Wolin Opera

Chapter 159 Waiting for Revenge

"Bang!!" Is it him!!"

With the sound of a broken glass, Yuan Dongdong said angrily to his men, "Who on earth told the poison master! Who the hell is it?!!"

Looking at Yuan Dongdong's angry, several strong men standing in front of him were too scared to make a sound.

In fact, they are really wronged. That thing is not what they told the little poison, and they also follow the meaning of Yuan Dongdong. They must not spread it to the ears of the little poison, but they really don't know why this came to the ears of the little poison!!

Looking at the people in front of him, the dullness of wood immediately made Yuan Dongdong's inner anger rise straight up, and he picked up the teacup on the table again and roared: "Get out! Get out! Get out of here!!"

Listening to Yuan Dongdong's roar, several men no longer dared to stay, so they had to retreat temporarily, leaving only Yuan Dongdong in the room.

"Yuanfeng, I didn't kill you this morning! It's your fortune! Well, I'll see if you can be so lucky tonight!" Speaking of Yuandong here, those two eyes emit a beast-like light...


Yuan Dongdong did not succeed in the morning. When the villagers went back, they were also extremely worried.

What kind of person is Yuan Dongdong? That's a vengeful Lord!

If he made such a fool this morning, he must be furious. If he won't take revenge, it's really not Yuan Dongdong.

Yuanfeng looked at the villagers' worries and just comforted them with a faint smile. After all, Yuan Dongdong's opponent was himself, and it was impossible to attack these villagers, so Yuanfeng tried his best to comfort the villagers not to think too much.

Soon, when the villagers returned to their respective homes, Yuanfeng and others also returned to Liumen's home. As for Yuanli, he came in the morning to help his son, but he saw that these things had been cleaned up by the poison, so Yuanli was also a little relieved.

But it's true to say that you are a little relieved, and it's impossible to be completely relieved.

Although the matter this morning was resolved by poison less, what kind of person is poison less? He is the leader who manages such a large area, and it is impossible to save them next time.

Maybe... It's a coincidence that the poison helped them out this morning? Or did the poisonshao happen to pass by here by car??

At this moment, Yuanli also thought so, because he could not have dreamed that the head of the poisonous young master was his son Yuanfeng.

"Son! The villagers have gone back, but I can't go back to your father! What's the matter? Let's fight together!" At this time, Yuanli whispered to Yuanfeng.

Looking at his aging father, Yuanfeng's heart is also sour. If he doesn't have such an achievement today, if he doesn't have such strength today.

I'm afraid it's not only myself and my father who suffer today, but also the whole villager who may suffer.

Yuan Dongdong and the village director will not endanger the people for a day! This is the real idea in Yuanfeng's heart.

However, in general, it is wise to get rid of Yuan Dongdong. After all, Yuan Dongdong is just a threnger captain of the village director, not an official or a rich man. And it would be more troublesome to get rid of the village director.

Although the position of village director is not large, at least he is also a village official, so it is not appropriate to remove the village director from common sense.

However, this is only judged from the perspective of common sense. Of course, Yuanfeng knows this. However, although Yuanfeng knows this, there is also a way to get rid of the village director.

To put it simply, Yuanfeng said that if he killed the village director today, then the village director would never survive tomorrow!

After all, Yuanfeng has another protective charm, that is, the rank of Major General of the Third-level Medal. According to Yuanfeng's current status rights, it is absolutely permissible to be cut first and then play anywhere.

However, although Yuanfeng has the ability to kill the village director, Yuanfeng will not do this. After all, Yuanfeng is not the kind of bloodthirsty person. In a source wind, he feels that it is better to hand over the village director to the country for treatment. If he kills the village director now, although the country will not say anything, it is only solves itself. He was happy for a while and would not let the village director get the punishment he deserved.

Once the village director is handed over to the state for execution, it will definitely resonate with many villagers and all walks of life, which is the best way.

So what Yuanfeng is thinking now is Yuandong, kill! The village director was handed over to the state for disposal.

However, Yuanfeng still ignored a point when considering this matter. After all, Yuan Dongdong is his aunt's son. If he kills it like this, his aunt will definitely not be able to withstand the blow. Although his aunt has not given him any good face since he was a child, Yuanfeng knew that he cried bitterly after losing his loved ones, so I'm also hesitating whether to kill or not.

Looking at Yuanfeng's slightly frown, Yuanyuan next to him seemed to have guessed Yuanfeng's thoughts and whispered, "Feng, are you still worried about Yuan Dongdong?"

"What?" Listening to Yuanyuan's words, Yuanfeng finally laughed: "It seems that nothing can be hidden from Yuan's wife!"

"Hee, that's it!" Yuanyuan looked at no one around. Liu Yaner and Yuehong went to help Liumen and his wife cook, and Yuanli also went out to do some things, so there were only two people left in the house.

Yuanyuan laughed and said solemnly, "Husband is so stupid! Since you can't kill Yuan Dongdong, just keep him!"

"Retention?" Yuanfeng was stunned for a moment.

"Yes!" Yuanyuan smiled faintly: "Didn't you learn when you were in school: spare people and spare people? Since you can't kill Yuan Dongdong, then let him live. Before he survives, you can hand him over to the country together with the village director, and finally make the trial of the two people public. If what they have done is extremely heinous, then there will be no objection to being executed. If what they have done is not evil enough, then The state will give them the right to go to prison."

After a pause, Yuanyuan continued: "All these processes are open. If the degree of evil of the two people in the end is not large, then the state will not allow the death penalty. In this way, all sectors of society will certainly agree and will feel that our country is a benevolent country. After all, all these things are in the stage of openness. Even if someone wants to say that national protection is useless. Therefore, it is undoubtedly the best thing to make this matter public and let the people of the whole country know.

"Yes! Why didn't I think of it!" Yuanfeng patted his head and said, "If the two people's biggest evil disease must be executed, they are also in the public stage. In this way, it is impossible for even if Aunt Xiaofen wants to plead for mercy. If the nature of killing Yuandong is the same nature, if the country kills Yuandong, then the nature will change completely. No matter what the end is, there is no doubt that these two final results have increased the trust of the national public in the country! This is a good thing!!"

Thinking of this, the eyebrows on Yuanfeng's forehead finally unfolded and smiled at Yuanyuan next to him: "Thank you, Yuanyuan"

"Hee" looked at Yuanfeng and said thank you. Yuanyuan smiled and didn't say anything. In fact, she didn't worry about anything in her heart. She just hoped that Yuanfeng could live a plain life with them, but can they really live a plain life??


One day, a whole day, Yuanfeng and the four stayed at Liumen's home, and as for Yuanli, because there was only Zhang Guiying in the family, Yuanli was worried, so they took a car back under the persuasion of Liu Yaner'er's three daughters.

As for Yuanfeng, the reason why he and the three women stayed is to wait for Yuandong and others. Yuanfeng knows that Yuandongdong and others are the ones who absolutely have revenge, just like the villagers said. Therefore, Yuanfeng is now waiting for Yuandong's revenge. If Yuanfeng is expected to be good, Yuanyuan tonight Dongdong will make a move.

The night gradually dimmed, and the sun in the sky was not as hot as at noon. On the contrary, the cool majestic wind was blowing slowly on the earth in the evening of Deshui District, which made people feel very cool.

Time is approaching minute by minute. Yuanfeng and others should watch TV and eat as usual, just like Yuan Dongdong didn't come to revenge.

Looking at the three women, Liumen's wife is also very happy. There are many and countless men looking for a girl, but if a man can find three girls who are as beautiful as flowers, it is very rare.

However, this is strange. What makes Liumen's wife happy now is that among these three girls, Liu Yaner gets along with the remaining two like her own sisters, and Yuanyuan and Yuehong also often takes care of Liu Yaner, which makes Liumen's wife sigh in her heart that she can find three equally beautiful girls, and not It seems that Yuanfeng is the only one who can do it in the world.

After dinner, the family watched the comedy in front of the TV. Yuanyuan's three daughters, like the Liumen couple, were completely attracted by the plot when watching TV and forgot that Yuan Dongdong would find someone to revenge tonight.

And now, Yuanfeng is the only one who is considering Yuan Dongdong coming to revenge, but of course, Yuanfeng is not worried that Yuandong will bring people in, and he is not worried that Yuandong will avenge successfully.

Because Yuanfeng had already called Du Shao when he knew Yuan Dongdong's revenge. According to Yuan Feng's instructions, Du Shao took some people to ambush at the door of Liumen's house. Once Yuan Dongdong and others appeared, they would catch it immediately, but the premise was that Yuan Dongdong and others could not hurt a hair.