My Goddess

Chapter 338 *

Han Yun is more professional when she is serious. She took some time to understand Zhuang Shihan before going to take care of Zhuang Shihan's contact information.

Although the same sex repels each other, Su Yifan believes that Han Yun can still win the favor of Zhuang Shihan.

This is also a reward for Su Yifan's help to Han Yun - for female journalists who are stuck in various reports in a city, contacting Zhuang Shihan, who is about to become a new generation of popular actresses, is also very helpful to Han Yun's career.

Han Yun knows this very well, so even if Su Yifan smiles and makes herself speak seriously, her eyes are still watery when she looks at Su Yifan.

"You are so kind to me that I don't know how to speak."


Su Yifan has to admit that Han Yun's greasy appearance is really fascinating. Recently, he began to gradually get used to making out with girls occasionally. He couldn't help imagining what it would be like if he pressed a beauty like Han Yun down.

Han Yun's red lips are not far from her, shining with a touching luster under the dim light, giving people the impulse to eat.

That imagination is very easy to make people's blood boil. Su Yifan reached out and drank all the lemon ice water on the table and threw a few ice cubes into his mouth to chew. This coldness that went straight to his brain made him feel more sober and rational.

Han Yun saw Su Yifan throwing ice into his mouth, so she sat upright, and her expression was not as fox as before.

"Well, I won't quarrel with you... I know you are really good to everyone. Express your joy."

Su Yifan looked at Han Yun: "Sister... Do you know this is a private room?"

Han Yun reacted quickly: "If you really want to jump, I definitely won't scream."

Of course, Su Yifan's provocation ended in defeat, but Han Yun still took the initiative to get up and sit on Su Yifan's side, just like the last time she drank too much and squeezed a sofa.

Su Yifan wanted to escape, and Han Yun grabbed him.

"Sit with me for a while and take advantage of you."

Han Yun's body looked hot in this air-conditioned room. Su Yifan felt that his limbs were stiff and he had an impulse to hold Sister Miaoman. His eyes fell and he saw flesh-colored stockings shining in the light, like a stream that two men could never cross.

The two people are so close to each other, sitting together in a strange but ambiguous atmosphere, breathing slowly synchronizing with each other.

Han Yun turned his head and leaned against Su Yifan's shoulder.

"Actually, I've always wanted to thank you."


"Let me see a lot of different scenery... If I go to see those things myself, it may cost a lot." Han Yun's voice is very low, and there is no more soul-catching ** just now. "Sometimes think about it, this is my luck, right?"

Su Yifan didn't say anything, and he also thought it was good to know Han Yun. At first, this female reporter didn't feel very good about herself. As time went on, the two came into more contact and found that Han Yun was still a little naive idealist.

Or everyone has some ideals, that is, when they meet in this world-rolling reality, they will cherish each other extra.

The two sat for about three songs of Lisa Ono, and Han Yun grabbed Su Yifan's shoulder and stood up reluctantly.

"Okay, I have to go home."

Su Yifan also got up: "I'll see you off."

"All right." Han Yun agreed without hesitation, "Do you have anything else to do tonight?"

"A little thing is easy to solve."

Sun Zhong, who saw Su Yifan leave with Han Yun, breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't wait for this ancestor to leave early, and he was happy to be free every time... However, Su Yifan still paid in principle, so he took Han Yun out of the bar.

Sun Zhong couldn't control his eyes and looked at Han Yun a few more times. He said to himself that he didn't know why such a good girl was with this teenager, but he knew Han Yun's identity.

After sending Han Yun back, Su Yifan drove directly to Starbucks near Cheng Shuixin's home.

At this time, there are still a lot of people in Starbucks, and the shop assistants who are promoting new summer products are very enthusiastic. Su Yifan found a place to sit down, and then pulled out his laptop to connect to the wireless network.

Cheng Shuixin was online and immediately sent a message when she saw Su Yifan's head: "Going home?"

Su Yifan also smiled at the screen: "Starbucks downstairs."

Cheng Shuixin typed a string of ellipsis and then said nothing.

Su Yifan was in a daze at the computer screen for a moment, and then looked up at the glass window. He saw a girl in a white dress walking into Starbucks with a laptop.

The appearance of Cheng Shuixin attracted a lot of attention, and then saw the girl walking directly to Su Yifan, bowing her head and smiling.

A smile makes the world brighter.

Su Yifan was slightly surprised to see Cheng Shuixin: "So fast?"

Cheng Shuixinhehe: "Boss summons, of course you have to be faster."

"What to drink?" Su Yifan got up attentively, "Today is overtime. Do you have to pay more?"

Cheng Shuixin sat down beside Su Yifan like a cloud and pulled the laptop away with a smile. The wireless network has automatically recognized the signal of Starbucks.

"Lu Feng is probably also discussing with others, and his reaction speed is not fast."

Su Yifan ordered something and came back and sat next to Cheng Shuixin naturally. The girl who had just taken a shower had a faint smell of shower gel, which made people feel very comfortable.

"Can you do it? Lu Feng is so witty and brave.

Cheng Shuixin blinked and smiled at Su Yifan: "It's endless fun to fight with people."

This is Cheng Shuixin's consistent style, and Su Yifan is also familiar with it. So Su Yifan changed from listening to Cheng Shuixin's broadcast of the dialogue with Lu Feng to a live broadcast.

Under the light of Starbucks, Cheng Shuixin's serious expression was particularly touching, forming a dazzling outline around her body, which made Su Yifan couldn't help staring at her and forgetting to look at the computer screen.

Cheng Shuixin felt Su Yifan's hot eyes too easily. She turned her head and smiled. She was not very shy but full of delicateness that people could not look directly.

"Okay, get down to business and be serious."

So Su Yifan's eyes returned to the screen and watched Cheng Shuixin continue to chat with Lu Feng.

The advantages that Lu Feng just emphasized are nothing to Cheng Shuixin. She listed many advantages of the current light touch, such as exclusive rights of technology, such as almost the leading position in the field of mobile games. The power of the cute girl has not been really exerted until now, especially after a spray with Microcrystal, many eyes that were originally not interested in the field of mobile games have also shifted.

It can be said that the current light touch is absolutely qualified to be the arrogant party, and there is no need for this Korean team that focuses on outsourcing.

"...With all due respect, the advantages of your team are indeed not obvious." Cheng Shuixin carefully typed and concluded to Lu Feng, "In terms of the capacity of the current mobile game market, too exquisite pictures will only make the game entry threshold high, thus rejecting a large number of users. Under this premise, no matter how good the game is, it cannot achieve great success. Instead of needing a technical team, we are now looking forward to a creative team.

Lu Feng understood this, but still insisted on stating his reason: "With the same strong creativity, a better and efficient team is what your company needs most. We have rich experience and will not be more costly than the domestic game development team.

Cheng Shuixin typed quickly: "That's not worth taking the risk of moral condemnation."

"There are not so many moral shackles under normal business practices." Lu Feng's wording is quite accurate and his answer is very appropriate. "This kind of case is everywhere all over the world, and even the condemnation is very weak."

Cheng Shuixin is still stubborn: "But your reason is still not enough, not necessarily our company. I want to know what motivates you to leave the original company.

Lu Feng was silent for a moment and probably felt that it was really terrifying. He paused for a moment and typed word by word: "Jin Shenhong is a commercial spy from South Korea. I don't want to continue to work with him."

Cheng Shuixin's fingers on the keyboard also stopped and turned her head to look at Su Yifan.

There was no accident on Su Yifan's face. Instead, he felt that this speculation was too pediatric and even too smooth.

Cheng Shuixin reached out to touch the coffee and took a sip.

"It's almost the same as we guessed."

"The more similar it is, the more serious the problem is." Su Yifan said, "Jin Shenhong probably felt that his flaws were exposed too much and deliberately leaked a lighter bottom to us."

Lu Feng over there started anyway, but he actually began to thirl.

"Jin Shenhong is actually one of the important spies arranged by the strategic intelligence department of South Korea' Samsung Electronics in the Celestial Empire - from the 1980s of the last century* to now, Kim Shenhong received a typical Celestial education and grew up in the environment of the Celestial Empire, which can erase his characteristics as a Korean and integrate into this side. Go to society."

Cheng Shuixin can only express her shock on the Internet at this time.

"How is that possible?"

South Korea foresaw the rise of neighboring countries in the early 1980s. They arranged a large number of children to enter the Celestial Empire and grow up with this era. Jin Shenhong is not the only pawn.

Su Yifan said "h" in a little surprise.

What Lu Feng is talking about now is slightly explosive, and it is very in line with the style of intrigue between countries: it is silent and will not tear his face. In the end, it depends on who has good means and who will make better use of the right time, place and people.

Cheng Shuixin was also slightly shocked by this statement, but she asked vaguely, "Are you afraid of Jin Shenhong's revenge on you when you say such an important thing?"

Lu Feng's answer was very wonderful: "If Jin Shenhong retaliates against me, he will prove that what I said is true."

Su Yifan and Cheng Shuixin looked at each other this time, and both of them saw each other's thoughts from each other's eyes.

This Jin Shenhong... is really interesting...