Loveless: spoiled cold wife

Chapter 93 Unchangeable in this life

One by one, I will not change in my life!

Qianqian, do you remember?

Ouyang Feibai leaned against the pillow and quietly looked at the butterfly hair card in his hand, as if it was a rare treasure, and he couldn't see it enough.

The white room was full of the faint smell of disinfectant, and Ouyang Feibai was put under house arrest again. Just like five years ago, Ouyang Qingyuan put him under house arrest when he should have appeared.

Fortunately, Ouyang Qingyuan did not deliberately block the source of information. The news about the heroic rescue of the president of Ye Group was broadcast on TV. He Qian is safe!

But the trouble is not over yet.


He Qian woke up and was lying in the hospital with drops hanging on his hands, and the unknown instrument made regular ticks in the bed hair.

Is this... a hospital?

He Qian woke up completely, not white!!!

She sat up. It was dark in front of her, and little golden stars flashed above her head. He Qian pressed her chest and resisted the uncomfortable impulse to vomit just now.

Her hands and feet were a little weak, but she firmly pulled out the needle in her hand and walked out. Ouyang Feibai will definitely be fine. Yes, he will be fine.

When the door opened, He Qian stood stunned. What she saw was Zhang's cold and perfect face. The deep eyes shot straight into her eyes, giving her a kind of indifferable smallness.

Ye Chen wears a neat suit, cold and domineering, but not gentle.

Ye Chen looked at her hand. The eye of the needle was still bleeding. Very good. This woman is getting more and more powerful! Ye Chen's cold breath hovered above He Qian's head, and there was a growing trend.

"..." He Qian bit his lip and said nothing.

Ye Chen looked at her coldly and said in a low voice, "What are you going to do?"

He Qian is actually guilty. She has obviously got rid of her relationship with him. How can she feel that she is out of the wall? And he obviously has no obligation to take care of her, why do you still want to stay?

"Nothing." If he knew that she was going to inquire about Ouyang Feibai, he would definitely be angry. He Qian subconsciously avoided this topic.

Ye Chen stared at her for a while, took a few steps forward to enter the room and close the door. He acted in one breath, as if he was running here every day.

He Qian was forced back a few steps by him, and her mood was a little complicated. Should she drive this man out? He came and went freely as if this was his ward.

He Qian looked at Ye Chen's elegant walk to the bed next to him, leaned lazily and looked at He Qian's dull expression with all his heart. A faint smile flashed in his eyes: "Do you feel better?"

He Qian was stunned. His hand unconsciously covered his lower abdomen, and his lower abdomen did not hurt. Did he send her to the hospital that day? He Qian nodded sullenly. There was nothing uncomfortable in his body, and the baby was still there.

He Qian pointed to the bed under Ye Chen and said, "Is that... yours?" She refers to the bed.

Ye Chen looked at her with ridiculingly: "Is it yours?"

He Qianyu, the point is not here.

She turned around to go out, but was stopped by Ye Chen: "Where are you going?"

He Qian stopped and his fists were gradually clenched. Some things were finally going to be broken. The phantom was always short-lived. She looked at him quietly: "I want to find Ouyang Feibai."

Ye Chen's face suddenly sank: "Don't go!"

No matter how domineering Ye Chen is, he will never force He Qian, but this time he is extremely firm.

He Qian looked at him fixedly. What qualifications do you have to say this sentence, Ye Chen?

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ye, I was seriously injured for me. My life and death are uncertain. I can't pretend that I don't know anything and stay here to recover safely."

Ye Chen's eyes were as deep as a thousand-year-old well, and the wound that was only one centimeter away from his heart hurt again. It was hot, and even his heart ached.

Ye Chen said coldly, "So? Are you going to get back together with him? This woman even called Ouyang Feibai's name when she was in a coma. He has a strong sense of endurance, and now he is about to be polished by her.

He Qian looked at him without waves and returned to his old good? It seems that she is not the one who is back to the old. She is powerless and has no energy to defend.

He Qian's carelessness made Ye Chen even more angry. He walked rationally on the edge of collapse. He stood up and walked past her: "You can't go anywhere! Just take good care of yourself here!"

Ye Chen left angrily, and the door was smashed to the sky.

A soft voice came from outside the door, with a strong worry: "What's the matter, Chen?"

He Qian gritted his teeth angrily: "Why!!"

At this moment, He Qian's mobile phone rang. The moment she saw the number, she was shocked. Although the number had been deleted by her for five years, the string of Arabic numerals seemed to be engraved in her heart, and her chest was hurt by the heart. He Qian shook his fingertips and clicked the text message.

Ouyang Feibai: Xiaoyu, how are you?

He Qian looked at the string of signatures behind the message, "Love your favorite non-white", but he didn't even change the signature. She remembered how reluctant he was when she forced him to add it, and said coldly, "No, it's too harmful to the aura." She hung around his neck like a sloth: "If you don't hang up, I will write Ouyang Feibai Ai Fangyu in all the eye-catching places in your school!"

The familiar number, the familiar title, the familiar tone, as if everything went back to five years ago, and tears suddenly rushed to his eyes. He Qian replied, "I'm fine, how about you?"

He Qian stared at the mobile phone screen tightly, and the time passed so slowly.

Ouyang Feibai: Me too. Where are you? Can we meet?

He Qian replied quickly: All I know is that this is a hospital.

Ouyang Feibai was silent for a long time before replying: I'm sorry, I hurt you.

Thousands of words, thousands of words can only be converged into one sentence. I'm sorry, Qianqian, I hurt you.

He Qian burst the dike with tears: What's going on? I want to know the truth. Did you really treat me as a stepping stone and be nice to me just to bring down the Fang family?

Ouyang Feibai was silent again.

He Qian: Why don't you refute it! You refute it! Aren't you the most eloquent? Did you get the title of the world's first debater for nothing?

Ouyang Feibai: Qianqian, does the previous agreement still count?

He asked so carefully that he did not have the courage to dominate and kill, and he was like a beggar and a beggar in love.

He Qian: If I say it still counts, will you tell me the truth?

Another silence.

This time, He Qian is very patient and knows who else Ouyang Feibai best.

Ouyang Feibai: OK, I promise you.

Ouyang Feibai sat on the crowded street. The sun was a little dazzling. It felt good to be free, so he no longer wanted to go back to his nightmare-filled home.

He Qian held her mobile phone with some joy and turned over a few times in **. Ouyang Feibai was fine. It was really good, and the details she couldn't figure out at that time were finally going to come out.

When Ye Chen came back to bed at night, she did not show any unhity, and even chatted with him: "Mr. Ye, you seem to be very busy these two days."

Ye Chen said "um" coldly.

He Qian said with great interest, "I think we are actually quite suitable for good friends."

Ye Chen's voice was a little colder: "Friend? Is it only suitable for being friends?

He Qian doesn't want to destroy such a good atmosphere. The hatred with Ouyang Feibai is slowly being resolved. What other hatred can't be resolved? She said, "Actually, I always thought you were bisexual."

Ye Chen's eyebrows twitched, and his tone was so cold that the water vapor nearby were frozen into small ice residue: "Yes, I like you and I also like Ouyang Feibai."


He Qian didn't expect Ye Chen to tell jokes, but he told jokes with three grievances... This is also... too cold.

"Mr. Ye, can the baby belong to me?" He Qian finally mentioned this ** topic, which was also the only thing she couldn't let go of. She couldn't be afraid that her baby would be taken away by others all day long.

Ye Chen hummed two words from his nostrils: "Don't think about it!"

He Qian's heart sank, but quickly adjusted her mood. She had made up her mind to leave tomorrow. It happened that Ouyang Feibai wanted to meet her. After going out, she would never come back. In the future life, there would be no Ye Chen, no Yixi, and no one to replace anyone. She would live a good life. She would soon forget Ye Chen and forget Remember that he and Icy live a happy life.

In the last basement incident, the video went viral on the Internet and caused a great sensation. The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection came down to investigate it strictly. Ouyang Qingyuan is now overwhelmed, and the bad guys will eventually be punished!

The only unfulfilled wish is to help Qianyu Group rejuven. Qianyu Group has disappeared. Qianyu's old subordinates have been placed in good or even better positions by Ouyang Feibai. She hopes to fight a national criminal compensation lawsuit on behalf of her father in her lifetime to get justice for him, but if her father escapes Tax is a fact...

Thinking about He Qian falling asleep, it seemed that someone was holding her tightly in the haze. Her warm chest was against her back, and her hazy voice rippled in her ear: "Qian, has your trust been exhausted? Why can't you trust me completely once? I love you, Qianqian!"

The morning sunshine just printed on He Qian's face through the cracks in the curtains. She slowly woke up. The bunk next to her was empty. He Qian walked around the hospital several times to check the terrain. After breakfast, she still didn't see Ye Chen's shadow. She sighed that it was really a good time, place and at the same time, she couldn't help but feel a little Lost, even he didn't see him for the last time. Their fate is really shallow.

He Qian went to the toilet to DIY an exaggerated makeup, wearing sunglasses that can cover half of his face, holding a scarf on his head and holding a "doll" (made of curtains) in his hand. How can he really recognize who she is?

He Qian did this to avoid the bodyguard placed beside her. Although she had never seen it, she was sure that there was!

The preparation process was exciting, but my mood was complicated when I left. He Qian stood at the door of the hospital and looked back quietly. Ye Chen, I don't regret falling in love with you at all. I'm just a little sorry that I couldn't go to the end with you. I don't want to see you happy at all. I can't help but be jealous and hate. I don't want us. There are any bad memories between them, so I'm leaving before I tear the fig leaf.


I've been busy these days and can't update twice. I hope you can forgive me. Thank you for your support.