My Goddess

Chapter 484 Your gentle heart 3

"Life in his thirties is very boring, and there are not many friends in life. Most of them are taking advantage of him. If it hadn't been for a little talent, the boy would have been cheated to death. Because his heart was dead, he didn't look for a girlfriend anymore. The family was very anxious and urged him to go on a blind date. Finally, he couldn't help going on a blind date.

The image of a single old man slowly appeared in Su Yifan's mind. The image is very vivid, and he can understand some of the man's choices. Thinking of the blind date, Su Yifan couldn't help sighing, "This is really pitiful."

In Su Yifan's opinion, it's really pitiful to be chased by his family for a blind date. There is probably nothing more sad than this in life.

"Yes, the first blind date was a failure. The boy was depressed for a long time, and then met an abandoned baby on the way back."

Su Yifan raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect the divine turn to be here.

"The abandoned baby is placed in a small basket, and there is no one around. When he was a child, boys liked to walk around there. This time when there was no one at night, he came over and found that there was a baby who had just been born and cried very much.

"The baby should not have been abandoned for a long time. He picked it up and wanted to call the police, but when he saw that the baby seemed to be hungry and would faint at any time, he went to buy milk powder first."

Speaking of this, Su Xiaoqing paused for a moment, held their hands together, looked at Su Yifan and said, "Life is really wonderful... There are some things that begin like this."

Su Yifan listened quietly and did not express any more opinions. He always felt that the story of Su Xiaoqing was a little strange.

Su Yifan doesn't know what's strange.

After a few pauses, Su Xiaoqing continued: "Boys have always been good people, and this time there is no exception. He felt that the baby was so pitiful that he would not be accepted even if he found his parents, and it would be even more tragic if he was sent to a welfare institution. He thought for a long time and decided to adopt the baby.

"The adoption process is very complicated and there are many procedures. However, since the boy has been married and has reached the adoption standard stipulated by law, he finally succeeded. After the relationship between the two becomes legal, the boy will occasionally confide to others that this is the child left after the divorce, so that fewer and fewer people will ask about the identity of the child.

"Only a few people know the truth, such as his parents and the girl who has disappeared. But this doesn't matter. In order to take care of the children, boys gradually give up blind dates and no longer plan to talk about marriage.

"From the moment they met, the fate of these two people has changed."

After taking a breath, Su Xiaoqing continued to say in her beautiful voice, "The child is gradually growing up, and the man is getting old. The child is very healthy and beautiful. The world is changing every day. Men keep working hard to make money for their children, hoping to give their children the best environment to grow up.

Su Yifan also sighed. He could imagine how difficult that man was, not only materially, but also spiritually.

"For good, children do grow up day by day, are very precocious, and can talk about some topics with men at a very young age. Men feel that their life is no longer lonely, so they simply give up the idea of finding someone to live together. Two people are dependent on each other for their lives.

"The child in school has always been excellent, and almost no one in the school can surpass that child. Later, when the child was a teenager, he passed a professional examination and was qualified to enter the best school in the world. There are only a few special enrollments in this school in the world.

"Although the school is good, the tuition is still very expensive. Even if it is supported by a full scholarship, it still needs more expenses in life. In order to make their children live a better life, men keep working hard and constantly transfer money to their children's accounts. Tens of thousands of miles apart, men write to their children seriously every day. Write about his feelings about life, his views on the world, and teach children to look at the world more completely.

"It turns out that a man's education of his children has been successful, and his children have become the brightest stars in that school. Countless people pursued and admired. In the end, the child successfully entered the world's core scientific research group to hold an important position. At that time, his child was less than 20 years old.

After Su Xiaoqing said so much in one breath, she seemed to be a little weak, but she still insisted on talking.

"That child misses his family every day abroad, although there is only one family." Su Xiaoqing's voice became lighter than before, but with a little strange emotion, "The things in the school eventually involve how to change the world. The child is willing to participate, but in fact he really wants to escape."

"Learning and working at the same time, life becomes very heavy. Reading letters from men every day, children feel that time is not so sad.

"This project is the limit of the whole contemporary physics. When the experiment was finally successful, the child received a phone call from his hometown. At the celebration dance, the man had a terminal illness, which was caused by overwork.

The ending of such a story is not funny at all. Su Yifan complained silently in his heart, but saw something in Su Xiaoqing's eyes.

"Isn't the world ironic that you didn't see the last one even if you tried your best to get back?" Su Xiao bit his lip and said, "Death actually comes very slowly, but no one knows that the day is as slow as lightning, and it comes all of a sudden."

Su Yifan felt that the ending of the story was too bad, but since Su Xiaoqing wanted to say it, he listened.

"The funeral was carried out in a hurry. Except for a few old friends, all the children's classmates and teachers came. Finally, there is only one person left in the family. The children who stay at home regret why they don't spend more time together and why they can't watch the man who raised themselves be happy. Regret has been growing in the child's heart and has never stopped.

With that, Su Xiaoqing's tears had fallen, which made Su Yifan stand up from the chair in horror.

"Small and light..."

Su Xiaoqing made a gesture to stop Su Yifan, but his hands were held by Su Yifan before he could raise his hand.

His fingers are cold, while Su Yifan's fingers are hot.

The warmth close at hand made Su Xiaoqing fall directly on Su Yifan's body. She leaned against him, heard her heartbeat, and saw relief.

"Listen to me continue..." Su Xiaoqing didn't let Su Yifan say anything more and whispered, "It's never too late to regret, but this child has a chance."

Su Yifan thought that the story had come to an end, but he didn't expect it to turn around and immediately asked, "What's the opportunity?"

Su Xiao tried his best to smile, and tears fell on Su Yifan's shoulder with his smile.

"Do you know what the limit of physics is?"

Su Yifan answered with his own knowledge level: "Quantum physics?"

"It's quantum physics, but there is a more limit."


"Practice of space quantum physics."

"How to practice?"

"Use an acceleration device to create a space with a relatively constant speed, and then reverse acceleration." Su Xiao said calmly, "It can break through the ordinary world we understand."



Su Yifan couldn't believe what Su Xiaoqing said, but he had to believe it.

Su Xiaoqing has proved countless times that she will always be the most powerful person in this field.

So what Su Xiaoqing said is not a hypothesis, but a fact.

Slowly retreated two steps, Su Xiao looked into Su Yifan's eyes and said word by word, "So I broke through the limit of time and went back to now to find you."

As if the whole world was divided into two, Su Yifan stared at Su Xiaoqing.

"I'm the child, and you're the man."



At this moment, Su Yifan felt that his world seemed to have been destroyed.

If Su Xiaoqing hadn't stood in front of him, he would have felt that he had had a nightmare.

But this is not a nightmare. Su Xiaoqing is still wearing a group of female high school students, holding his hands and standing motionless on the opposite side.

There was only one sentence, connecting all the stories just now, and Su Yifan suddenly felt as if he understood something.

I just understand, but I still can't believe it.



"Are you familiar with this room? This is the real decoration of my bedroom. Su Xiao looked at Su Yifan and was no longer as nervous as before. He explained, "You arranged it for me personally. Of course you feel familiar with it. You have liked this style since high school, which even affected my aesthetics.

"Do you see the dress I'm wearing now? This is the last suit I took a photo with you before I came to Europe, and I haven't taken a photo with you since then.

"Do you know why I call Cheng Shuixin a bitch? It was she who abandoned you, and then you decided to be alone.

Do you know why our little actions are the same? I learn from you shrugging, your smile, and everything from you... You taught me, and I am covered with your shadow. Of course you will feel very close to me.

Su Yifan's whole body was wooden and stood still. In his eyes, Su Xiaoqing was beautiful and white, like a flower blooming beside him.

Now this flower tells herself that everything about her was created by him, and Su Yifan is really difficult to accept.

But Su Xiaoqing is so direct and simple that Su Yifan doesn't even have a chance to avoid or even refute it.

"I am familiar with everything about you, including your preferences, your personality, your life, and everyone around you." Su Xiao looked down at Su Yifan and said, "It's not because I'm your sister, but because... I was raised by you."

Su Yifan wanted to try to wriggle his lips, but he couldn't move. He tried his best to digest the shock in his heart, and he stood still without even the desire to move.

There are a lot of things to say in his heart. Su Yifan felt that he needed to take more than 100 deep breaths and adjust his mood to talk to Su Xiaoqing.