My Goddess

Chapter 469 Su Xiaoqing's Action

After the discussion with Su Yifan about having sex came to an end, Su Xiaoqing put down the phone and turned his head to look out of the window.

There is a lawn directly below the room of the castle, with people walking around, but most of them are in a hurry and there is no conversation between people.

This kind of scene is easy to remind people of some government agencies. Everyone is in a hurry and serious, rushing for interests.

Su Xiao looked down at these people and smiled. Then she withdrew her eyes, turned to the front door of the room and waved casually.

Under Su Xiaoqing's action, a screen rose from his desk and stood in front of Su Xiaoqing.

A picture similar to a world map appeared on the screen. Su Xiaoqing put his finger directly on it and moved from his position to Central Asia.

A straight line appears on the picture, and the WYSIWYG effect is very simple but full of beauty. Su Xiao looked at the picture on the screen and switched to some Middle Eastern faces, and began to enter instructions calmly.

The instructions are very simple. Su Xiaoqing entered a few items and waved casually to the screen, and the picture on the screen completely disappeared.

When Su Xiaoqing finished all this, someone knocked gently at the door.

Su Xiao gently snapped his finger, the door opened automatically, and Euler stood at the door.

Seeing Euler, a smile appeared on Su Xiaoqing's face.

"Have you been used to living recently?"

When Euler, who had been with a stiff face, saw Su Xiaoqing alone, her expression was lighter than usual. She nodded to Su Xiao and walked into the room with a straight pace.

"It's okay."

"How does it feel to go back to Europe?"

"It's okay."

Su Xiao smiled softly. She was very familiar with Euler's style, and the cooperation between the two was actually more tacit than what others saw.

Looking out of the window, Su Xiaoqing said, "For me, I'm a little nervous now."

Euler thought for a moment and said, "It doesn't matter. Let's buy time."

Su Xiao smiled and said, "Yes, try your best to fight for it. I want to take action against Xiaoke, do you agree?"

Euler hesitated a little longer this time and nodded seriously.

Su Xiao looked down at Euler and smiled after a long time and said, "It's amazing... How does it feel to return to Europe?"

Euler pulsed her beautiful eyebrows slightly and whispered, "For good, nothing has changed."

"Do you still want revenge now?"

Euler thought for a moment and nodded.

Su Xiaoqing also nodded: "There are too many seeds left by Shock, and we need some strength to destroy them at one time. Before that, I have to do a few things first.

Oura listened quietly, listening to Su Xiaoqing's arrangement for herself.

The arrangement is very simple. Su Xiaoqing's plan has always been in this style. It seems that there is no complicated part, but only she can do it.

While Euler turned around and left, Su Xiaoqing clicked to the screen and exhaled a menu with a row of buttons.

AUU people have also been placed in the castle, but the scope of action is very narrow, and they cannot meet Su Xiaoqing regularly. The only advantage of staying here is that they can apply for active contact with Su Xiaoqing. So after AUU, the U.S. government also sent people, and then Britain, France... These people gathered here, like a small United Nations. Everyone looked at each other with hostile eyes, and then carefully marked their own scope of activities, which made the retaliatory action in the Middle East come to nothing.

Things have developed to this stage, which is the biggest headache in Britain, because London can no longer be regarded as a political, economic and cultural center... This ancient castle on the outskirts of London is.

It's really an embarrassing situation, but everyone has to adapt to it for the future, right?

Su Xiaoqing blocked most of the signals here, and the allocated communication optical cables can only be used equally. In this castle, almost everyone tried to approach Su Xiaoqing, but everyone knew that it was impossible. A hijacking incident has made everyone see the essence of the problem clearly, and the close threat is still meaningless to Su Xiaoqing, who is well prepared.

The only thing these people can do is to wait here, and then send out the strips they know and analyze like a group of foreign reporters without sources... So when Euler appeared in the Central Grass Square, many people looked at her with shock.

Many people know Euler. This woman once worked as a physical coach for some traditional royal families, but at that time, no one knew that Euler would be so strong that she almost solved a group of well-trained terrorists alone.

Among them, AUU people have a higher evaluation of Euler. They know that this woman will not fall behind even in the battle with Albert and Cancer, and may even win those two people.

Euler walked into the crowd, glanced around with cold eyes, and said flatly, "CIA people and people from Mi6 come with me."

This greeting is like shouting two patients waiting for emergency treatment. The representative of the CIA is a typical American, a handsome silver-haired man with a straight suit. On the contrary, Mi6 shouted a little beautiful redhead. Both of them stood out among these military personnel, but they followed them without any objection when they heard Euler calling them.

Euler didn't look at the two people, but took them through the atrium to a small courtyard.

There is no one around, only the monitoring equipment has been installed overhead. The redhead glanced up and there was no doubt that infinite fire would erupt from a corner at any time and blow herself into pieces.

The handsome silver-haired man of the CIA was relatively calm. His eyes were basically fixed on Euler, but for a moment or two in the middle, he looked at Euler's chest.

Euler completely ignored the performance of the two and said calmly, "Now there is something for you to cooperate with."

The redhead reacted quickly and said at the first time, "We..."

Euler interrupted the redhead and said calmly, "You don't need to ask for instructions or notice, because the result is the same. This matter is mainly aimed at Americans, but if it is not handled properly, Britain will suffer the same bad luck.

The redhead was shocked by Euler's momentum and licked her lips without continuing.

The representative of the CIA looked solemn. He looked at Euler and was curious about what issues she could say that were important to the United States.



In the small town on the Mexican border, several fierce local aborigines are wandering around, looking around with vigilance.

Everyone is equipped with knives and guns, and they are used to living so heavily armed. In this land that has become extremely chaotic because of various black industries, they advocate force, believe in money, and believe that God will give them all kinds of opportunities.

God doesn't love money, all money is theirs.

There is a fragile and beautiful white building behind these Mexicans, about four stories high, connected with the buildings in the town, making it less eye-catching.

This building has existed here for almost five years, and many people have recently moved in. Most of these people are Asian faces. Anyway, for Mexicans, any Asian face looks similar, and they will not tell whether they are Asians, Japanese, or those annoying Koreans.

After these people lived in, someone went to collect protection fees, and then their hands were interrupted and sent out. After the most powerful local boss visited with anger, they seemed to let go of this place and sent several people to patrol around.

Although the subordinates did not understand why the boss made such a decision, they still faithfully carried out the boss's orders and patrolled around.

It's night now, and the light is still on. Several Mexicans don't know what Asians are doing in it. They vaguely remember that one of them is a beautiful girl with a delicate and thin figure that is very coveted. Unfortunately, with the order of the boss, they dare not act rashly.

In fact, there are many more people in the building than when Mexicans came to collect protection fees a few days ago.

These people have different faces and skin colors. As many as dozens of people came from all directions and gathered here, almost becoming a small army.

Among these people, Zhao Xuan, who still looks lazy, still doesn't contact others most of the time. She only likes to soak in the conference room and sleep in with her beautiful and exquisite feet.

Xiao Ke seemed to be very indulgent with Zhao Xuan. Only when he held a temporary meeting, he would call her to come and attend, and he would also call David, who had completely succumbed to Shaw.

Luo Yang will not appear many times. His activities are not limited to this building. Many newcomers contact him, and Xiao Ke is also showing his muscles in this way.

Only by constantly contacting will Luo Yang find out how powerful Xiaoke is.

Various industries, all kinds of life, all kinds of life conditions... Everyone's back. Jingdu was completely different. Luo Yang was constantly shocked in the process and finally became almost numb.

After the outbreak of the hacking incident in the United States, Luo Yang already knew how terrible he was on board. Shock made such a scene here, but the U.S. government couldn't find them.

According to the various clues obtained by the U.S. government, their current tracking target has reached Japan. In terms of international status, Japan and the United States are almost related to sons and fathers, and the investigation of Americans has attracted great attention from Japan.

Pay attention to it, and these clues almost plunged the investigation work into a labyrinth of infinite loop. Most of the CIA's energy is focused on the Shock issue, and even the bureau has dispatched a lot of people, and there is still no clue.

This made Luo Yang more convinced that Xiao Ke could really create a complete kingdom. He did not know Xiao Ke's ultimate goal and thought that what was waiting for him was countless money and boundless power.

Just as Luo Yang imagined how to enjoy everything he was about to get, Zhao Xuan walked into the studio arranged by Xiao Ke.

"Isn't Yang Zongyuan coming back?"

Xiao Ke, who was standing in front of a computer, turned around and looked at Zhao Xuan with a little cold eyes.

"All accidents are not accidents."