wu dao xian ying

Chapter 97 Arrival of the Golden Wolf Tribe

At this time, these people suddenly evacuated, and Su Wuyan did not chase him. At this time, Su Wuyan returned to the carriage. At this time, the old man also reacted. After all, the old man had just been shocked. At this time, it was good to be able to react. Seeing that Su Wuyan had walked in. The carriage, at this time, the old man didn't say much. He got into the carriage and continued to drive the carriage towards the Golden Wolf tribe.

At this time, the old man was afraid of another accident. It can be said that he had reached the fastest speed of the carriage. It had taken two hours, but now he has walked for half an hour, and there is still half an hour. It can be said that it is a matter in the blink of an eye, so there is no rest at this time. He sat quietly on the carriage and thought about things.

At this time, in the tents of the coyote tribe, there are now a lot of people in the tents of the heads of the coyote tribe. These people can know by looking at their clothes that these people are the stewembry of the coyote tribe. It can be said that all the people who can speak in the coyote tribe are now gathered here. At this time Everyone was chatting and didn't know the purpose of the coyote tribe chief to summon himself and others.

There are many people here who haven't seen each other for a long time. They have their own affairs. Some of them are not in the coyote tribe all year round, so it can be said that it is very difficult to meet each other, but now they are all gathered together. It can be said that something big is going to happen, otherwise the coyote department The patriarch will not summon these people who have been away all year round at all. It is safe to say that they will discuss the major events of the coyote tribe next.

At this time, the tent of the patriarch of the coyote tribe was opened. At this time, the patriarch of the coyote tribe stepped into the tent and followed by the patriarch of the coyote tribe all year round. The only second-order peak character was the wolf nature, but this was the coyote tribe inadvertently by chance. , to save the wolf nature that was seriously injured at that time. After careful recuperation in the coyote tribe, the wolf nature's injury slowly got better.

The injured wolf nature simply stayed in the coyote tribe. At that time, the age of the wolf nature was not young. He was in his fifties, and he lived for more than 20 years. At the beginning, the wolf nature could stay so happily because the wolf nature knew that he could not reach the third level. His talent was limited, and the peak of the second order was It is already the peak that I can achieve, which is indeed similar to the imagination of the wolf nature. In the past 20 years of the coyote tribe, although the wolf nature has been closed all year round, the strength of the wolf nature has not progressed at all.

However, fortunately, although the wolf nature has not broken through to the third level, the strength of the wolf nature is increasing little by little. After all, the accumulation of the wolf nature for 20 years is not a small number. With internal force alone, the general second-order peak people are not as strong as the wolf nature, with the second-order peak master of the wolf nature. In the past few years, the strength of the coyote tribe can be said to have advanced by leaps and bounds, and has destroyed two families in succession.

The five major tribes of Jinmu, water, fire and earth can be said to have destroyed two coyote tribes alone. It can be said that the coyote tribe is the largest today. At the beginning, the five major tribes of Jinmu, water, fire and earth were led by the golden wolf tribe. The coyote tribe can be said to be the bottom. After all, you can know it by looking at the ranking, but the soil of this generation The chief of the wolf tribe is a great talent, but in a short time, he has made the coyote tribe become the most powerful.

However, because the Golden Wolf Tribe has a second-level peak old patriarch, the chief of the Coyote tribe dares not act rashly. It can be said that he is at a disadvantage. However, later, the Cowolf Tribe also has a second-order peak master, wolf nature, and the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf Tribe for the Coyote Tribe The deterrent power is not as great as before. Coupled with the deliberate weakening of the patriarch of the coyote tribe, the old patriarch of the golden wolf tribe can no longer affect the coyote tribe.

At the beginning, the wolf nature also fought with the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe. Although there was no victory or defeat at the beginning, the wolf nature knew that his strength was a little weaker than the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe. If the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe worked hard at the beginning, the final result would be that the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe was seriously injured, but he had Life was in danger, so the wolf nature also accepted the ending of a draw. After that, he talked to the chief of the coyote tribe,

has formed a situation of poetry. To this day, it can be said that it is because of a battle between the two. At the beginning, the patriarch of the coyote tribe saw that although the strength of the old patriarch of the golden wolf tribe is higher, the old patriarch of the golden wolf tribe is older than that of the wolf nature, so the coyote tribe Long intends to drag it down, but now the coyote tribe is anxious, but everyone is not going to drag it down.

After all, the head of the coyote tribe originally planned to catch the only son of the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe and threatened everything to follow the plan, but later there was an accident. The matter was out of expectations. Now the action of the Golden Wolf tribe, although the patriarch of the coyote tribe knows it, the purpose is to find a People, but the heart of the chief of the coyote tribe is uneasy. After all, the chief of the coyote tribe knows that the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe has known that he is the murderer of his only son.

If the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe does not intend to revenge, not only the patriarch of the coyote tribe does not believe it, but also a three-year-old child will not believe it. After all, the human nature outside Serbia is relatively straightforward, usually with revenge and complaining, so the coyote tribe is always on guard, but very passive, just like the previous two days ago It's the same, so the patriarch of the coyote tribe has now called back all the stewards of the coyote tribe and broke through the master of the wolf nature.

In order to sink the boat and have a decisive battle with the Golden Wolf tribe. Now, after so many years, although the strength of the wolf nature has not improved qualitatively, it has also improved a lot. It is still a question whether the strength of the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe has progressed or not. After all, the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe is not young. Now After so many years, the body has been seriously aging, and there are still two things to say,

Now what makes the chief of the coyote tribe make up his mind is the second-order master of the coyote tribe. In addition to the second-order peak masters that the other party also has, the coyote tribe has a lot more than the golden wolf tribe. If it weren't for the golden wolf tribe and another tribal alliance, it wouldn't have been able to compete with the coyote tribe on the master, as long as this time Being able to attack the Golden Wolf tribe can succeed. The wolf nature drags down the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe. At that time, the Golden Wolf tribe can be said to be like a lamb slaughtered.

Quick battle, it can be said that the golden wolf tribe is the dust of history. It is precisely because of this idea that the coyote tribe intends to risk it at this time. This time, it will not fight the golden wolf tribe to solve it. It can be said that the coyote tribe is in danger.

However, the patriarch of the coyote tribe does not allow such a thing to happen at this time, so just in case, the coyote tribe intends to unite with the famous wind pirates nearby. After all, the wind pirates come to the coyote tribe several times a year to buy some daily needs. How can the patriarch of the coyote tribe not know that after so many years of contact, the coyote tribe and the wind thief have developed a friendly relationship.

At this time, the coyote tribe intends to divide the Golden Wolf tribe with the wind thief. The patriarch of the coyote tribe believes that the wind thief will not refuse. In addition, there is no free tribe as the coyote tribe. Other tribes can be said to be more strictly investigated, just like the golden wolf tribe. The wind thief is definitely not Being able to trade so many things in the Golden Wolf Tribe has long been found out,

For this reason, the wind thief can't give up the coyote tribe. If the coyote tribe does not exist, it can be said that it is a big loss for the wind thief. Therefore, the head of the coyote tribe will not agree with this condition. In addition, the golden wolf tribe has always been the head of the five major tribes. Yes, so many years of savings will certainly not be a small amount.