Wolin Opera

Chapter 158 Less Poison

"Yes!!" With the order of Yuan Dongdong, the strong men behind him rushed to Yuanfeng with iron bars in their hands like a group of hungry wolves.

"Source wind! Be careful!" At this time, Liu Yaner looked at the strong man not far away and was carrying a thick wooden stick and smashing it on Yuanfeng's head. Liu Yaner next to her immediately shouted in horror.

Looking at the impact of the strong man opposite, Yuanfeng snorted coldly. These stinky fish and rotten shrimp really didn't pay attention to it!

Thinking about it, Yuanfeng's body suddenly flashed, flashed the blow of the wooden stick, and then turned his right hand into a palm and patted it fiercely!!

"Dong!" With a slight muffled hum, the strong man's chest was firmly slapped by the source wind, and then flew backwards like a broken kite!

And this strong man was blown out by Yuanfeng and immediately galloped towards the strong man behind him! But before the strong man behind reacted, he overwhelmed a large area in an instant!

"Wow! OK!" Looking at Yuanfeng knocking down those strong men, Liu Yaner next to him immediately clapped his hands and cheered! In her mind, those bad people deserve to be punished!!

In the same way, a group of people standing behind Yuan Li did not expect that Yuanfeng would have such great strength! They really didn't expect Yuanfeng to be so powerful!

Unexpectedly, in just a few seconds, the group of strong men were knocked down in an instant!

These people were not only surprised, but also Yuandong was a little surprised when he looked at the opposite Yuanfeng!

"When did he become so powerful?!!" At this time, Yuandong looked at the source wind opposite, and the psychological shock was self-evident.

However, although Yuan Dongdong was shocked, it was absolutely impossible for them to be intimidated by Yuanfeng!

Humph! You are the only one who comes out to fight, and there are still many people behind me! Seeing that there are many people in me, you are still strong! Thinking of Yuandong here, he immediately ordered his men to rush towards Yuanfeng again.

However, Yuan Dongdong's men are all a group of desperate hungry wolves. After receiving Yuan Dongdong's order, they rushed to the source wind opposite them!

"Hmm! It's just the right time!" Yuanfeng snorted coldly, flashed again, and quickly walked towards the strong man's crowd!

Looking at the attack of the first iron rod, Yuanfeng gently dodged the attack of the iron rod. Then, Yuanfeng shouted loudly and grabbed the thick iron rod fiercely with his right hand!

With the increase of the strength of Yuanfeng's right hand, "Dang!" With a sound, the iron bar was broken by Yuanfeng in an instant!

The strong men present who saw Yuanfeng break the iron bar with their bare hands were stunned one after another!

But at this short stunned moment, Yuanfeng pushed the iron bar about one meter long and flew out in an instant!!

"Fight! Pounce!" When the iron bar was blown out by the source wind, several hoodlums in front of him suddenly felt that their arms seemed to be pricked by something, and their bodies quickly fell back!

When they fell back quickly, they finally felt a sharp pain in their arms!!

"Dong!" The iron bar penetrated the thick arms of several gangsters and flew far away with inertia! In an instant, the four or five gangsters were stung on the wall not far away!

And with the penetration of the iron bar, those gangsters are like the pain when live pigs are slaughtered, and they can no longer help howling!

Look at this shocking technique and look at the coldness of the source wind! Suddenly, the strong men behind seemed to hesitate a little. At this moment, they subconsciously touched their right arm.

Looking at Yuanfeng's skills, the young men behind Yuanli cheered. They really didn't expect Yuanfeng to have such a good skills!!

Now they seem to see the hope of the whole village, and everyone is very excited!!

At this time, Yuan Dongdong looked at Yuanfeng's technique and was even more surprised!

Not to mention the strength of the light wind, just talking about the fierceness that Yuanfeng just broke out has made Yuan Dongdong feel a little afraid in his heart. To be honest, although Yuan Dongdong is desperate, the thing that the iron bar penetrating his arm also makes him feel that Yuanfeng may be really not easy to mess with!!

However, although there is also a trace of fear in Yuan Dongdong's heart now, he thinks that after all, this is on his own ground, and he still has the final say here!

And there is a village director behind him. If he goes back like this, he will definitely not be faceless, so Yuan Dongdong finally gritted his teeth after thinking about it: Damn it! Isn't it just a source wind?! I don't believe that I can't kill him!!

Thinking of this, Yuan Dongdong held the knife of a strong man next to him and said viciously to his subordinates: "He is alone! And with so many of us, are we afraid of him alone?! Give it all to me! Whoever can kill him can walk flat!" Speaking of this, Yuan Dongdong's eyes burst into gloomy eyes!!

"Who wants to be calm?" At this time, before Yuan Dongdong came forward, he heard a man's rough voice behind him.

Soon, with the rough voice approaching, a man in black tight clothes and sunglasses with a wolf's head tattooed on his chest came over.

And when Yuan Dongdong saw the man, sweat suddenly came out of his palm!!

"Poison...less poison, it's you! You...why are you here?" Looking at the sunglasses man in front of him, Yuan Dongdong immediately nodded to Du Shao as if he had changed a person.

When Du Shao heard Yuan Dongdong's words, he immediately frowned and said harshly, "What's wrong? Do I still need to report to you where I go?!!"

"No...no... I didn't mean that..." As soon as he saw the momentum of Poison, Yuan Dongdong immediately scared off 17 souls! Oh my God! This poisonous young man is a famous poisonous character in this area. If he really provokes him, I'm afraid he will be removed!!

At the thought of unloading eight pieces, Yuan Dongdong's body trembled involuntarily.

Similarly, looking at the coming of the poison master, the village director's courage was about to be scared out. Although he was not very familiar with the poison master, he learned from Yuan Dongdong that this poison master is the most famous fierce character of this generation, and the reason why Yuan Dongdong can find so many thugs for himself is basically all It's arranged by less poison!!

Therefore, it is no wonder that Yuan Dongdong is very afraid of poison!! Yes, this is really a murderous master!!

Looking at the large number of strong men behind Du Shao, everyone behind Yuan Li seems to dare not even breathe. They know that they can never offend people like Du Shao!

If you really offend them, I'm afraid they... They really dare not continue to think about it...

However, in addition to the source wind, I'm afraid that only Yuanyuan, Liu Yaner and Yuehong know the situation inside. Most of the source wind notified the double-sided snake, and the double-sided snake notified the following poison less, so the poison less this time is towards the source wind. After all, Yuanfeng is Rui's Rui's owner, even if the poison has tens of millions of courage. He also dares not offend Yuanfeng.

At this time, the poison master looked at the source wind opposite, and then turned to Yuandong next to him and said harshly, "Yuendodong! Did I give you people to bully the people here?

"No...no..." At this time, Yuan Dongdong's cold sweat was about to come down, and the sound was not loud, but the horrible breath of the poison suddenly made Yuan Dongdong seem to be breathless.

Looking at Yuan Dongdong's frightened look, Du Shao said coldly, "Go back to your place! If I see you bullying the people, I will cut off your fingers and toes one by one!!"

When it comes to the three words chopped down, Du Shao's accent is aggravated again, which makes Yuandong next to him nod and say yes.

"Get out of here!" The poisoner said harshly again.

Listening to the harsh voice of Mr. Du, Yuan Dongdong no longer dared to stay here and immediately left with his men and the village director. They really don't want to stay here at all. If they continue to stay here, I'm afraid their lives will be lost here!!

Stay green, don't be afraid of no firewood!! This is Yuan Dongdong's inner thoughts at this time!

Watching Yuan Dongdong and others leave, the villagers still did not put down the big stone in their hearts. After all, the current role is thousands of times more ruthless than Yuan Dongdong!! They are really afraid. After driving Yuan Dongdong back, they will come to deal with them in person. If so, they really can't survive!!

Yuanfeng watched Yuan Dongdong and others leave in confusion, but there was a smile on the corners of his mouth.

At this time, the poison was less than to take a look at the source wind opposite, and then turned to the car behind. With a slight sound of the car engine, the long convoy with less poison went away.

At this time, the villagers behind Yuanfeng watched Du Shao leave, and finally breathed a sigh of relief because Du Shao did not come to trouble them.

However, what puzzles all the villagers is why this poisoner helps himself? Normally, people like Poison Shao will not help themselves or the villagers, but today... it makes everyone feel that Poison Shao is a little unusual...

Similarly, Yuanli was also a little puzzled. He wanted to ask his son what was going on. Listening to his father's question, Yuanfeng just smiled faintly and did not tell his true identity.

In fact, Yuanfeng has greeted the double-sided snake for a long time, so that the poison can't talk to himself or show any submission.

Because there are so many villagers behind Yuanfeng, Yuanfeng really doesn't want to expose his identity, so Yuanfeng issued such an order.

And Du Shao's acting skills are also good. Looking at Yuanfeng, he did not show any horse feet, which made Yuanfeng very satisfied. However, Yuanfeng is not worried about these now. What he is worried about is that Yuan Dongdong and others will really give up??