My Goddess

Chapter 430 Pain and Happiness

As soon as this person appeared, Su Yifan, who was still a little nervous about Dong Mowen, suddenly relaxed and sighed.

"You're here."

It was dark around, and there were no vehicles approaching this section of the road for a long time. Dong Mowen and others were the last group of people to focus on behind the roadblocks. He didn't even notice when someone actually appeared.

That young man's English is very good, his accent is pure, and he doesn't have any American taste at all. He sounds more like a European.

The key is that at this moment, there is such a young man full of British English, which is more strange than Su Yifan making those wearing masks suddenly fight back against Dong Mowen.

Almost everyone can't figure out how this person appeared and why he appeared here. Only Dong Mowen seemed to be silent, not only on guard against whether Su Yifan would attack him, but also had to turn his attention to the handsome and elegant young man.

The two tall handsome men's eyes looked at each other, and the scene suddenly changed from fierce to awe-inspiring, which would make some fangirls flash out the eyes of small stars.

The elegant young man just glanced at Dong Mowen casually, and finally fell on Su Yifan. He waved his hand and explained, "I'm sorry, there is a traffic jam."

This section, at this time, traffic jams are certainly unlikely. However, Su Yifan actually accepted this excuse and nodded, "It's not easy at this time. Thank you for your hard work."

"In order to satisfy you, it's all worth it." The young man's attitude towards Su Yifan seems to be a little dog-legged, but the apparent attitude and etiquette are still very sincere, and the whole person feels like he has just come from a famous banquet.

In contrast, David's social elite style seems to be superficial, not as natural and decent as this one.

"It's really a honeymoon now." Su Yifan sighed at the elegant young man, "Such strict air control can add to you. AUU is really face-to-face."

The young man laughed at himself and said, "Of course not. It's your sister who has face."

Su Yifan hummed without saying anything and asked, "What about this situation now?"

"I want to try to talk to this gentleman first to see if there is a possibility of a peaceful solution." The elegant young man always has a pleasant smile on his face, "I am an anti-violence person."

During the period when the elegant young man was talking, the people brought by Feng Feng and Dong Mowen were still fighting, and the two sides did not stop because of the appearance of such a strange young man. Therefore, it is a little ridiculous for young people to say that they oppose violence.

But Dong Mowen didn't smile. He could see that the young man was also very serious, even more serious than himself.

Su Yifan took a look at Dong Mowen and actually agreed with the idea of the elegant young man: "I think we can talk about it. You see, he is generally a rational person."

The elegant young man smiled and said, "Negotiation requires corresponding strength, right?"

This time, the young man speaks Mandarin of the Celestial Empire, and his pronunciation is still quite standard, showing the face of a language genius.

After hearing this sentence, Dong Mowen, who was already tense, suddenly became sharp and rushed towards Su Yifan.

Although Su Yifan has been farting with the elegant young man with a smile, he is still on guard against Dong Mowen. Feeling that Dong Mowen's muscle state switched instantly, he narrowed his eyes and made the most classic defensive posture, which seemed to directly carry Dong Mowen's frontal raid.

Dong Mowen's way of exerting power is amazing. Others use their heels to make their bodies run out directly, but he seems to have been raised into the air, just like throwing himself out.

The elegant young man sighed when he saw this scene.

Then Dong Mowen was like a bird hit by lightning. His strong body fell from the air and was falling well in front of Su Yifan.

Su Yifan's defensive action has been removed before it is completed, as if it was just a make-up appearance from the beginning.

The elegant young man stood not far away and exhaled, shook his head and said the dialect of the capital area: "Fool, do you really think you are bullets?"

While the youth started shooting, heavily armed personnel began to appear from all directions, holding weapons, completely controlling the whole scene.

The people led by Dong Mowen actually also brought guns, but in terms of firepower, they are simply not as good as 1% of these armed personnel. The standard equipment provided by European arms dealers is allowed to be used during special periods, which itself represents the current official attitude.

The elegant youth is really well prepared. Just looking at this tactical team, we know that he has been preparing here for a long time. Just now, he appeared to attract everyone's attention just to buy some time and let his people find the best place to stand.

Those nonsense seem to be useless, but in fact, they are just calculating the time so that he can control everything in his own hands.

Dong Mowen, who fell to the ground with bleeding calves, knew in his heart that he did not have any bargaining chips.

With the shot of this elegant young man just now, Dong Mowen did not plan to get up again to see if he could turn the table.

The shot seemed to be fired casually, but the bullet scratched Dong Mowen's calf skin, leaving a blood stain on the wound, which just made him fall from the air without directly hitting the calf artery.

Although Dong Mowen did not know who this elegant young man was, he still had the basic common sense to distinguish the strength of the other party. He felt that he really didn't need to struggle any more.

As Dong Mowen said to Su Yifan at the beginning, this is just a business. Since the other party has left room for himself, he will not really die.

The drooping struggle just now, on the one hand, is to see if it can really turn over, and on the other hand, it is also to make myself not too guilty about this failure.

Dong Mowen's seriousness is still vulnerable compared with reality.

The elegant young man took a look at the handsome man of Russian descent and confirmed that the other party did not have a chance to get up, and even if he got up, he would be shot in the head by his own hands. Then he said to Su Yifan, "The acting skills were a little fake just now. Be sincere next time."

Su Yifan smiled and said, "Is this a professional opinion?"

The elegant young man also smiled: "It's an extra gift."

The two just said three words, and the elegant young man's men have begun to tie up those people brought by Dong Mowen. On the contrary, Feng Feng and others, who took off the mask, were a little at a loss. Looking at the muzzle of these professionals, they felt a little dizzy even if they saw some scenes.

At a distance, Feng Feng took a look at Su Yifan, who was laughing with the elegant young man. He used to think that Su Yifan, a child, was quite appetizing, but now he found that he seemed to have a thicker thigh than before...

This level of scene can no longer be controlled by the Hong Fatty family. Feng Feng suddenly felt that he followed Su Yifan and saw a more ferocious corner of the world.

These feelings fluttered a little in Feng Feng's heart. If he is not good at talking, he will not tell anyone, but has more of his own judgment.

Su Yifan also felt Feng Feng's eyes, and he stretched out his thumbs to Feng Feng. He can kill the level of professional mercenaries with one hand, and Feng Feng's ability to fight is worth boasting even if he gets it nationwide.

Feng Feng smiled a little stiffly at Su Yifan, and then focused on how those heavily armed foreigners should deal with this kind of endgame. He felt that he had to learn.

After the people brought by the elegant youth completely controlled the situation, the Porsche door had been pushed open, and Cai Qi jumped out of the car like crazy and rushed towards Su Yifan.

The two are only 20 meters away from each other. Cai Qi opened her legs and flew up in high heels, and the peaks in front of her chest made many people's eyes straight. Under the eyes of the crowd, Cai Qi rushed to Su Yifan, hugged him, and tears couldn't stop flowing down.

"Bastard! Bastard! You scared me to death! You lied to me!"

Cai Qi's tears are true, and it is also true that she scolded Su Yifan unscrupulously. This was probably the time Su Yifan saw Cai Qi closest to his real face. Cai Qi, who had a terrible scar on his face, lay on Su Yifan's shoulder and cried, tears wet his clothes.

Su Yifan didn't expect Cai Qi's reaction to be so fierce. He was just thinking that if he was really arrested, would Cai Qi feel more happy?

Now it seems that the answer is obviously not.

Cai Qi lay on Su Yifan's body and cried, and the two groups on his chest really pressed on him, which suddenly made Su Yifan reach out his hand to comfort Cai Qi.

stiff, Su Yifan finally landed his hand on Cai Qi's shoulder.

"Don't cry... Isn't it okay? Look, a lot of people are watching.

Cai Qi was patted on the shoulder by Su Yifan, and her body trembled slightly, but she still didn't stop crying. She choked and said, "I don't care!"

Su Yifan sighed and had to continue to appease Cai Qi, but he didn't dare to work too hard. He was always afraid that his actions would make Cai Qi feel strange.

Actually, the strangest thing in my heart is myself...

Gemini over there has made a tacit wink of Su Yifan, and Su Yifan suddenly had a deeper understanding of this man's usual elegant and pretentious virtue. It turns out that European handsome men can be so thorough when they are cheap, and their expressions are simply worse than Zhang Chao's appearance at the door of the Internet cafe.

"Get out of here if you have nothing to do, watch the fun!" Su Yifan is not polite to Gemini at all. "This Dong Mowen is very interesting. After you settle him down, I want to meet him again."

Dong Mowen, who was lying on the ground and had been pointed at his head with a gun, still looked at Su Yifan with serious eyes. He probably understood that he could not talk to Su Yifan normally under such circumstances, and his attitude towards Su Yifan's conclusion was also relatively calm.

"I will wait for you."

Su Yifan looked down at Dong Mowen and shook his head.

"No, you are not a beautiful woman. You don't have to wait for me so much."

In any case, Su Yifan never thought of appeasing Dong Mowen's wounded heart. At present, Dong Mowen actually doesn't know who he fell on, and Su Yifan is not going to tell him that the elegant young man is a Gemini in the twelve constellations of AUU. Let this feeling of loss accompany him first, and then wait for someone from the National Security Bureau to take over.

Su Yifan also took care of Dong Mowen's words, and then continued to spend the rest of the time comforting Cai Qi.

Feng Feng saw that several of his brothers seemed to be paying attention to the big-breasted girl around Su Yifan. He waved to let these people pack up and leave without saying hello to Su Yifan.

So Su Yifan went out of the pestle and let Cai Qi continue to rub her nose and tears, painfully and happy.