Loveless: spoiled cold wife

Chapter 92 Ye Chen

Ye Chen before the age of 22 was basically the perfect interpretation of a playboy. He was not serious, unlearned, unruly, romantic, and his studies were even worse.

Until that year he met Isi.

Isi is a girl in the art design department of the same grade as him. She is beautiful and her studies are the first in the school, which is in sharp contrast to Ouyang's non-white door.

The first time I met Ye Chen was on the way to the dormitory after the evening class. Ye Chen and Rong Ruo were racing on campus. Ye Chen, who was far ahead, was carried away. When they turned the corner, they accidentally almost bumped into an oncoming girl. The harsh brake sounded with the girl's scream at the same time.

Ye Chen hurriedly got out of the car and saw a girl in a white dress lift another girl in a denim miniskirt from the ground.

Ye Chen sneered impatiently: "What's the matter? If you have nothing to do, get out of the way quickly." Rong Ruo immediately caught up with them.

A rich man like him has such a fierce attitude. Generally, little girls will scare away on their backs, but the situation is unexpected.

The girl in the dress opposite walked to him quickly and steadily. Under his stunned eyes, she took out his wallet from his coat pocket, turned out his ID card, looked at it coldly and said coldly, "Ye Chen, don't you know that you are not allowed to drive on campus? Are you crazy about racing on the main road of the teaching building with many students? Don't think that if you have money, you can do whatever you want. Your behavior is enough to expel the school. Apologize to Xiaojia immediately and promise that you will not drive at school in the future, otherwise..."

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes and said, "Otherwise, what?"

Icy raised her eyebrows and calmly put Ye Chen's ID card into her bag: "Otherwise, I can't guarantee that this won't happen to the school board, and I can't guarantee that you won't get a civil compensation lawsuit."

Ye Chen looked at the petite but bold girl in front of him and sneered, "Are you sure you can live to tomorrow?"

The girl took out her mobile phone as if nothing had happened: "Maybe I can't live, but your words have been recorded by me. If you don't do what I say, my fingers will shake and go to the Internet."

There was a smile on Ye Chen's lips, and he was about to decide on this girl.

The golden city caused the golden stone, and Ye Chen chased Yixi. Two years of love made Ye Chen completely sink. Just as he graduated, when he thought that he and she could finally enter the palace of marriage, Yixi suddenly said to him, "Ye Chen, let's break up."

Ye Chen begged her not to leave him like all the first love boys, but Yixi completely cut off all contact with him.

A month later, the decadent Ye Chen finally met Yixi at the gate of the campus. She intimately held a foreign man in her forties. When she saw Ye Chen, she was only slightly stunned, and then began to talk to the foreign man again. She drowned calmly in the arms of foreigners under his burning eyes and smiled from him. Walk by.

The moment she passed by, Ye Chen grabbed her arm and pleaded in a hoarse voice: "Ixi..."

Ice frowned slightly and said something to the foreigner beside her. Then the foreigner nodded and went straight to the roadside to wait for her.

Isi looked at Ye Chen coldly: "Ye Chen, let go!"

"Why? I can give you whatever you want!"

Isi shook her head with a smile: "You can't give it. Not to mention that you are just an ordinary family with a slightly richer family now. Even if you are richer, can you pay $300,000 a year for me to go abroad? Can you find the world's most famous art and design master as a mentor for me? You can't even get credits. Can you give me the future I want?

"Is that what you are doing?" Ye Chen means that I can afford what you want, and Yixi heard that he was complaining that she hated the poor and loved the rich, because Ye Chen never told her whose grandson he was and what kind of background he had.

Icy looked at Ye Chen pitily: "Ye Chen, I'm sorry, I choose the latter for love and career. The one over there is Mr.Right, an internationally famous art designer. I'm going abroad with him tomorrow."

That night, Ye Chen and Rong Ruo went to Meiye to vent and met He Qian. He said that all his resentment and anger were vented on He Qian. He hated women who loved money, and he hated women similar to Isi.

What is two years of love? What is it worth? Isn't he so worth remembering?

At 5 a.m., Ye Chen drove to the airport and called over and over again: Isi, please, don't go!

Ea's indifferent voice came from the other end of the phone: "Chen, let go."


She didn't even say goodbye, this ruthless woman! He will never let go, never!

The sharp brake sound was accompanied by a loud noise. Ye Chen's car rushed through the traffic lights and rushed to the large horizontal truck. The front of Ye Chen's car was crushed, and blood flowed from his forehead into his eyes. His mind flashed in the eyes of the girl who was pressed under Chenghuan last night. Desperation, tenacity and sadness, he passed through her. At the moment of her body, he clearly saw that her bright eyes were dim in an instant, and the light of silence flashed by, and that light also deeply pierced his heart...

The world is getting darker, the noise is fading away, and the darkness is overwhelming.

When Ye Chen woke up again, he found that he was like a conscious body, with clear consciousness but unable to move. His mother lay in front of his window and cried bitterly, but he could not even give a comforting look. At that moment, he really felt that life was worse than death.

In the days when he first became a vegetable, Ye Chen no longer expected someone to end this useless life for him all the time. He also repeatedly thought about this relationship with Esie. The two began with different purposes and could only go further and further in the end.

He also imagined that if Isi knew his identity and background from the beginning, the ending would be different. Unfortunately, there is no if in the world. Every time she thought of losing money and material heart, her heart was so painful that she couldn't breathe.

He occasionally thinks of the girl who sold ** for two million yuan. How is she now? Her behavior and speech are very educated, as if she had been influenced by a long aristocratic life without a trace of elegance. Why did she do that? Every time he wants to hit her silent eyes, his psychology is inexplicably painful.

He thought he would die like this, but one morning welcomed a new tenant. A girl and her mother, Ye Chen, learned from the conversation of others that the girl's mother had heart failure and needed to undergo surgery.

The girls are basically accompanying their mothers every day, and no other relatives have come, and Ye Chen unconsciously guesses their identities.

The girl tells her mother a lot of new things every day. Although Ye Chen can't turn his head to see them, he can always outline her dancing in his mind.

"Mom, I got the admission notice for the adult college entrance examination. I'm the first. The scholarship is enough for my teaching and accommodation."

"Mom, today, one black and one yellow fought, and one black bit off the scales of little yellow."

"Mommy, you can try the lean pork porridge made by Jiaming. It's delicious. I heard a lot of jokes from He Jiaming, although I don't know where it's funny, I'll tell you!"

The girl said to herself: "The relevant departments arrested a Miss Russia in the "heaven and earth". Interrogator: How many guests do you receive a day? Miss Russia hesitated: There are six or seven, right? The interrogator slapped the table and asked angrily: How many are there? Miss Russia sneered: What the hell? ...This is really not."

"One day, after watching a movie, a couple said, I'll ride home. So the woman sat on the horizontal bar of the car and went home. The next morning, when the woman went out, she suddenly found that the bicycle was a women's car..."

"Puff..." Mother's preserved egg porridge spewed out, and Ye Chen couldn't help laughing secretly. This girl is really... Haha, so cute!

Then I heard my mother's roar: "He Qian, call your brother for me!!!!"

It turns out that her name is He Qian!

Ye Chen is even more happy. It turns out that "home" Ming is He Qian's younger brother. He Qian should not be very old when he hears the voice. Her younger brother... Well, the future is terrible!

From then on, Ye Chen felt that the most anticipated thing every day was to hear familiar light footsteps, and the happiest thing was to hear her voice. He wanted to see what He Qian looked like, which was different from what he imagined. If possible, he hoped that he could help their mother and daughter.

The day of He Qian's mother's operation is approaching, and both of them are very nervous. To be more precise, He Qian is very nervous, but He Qian's mother has a kind of calmness to see through Hongchen. She said, "Qianqian, where did I get the money for the operation?"

He Qian paused and said hesitantly, "Zhao...Zhao Nuannuan gave it."

He Qian's mother looked awe-hearted: "Nuannuan has no news since she went abroad. Do you think I don't know?" Her voice was a little angry, "Say, is it unclean money?" How on earth did it come from?"

Ye Chen can finally be sure that this is for an orphan mother.

"'s true. I just got in touch."

He Qian's mother was so angry that she was short of breath and gasped: "Have you learned to lie, huh? I don't know how many deposits I have at home? Are you fooling around with someone!?"

He Qian said anxiously, "Mom, don't be excited. I absolutely didn't commit crimes. Mom, believe me!"

Why don't you dare to say anything illegal? Why!" He Qian's mother roared hysterically.

He Qian cried and begged, "Mom, don't be excited, I said, I said!"

He Qian's mother looked at He Qian sharply.

"This operation fee is taken from Fei Bai." After all, she can't tell her mother that she sold her body in exchange.


Ye Chen's shock, is it... the girl that day? A vague, beautiful, pure, silent and sad shadow came to my mind.

"You!" He Qian's mother said angrily, "You don't know that he is your enemy? How can you... I'm going to be discharged from the hospital! I want to leave the hospital immediately!"

"No... I don't want mom, please, this is what we deserve. There is still a surplus after the company's bankruptcy settlement. These are the remaining money that should have been given to us. I just asked for it back from Han Feibai... Ah! Mom! Doctor, doctor!!"

Ye Chen thought pitifully that it was so. No wonder she insisted on two million. No wonder she was so hateful but heartbroken when she mentioned "Han Feibai".

However, the girl was stronger than he thought. She encouraged her mother and encouraged herself until her mother died.

Those days were the most relaxed and touching days in Ye Chen's life. He couldn't survive without He Qian's "companiment". He had always wanted to see this girl again, but he didn't have a clear purpose, just wanted to.

A year later, he miraculously woke up, studied for a Harvard Master of Laws, Stanford MBI, accepted the Ye Group, and became the real Ye family leader.

Three years later, he met her again, and the innocent girl had grown up.

He suppressed the ecstasy in his heart for fear of scaring the cute girl in front of him. She has more mature charm than three years ago, more beautiful and touching. Her eyes are clear, and she smiles like two curved moons, as if the whole galaxy is reflected in her eyes, dazzling.

In order to save her partner, she threatened Jiang Yunshan's neck with a broken wine bottle. He clearly saw her fingertips tremble slightly, but her eyes were extremely firm. Ye Chen couldn't help laughing. After all, the little girl was a little reckless, but her courage was commendable, but on the surface, she watched the scene coldly. The little girl Unexpectedly, he didn't recognize him, which made him a little disappointed.

After the event, Ye Chen specially checked her files and was surprised to find that she was an employee of Ye's. Suddenly, a small cluster of flames in her heart, which had been silent for many years, and he landed on Hongbo under the strong opposition of the high-level officials.

The second time she met her in a business club, she actually thought he was gay. He really wanted to open her head to see what the structure was in it. Are all little girls so fantastic?

In the period of contact with her, he found himself more and more attracted to her. She was sometimes lively and sometimes quiet, moving like a rabbit as a virgin. The darkness in her heart was gradually dispelled by her. The name Yixi slowly faded away. This time, the feeling did not want to be so fierce and unstoppable as the first time, but like a trickle in his inadvertently. Having penetrated into the bone marrow, she gradually settled into his heart.

He never thought that he would stay with her in such a bloody way, coercion, intimidating and lure, and girlfriend contract. He was really calm and omnispering. He didn't know whether to admire or despise himself.

He never thought that Esie would come back. When Esie appeared in front of him, he was not ecstatic or even calm. The person he wanted to love when he died was standing in front of him now, and he looked at her faintly and said calmly like a friend of many years, "You're back."

thought that vigorousness was a lifetime, but when ** slowly dissipated, when the young impulse gradually precipitated with the years, when the feelings for He Qian intensified in self-repression and went deep into the bone marrow, they found that the past had been put down, as Ouyang Feibai said. To eliminate the traces left by a fire, you need to burn a stronger flame of love.

Compared with the calmness when he saw Icy, Ye Chen was more nervous about the tender, and He Qian asked him to take back the tender.

The entanglement between He Qian and Ouyang Feibai made him very angry and even almost crazy. He even deliberately walked very close to Yixi, which made her angry. Unfortunately, this girl did not give a slight reaction. He should admire her indifference or anger that she didn't care about him at all!

No one can predict what will happen in the future, just like he didn't expect that Icy would win him again, just like he didn't expect He Qian's deep feelings for Ouyang Feibai.

You once said that you didn't want me to know that you were so good to him,

You said you would understand that my loss can't be relieved by tolerance,

I thought I just showed up, and you and he were talking about separating,

I thought you no longer expected him and didn't allow him to hurt you again,

I thought my gentleness could give you the whole universe,

I thought I could fill the gap in your relationship with all my strength,

Contrive to your company and make up for all his mistakes,

Maybe it's too naive to think that a miracle will happen.

He Qian, let me tell you, you have no choice but to grow old with me.