Wolin Opera

Chapter 376 Auction of Pen Cap?!

As the small yellow box opened, a small object appeared in front of everyone!

"This is actually..." Looking at the small object in the box, Yuanfeng and several people were immediately shocked! They didn't expect that the things in the box were...

At the same time, while Yuanfeng and several people were shocked, the eyes of the woman sitting in the corner were also extremely wide, and she really didn't expect that this thing would appear here!!

That's a pen cap! A pen cap carved with exquisite patterns!! This completely makes everyone beyond their imagination!

Of course, the moment this pen cap appeared, all the audience sighed! This pen cap is completely useless for them, just like a waste!

May I ask who doesn't have a pen cap? There are a lot of this kind of things bought from stationery stores on the street! Moreover, the most unbearable thing for everyone is that there is a pen cap but no pen. What is this?

If it is a pen, you can also write, draw and draw, but there is only one pen cap. What can it do? You can't buy a pen cap home and hide it as a collection!! If others know this, they will laugh out!

At this time, the man standing on the rostrum looked at the audience below, shaking his head and sighing helplessly, but he still had to bid for the pen cap.

To be honest, the man on the rostrum was also surprised when he saw the pen cap! Although Luke remembered some of the sources of this pen cap before, it was easy to explain. At that time, the man thought Luke was joking, but who would have thought that it was really this pen cap!!

However, although everyone was surprised, the host was surprised. This explanation still needs to continue. After all, this is what Luke ordered. If there is any mistake in myself, I'm afraid I can't bear the charge.

"Ah!" At this time, the man cleared his throat and then calmed down. Then he told the origin of the pen cap: "Everyone may be surprised! How can it be a pen cap? In fact, I, as a host, are also very strange..."

With that, the man looked at the pen cap in the box in his hand and continued, "However, I can solemnly tell you that the origin of this pen cap is indeed not small! From the pattern on this pen cap, everyone can clearly see that it is definitely an ancient item! Its historical value is far more than the items auctioned before, so the starting price of this pen cap is one million"

"What?!! One million?!" Listening to the host's words, there was a sigh again, and Moha sitting in the crowd was not only shocked and shocked!

Although Yuanfeng and the five of them knew the value of this pen cap, when the leader assigned them a task, he specially sent a photo to each person. This photo is the pen they are looking for.

And just now, they were completely surprised to see the pen cap in the box! None of them could imagine that the pen cap would be exactly the same as in the photo. I also couldn't think that there was only a pen cap on display, and the pen paired with it was completely gone. What on earth is going on??

Similarly, this incident was enough to shock the woman in the last corner. Soon, she came out of the shock and muttered, "I didn't expect this pen hat to appear here!"

Seriously, the woman also didn't know that the last half would appear in this place. It seems that the last half of this must be taken back!!

Thinking of the woman here, she looked at the small yellow box in the front host's hand again and completely photographed all this with her glasses camera.

At this time, this last collection also began to be auctioned. However, this auction is very different from before.

Some of the exhibits auctioned before were bought by the people below, but now it's time to bid for this pen cap, but no one has bid.

With the passage of time, none of the people under the stage can still bid for this pen cap. After all, for them, the main purpose of buying the collection is to look good at home. After all, the price of these collections is not high. If they can put these exhibits at home, it is definitely a very face-saving thing.

However, this time, it is really difficult for this pen cap to wait for elegance. Moreover, what is the purpose of this pen cap? It has changed its previous style and become a starting price of one million.

With such a price and a pen cap, it is naturally impossible for anyone to take a picture.

Soon, five minutes passed quietly, and the audience below still did not move at all.

"President, you are still wise!!" At this moment, in the last private room, a man said to Luke that now he really understands what Luke thinks.

In fact, Luke's plan this time is also completely from people's psychological state. It can be said that Luke has already got it right. Not only can he keep the pen cap, but more importantly, he can let those treasure thieves know that the pen cap is here and has the ability to come and get it.

This is Luke's plan. From the beginning, Luke has planned this plan. Put this pen cap in the finale.

And when this pen cap appeared, everyone's original enthusiasm was instantly extinguished by cold water. Generally speaking, this pen cap is everywhere on this street, and you can buy a lot of pens for 100 yuan, so these pen caps are naturally not a problem.

And Luke also deliberately made a fake historical source for this pen cap. It can be said that this pen cap is indeed an ordinary pen cap, but the workmanship is much finer than the ordinary pen cap.

Let this pen cap finally appear, and then make up such a loophole lie. The audience below naturally knew that this thing was completely deceptive and they must not buy it.

And in this way, the pen cap has not been sold at all. And if the treasure thieves are here at this time, they will see that they must take the pen cap back, which coincides with the special environment here and the habit of overseas G people to go to bed early at night, which happens to give them an excellent opportunity to take away this nose hair, so that they can enter. Come to your own encirclement.

In fact, this pen cap and the matching pen are completely an ordinary pen, but the material of this pen is not ordinary material, and it is very difficult to destroy it. Moreover, this pen is not only of different materials, but also the particularity of it is that some organs and some secret documents are added to this pen.

And those treasure thieves, like Luke, need to get the secret documents in it. Of course, if you want to get the secret documents in this pen, you can't get them by destroying the pen. In order to get the secret information in this pen intact, you must combine the pen cap and the pen into one.

Only after the two are combined into one, can the pen cap hit the mechanism on the pen to find the secret information in it.

At present, Luke himself can be said to be precise that the pen is probably in the hands of these treasure thieves, and they are also very greedy. They will definitely come to this exhibition to see if there is anything valuable, so this is the last finale of the pen cap.

In this way, once the group of treasure thieves see this pen cap, they will definitely get it at all costs.

Of course, the idea of this group of treasure thieves getting the secret information in the pen is completely different from Luke's. Luke wanted to get the information in the pen. The first was the intention of the mysterious organization's suzerain to cooperate with himself to destroy the contents.

It's just that Luke is not a subordinate of the mysterious organization, so Luke also has his own ideas. He can do something through the secret information in the pen cap, but he never thought that the patriarch could not trust him at all and sent someone to pick it up in person. In this way, Luke can only help them get the rest of the package for the time being. The pen.

As for the pen they want to get, the purpose of getting the information inside is very clear. What they want is money, a lot of money.

As long as the secret information in the pen is useful to them, they will get it at all costs and eventually sell it. If the secret level of the information in it is high, the price they sell is also relatively high, at least 100 million yuan.

At this time, Luke, sitting in the private room, looked at no one outside to buy the pen hat, and his purpose had also been achieved.

So the remaining time is for those treasure thieves to take action in the evening. If Luke's own expectation is good, they will at least be between 12 a.m. and 2 a.m., which is also the time when everyone's consciousness is weak.

"Good! Since no one bought it, this last collection is still in the exhibition hall!" At this time, the man standing on the rostrum looked at the fact that no one wanted to buy the pen and hat below. In addition, it is already 10 p.m., which means that the current exhibition is over.

After taking the pen back, the host then took stock of these collections and money on the rostrum. After all the things were finally completed, he heard the host's voice saying that the exhibition was over.