My Goddess

Chapter 301

Take Yang Bingbing to Jin Shenhong for a walk. Understanding the progress is actually only part of the purpose. Of course, the ultimate purpose is to put pressure on the outsourcing team.

The work of the core engine and program of the game is basically concentrated here. The team led by Lu Feng is not busy day and night, but there is always overtime.

The scene of a group of programmers eating work with Koreans was gorgeous, and the appearance of Yang Bingbing attracted the attention of many people. If it hadn't been for Jin Shenhong, some Koreans would have rushed up to talk to Yang Bingbing.

While stopping those compatriots who want to rush up with stern eyes, Jin Shenhong explained with a little embarrassedly: "The team has been expanding, and many people have never seen you. I hope you can understand this reaction..."

Yang Bingbing smiled gracefully, showing that she understood and didn't say anything at the same time. That means that she clearly hoped that Jin Shenhong would take good care of her.

Jin Shenhong shouted two sentences in Korean, and the group of otaku who were eager to try retreated like a tide.

The development progress of the game is actually okay, but it is still slightly slower according to Yang Bingbing's requirements. Many details have made the entire outsourcing team painful, and a group of people don't think it's necessary to add various animated performance effects to a three-elimination game. However, investors have to do so, and they can only do so.

Jin Shenhong could see that Yang Bingbing was not happy to talk today and didn't take the initiative to say anything. Instead, he was very interested in Su Yifan who followed Yang Bingbing: "Su has started school, right?"

Su Yifan was a little uncertain about Jin Shenhong's position for a moment. From the analysis of various details in the past, Jin Shenhong should belong to the kind of guy with a slightly complicated identity behind it. If you exaggerate a little bit, this person is likely to be doing something like David.

In the face of such a person, Su Yifan can't help but naturally be wary.

"Everyone is very happy on the first day of school today." Su Yifan told lies that students had never believed since ancient times, and carefully observed Jin Shenhong's expression.

Jin Shenhong smiled faintly: "Am I old? I remember that when I went to school, I was very resentful about the end of the summer vacation.

Su Yifan smiled and said, "Sometimes I can't change the facts, so I have to try to accept and even like it."

Jin Shenhong heard something from Su Yifan's words and said with a smile, "It makes sense. Su's mentality is really good. However, I'm curious why Qingling Touch is not willing to take the initiative to reconcile with Microcrystal and must fight to the end?

The overall attitude of some business activities carried out by South Korean companies in China is mainly to make money, but in fact, the rules of business laws are not so strictly observed. For example, in recent years, the introduction of Korean online games in China has been superimposed with various harsh conditions, which always makes people feel that Koreans regard China as a happy place with a lot of stupid money.

Especially when it comes to copyright lawsuits, the claims of South Korean companies are mostly more ferocious and unreasonable than light touch. Su Yifan thinks that Jin Shenhong's problem is really ridiculous.

"A good mentality doesn't mean you really have to be bullied." Su Yifan replied a little serious, "If you compromise this time, you will compromise countless times in the future. What do you think, Brother Jin?"

Jin Shenhong nodded with deep thought: "You are right, Mr. Su. Once you compromise, there may be no one to respect you in the future."

Su Yifan looked deeply at Jin Shenhong and turned his head to look at Yang Bingbing, who had reached the end of the workshop.

"Brother Jin's Chinese is so good that he should have heard two Chinese idioms."

"Which two sentences?"

"One sentence is to open the Internet, and the other is to avenge a gentleman. It's not too late for ten years." Su Yifan said lightly, "Your kindness to the enemy may not be as pleasant as you think. It doesn't make sense to be a good person at this time.

Jin Shenhong bowed slightly to Su Yifan: "Su really benefited me a lot. I think under your leadership, I will definitely become a world-class company."

Su Yifan smiled.

"Thank you for your good words."

After Yang Bingbing's leadership visit, she walked out of Jin Shenhong's company and asked Su Yifan, "What do you think he wants to do?"

Su Yifan almost blurted out "you" and felt that the answer was too indegenious and abrupt beauty, and finally couldn't help speaking.

"If Jin Shenhong is really like what we think, his initial goal must be you." Su Yifan opened the door for Yang Bingbing and analyzed at the same time, "Now this attitude is mostly found other targets halfway."

Su Yifan, needless to say, Yang Bingbing knew this other goal. She sighed a little and didn't know what to say.

Su Yifan did not persuade Yang Bingbing to cheer up. His mind quickly flashed in his mind how to deal with this kind of thing.

At this time, Su Yifan occasionally thought that it would be good if Nell was still there.

Unfortunately, there is no if in life.

The Chuanxiang Garden is still full of voices, and the fragrance of vegetables in the fly restaurant is scattered in the air. Cheng Shuixin and Zhang Yao are playing an online battle game here. There is a big pot of boiled fish in front of them, and the pepper on it has not been cleaned. Obviously, it has just been launched.

Su Xiaoqing was also there, sitting aside with a smile and not talking, holding his shoulder as if he was not going to eat.

The first day of school passed in this joyful and plain atmosphere. In the following week, basically everyone was busy with the beginning of school, and Su Yifan no longer appeared in the company every day. Lin Xi will seriously send Su Yifan all the things he saw in a day by email to let Su Yifan know what happened in the company today.

Su Yifan will use his spare time to find Cheng Shuixin to read Lin Xi's email with him. Cheng Shuixin is very fresh in this way similar to spying, and at the same time does not forget to make fun of Su Yifan: "Yes, Sister Lin Xi has been bought by you."

Su Yifan knew that this kind of thing could not be joked, and his face didn't say anything.

A lot of things have happened this week. For example, the student union hoped that Cheng Shuixin could serve as the Minister of Publicity, but was rejected by Cheng Shuixin on the grounds that she was too busy to find time in the third year of high school.

At the same time, the school launched a series of activities on Teacher's Day, including essays, speeches and literary performances. Senior high school students have the aura of automatic immunity to this kind of mentally retarded activity. In addition to occasionally looking down from the window at the juniors who are doing serious military training on the playground, it is basically equivalent to saying goodbye to entertainment activities.

The self-study time in the afternoon has become much longer than before. If it hadn't been for the heavy supervision of the education department, it is estimated that the school could have done the shameless behavior of 9:00 p.m.

Su Yifan used this time to read some of the company's reports, and sometimes used his mobile phone to get on and off the Internet to read work emails.

In the week since the beginning of school, the popularity of cute girls around the world has reached a new high, mainly due to the promotion with the cooperation of holographic projection technology. Too many manufacturers need this technical support, so that they are willing to cooperate with any kind of cooperation and promotion plan.

The success of the game itself in the Asian and North American markets has also led to the recommendation boom in stores in other countries. You should know that AppStore is still recommended as the king's era. Although there are some cheating phenomena by brushing the ranking, it is still quite healthy on the whole.

Strictly speaking, there are not many play points for cute girls, focusing on search integration and interaction. The reason why they are so popular is related to the lack of high-quality products in the overall mobile game market.

With the increase in downloads, the daily landing volume of the game is also very good, and the advertisements are selling well. At this time, Yang Zongyuan's foresight is reflected. Most of them are young people playing games, and they are young people with consumption ability. A large part of these people are impatient with Yang Zongyuan's advertisements, but some people are very interested.

Yang Zongyuan is aimed at the main consumer group of the cultural and entertainment industry, so his millions of dollars are not wronged at all.

It can be said that the fastest realization of all contemporary cultural and entertainment industries is the game industry. Although Qingling has been investing frequently recently, especially in the time tree, the overall income is still on the rise. The income of cute girls has not declined, but the income driven by it is rising.

After a media war and everyone fought face to face, Microcrystal began to keep a low profile and removed products that imitate cute girls. Qingling also temporarily stopped updating the software purchased in the microcrystal game, which finally relieved the almost crashed microcrystal.

Ren Xiaoyue is actually quite unconvinced. He always feels that he should find an opportunity to meet the person in charge, but Chen Ze warned him not to act rashly.

Why did Chen Ze accept softness earlier? It's not because someone sent a calligraphy and painting to his desk. When he opened the package and saw it, he wrote four words on it, which was powerful and straight through the back of the paper.

Jianghu rules!

asked the secretary, saying that the banner came from a boss who claimed to be Cai and was sent by a strong driver. When asked which company the driver belonged to, the driver answered Dongpu Fluid Equipment Group lightly.

Chen Ze already knew the episode that happened at the Magic City Game Show before, and almost instantly knew who sent it to him, and he could only smile bitterly.

If Chen Ze is still a personal person in the emerging electronics industry, he is too weak compared with Cai Yaguang of Dongpu Fluid Equipment Group.

Who is Cai Yaguang? That's the second most talkative person in the Cai family. His forces are all over the Yangtze River Delta region. Usually, his friends and friends are all big shots. He actually put down to threaten himself. Do he want to take over?

Of course, the answer is no, and Chen Ze has to warn Ren Xiaoyue not to act rashly. He knows that Ren Xiaoyue's previous experience really doesn't work on Su Yifan.

On the first weekend after the start of school, after the end of the vigorous Teacher's Day song, Yang Bingbing went out alone in the morning without calling Su Yifan. She made an appointment with Cheng Shuixin alone.