My Goddess

Chapter 406 You have a new message 5

David's rank in the military is not high enough. He doesn't even know what SP-005 is. He knows what the number of SP means, which is almost the highest confidential level of the military.

Zhao Xuan's goal is actually this, which makes David have a feeling of Xianglin's sister-in-law. He feels that he is really stupid, really.

But David never thought that Zhao Xuan could find an internal response of the Ministry of Defense at that level. He even felt that with this level of internal response, Zhao Xuan did not personally venture to come to the Pentagon.

In his own words, David would rather think of a safer way. He is the kind of young man who feels that his wisdom should be superior. Zhao Xuan's rough way is simply contrary to David's style, but it is this style that beats the confident David from the clouds.

This is the point, and there is no room for turning back. Despite the chaos in the Pentagon, David also knows that this chaos will not last long. I'm afraid that the chaos in the dark will end without waiting for him to go down to the level to which SP belongs.

Oldman's role has now been highlighted, and David finally saw that the old guy should be a technical talent. If they can manipulate Athena to do something, their time will become more.

In this situation, I don't think there will be a good end for Oldman. From the beginning, the old man has never said a word, but at this time, he seems to have accepted everything happily, and he didn't even look back at Zhao Xuan.

David, who is well aware of the internal style of the Department of Defense, knows that this matter must have a seemingly acceptable result, otherwise the U.S. military will lose face. Oldman is willing to stay here, and he must have this kind of thought.

At this point, David is no longer willing to think about why Zhao Xuan did this. He is now curious about why someone is willing to follow Zhao Xuan.

For money?

This kind of mess of the Ministry of Defense is done, and money is lifeless to spend.

For the name?

This matter is likely to be suppressed in the thick black archives of the Pentagon and will not be lifted until decades or even hundreds of years later.

Zhao Xuan behaves like a madman, and the people who followed her don't look like crazy at all. Everyone looks sober and calm, and their mobility is simply a little more powerful than the best spy David has ever seen.

Oldman did not say anything to Zhao Xuan. Instead, Zhao Xuan, who had put on a holographic helmet, turned around and made a thumbs up gesture to Oldman.

David has only heard of this holographic helmet before, but he didn't expect that the Pentagon already had a finished product. It is not surprising that the Ministry of Defense is responsible for training talents, and it is normal to try out the best application equipment here first.

After wearing the helmet, the field of vision is replaced by a chip close to the eyes, where there is everything that the holographic helmet senses through signals. The whole world seems to be replaced by gray-white pixels, the room structure and human figures are marked like lines, and the temperature range is marked by numbers.

With the help of imaging instruments, David felt that his vision exceeded the limits of human beings for the first time, and he felt that he could "see" at least 180 degrees around him.

There were only three people left in the team, and no one said anything and followed Zhao Xuan's footsteps.

Athena has obviously been connected to this imaging helmet system. As she keeps moving, there are more and more hints around her. David feels that he almost has a mysterious feeling that he can see the three-dimensional map of the whole floor.

In this way, people can avoid fighting and not be afraid of fighting.

After crossing the 17th floor, there is still an elevator down.

This time it goes directly to the 82nd floor.

The elevator is still easy to use, and the power in the entire Pentagon has not been restored. David has now almost understood Zhao Xuan's trick, and he has to admit that this trick is very effective and smart.

Of course, the Pentagon was attacked by EMP, but this is only the beginning.

This targeted attack targets all mobile communication devices and their batteries, whether dry or lithium batteries.

But one battery will not be affected by this attack, that is, the fuel cell.

Part of the backup power supply used by Athena is a fuel cell, and she can connect part of the power to several elevators of first-class importance.

After the electromagnetic pulse attack, all the communication equipment lost its effect, but the elevator that Zhao Xuan wanted to use was still easy to use, which of course was Athena's credit.

As for why Athena opened permission to do all this, David instinctively felt that it had something to do with the old man who gave Zhao Xuan Athena the key.

Now David is curious, what exactly is SP-005?

With a strong sense of falling, the elevator finally stopped.

Compared with the upper Pentagon, the lower the building structure here, the simpler it is. The renovation in the 1990s obviously did not affect the depths of the underground, and the surrounding style looks more like it was formed during the Cold War. At that time, all Americans were afraid of having nuclear * falling from the sky. As the deep underground of the Pentagon where the center of gravity of the entire U.S. military is located, the anti-nuclear strike facilities are obviously the first consideration.

David is not interested in this cold war thinking at all. He always feels that under today's world pattern, economic war is far more important than military strikes. Whether it is the infiltration of the eastern and western forms or the occupation of a dominant voice in the economic aspect, it is far more meaningful than a boring small-scale conflict.

Nowadays, no one has studied the theory of doomsday clock. Everyone knows that it is impossible. After all, the world will still go to extreme prosperity and then decline.

The moment the elevator opened, David saw that the hologram in front of him began to appear.

Warning, warning. There are guards.

A simple word popped out, David almost instinctively raised his gun, and then he saw a black-and-white pixel figure raising his hand before himself.

The gunshots were not loud, and they were all silenced.


There was finally a fire in the dark, and the heat source showed that there was a strong burning near the muzzle, and then the opposite figures fell down one after another.

Every guard is well trained, but this does not make up for the strong gap caused by the dark.

Death seems to be the best greeting and answer at this moment.

In the imager, the heat of the corpses began to decrease. David and Zhao Xuan crossed these corpses together and walked to the deepest secret room.

One of the biggest secrets in the United States and even the world has finally been revealed.

The channel was very narrow, and the middle-aged man walked in front of David attentively, as if the killing just now had nothing to do with him.

"At this time, should we say some victorious lines?" Zhao Xuan was still in the mood to joke, "I thought the guard of the Pentagon was so strict."

David said with a wry smile, "All you know is the scenes in the movie... The Pentagon is really strict is the entry inspection. The fingerprint lock and iris recognition technology in the back are rarely used, and most of the guards are weak. The government will not invest too much money and manpower to keep a secret. It's just an administrative agency.

"So there's no need to make a fuss when someone breaks in, right?" Zhao Xuan said with a smile, "Maybe everyone is just curious."


David closed his mouth rationally and followed Zhao Xuan to move on.

Through the narrow corridor, David finally saw the only room on this floor.

There are lights here, which are like kerosene lamps, and the heat source is obvious.

Zhao Xuan took off his helmet, looked back at David and asked with a smile, "Do you know why I dare to do this?"

David shook his head.

"Because the Pentagon never prepares candles and is strictly fireproof." Zhao Xuan said, "The ridiculous awareness of fire safety and paperless office."

This sarcasm is very powerful, and David can only listen and take off his helmet.

The room in front of me is the kind of white round cabin, surrounded by tempered glass windows. The white coating on the wall has been seen for some years, and you can't see what's inside from the only kerosene light.

Zhao Xuan walked to the window, reached out and gently knocked on the tempered glass. It was very rhythmic, and the interval was long and short. As soon as he heard it, he knew it was the password.

After knocking on a series of sounds, Zhao Xuan took a step back and turned to David and said, "Get this thing away."

Probably no one is more experienced than David in opening a cell, which is his first course as an intelligence officer.

At this moment, David had no choice. Now he knows that he not only knocked on the door of the Pentagon reception, but also had to do one more job.

There are many ways to open a piece of tempered glass, but David walked around the cabin and found that there was still an electronic lock in this place.

"Why can't you use Athena?"

"There is no password in Athena." Zhao Xuan said, "I'll leave it to you."

It took David almost a minute to answer Zhao Xuan. He found a special support point and shot to turn the tempered glass into a waste full of fine lines.

"Well done." Zhao Xuan praised beside him, "Actually, you are a very good agent."

Zhao Xuan's words sounded full of sarcasm at this moment, and David didn't want to hear them.

"And then?"

"Recede and let him come out." Zhao Xuan looked at the destroyed window and repeated his words, "Let him come out by himself."

David finally knows that SP-005 is actually a person.

According to the archival age of SP, this person should be locked up here. It has been at least 20 years.

Under David's gaze, a hand stretched out of that window.

What kind of hand is that?

The hands are very clean and don't look rough at all. There are only a few scars above the wrist, which looks a little shocking.

As the other hand grabbed the edge of the window, David finally saw the man's appearance.

This is a very mediocre man, about a yellow man, with mostly messy gray hair, many wrinkles on his face, and excessively curved eyes, which looks like poor eyesight.

Climbing out of the room, the man exhaled as if he was enjoying himself. He was medium-sized, only about a little taller than Zhao Xuan. His clothes were a clean prison uniform, and his coat was half rolled up with sleeves.

"Self-introduction is exempt." Zhao Xuan nodded to the man, "We don't have much time. Get out of here."

The man nodded, reached out to take the helmet thrown to him by Zhao Xuan, and put it on skillfully.

David noticed this detail and was a little shocked.

It's much easier to retreat from the bottom, because the whole Pentagon is still in a state of emergency, and it's too easy to fish in troubled waters. The middle-aged man changed his clothes in the elevator and put the prison clothes into the trash can. The group returned to the 17th floor without any obstacles.

Oldman is still here. David knows that it went so well just now, because the old man is buying time for everyone.

"Let's go." Zhao Xuan waved to Oldman.

Aldman shook his head and did not look away from the screen.

"You can't leave without me."

Zhao Xuan simply didn't talk nonsense, nodded and threw the weapon and imager at Oldman's feet again.

"Good luck."

"I will." Oldman nodded slightly to the yellow man, "Sir, I wish you all the best."

The man nodded and followed Zhao Xuan to leave the 17th floor.