xiaoqing.

Su Xiaoqing was still drinking her water and slowly drinking. Hearing Neil's question, he nodded without hesitation.

Nil was still holding a fork in one hand and was continuing to deal with the charcoal roasted beef. Seeing that Su Xiaoqing actually answered positively, her movements slowed down infinitely in an instant.

Su Xiao looked at Nell and asked calmly, "Do you want me to tell you the answer?"

This is a simple question, but Nell hesitated.

A lonely day and night has always come to my mind, and Su Yifan's smiling face and Su Xiaoqing's indifference are also mixed with it. The memories left by those times flashed, and Nell always felt that her life seemed to suddenly go from one extreme to the other.

From a lonely road to a fork in many choices.

Do you continue to pursue what you want, or do you easily get the answer from Su Xiaoqing?

Obviously, such a choice is no longer a problem. The question is what kind of life you need to continue to believe in.

Maybe there is no answer in his heart, but Su Xiaoqing must have already had the answer.

The answer is in this simple meal.

That also happens to be Nell's own answer.

After struggling for a moment, Nell finally decided to follow her heart.

"People like you may not understand why it's meaningless to spend so much time doing it, and even others know the answer." Nell looked at Su Xiaoqing and said, "Anyway, I still feel that I'm better on my own way. What's the difference between the answer given to me by others and watching the answering program?

"Then I wish you all the best in the future." Su Xiao took a sip of water, which was not surprising to her at all. "It's good enough to go the way you want to go."

Nelle began to cut meat, just like cutting Su Xiaoqing's meat.

"You don't have to teach me. I know what to do."

Su Xiao looked at Nicole and shook her head slightly.

"You still need to use mine."

Nil feels that she hates Su Xiaoqing more.

Although Su Xiaoqing was very patient, Nell still didn't spend much time after a meal. She ate everything, then wiped her mouth without a ladylike image, staring at Su Xiaoqing and asked, "What are you going to do with Albert?"

"Does it make him happier to let people he think he can rely on abandon him?" Su Xiaoqing did not answer directly, but seemed to be asking for Nell's opinion, "Or do you have any better suggestions."

Nil looked at Su Xiaoqing with firm eyes: "The best advice I can think of is to kill him."

"That's easy, but how about letting him die after returning to England?" Su Xiaoqing said, "I'll name one of his most trusted people to kill him, or take revenge and let Anthony do it?"

When mentioning the name Anthony, Nell remembered the young man who once claimed to be infatuated with him but eventually betrayed him.

This kind of betrayal in life does not make Neil feel lost. On the contrary, she can understand Anthony's tangled mood and want to show it in front of herself.

But this doesn't mean that she forgives Anthony. Nell thought about it and thought this suggestion was feasible.

"It's also good to let Anthony do it."

"Anthony is on the coast. Do you want him to meet you?"

When Nell heard that Anthony had come to Binhai, she immediately understood the young talent's intention. Anthony may just want to see his defeat and then extend his hand to show his kindness as a winner, right?

It's really disgusting to think about it... The girl with long white blonde hair subconsciously frowned and tied her long hair into a clean and beautiful ponytail.

In my impression, Su Yifan likes to see the ponytail. Of course, he also likes the way he wears his long hair. When the two hugged each other, the teenager always stroked his long golden hair, and the gentle action made Neil's heart beat a little faster.

"No, I don't want to see him."

Su Xiao tapped his head to show his understanding: "If Albert doesn't die, he can also make some waves in AUU, but you're right. His death may be more valuable to us."

Nier understands what Su Xiaoqing means: "Is it a threat?"

"It's not a threat." Su Xiaoqing said, "State the facts."

"Is your fact that everyone can't do anything about you?" In fact, Nell was speechless to Su Xiaoqing, "Do you want to be so conceited?"

Su Xiaoqing still refused to answer the topic she didn't like with a faint smile. This attitude aroused Neil's displeasurance even more. She stood up with some excitement and continued to ask, "How many people do you think you can threaten and how many people can be in awe of you?"

This time, Su Xiaoqing answered Neil.

"I don't know. I just want to resist greed."

"Greed is human nature."

"Human beings made the code to control their desires." Su Xiaoqing said, "There is always a way to control greed within a certain range."

"I wish you success, too." Nell said angrily, "If you can't protect Su Yifan well, remember to tell me that I will come back and continue to protect him."

Su Xiaoqing stood up and put down the water glass: "I'm looking forward to that day."

Nil didn't ask Su Xiaoqing any more questions about AUU and turned away with her old clothes.

Su Xiaoqing didn't say goodbye to Nell. She just looked at Nell's lonely back and asked calmly, "Don't you go to see him?"

Nil waved his hand: "No, tell him that the next time I see him, I won't let him go."

Su Xiao squeezed her lips and smiled. She felt that Nell looked cuter at this time.

Stand still until Nell left the basement. The elevator sent the little girl away. Su Xiaoqing took off the gloves on his left hand and took the elevator back to the ground alone.

Su Yifan is still sleeping in a ward that is not on the hospital record.

The fatigue of his body and heart made Su Yifan fall into a deep sleep similar to a coma. His breathing was still symmetrical and his expression was also peaceful. The wound on his body has been reprocessed and changed into a clean patient's suit, and his whole body fell asleep like a huge soft mattress.

There is no one in the ward, only the corresponding instruments. Su Xiaoqing walked to Su Yifan and looked at this familiar face, and the pain that had been blocked in his heart collapsed in an instant.

Su Yifan's face with his eyes closed is still slightly beautiful, his long eyelashes are closed, his lips are stubbornly open slightly, and the scars on his face are still faintly visible.

These scars may be a medal in Su Yifan's growth, but not for Su Xiaoqing.

Su Xiaoqing doesn't intend to do it so easily for the person who brings every scar!

Looking at Su Yifan for about 20 minutes, Su Xiaoqing saw Su Yifan's lips move. She knew that Su Yifan was about to wake up.

When he woke up, he was about to face the world again. Su Xiaoqing felt that Su Yifan had made new preparations this time.

(The first person finished when he was a teenager)