My Goddess

Chapter 470 Fishing

Shark, who is now standing in the workplace, looks more like an otaku with pale skin because he has not seen sunlight for a long time.

The only difference is that this otaku is so old that people can't believe that he can still be so fashionable.

Zhao Xuan looked around the workshop that Xiao Ke had arranged on the first day and shook his head and said, "I'm not surprised. I'm just strange. You seem to have thought about everything?"

"If you have been given 20 years of events, you will also think about everything clearly." Shock said, "The children are already waiting. We have to do something."

Zhao Xuanwei said sarcastically, "Will you do something because of others?"

Xiao Ke, who was thinking about something, stared at Zhao Xuan and asked, "In New York, didn't I give you a chance to fool around?"

Zhao Xuan was speechless.

"Zhao Chuanzhi is also here now. Do you want him to go back or continue to reunite with your mother?" Shock asked again, "The choice is yours. This is your first reward to bring me out."

Zhao Xuan shook his head with a wry smile.

"Both of them are reluctant to see me now, and they refuse to leave. Let them be."

Shake nodded. He didn't care about these two burdens. In fact, the couple had never dragged themselves down.

"What are you going to do next?" Zhao Xuan asked Xiao Ke, "You won't let David destroy the world for you, will you?"

Shark glanced at David, who was staring at the computer screen at the window, shook his head and said, "If I get the button of the President of the United States, I probably won't let him press it."

"Do you press it yourself?"

"I will kill all the relatives of the President of the United States and ask him if he wants to press it once. It will be broadcast live all over the world."

"............" Zhao Xuan trembling and sighed, "You are really a pervert, but I think this idea is good."

David, who had been silent, interrupted the two and said, "You will not realize this wish. If the President of the United States is kidnapped by you, he will probably choose to commit suicide."

Shark smiled at David, which was a little creepy. David, who had never been afraid of anything before, immediately stopped looking at Shaw.

"So let's talk about it now, what are you going to do?" Zhao Xuan looked at the red dot on the screen and knew that it was the current CIA's search scope. Shock confided to him with eyeliner from the U.S. intelligence department. After targeted monitoring, he was completely restless.

Xiao Ke looked at Zhao Xuan and asked, "What kind of plan do you want me to have?"

"I just know your general idea." Zhao Xuan looked at Xiao Ke with a charming face and said, "Speaking of which, our current life is no different from what I have lived before. After you have ruined the American * system, we are richer than before.

Shoke said calmly, "Isn't it a good thing to have money?"

"Money should always be used to do something." Zhao Xuan said righteously, "I'm too idle now. Find something for me to do."

Xiao Ke stared at Zhao Xuan for a few seconds before saying, "What do you think there is still that human beings have not fully grasped?"

Zhao Xuan's heart moved and knew that this was Xiao Ke's intention to say something to him. His expression also became solemn. He seriously thought about it and said, "Humans have conquered the land, the ocean and the sky. Now it should be the universe."

Hearing Zhao Xuan's answer, Xiao Ke smiled with satisfaction and nodded, "You're right. Human beings are too small to think they have conquered the world. Seeing the vast universe, I didn't even count my fart.

For some reason, Zhao Xuan felt that Xiao Ke seemed to be more excited than usual when talking about this issue. She felt that Xiao Ke's mood did not seem to be as well controlled as usual.

"Conquering the universe is the ultimate dream of mankind, but unfortunately it will never be realized." Zhao Xuan sighed, "For human beings, the end of time and space is too far away to be mastered by human beings."

"So human beings can only start from the nearest field." Shock said, "Guardian orbits, satellites, moon landings and Mars. These plans look more and more great, but in fact, they are all farts.

Zhao Xuan knew that the man had almost all the secrets of the U.S. military, so she did not answer and waited for Xiao Ke to continue.

"Space colonization is the only way for human beings, but before that, they have to deal with everything in the satellite orbit." Shock took a look at David, who was already listening to himself and Zhao Xuan, and said, "The guard track is the most important area of struggle in recent decades. Mastering the guard orbit is basically equivalent to mastering the basis for cheap transmission of materials to space and space construction.

Hearing Xiao Ke's words, David's eyes began to shine.

No one knows more about the gold content of Shock's words than him. David knows that Shock really understands the needs of various countries. Since the 70th * beginning of the space race in the last century, all countries have entered an unprecedented misunderstanding - they send people far into space, which is not the same as space technology can create more value. The idea of obtaining energy and ore from other planets is too far away. What is really valuable is the construction near the satellite orbit. If human beings can complete the direct connection from the ground to the Orbital, the exploration of the entire space field will be rewritten.

People with this vision are concentrated in the senior military, thinking that it was the space race that dragged the Soviet Union into the endless abyss. Now that Shock, who has been imprisoned for 20 years, said it in an almost unquestionable tone, David feels that he has lived in vain.

"So what can you do?" Zhao Xuan was not as fragile as David, and she still asked headline.

Xiao Ke smiled at Zhao Xuan. He rarely smiled, so that his smile was a little stiff, which made Zhao Xuan feel a little scary.

"If you had known that you would keep asking me this question, you are all." Xiao Ke took a look at David, who had been staring at him, and then looked at Zhao Xuan. He said calmly, "If I can only do such a small thing as financial chaos, I'm just an enlarged terrorist for you. In fact, there is no essential difference from those clowns before, right?"

Zhao Xuan held her shoulder and didn't say anything. She did not avoid looking at Xiao Ke. Instead, David next to her turned his head unnaturally.

Since one egg is missing, David seems to have become much weaker than before. Turning his head and looking at David with some disgust, Zhao Xuan smiled contemptuously and asked, "Isn't it what you should do to reassure the people who follow you?"

Shock did not show any unhappy expression, but nodded easily: "Yes, it always hides, which makes people feel mysterious but not shocking enough, right?"

Zhao Xuan didn't say anything, but his expression acquiesced to this matter.

Xiao Ke turned around again, faced the dense red dots on the screen, and suddenly asked, "How do you think we can get the most powerful support in the world?"

Zhao Xuan didn't even want to answer: "Nuclear weapon button."

"Nuclear strike deterrence can only exist in the hands of major powers." Shock said, "Even with my connections, I can't control the nuclear button."

"A separate nuclear strike is also OK." Zhao Xuan retorted, "A nuclear bomb can deter many countries."

"That deterrent is meaningless." Shock said slowly, "Just like scientific experiments, experiments that cannot be repeated are meaningless."

Zhao Xuan was stunned for a moment.

"Nuclear strike can be repeated."

"It can't be repeated." Shock said, "A more accurate and unstoplable blow is valuable."

"What about?"

Shock pressed the keyboard, and the world map on the screen was switched to a space map of the earth and the moon, with various distance data identifications in the middle. Zhao Xuan took a look and knew that it also marked all the satellite orbits so far.

For coveting countries, there is actually not much space.

Shock operated the keyboard again, and the picture switched to near the guard track, which was still blank.

"For the United States, the satellite orbital gun is only in the creative stage, and they don't have a good plan for how to achieve accurate positioning and strike."

How smart Zhao Xuan is, he suddenly understood Xiao Ke's idea.

"Do you want to take advantage of the recent satellite space plan?"

Shake nodded slowly.

Zhao Xuan was really surprised this time: "You know that this plan was hosted by Su Xiaoqing. Deep Space Aviation and the construction of the Guards orbit are carried out at the same time, and we are unlikely to fish from it."

The word fish is difficult to express in English, but Zhao Xuan still uses a "" to express it, and her heavenly thinking is relatively strong.

Xiao Ke looked at Zhao Xuan and asked, "How do you think I will solve it?"

Zhao Xuan couldn't think of it. She was defeated by Su Xiaoqing too many times to think of a solution.

Seeing Zhao Xuan's silence, Xiao Ke explained, "The whole deep space plan has no secret to me. Do you believe it?"

Zhao Xuan nodded. She had seen Xiao Ke's energy. When she first broke into the Pentagon, Zhao Xuan actually had the determination to die. At that time, she did not know that there were so many backups waiting for her, which gave her a lot of time.

Zhao Xuan did not expect that many of the seeds planted by Xiao Ke had gone unimaginable within the entire U.S. government. There are Shaw's people in the defense and military and economic departments. He can escape to Mexico so smoothly because of those people secretly contribute.

"Although the U.S. government has locked most of Athena's functions, they will still use the existing supercomputers for the data calculation of the final deep space project."

Zhao Xuan immediately shook his head fiercely: "It's impossible, Americans are not that stupid!"

"What if the person who opposed Athena's construction at the beginning proposed it?" Shock asked calmly, "The greatest significance of Athena lies in large-scale data computing and defense reports. Now that Athena's prediction is correct, then it will be rewritten and reenabled."

Zhao Xuan thought about it and had to admit that since Xiao Ke had regained his freedom, Athena's report on SP-005 naturally proved to be correct, and it was reasonable to reactivate the goddess of wisdom.

Seeing the smile on Xiao Ke's face, Zhao Xuan gradually understood that Xiao Ke was planning to take advantage of this opportunity to rewrite the security agreement.

Thinking that all this had been planned by Xiao Ke before, Zhao Xuan shuddered.

In front of this man, the level is really too low.