My Goddess

Chapter 483 Your gentle heart 2

Su Yifan has lived with Su Xiaoqing countless times before, but he has never seen what her bedroom looks like.

It's not that I haven't thought about it, but I can't think of it. Most of the time, Su Yifan saw Su Xiaoqing resting in the office. It was not an exaggeration to describe Su Xiaoqing as mysterious deeds. No one knows where Su Xiaoqing went and what he did when he was mysterious. Except for a few people, no one even knows how important Su Xiaoqing is.

Now seeing Su Xiaoqing's bedroom here, Su Yifan was stunned.

Su Xiaoqing's bedroom layout is not strange at all, and it is not even as warm as the pink of an ordinary girl. It looks like the bedroom of an ordinary high school student.

This is the style, and Su Yifan feels very familiar with it.

No, it's too familiar.

At this time, Su Xiaoqing is like a female high school student who invited her classmates to visit her bedroom, with a smile and a faint uneasiness in her smile. It felt as if he was afraid that the male classmates who came to visit would not appreciate the style of his room.

Su Yifan felt that his heart seemed to be tightened by something. He had a sense of familiarity that came to his face, but he couldn't say what it was.


Su Xiao shook his head with a smile and pulled Su Yifan into the room. Next to the clean single bed, he sat on the prepared chair.

The chair is Herman. Miller's chair is super expensive and ergonomically supported, and it is very comfortable to sit on. Few high school students will use this kind of chair.

"Sill down and I'll tell you something."

Su Yifan found that Su Xiaoqing was a little nervous today, which was not like her usual style at all.

This is so surprising. Even when facing Xiaoke in those days, Su Xiaoqing was still relaxed and relaxed when talking to Su Yifan about the whole arrangement of the matter. On the contrary, Su Yifan feels that Su Xiaoqing seems to have become an ordinary girl, just like the kind of female student who is embarrassed to say something to his senior.

So Su Yifan sat down and looked at Su Xiaoqing.

Su Xiaoqing put her hands in front of her skirt and looked down at the tip of her shoes. She also seemed to be a little uncomfortable with today's clothes, which made people feel very awkward.

"Sister Qing, sit down and talk about it."

Su Xiao shook his head and did not move his feet. He looked at Su Yifan steadily and took a deep breath without blinking, as if the psychological construction had not been done well.

Su Yifan felt very awkward, but since Su Xiaoqing insisted, he couldn't help it.

The familiarity of this room is still strong, and Su Yifan feels that the layout style and sense of space here always seem to have an impression in his heart. He looked around more uneasily than Su Xiaoqing and found that everything around him was very similar to his room, and even felt a little like his childhood.

At this time, Su Xiaoqing opposite still didn't say anything. She seemed to be trying to summon up her courage.

Such Su Xiaoqing was really surprising. Su Yifan sat in the chair awkwardly, tried to make his eyes gentler, and responded positively to Su Xiaoqing.

It's like every time two people are together.



After looking at each other for a long time, Su Yifan felt as if he had seen a lot of things in Su Xiaoqing's eyes.

There are longing, memories, hope, sadness, joy, pain, struggle, and a lot of love and attachment.

Then Su Xiao said softly.



"I want to tell a story about a young child who hasn't experienced any major events in his youth and has been spending it plainly. In the eyes of the people around him, he has no sense of existence and no threat. In today's words, he is a standard 'good man'.

Su Yifan looked at Su Xiaoqing without blinking, and there was no discomfort on Su Xiaoqing dressed like a female high school student. Even if she occasionally shows a cold and mature atmosphere, Su Xiaoqing's little girl-like face is still very suitable for this kind of dress. Su Yifan even had a feeling that Su Xiaoqing should dress up like this.

"This good teenager later met the girl who moved him at school. The girl is very excellent. The boy doesn't want to catch up with her, but is satisfied with being willing to look at her beside her. The excellent girl sensed the boy's mind. She had seen too many such people and didn't take the boy's heart seriously.

Hearing this paragraph, Su Yifan felt a little touched by his heartstrings. Isn't that what his secret love for Cheng Shuixin was like at the beginning? Fortunately, Cheng Shuixin responded positively to herself and even agreed on some secret things with him. For Su Yifan, he felt that he was very satisfied with being able to do this. Looking back, if you don't try to change, it seems that you can only follow Cheng Shuixin and watch her brilliance silently, instead of sharing life with her.

Su Xiao lowered her head, sighed and continued, "If this story ends when I was a student, maybe it's just a wonderful memory and won't be an interesting story. Interestingly, after college, the two met again, and the girl was still single, but had to seek a marriage partner. So the boy who used to be a good man became the best choice, and they settled the marriage in a short time.

Su Yifan listened carefully and said, "Such a marriage will not last long."

Su Xiao smiled and said helplessly: "Who said no?"

"The girl told the boy before she got married that her marriage with him would not last long. A girl has her own desired life, and marriage is just a way for her to get rid of the shackles of her family. The boy understood and agreed to do so, so the two got married in a flash and then divorced again.


This story seems to be more interesting. Su Yifan looked at Su Xiaoqing and waited for what she planned to say next.

"The process is very short, but it has a great impact on boys." Su Xiaoqing continued that her mood did not look as calm as it seemed. "The boy didn't get married again and has been alone all the time."

Su Yifan sighed. He could actually understand what the man's psychology was.

If it were my former self, I would probably continue to be lonely, right?

Su Xiao raised her head gently, looked at Su Yifan and said, "This story has only begun here."



Yilan, wearing a long windbreaker, stood alone on the deck and looked at the huge cruise ship parked in the middle of the sea in the distance.

Shake died, and his impact continues. U.S. government officials are still frantically investigating all kinds of people associated with Shaw, among which the Department of Defense has identified several high-ranking old guys.

Armed violence is frequent everywhere, and some still have to be recorded on Xiao Ke.

According to the information provided by Su Xiaoqing, Xiao Keshan has some loyal followers who are still continuing his spirit. This cruise ship is probably the last fortress, which is one of the bases that Shock originally planned to challenge the world.

As the sea breeze blew, Yilan's long hair fluttered in the wind. She looked back at the people in the cab above behind her. There was a delicate girl and a blonde young man standing there, looking at the cruise ship in the distance with no expression on her face.

The whole world thought that Zhao Xuan and David, who were dead, were here. David, who was supposed to return to China for trial, was dragged here by Yi Lan.

After seeing that David and Zhao Xuan were staring at him, Yi Lan turned around again, raised one arm high and made a gesture.

In an instant, it was like a miracle in the sky, and a gorgeous light fell!

Directly hit the hull without any pause, no preparation time, or any auxiliary aiming method.

Abundant energy instantly destroyed the hull, allowing a huge explosion to bloom in front of everyone. The entourage of Yilan witnessed all this, and then deeply imprinted this scene in their hearts.

The accompanying military personnel no longer know how to express their surprise. The ship is mainly soldiers of the Celestial Empire, and there are also some American entourage. Shock had the greatest impact on the United States, but the remnants were located in the central Pacific region, and the two countries had a joint event for the first time.

In fact, everyone knows in their hearts that this is not a joint assault, but Su Xiaoqing is showing everyone the power of the guard orbital weapons.

No one knows when Su Xiaoqing did this... Commercial satellite plans are available in all countries, and it is impossible for everyone to be closely monitored. Su Xiaoqing just greeted the United States and China, and then the satellite has been launched.

No one knows how Su Xiaoqing completed this thing that needs to be considered after the space ladder. However, when this shot came down, the representatives of both countries understood what it meant.

If you want more benefits, continue to please Su Xiaoqing... Otherwise, this thing will fall into the hands of any country and become the focus of force deterrence for a period of time.

Yi Lan was also a little shocked when she saw this scene, but after all, she had been following Su Xiaoqing for a long time. She looked at the cab calmly and turned into the cabin.

There is no need to say anything more. Presumably everyone will choose to understand this in their own way.



"If this story ends here, it's not a bad thing." Su Xiaoqing said to Su Yifan, "A boy married his favorite goddess. Although he divorced later, it can also be understood as getting it. This kind of psychological satisfaction is equally important to life, and you don't have to get a body.

Su Yifan said with a wry smile, "But love is indeed dominated by possession, and I understand it now."

Su Xiao nod slightly: "Yes, love is possession, but in fact there is greater than possession."

Su Yifan was silent. He knew that the story that Su Xiaoqing said was broader than possession.

"After the divorce, the woman disappeared, and the man continued to stay in his hometown and work and live without any waves until his thirties."