My Goddess

Chapter 410 Mocking

The chaos of the U.S. military continued until about noon U.S. time. The staff in the Pentagon besieged a circle outside the building symbolizing force and authority, and less than 3,000 out of tens of thousands were real military elites. Most people are still at a loss in the face of this kind of thing. They don't know how to shoot or how to calm down in a chaotic environment. Americans who saved the world with * and air strikes finally ushered in the first head-on attack in the past decade after that aircraft terrorist activity.

No one would have thought that it took a long time for inexperienced people to attack the Pentagon directly. For the military, no one will mention this EMP attack for the next few years.

After the situation finally began to be controlled, the problems of the entire security system were checked out. After all, from a positive image, the Pentagon is still just an office, and the things hidden underground can't be taken out and talk about it publicly.

People were surprised to find that part of the backup power of the Pentagon was restored. It was found that the supercomputer was also under the control of others, and they had to spend some time looking for the source of trouble in Athena's control terminals.

In this way, Oldman's body was found on the 17th floor. During the period of manipulating Athena, he did a lot of things - such as adjusting the air flow, locking most of the exits, and even releasing a large amount of poison gas that created chaos. When many people realized that these operations could only be done through the supercomputer, Oldman, who had calculated the time, calmly made several automatic program lists and then threw the neurotoxins he carried directly into his mouth.

Oldman's real identity is undocumented from computer files, which is the sadness of automated office. In the era when paper products are still mainstream, there will never be a ridiculous situation where a person does not have a social security account or fingerprint record.

But that's the truth. Oldman didn't even have a chance to tell others that his name is Oldman, and there is no way to find speculation about his life trajectory. The old man appeared near Washington out of thin air, and then participated in an attack on the Pentagon and died.

The military is simply a slap in the face. Americans from the first-class espionage ability finally realized that there are still some shadows of the last century in the corners they don't know.

SP-005's escape was a major event. The Pentagon Senior Advisory Group immediately held an emergency meeting, but this time it was a report automatically generated by Athena.

One of the important members of the advisory group, Harrison. Maid did not attend the meeting, and he was found to have been shot twice in the chaos and lying in the ranks of those who tried to stop the invaders. It is said that Harrison was at that time. Maid almost died in order to protect Athena's key, which made people who intended to laugh at his misjudgment of Athena's report shut up.

This magical invasion, the book loss of the Pentagon is actually not heavy. Except for the killing of some underground guards, basically no confidential documents have been lost.

Except that wonderful SP-005.

The senior advisory group did not have a video conference this time, and they gathered directly in a secret conference room prepared for them by the National Security Agency.

"Guys, the Minister of Defense seems to be very angry now, but the overall situation has not been presented to the President. Let's first draw up a process to find a solution for Congress, the President, the people and the military. The meeting was presided over by Keith, the director of the National Security Agency, the famous NSA. He is an old man with a serious expression. His white and blonde hair is meticulously combed and his eyes are very sharp. Unfortunately, his face is a little long, which makes people feel a little funny in seriousness.

The lowest-level director present is also, but when it comes to power, they are not as good as the NSA director who did not attend the last senior advisory group meeting. The National Security Agency is independent of the military department and has the power and obligation to monitor the people present, which can be regarded as a strong department that has been outstandingly independent since the last century. With the continuous progress of monitoring technology, the tentacles of the National Security Bureau are becoming more and more extensive, which is simply daunting.

"Let's punish first." Smith, Director of DARPA. Haydn was cautious and said first, "At least punish those guys who have been used."

In fact, there is no objection to this. Although everyone knows that punishment is meaningless, this conclusion is the easiest to be accepted by everyone at the first time.

Several people here are old foxes who know the other side of the country. They know that although SP-005 has been almost 20 years behind, once released, it will still be endless for the whole United States and even the world.

The Minister of Defense was furious about this and roared at several bureau chiefs, scolding the search and arrest work for not keeping up immediately, but in exchange for a light answer from the bureau chiefs at this time.

"Your Excellency, I haven't caught that beard yet."

The twins are one of the most painful memories in this country, and the man who created the largest terrorist activity in history is still at large, which is the loudest slap in the face of the entire U.S. military intelligence system.

In contrast, it is not so shocking that a SP-005 was taken out of the Pentagon - anyway, the Pentagon has been bombed once before, and now it may be one of the attempts to find SP-005.

"All evidence shows that Zhao Xuan should be the last person to come into contact with SP-005, and it was she who took extraordinary measures to attack the Pentagon, which eventually led to the escape of SP-005." NSA Director Case concluded, "So all those who come into contact with Zhao Xuan will be interrogated, right?"

Of course, there will be no objection. Several people present did not have the right to make decisions on foreign affairs, and they did not make it to welcome Zhao Xuan and David back to China.

"Can David be counted as a crime of treason now?" Carl, director of Strategic Information, asked, "Do you want to characterize it?"

Several people nodded one after another, and David followed Zhao Xuan, and finally left without stopping Zhao Xuan. From this point of view, he is already treasonous.

Although curious about how Zhao Xuan did it, these people's attention finally focused on SP-005.

"Are you wanted all over the country?" This question is the deputy director of the CIA, who is now with the president at the White House.

Keith was silent for a moment and shook his head and said, "Make a poker card and send it to the action team."

"There are only three people." Calder reminded Keith, "What should I do?"

Keith said blankly, "Memorial plaque."

No one will say depressing words at this time, but everyone knows that the practical significance of doing so is not great.

Although it was closed in secret. After nearly 20 years of detention, that person is still too familiar with the national intelligence system. SP-005 was one of the main leaders when DARPA proposed the concept of the Internet. Coupled with the huge talent training program, it is hard to say whether there is a secret to SP-005 in the United States. Although satellites are everywhere now, there are surveillance cameras all over the country. It's not difficult to know just by using the supercomputer Athena when he escapes. It's really not easy to find him by conventional means.

More importantly, although SP-005 is closed. After nearly 20 years of detention, the sudden explosion of powerful means made people doubt how much he had secretly ambushed. Will these forces cause greater waves?

Thinking of this, the bigwigs here have a headache.

The scene was embarrassing for a moment. The deputy director of the CIA first said, "Then let's arrange the action first."

It is widely recognized that the CIA has the strongest operational ability among all departments. Now that they have been slapped in the face, it is naturally a standard process to let the CIA people do it first.

Keith looked around the familiar faces and asked, "Is there anything else?"

DARPA Director Smith. Haydn thought for a moment and said, "I suggest starting the next level of network defense project. You know, our encryption protocols so far have been developed on his basis, and I can't guarantee which step he can do."

Keith nodded: "For the sake of national security, let's start."

The next level of network defense project is a new defense system that DARPA has invested in research and contracted to several top technology companies in the United States, and is expected to be officially put into use around 2015. The goal is the next generation of cyber warfare. Now it's too much to give face to the escapee for the launch of SP-005.

"Old Harrison is also injured this time. The Ministry of Defense should organize a visit." Case added, "At the Strategic Information Bureau, Kart, how long will it take to rewrite Athena's highest authority program?"

The key was robbed to control Athena's permissions, which is equivalent to proving that although the supercomputer has excellent performance, it is still a member of an unsafe system. The Strategic Information Bureau must review this, and Kart is also ashamed of it.

"It will take two to three weeks."

Keth shook his head and said nothing. According to the normal level, the Strategic Information Bureau is directly under the Ministry of Defense, and the National Security Bureau is one level higher. But Case couldn't speak to Calt with a high-handed face at this senior advisory meeting. He could only try to calm down and say, "I hope the speed can be faster."

Carter also knew that he was responsible for this matter and might have to be investigated and questioned later. He also tried to lower his voice to Keith and said, "Core secrets can't involve too many people. We will try our best."

In the case of giving each other face, Case didn't say much, but said to himself, "We will follow up on the monitoring part and cooperate with the CIA. I hope you can understand."

This means that everyone here will also be under strict monitoring. They are all old guys who have been working for the country for many years. Although they will still feel uncomfortable, no one has raised any objection.

The main reason why the meeting is very slow is that the problem is so serious that no one is willing to take on more responsibility. After that, there are headaches such as congressional questions, and everyone is quiring how to get through this difficult time.

As for catching SP-005, no one has really considered it for the time being.

This is the biggest mockery for such a room that claims to protect national security.

The political system is always the best way to destroy a certain belief.