My Goddess

Chapter 429 Do you believe in constellations

There are a lot of people in the motorcycle team, coming with the rumble. Su Yifan got up in the dark and covered his chest and coldly watched these people surround himself.

The atmosphere was suddenly cold, and the air seemed to condense into frost. Those with masks spread out a little and gave room to the motorcyclists.

The light splits the space into bright and dark mottled in the dark, and everyone's eyes can't look at the overall situation. As the motorcycles approached slowly, everyone seemed to breathe cautiously. Countless eyes peeked at each other, looked at each other, and calculated in their hearts.

Su Yifan is really not the first time he has encountered this situation. He is sure that Yang Zongyuan doesn't seem to have the courage to kill himself. Otherwise, he would not find a gangster like a grass team to lead the team as bait, and prepare a group of foreign mercenaries to ambush behind.

Su Yifan, who was surrounded, felt that this scene was really a little familiar... Countless tiger-eyed eyes, but no one dared to do it first, because he was afraid of Su Xiaoqing's existence, and because if he really captured himself alive, Su Xiaoqing would definitely be subject to them.

From this point of view, I am actually in a much more dangerous situation than Su Xiaoqing.

About six or seven breaths later, a motorcyclist directly opposite Su Yifan jumped out of the car and walked to him.

Su Yifan looked at the person in front of him. He was almost two meters tall... His muscles were tight and almost stretched out his clothes. He didn't have that heavy feeling when walking, but a little light. At first glance, he was a strong and heavy enough.

This feeling reminds Su Yifan a little of Euler.

Yang Zongyuan's action will not really reduce the price and find a group of gangsters. Finding such a person in such a short time is enough to prove that this young man who pretends to be serious most of the time is actually a cruel character.

The last time Su Xiaoqing killed Luo Yang's whole team as a destroyer, it has not completely spread. Now there are still many warriors who take this kind of order without asking for their names. If someone knows that this is the goal that AUU dares not act rashly, I don't know if it will appear here so happily?

Su Yifan thought about something in a mess. In a blink of an eye, the man had taken off the peeping and faced him with his original face.

There are two kinds of people who are not afraid of being seen their true face. One is that they have decided to kill each other, and the other is that they will never see themselves again in their life.

This motorcyclist obviously belongs to the latter. Su Yifan felt that if he had been killed from the beginning, he would probably not appear in the motorcycle team.

In particular, the other party is still an Asian, with obvious mixed-race characteristics on his face, and the deep-set eye socket looks very similar to the casting style of the Russian generation.

Short white and golden hair and a very perfect face outline. After seeing this person's face, Su Yifan unconsciously thought of the young man named David.

Isn't it good to be such a handsome model? Why do you have to do such a promising job as a professional thre?

When this very Russian-looking handsome man stood forward, most people subconsciously took a small step back and made more space for him and Su Yifan.

Su Yifan has no feeling about this so-called momentum. He feels that although the person in front of him is also very oppressive, at least in strength, it is not comparable to Euler or Albert, who once had a headache.

The only advantage is probably height and weight, right? Su Yifan looked at this figure and still wanted to complain crazily in his heart. Is it not good to be a male model or something like this?

To this male opponent who almost lowered his head and looked at him, Su Yifan smiled bitterly and asked first, "At this time, should I ask what to call him first?"

After Su Yifan said this, the expressions on the faces of the people around him were very strange. Those who looked at the teenager hidden under the motorcycle helmet did not know what to look at this goal for a moment.

It's not that I haven't seen such a calm and calm goal, but Su Yifan can still be so calm at this age, which obviously exceeded expectations.

The Russian-style man looked at Su Yifan for two or three seconds and said cautiously and calmly, "You can call me Dong Mowen."

"Good name." Su Yifan smiled and said, "Is it for the help of the classmates who go to college here?"

Dong Mowen was choked by Su Yifan's question, thought for a moment, and replied seriously, "It's true."

If Cai Qi could hear the conversation between the two at this time, she would probably be driven crazy by this strange atmosphere. She couldn't think of any reason to discuss the name at this time, and it was the origin of a Chinese name of a handsome man of obvious foreign descent.

Su Yifan smiled and said, "Only a classmate in China would help a foreign student give such a name so carefully. If it were in another country, it would probably be sent away by any Tom."

Dong Mowen's expression is still very serious. Although he stared at Su Yifan and his body was also in a tense state of defense, he still replied smoothly, "So I like this country?"

Su Yifan still smiles normally: "Do you like to come to this country to be a killer?"

"That won't be enough." Dong Mowen answered as if he didn't need to think, but his eyes were still very serious, "We are not killers. We also do other work besides killing people."

"So it's also a deep network contact?" Su Yifan asked like a potential customer, "The one with a high price?"

"It's definitely not just like this." Dong Mowen actually answered Su Yifan's question, "The deep web can be contacted, but we also need to see the user's credit history."

"Anonymous accounts also provide credit records?"

"You can keep part of the transaction history under an all-anonymous system." Dong Mowen explained patiently, and then asked politely, "Do you want to be our customer?"

Su Yifan nodded with a smile: "Maybe it will be a high-quality customer. It depends on whether you give me a chance."

Dong Mowen said seriously, "I can see that you will be a high-quality customer, otherwise I wouldn't have told you so much."

"You studied business psychology?" Su Yifan suddenly asked.

Dong Mowen was really surprised this time.

"Can you also see this?"

"I guessed." Su Yifan said casually, "I feel that you like customer maintenance very much."

"I also like to attract new customers." What Dong Mowen said is completely inconsistent with his burly figure. His whole state is more like a professional manager wearing a suit and tie to talk about projects with people in the mall. His tone even reveals a sense of sincerity. "Don't worry, you still have a chance to become our new customer. This is the limit I can tell you."

Su Yifan nodded, which was equivalent to acquiescing that his life would not be in danger, the same as his initial guess.

"Well, I have one last question now." Su Yifan looked at Dong Mowen and seemed to have given up resistance. "I want to know what my price is?"

Dong Mowen thought carefully and replied, "Although it may involve malicious bidding, since it is not exposed*, I can still tell you."

"How much is it?"

"10 million dollars."

Su Yifan shook his head: "It's really valuable. If I cooperate with you, can I get a little?"

Dong Mowen's expression was not as kind this time. He shook his head: "That won't work. If you don't cooperate, you won't change the result. This question is meaningless."

"I think so too." Su Yifan looked at Dong Mowen's strong figure and whispered back.


In the next second, Su Yifan jumped high and kicked Dong Mowen in the chest.

The reaction of electric fire without warning. Dong Mowen actually protected his chest with both hands at the first time, blocking Su Yifan's foot.

The power between his arms was much greater than expected. Dong Mowen almost held it hard and didn't let himself back. His face was still full of Russian seriousness, but there was no surprise.

"Resistance will hurt."

After saying this, Dong Mowen raised his leg high and threw his right leg at Su Yifan, who had just landed.

Su Yifan didn't care about what Dong Mowen said at all. He was so short that he easily avoided this foot slightly backwards.

"You still worry about your team."

Su Yifan's words were equivalent to not saying anything. Dong Mowen did not look back. He looked at Su Yifan's eyes still serious and persistently. His legs hanging high in the air were not withdrawn, and his whole body still stood as straight as a pine.

Su Yifan sighed that he was not as good as the level of waist and legs.

But as Su Yifan said, Dong Mowen really wants to worry about his team.

Those who wore masks and held Su Yifan suddenly began to take action, and the target was these motorcyclists.

The first person to do it was the leader who just punched Su Yifan. He just punched one person's face through his helmet, and then kicked him with a motorcycle, kicking the driver and the motorcycle at the same time.

This explosive power is beyond imagination. If Dong Mowen turns around at this time, he will probably reassess the combat effectiveness of these people.

These should have been connected with themselves and handed over to Su Yifan's local miscellaneous fish.

Cai Qi, sitting in the car, was surprised to see that the masked man who had been staring at her with the window had turned around and strode to the completely chaotic situation.

It was not until this moment that Cai Qi knew that she had been cheated by Su Yifan.

These men wearing masks are obviously the back hands left by Su Yifan here to greet those foreigners.

The scene of Su Yifan's pretentious posture just now was obviously shown to those foreigners. He had already been cured!

At this time, Dong Mowen found that he seemed to be surrounded by Su Yifan, but he was not worried at all.

Although it is a sudden attack, the combat effectiveness of the two sides is still not balanced. Dong Mowen's team is much more professional than Feng Feng.

Dong Mowen is still confident that he can complete this project.

This confidence lasted for about five seconds until an elegant and decent young man appeared on the roadside.

He looked at the chaotic scene here, with an elegant smile on his face, and asked softly in English, "Hi, everyone, do you believe in constellations?"