My Goddess

Chapter 455 The annoying person

Zhuang Shihan thought that Su Yifan would look unhappy, but he didn't expect Su Yifan on the other side of the phone to laugh a few times and replied quite calmly, "Sister Shihan, don't be so polite. You have something to do. Just call me when you're done."

Zhuang Shihan expected Su Yifan to talk better, but he didn't expect it to be so easy to talk. He could only put down the phone with a little surprise and then breathe a sigh of relief in his heart.

With a sigh of relief, Zhuang Shihan felt more and more that Su Yifan, a young man, was good. In contrast, the boss who insisted on eating with him was much worse.

Although Sister Qiu, sitting opposite Zhuang Shihan, was worried, she still did not talk about this matter with Zhuang Shihan at the first time. Sister Qiu knew that Zhuang Shihan was still the kind of little girl who didn't like to control her emotions, and what she said was really hard could only be counterproductive. Anyway, there is still a lot of time left. Sister Qiu went to the hotel set by Mr. Wang with Zhuang Shihan with a little worry.

Hilton is not too far from the Weiliangpin community. The babysitter car still turned around a few times before secretly stopping in the parking lot behind the hotel. The driver, Sister Qiu and Zhuang Shihan's assistants covered it, and let Zhuang Shihan enter the VIP elevator of the hotel.

taking off her sunglasses, Zhuang Shihan also exhaled. She is like a thief when she goes out now. Although this is one of the most popular manifestations of stars, she still can't be happy about this kind of thing.

There was no one in the elevator. Sister Qiu followed Zhuang Shihan into the elevator, and the assistant Xiaomei followed, and the driver stayed outside at any time.

It's just going out to meet someone. Just like fighting a war, Zhuang Shihan feels very pitiful.

After going straight from the underground parking lot to the 18th floor, Sister Qiu went out first, then assistant Xiaomei, and finally Zhuang Shihan herself.

Zhuang Shihan, who has taken off her small coat, wore a clean white dress today, revealing half of her fragrant shoulders, which is not only a little seductive and does not destroy the pure feeling she has been giving. A pair of snow-heeled sandals on his feet, and a pair of beautiful legs shake like two daylight lights that people can't open their eyes.

Zhuang Shihan, dressed like this, no longer wears sunglasses. She knows that since Mr. Wang has contracted this layer, at least she will not continue to suffer all kinds of harassment.

Wang Lei stood at the door to meet Zhuang Shihan, which is one of the money trees of Xingyi. He has obviously different attitudes towards Zhuang Shihan and Luo Huasheng. The relationship between two people is called mutual respect. In fact, they don't dare to tear each other and don't want to break up with each other.

One should be amiable, and the other should be sensible and obedient, which is also the wonderful relationship between bosses and artists in modern Chinese star culture.

"Our little princess is finally here." Wang Lei is a very cheerful middle-aged man. At the age of less than 50, he feels very healthy and sunny, and he can't see any excessive wine and sex at all. Of course, Zhuang Shihan already knows that Boss Wang has several little lovers, all of whom are active on the front line of performing arts.

"Sorry, Mr. Wang, I'm late." Zhuang Shihan still respects Wang Lei. After all, he is a strong man who has started from his own since then, and he is his own boss. "I've kept you waiting for a long time."

Wang Lei laughed and said, "It's natural to wait for a beautiful woman. Come on, this way."

Zhuang Shihan still followed Wang Lei through the corridor with a little nervousness. Sure enough, she couldn't even see a waiter in the corridor, which saved her a lot of trouble.

Of course, Wang Lei is still very experienced in this regard.

All the way down to the door of the private room, Zhuang Shihan was speculating about what kind of character could make Wang Lei treat so condescendingly, and he had to pull himself over to accompany him in a way that reduced his favorability. Zhuang Shihan guessed that he would not be a big boss of the Ministry of Culture or the Publishing Department, but those people don't like to hear that their grandfathers are old, and they probably won't be interested in themselves. Maybe it's a second-generation official or a higher-level prince, but this kind of thing generally won't find a popular star...

Thinking wildly, Zhuang Shihan followed Wang Lei into the private room, and then saw a man sitting in the main seat who was not too old but certainly not young smiling at him.

This should be today's protagonist. Zhuang Shihan felt that the man's smile was a little unclear. He was about to adjust his smile and say something, but he saw the man shaking his head with a smile.

As the man shook his head slightly, Zhuang Shihan immediately saw the person sitting next to the man.

Then Zhuang Shihan felt that his brain was not enough.

The person sitting next to this man is Su Yifan. He is smiling at himself as if he had known all this for a long time.

Countless thoughts flashed in Zhuang Shihan's mind at this moment. She quickly understood why Su Yifan talked so calmly on the phone just now. It turned out that he knew that he was the guest he was brought to accompany by Mr. Wang today!

At this moment, Zhuang Shihan wanted to pull Su Yifan and ask him how he did it, and then blame him. But Wang Lei was still standing beside him. Zhuang Shihan could only restrain his surprise and little displeaggeration and smile at Su Yifan.

"Good evening, brother Su Yifan."

As Zhuang Shihan's agent, Sister Qiu will naturally not come to socialize on such an occasion. If she waits outside, she will not have this chance to be surprised.

Wang Lei was shocked: "Do you know each other?"

Zhuang Shihan turned around and smiled at his boss: "The company I made a guest appearance at the game exhibition last time was his."

Wang Lei originally thought that the teenager who was so well treated by Wu Ming should be a second generation of red officials. It is estimated that it was Zhuang Shihan, the idol of a young man, who made such a request. I didn't expect Su Yifan to be the boss of a company.

The last time Zhuang Shihan and Luo Huasheng helped people with publicity without authorization, Wang Lei also found someone to understand the light touch, and was almost shocked to find that the company's gold absorption ability was stronger than he thought. Now I heard Zhuang Shihan say that that company belongs to Su Yifan, and now he is interested in the child in front of him.

Su Yifan originally planned to come to the capital to meet Zhuang Shihan, and his original intention was to see Zhuang Shihan after watching the game concert in the evening. At that time, it was estimated that it was after nine o'clock, and Zhuang Shihan should have more time. Unexpectedly, Wu Ming completely disrupted the order. When he received a phone call from Zhuang Shihan just now, he knew that he would meet this popular idol in the form of a landlord bully this time. I just don't know how many times Zhuang Shihan has scolded himself in his heart. Su Yifan feels that the number of times should not be too small.

Since everyone is an acquaintance, the scene is suddenly much more lively than before. Zhuang Shihan took a look at the three girls around Su Yifan and looked for the one who should belong to the natural song.

Looking at it, Zhuang Shihan felt that Yang Bingbing was quite similar, but the temperament that could not be ignored was not like a person willing to sing, so Zhuang Shihan thought Cheng Shuixin should be.

Everyone sat down. Mr. Wang first got up and made a toast. What he said probably meant that he was for Wu Ming's sake. Except for his female star giving Su Yifan, all the other requirements could be met.

This kind of big package is just to listen to at ordinary market occasions, but at the level of Wang Lei, he will definitely do it, and Su Yifan is no longer worried about asking Zhuang Shihan. Zhuang Shihan sat very intimately in the seat that Wu Ming had given her beside Su Yifan and talked a few words about the recent situation, and then everyone tacitly did not continue to mention what they wanted to do.

After talking with Zhuang Shihan, he knew that it was the girl named Yang Bingbing and Zhang Yao, a little girl who lowered her head and didn't talk much. Su Yifan did not make it clear which of these two people were singers, and obviously did not want to say this in front of Wang Lei. Zhuang Shihan naturally tried to pretend to be confused and pulled Su Yifan to say a lot before letting him and Cheng Shuixin leave first.

Wang Lei didn't expect Su Yifan to escape after eating half of the meal. After sending Su Yifan away, he secretly asked Wu Ming: "What's the matter with this? Why are you a little crazy?"

Wu Ming smiled and said, "Do you think he is crazy? I don't think this child is interesting. Although he is young, I guess his assets will surpass you in a few years.

Wang Lei didn't believe it: "Is it given by the family? I have seen a lot of this kind of rich second generation.

Wu Ming shook his head: "He is not a rich second generation, but his sister is indeed powerful. You and I can't afford to provoke him."

"Can't you afford it?" Wang Lei didn't believe it even more, "Is there anyone you, Mr. Wu, can't afford to provoke?"

Wu Ming laughed at himself and said, "It's time to say such a thing in the capital. Don't talk nonsense. I don't think there are many people in the world who can afford to provoke his sister. But that's not why I made friends with him."

Wang Lei almost wanted to sneer and asked, "What is that because of that?"

"Because this boy must be a good friend."

Wang Lei looked at Wu Ming for a while and picked up a cigar thoughtfully.

Su Yifan made an appointment with Yang Bingbing and Zhang Yao to meet at Zhuang Shihan's house at night and took Cheng Shuixin away. Although Cheng Shuixin was excited, she still felt a little embarrassed.

"Is it okay for us to do this?"

"You are the biggest on your birthday."

Although this excuse is a little awkward, Cheng Shuixin still tries her best to reduce her IQ at this moment and accept it.

It's not far from the Hilton Hotel to the Mercedes-Benz Convention and Exhibition Center. Although Su Yifan and Cheng Shuixin are strangers who don't recognize the way, they quickly arrived at the concert with the smart map of their mobile phones.

This is indeed the home court of otaku men and women. Su Yifan looked around and felt that almost all the people in his eyes were people, and these people had almost similar characteristics.

--all hold the handheld.

Cheng Shuixin, who had changed into a thin autumn suit in the hotel, followed Su Yifan, tried to empty her head and not think too much, followed the footsteps of the teenager in front of her and walked all the way to the entrance of the venue.

Su Yifan stopped at the ticket gate at the door and asked Cheng Shuixin.

"Do you want to go in now?"

Cheng Shuixin smiled, took Su Yifan's arm and leaned half of her body on his shoulder.
