Wolin Opera

Chapter 375 The Appearance of a Beautiful Lotus

This exhibition is not only a very good job of security. And the biggest highlight this time is the arrangement of the exhibition and the mysterious exhibition items.

This exhibition is different from other exhibitions, that is, everyone is concentrated in a hall and displayed in front of everyone according to the order of the exhibits. Of course, every time the exhibition appears, it can not only hear the introduction of this collection, but also be photographed. Sell.

At this time, as the number of people increased little by little, the exhibition hall was also full of many people. Of course, the spacious exhibition hall can accommodate tens of thousands of people to watch here. Therefore, according to the current number of people, it is at most two-thirds of the seats in this exhibition, which can fully accommodate more tourists.

Yuanfeng and Dongying sat side by side on the left side in the middle according to the order of the tickets in their hands. Moha was also a little excited to see so many people around him appear. Although these people are not enough to fill this spacious exhibition hall, there are still a lot of people coming here.

Looking at so many people, Moha is also excited. He doesn't know what kind of peerless treasure he can see this time. For Moha, he is not only interested in this food, but also very interested in these rare treasures. Although Moha has little money to buy these exhibits...

Soon, with the increasing number of people in the exhibition hall, it was finally time to enter the venue. Yuanfeng and others know that Luke, the president of the Jixi consortium, has really set some rules for this exhibition. If there are no rules, I'm afraid that more people will come here to participate in the exhibition this time.

Finally, just when Yuanfeng and several people were thinking, the number of people finally sat down.

Looking at this full crowd, Yuezhi knows that I'm afraid those treasure thieves will also appear here!! However, although this is Yuezhi's feeling and idea, after all, Yuezhi has not found any suspicious people here, so he has not continued to think about this matter, but his vigilance can't be taken lightly.

At this time, a figure appeared in all the crowd in a corner of the whole exhibition hall. And this figure is the woman who came here to watch the exhibition, and also the foreign woman she met on the plane last month - He Zi.

At this moment, she took off the black gloves in her hand, and then took out a pair of women's glasses from her pocket and put them on her face.

However, from the moment the man put the women's glasses on her face, she gently pressed a small button hidden on the glasses, and then the camera was turned on.

At this time, Luke, the president of the Jixi consortium, could not be idle, but came to the single room at the end of the exhibition and looked at so many tourists below. Luke said to the man beside him, "Have you checked all of them?"

"Yes, president, all have been checked, and no suspicious people have been found." Listening to what Luke said, the man beside him quickly said, in fact, I don't know whether their inspection was too weak or the treasure thieves didn't come at all. They have been busy here all day until the beginning of the exhibition. They didn't find any doubts at all, which made them doubt whether these treasure thieves dared not come.

"Humph..." Looking at the answers of his subordinates, Luke sneered and said, "Don't underestimate them. There were many countries that wanted to seize them, but all of them came back to no success. It is said that one of these treasure thieves is a rare opponent. Of course..."

said that Luke lit the cigar in his mouth and said, "Of course, for what kind of combination, there are also think tanks, and the first thing we need to do to deal with these treasure thieves is to deal with the think tanks among them. You know, sometimes martial arts does not represent everything, so Do you understand that what can really represent everything is a smart brain and extraordinary wisdom?

Yes! I understand!" The man beside Luke nodded quickly and said yes.

In fact, for Luke, whether it is a team or a crime combination, there will definitely be people who give advice.

To put it simply, in this world, it is much easier for anyone to deal with a reckless man than to deal with a think tank...


Soon, 8 p.m. will come, and the preparations for the exhibition will be basically over. What all the tourists below have to wait for is the appearance of the first exhibition.

At this time, in everyone's waiting. The host finally appeared. The host is a foreign man, about 40 years old. Once he appeared, everyone calmed down.

At this time, he appeared on the rostrum of the exhibition in black and white clothes. Looking at the man's appearance, Yuanfeng knew that this man's skills were definitely not simple!!

"Hor everyone, welcome to participate in this collection exhibition. Next, before the first exhibition, I need to introduce the rules of this exhibition to you," said the man here, putting his mouth a little closer to the microphone before saying, "This time, there are ten treasures on display, from the appearance of the first collection to 10 o'clock in the evening. It's exactly two hours. As for the price of treasures, they will be displayed in order from low to high. Of course, at the same time, you can also buy your favorite collections, with a minimum auction price of 500,000 yuan.

At this time, after the man introduced the regulations of this exhibition, this is the official time for the exhibition.

"Good! The first collection we first appeared in is Anne's emerald necklace!" Then the man said to everyone below.

"Wow..." Listening to the first exhibition mentioned by the man, everyone suddenly exclaimed. Unexpectedly, this first collection was already very valuable!!

"Anne's emerald necklace, tut, this thing is worth a lot!!" At this time, Moha, sitting next to Yuanfeng, said with some emotion. To be honest, although Moha's status in his own country is not small, he is also a breeze and has no money at all. Therefore, even if this collection is auctioned at a price of 200,000 yuan, I'm afraid I really can't afford it!!

"Annie, the third royal family of overseas G, Princess Anne's neck necklace. At that time, this necklace cost finely carved for 500,000 yuan of materials. After the war, the necklace lingered among the people and subsided in the later war. The country found this necklace and didn't expect it to appear here..." At this time, Dongying whispered.

"Yes!!" Listening to Dongying's words, Moha also nodded and said, "Dongying is right. In fact, the original value of this necklace will not exceed the price of 1 million, but as for why it is now so much more than the original price, not only the identity of the owner of this necklace, but more importantly, it is the several battles of this necklace. It is chaotic and still intact, so the auction price of such an important necklace must be high!!"

2 million, 2.5 million, 2.53, OK! Deal!!" With the sound of the man's hammer, the business was also perfectly solved.

That is, a bearded and black-faced middle-aged man sitting below was photographed for 2.5 million yuan.

Seeing such a man's photo, Moha smiled faintly: "I guess this guy bought it for his concubine or his wife."

"How do you know?" The extremely puzzled question on the side.

Listening to Jike's words, Moha smiled and said, "Don't you see the young woman sitting next to him? Dressed as a demon, in addition to heavy makeup, this age looks like a mistress raised by a man. Do you really think that such an old man bought it for his yellow-faced woman? Haha..."

Moha here also laughed softly. To be honest, Moha has no money and can support one by himself if he has money.

Listening to the conversation between Moha and Jike, Yuanfeng shook his head helplessly with a flat smile. Continue to look at the auction collection below.

This exhibition, coupled with the by-time auction, also passed quickly. Originally, it started at 8 o'clock, but now it has been an hour and a half, that is to say, there are only about 30 minutes left before the last time of the auction. At this time, it is time to take out the last most precious collection. At this time, everyone's eyes are also tight. That string, let's see what kind of collection is worth the finale.

"Good!!" Seeing that the penultimate collection was also bought by others, he said to all the audience below: "The following is the final stage of this exhibition, that is to say, the last appearance will definitely surprise everyone, and this collection will definitely be the most important in this exhibition. Highlights!! Next, we invite this last treasure to appear!!"

As the man said this, a man slowly came out of the room behind the rostrum, holding a small yellow box in his hand, and beside him was guarding several young and strong men to ensure the safety of the collection.

Looking at the yellow box in the man's hand by so many bodyguards, all the people's curiosity suddenly spread out. None of them knows what's in this box.

Soon, when the box was put into the host's hand, the host nodded to everyone with a smile, and then gently opened the small yellow box.

With the opening of the box, a small object suddenly appeared in front of everyone.