My Goddess

Chapter 337 You talk about business with beautiful women

The air outside was still sultry. Su Yifan took Han Yun into the car. Han Yun showed her bulging expression and looked back at the main door of Xiao Jiangnan.

"I listen to your indivisable guy. You must take this breath, not only for me, but also for Yang Bingbing and Cheng Shuixin."

Su Yifan smiled and said, "I will."

Han Yun stretched out her hand and hugged Su Yifan, squeezed her chest plump, and her red lips hummed slightly.

"Okay, people believe you."

Su Yifan was very favored by Han Yun. Of course, he was still not used to being so close, especially by Han Yun, who immediately pushed her away a little.

"Okay, let's talk."

Han Yun giggled and sat in the co-pilot's seat.

"Do you have anything else to do tonight?"

Su Yifan turned over his mobile phone incident book: "It's probably gone. I may meet Sony's people recently."

"Sony China's people?" Han Yun knew Su Yifan's details, but he was not very surprised, "What are you talking about when you meet?"

"I'm not from Sony China." Su Yifan corrected Han Yun, "SCEJ, the person from the Japanese headquarters of Sony Electronic Interactive Entertainment."

Han Yun is quite familiar with the news content: "That's the department of the game-based business. Are you looking for you to play games?"

"At present, it is very likely." Su Yifan remembered the emails he saw before, "Since you are idle, how about I give you a task?"

Han Yun immediately said, "What task? The remuneration is not low..."

"Talk about people!" Su Yifan stretched out his hand and gave Han Yun a shudder. "I want you to help me contact Zhuang Shihan and Luo Huasheng and tell them about the current situation."

Han Yun covered her head and was surprised: "Will you let me go? I'm afraid I'll disappoint you if I can't do it well.

"Don't worry about this." Su Yifan is still confident in this regard, "These two people have to sell me a little face, and you don't have to worry about how to return the favor. You just have plenty of time, just contact them for me. I don't have enough time to go to school now.

Han Yun snorted a little unconvincedly: "Don't you remind me that I forgot your senior year of high school... Well, then I'll contact you. Do you want to skip the agent?"

After asking Han Yun, he felt that he had asked a stupid question. Of course, this kind of behavior of adding Seer in other people's works cannot be through the agent.

Seeing Su Yifan looking at herself with a smile, Han Yun muttered a little self-abandoned, "Well, their IQ has been low recently. What do you want?"

Su Yifan handed over this trouble to Han Yun, and his heart became relaxed. He smiled and said, "It's not good. Since it's okay, how about I treat you to a cup of coffee?"

Han Yun originally wanted to hold on, but finally she didn't hold on and happily agreed.

Then the two went to the moonlight bar where Han Yun had lost face several times...



Sun Zhong, the owner of the moonlight, saw Su Yifan's scalp hurt when he came in again. He even felt that if he wanted to be healthier now, he should not come to the bar.

Every time I saw Su Yifan, I felt as if something big was going to happen... Sun Zhong still remembers that Su Yifan chartered the venue upstairs. At that time, there were almost half of the coastal big brothers downstairs, and these people also made a scene in a bar for Su Yifan. Although the compensation was later based on the price, it still had a great impact on the business of the bar.

Today, he saw Su Yifan appear again. Sun Zhong could only sigh and give up a live ball game he was watching and receive Su Yifan in person.

said a lot of compliments and sent a lot of things, so Sun Zhong bowed and left the single room upstairs gratefully.

Looking at the back of the boss leaving, Han Yun also sighed.

"The world is really bullying the weak and afraid of the strong."

Su Yifan shrugged his shoulders: "This is the nature of biology. Don't be embarrassed not to admit it."

The table between the two people was quickly filled with things, so many things that Su Yifan almost had to learn Yugong Yishan again, and maybe he could find a place to put cups or something.

"Is Sun Zhong going to feed the pigs?" Su Yifan smiled bitterly at Han Yun, "Eat more."

"Weight loss!"

"I saw you eat a lot just now..."

"That's the main meal!"


The two of them didn't quarrel with each other, and Su Yifan's mobile phone jumped on the table.

The music in the bar is very charming, and it is a gentle Lisa Ono. Su Yifan's text message had no harsh prompt sound, just a slight vibration, but it was enough for two people to notice at the same time.

Cheng Shuixin is using her mobile phone MMS to send a screenshot to Su Yifan. In terms of the current mobile phone traffic, the speed is a little slow.

While the download percentage flowed, Han Yun had looked curiously at Su Yifan: "Is there still work so late?"

"I don't know." Su Yifan narrowed his eyes slightly. The information from Cheng Shuixin will not be without reason. He especially believes in Cheng Shuixin in this regard.

Two people waited for a moment, and the traffic of MMS was finally completed. Su Yifan saw the picture.

is a screenshot of QQ's dialogue chat. On the one hand, it is Cheng Shuixin's QQ, and on the other hand, QQ Su Yifan also recognizes it. Rufeng happens to be Lu Feng's work QQ. Some time ago, Yang Bingbing often saw this avatar and ID when she was working.

The dialogue was very simple. Lu Feng asked Cheng Shuixin if she was busy, and then said directly that he wanted to talk to Cheng Shuixin.

Cheng Shuixin's reaction is very fast and in line with her current psychological positioning: "Shouldn't you talk to Yang Bingbing?"

Lu Feng simply replied, "I think it's more appropriate to talk to you about this matter."

Cheng Shuixin responded quickly and replied, "It seems that you are well aware of the structure of the light touch."

"I won't come to you if I don't understand."

The screenshot of the mobile phone can only accommodate a few conversations. After a glance at the screenshot, Su Yifan re-matched the Bluetooth headset to the phone and called Cheng Shuixin directly.

"Lu Feng is in a hurry."

Cheng Shuixin didn't know why. As soon as she heard Su Yifan's voice, she felt very relieved and smiled at her headphones and said, "He may be afraid of losing the opportunity. Recently, Puzzle.Age has risen very fast. If it goes on like this, we can just find a star team directly. He is worthless.

"Then you can deal with it casually. Anyway, you can come and let this boy do some hard work." Su Yifan said, "But let's see what he intends to say first."

Cheng Shuixinhehehe: "That's right, let's see if the name of the cast is enough. How's it going over there?"

Su Yifan glanced at Han Yun opposite him. At this time, the female reporter was looking at herself with a particularly confused look, looking like a particularly innocent little girl.

"I'm talking to Han Yun outside." Although Su Yifan thought Han Yun's expression was very worthy of appreciation, he was still relatively honest with Cheng Shuixin, "I have something to ask her for help."

"Han Yun?" Cheng Shuixin was very impressed with the female reporter, "Is it related to the media?"

"Well, Han Yun suggested that I ask Zhuang Shihan if she could put "Looking" into her new film." Su Yifan explained, "I think it's more appropriate to leave this to professionals."

Cheng Shuixin said, "That's a good relationship. I'm worried about not dealing with these stars."

Su Yifan heard Cheng Shuixin's ridicul and coughed, "Let's talk about the current business... Ask Lu Feng what he wants to do."

"I'm asking." Cheng Shuixin said, "Lu Feng wants to join our company, but he hopes to lead a small team and have a certain autonomy."

Han Yun on the opposite side winked at Su Yifan, as if she appreciated Su Yifan's current state of serious speech. Su Yifan looked at Han Yun helplessly and continued, "Let's ask about the name first."

"Okay, I'll hang up first and talk to you later."

After Cheng Shuixin finished speaking, she hung up the electricity. It seemed that she was focused on typing and starting to chat with Lu Feng.

After taking off the Bluetooth headphones, Han Yun said with a smile, "Why, can you explain it to the beautiful woman?"

Su Yifan smiled and said, "Cheng Shuixin is not so stingy."

Han Yun has a deeper impression of Cheng Shuixin: "Cheng Shuixin... is the most powerful girl I have ever seen. I really don't know what kind of family will raise such a child."

Su Yifan remembered some of what Cheng Shuixin said to him and said with a smile, "Maybe it is to pursue freedom."

Han Yun felt that Su Yifan was talking nonsense, but she didn't know that what he said was true.

MMS on Su Yifan's mobile phone began to be updated one by one, and new screenshots continued to emerge. Cheng Shuixin has begun to have a big fight with Lu Feng.

As the basis for refusing to welcome, Lu Feng only talked to Cheng Shuixin about the benefits of joining at the beginning.

"We have the best mobile game engine in Asia. There are only eight core members in the team. We are mobile and can also create more value for light touch."

Su Yifan curled his lips and typed to Cheng Shuixin: "Is the mouth very strict?"

"If you don't see rabbits, don't scatter eagles." Cheng Shuixin is quite calm. "I think Lu Feng is a high-tech, but his psychological research should also be quite in-depth."

"What are you going to do?"

"Do you need to say that?" Cheng Shuixin also typed quickly, "You continue to talk about business with the beautiful woman, and I'll deal with it."

Su Yifan showed a sweaty expression, and he felt that sometimes Cheng Shuixin's indulgence to himself was more effective than any harsh warning.

Since Cheng Shuixin didn't need to care about Su Yifan, he put his mind back in front of him and bit his lips and looked at Han Yun. He always felt that the sister seemed to have a good time with her charming appearance.

"Are you done?"

"I'm sorry, I'm done." Su Yifan corrected his attitude and looked at Han Yun like a fox spirit. "Let's talk about Zhuang Shihan. I'll give you my contact information. Can you contact her?"

Han Yun smiled and said, "Then what is my identity? Is your assistant or a TV reporter?

"Let me explain that it's personal help, even if it's a friend." Su Yifan has long thought of this floor. "Also, Sony's people are coming. If you want to do an interview, I can arrange it for you."

Han Yun narrowed her eyes, and Su Yifan really knew what she wanted. Sony's people have always been arrogant, especially the head office in Japan. People who can interview Sony, even if it is just a cliché, is also very helpful for their work.

"Then what do you want them to do?" Han Yun acted coquettishly to Su Yifan, and she felt that she was getting used to doing this.

Su Yifan replied angrily, "Speak more!"