My Goddess

Chapter 405 You have a new message 4

The Pentagon is a five-story building, and most of its civilian departments are in the ground facilities. The two major expansions in the past 60 years have basically not designed the above-ground part. Only deep down can we see the whole picture of the building. Since the U.S. government approved the second renovation in the 1990s, many projects have continued, but the progress is very slow because it does not affect the daily administrative office of the Pentagon.

In the early days of design, Leslie was in charge of the designer and the military. Colonel Gleus once targeted the world's largest military administrative office building, but World War II ended with the completion of the project. The increasing Cold War thinking has made people worry about the threat of nuclear war, and the concrete reinforcement project on the ground floor of the Pentagon has been ongoing.

When the Cold War ended, no one knew how many secrets were hidden in the bottom layer of the building that used more than 40,000 cement columns.

Even the U.S. military itself is not clear to everyone, and many departments have no contact with each other and will not release information to the public. The huge administrative and secret agencies of the military are hidden here. Usually, it is like an authoritative and slow beast, staggering in the southwest corner of Washington, staring at the world.

David did not expect that Zhao Xuan's ultimate goal was the underground facilities of the Pentagon, which was the deepest part.

"There are more than 1,500 meters of underground buildings under this building. Do you think we can reach it on foot now?"

Zhao Xuan's eyes have fully adapted to the darkness. She took a look at David and asked with a trace of contempt, "Do you think all the electronic devices have stopped?"

This sentence is plain and almost inaudible in a noisy environment.

David looked at Zhao Xuan, but his eyes were full of incredible expressions.

At this time, the four people have walked to section C, which connects the meeting area and the foreign affairs management area. There is a fire corridor. The fully fireproof wall can't be seen clearly in the dark, but David knows that there is a fire switch next to it, which contains fire axes and fire extinguishers.

As David expected, the middle-aged man reached out and pulled the wrench away and dragged out the fire axe.

At this time, in the dark, this is already one of the best weapons.

Zhao Xuan didn't look at the middle-aged man's movements and went straight through the isolation door in Area C. The isolation door suddenly opened automatically as if it had become active in front of her.

No one noticed this scene in the chaos, but David, who was close to him, was deeply shocked. He knew that it was reasonable that all the electronic equipment of the entire Ministry of Defense failed under the complete EMP attack. However, Zhao Xuan in front of him broke through this limit and actually went straight through the locked automatic door.

The door is hydraulic design, and the central circuit and internal intelligent network should be used for control, all of which are inseparable from electronic equipment.

In David's opinion, Zhao Xuan's hand is already as surprising as magic.

In contrast to the long-haired middle-aged man and the white-haired old man holding the fire axe in his hand, the two were not surprised at all and followed Zhao Xuan into the automatic door.

David was stunned and quickly followed. He found that he really knew less and less now, like a clown.

Because all the equipment failed, the alarm inside the Ministry of Defense did not even sound. Most civilian personnel are trying to choose the best refuge or help themselves. The four people crossed Area C to an elevator entrance, and there were few people around them.

David put away his surprise and looked around, with a trace of sarcasm on his face.

"The sense of self-help is good."

Zhao Xuan said without looking back, "If you stay here all the time, you won't do better than them."

Probably because he just saw the scene of Zhao Xuan criticizing Hancock, David did not respond to Zhao Xuan's sarcasm at all.

There is an elevator that can lead to the fifth basement, and then from there you can transfer to another elevator to the 17th basement.

David was still doubting how Zhao Xuan reached the deepest underground just now, and now he has no doubt about it.

Just like Moses separated the Red Sea, Zhao Xuan just stood at the door of the elevator. The indicator light for the elevator work did not light up, but the door slowly opened.

David knows where the elevator goes, and he also knows most of the layout of the underground. As an overseas intelligence officer, David has made great achievements in Asia, so he has been appreciated by senior military officials and trained in the Pentagon. Otherwise, as an overseas commissioner, David will not be able to contact the anti-terrorism executive at the level of Colonel Thomson.

Seeing that this elevator was automatically opened for Zhao Xuan, David felt as if he had never been to the Pentagon. In this building symbol of American military authority, Zhao Xuan is like a god, and he can only look up at her.

Following Zhao Xuan's footsteps, all three of them also entered the elevator.

In the elevator, David stared at Zhao Xuan's back, but there was no longer any intention to do it.

The long-haired man holding a fire axe stared at David like a poisonous snake, making him not even have such an idea.

The elevator goes down, and the speed is so slow that it is imperceptible.

In the dull and dead air, David said dryly, "...this is not an EMP attack."

Zhao Xuan did not reply, but responded to David's words.

"Did I say that?"


The elevator reaches the fifth basement and opens.

There is still chaos outside, but there is still no one in the elevator.

The electricity has disappeared, and no one will think that the elevator is the best exit, making it the quietest here. When the four people came out, there was still no one around.

More people are concentrated in the large office in the office area, where it is easiest to get together and wait for the power recovery to make the first response.

The structure of the five underground floors is many times more complicated than the ground. As soon as he came out of the elevator, Zhao Xuan asked David, "Where is the entrance of the elevator?"

David pointed to a channel on the right.

"This way."

Zhao Xuan waved his hand.

"Let's go."

The long-haired middle-aged man and Oldman followed closely, and David did not let himself stay where he was. He quickly followed.

Now David knows what Zhao Xuan has done. He stares at the girl's back like a ghost and imagines how she did it, but can't think of a correct answer.

There was a small accident on the way to the elevator on the 17th floor. A gunman found these people and waved to them.

"Hey, be careful..."

It seems that the officer thought that these people were also members of the Pentagon, and the intention was to make a few people walk slower. But before David could answer, the officer suddenly fell to the ground as if he had been pierced by some force.

Now that he has adapted to the light in the dark, David can see clearly that the middle-aged man passed in front of the officer like the wind, and the fire axe in his hand has been pulled out of the officer's body.

Zhao Xuan still walked forward as if nothing had happened, without looking at the officer's body.

David was relatively**. He looked down on the officer and found an M91 pistol.

After that, it went all the way to the elevator entrance, and this time the elevator opened automatically and slowly as if welcoming Zhao Xuan.

After entering the elevator again, David finally found a problem.

"How did you do it?" David asked Zhao Xuan, "I found that all the lighting equipment can't be used, including military flashlights. Is this really not EMP?"

It's probably too smooth so far. Zhao Xuan seemed to be in a good mood. She looked at David and asked, "Does it matter? As long as it works, any method is good.

Zhao Xuan's pragmatism is very in line with David's style, but unfortunately, the positions of the two are still different. On the one hand, David hoped that the military could come up with some strong strength to completely soften Zhao Xuan, and on the other hand, he felt that Zhao Xuan hit the U.S. military's face like this... Because Zhao Xuan's knife was actually equivalent to what he suffered for the U.S. military.

The elevator went to the 17th floor, and there were people waiting for the exit this time.

The long-haired man did not hesitate. He waved the fire axe in his hand and was about to cut it out, as if a sad wind was about to blow in the air.

This time, Zhao Xuan reached out and grabbed the long-haired man.

"Don't do it."

Zhao Xuan's movements were very light, and the middle-aged man's already raised arm stopped in the air and quickly withdrew.

David had seen who was waiting at the entrance of the elevator at this time, and he finally knew why Zhao Xuan was so sure.

An old man who looked as old as Oldman stood at the entrance of the elevator without fear. The calm attitude of seeing through everything made him know that he was not an opportunist, but for this moment as if he had been waiting for a long time.


The old man glanced at David with a calm and indifferent expression on his face. In his opinion, there was no need for intelligence personnel at the level like David to say hello in person.

Zhao Xuan ignored David's shock and stretched out his hand to the old man.

"Give it to me."

The old man took out something from his pocket and put it in Zhao Xuan's hand, turned his head and left.

David watched the old man's back disappear at the corner of the corridor in the dark, still speechless.

There are too many shocks today. David doesn't know how to digest what he sees. He can only look at Zhao Xuan's back numbly and continue to follow.

Although he didn't want to admit it, David sadly found that the only thing he could do now seemed to keep up with Zhao Xuan's back.

The difficulty of continuing to go down the 17th floor becomes very high, and the strict guards do not allow these people to pass directly.

So Zhao Xuan did not go straight down, but took the three people to the middle of the 17th floor.

After a few steps, David knew where Zhao Xuan wanted to go.

"Is this your final answer to EMP?"

Zhao Xuan looked down at what was in his hand, turned around and smiled at David and nodded.

Silicon crystal chip design, spiral metal structure, insulated grip.

A strange key was inserted into the center of the metal hole in front of Zhao Xuan, and a faint blue light in the darkness bloomed like lightning and then disappeared.

The wall next to the four people's bodies was unfolded, like a pair of robotic arms slowly stretching, revealing various weapons and headsets.

In the center of all equipment, there is an electronic display with the LOGO of the Ministry of Defense.

"I'll leave it to you." Zhao Xuan nodded to Oldman, "Let's move on."

Aldman didn't say anything and stood directly in front of the display screen, touching the keyboard with both hands.

The head-mounted device is an electronic imager that the U.S. military has not yet equipped. David can now see that Zhao Xuan does not intend to continue to complete the goal in a peaceful way. She is ready from the beginning.

The key just now... should be the master key to control Athena, but why is it in that person's hand?

David doesn't know what the Pentagon has experienced before, nor does he know that there has been a secret meeting. All he knows is that Zhao Xuan's madness has exceeded his imagination.

But somehow, David wants to go crazy with Zhao Xuan.

"What is your goal? Can you say it now?"


Zhao Xuan put on the headgear that completely covered his sight, picked up the assault rifle, and answered without looking back.