wu dao xian ying

Chapter 98 Conspiracy

At this time, I saw the patriarch of the coyote tribe come in. At this time, all the so-called stewids in the coyote tribes became quiet. After all, it is different from Kyushu outside the fortress. In the Kyushu mainland, the patriarch does not have the right to decide. Above the patriarch, there are also elders, but it is different outside the fortress. The power of the patriarch is above the elders, so nowadays, in the coyote tribe, the patriarch of the coyote tribe is the best,

In addition, the head of the coyote tribe is talented and ambitious. There can't be more powerful than the head of the coyote tribe. If you want to achieve a big thing, there can only be one voice in the coyote tribe, that is, the voice of the head of the coyote tribe, and the coyote tribe chief went to his position and sat down. He said, "You are all important people of the coyote tribe. You must also know some important things about the coyote tribe. The action sent to catch the son of the old patriarch of the golden wolf tribe not long ago can be said to have failed. It not only failed, but also let the grandchildren of the old patriarch of the golden wolf tribe return to the golden wolf tribe alive. Now it can be said that the old patriarch of the Jinlang tribe has known what happened."

As soon as the words of the head of the coyote tribe fell, the people below began to discuss, "Impossible, absolutely impossible. This matter is personally responsible for this matter. You should know that Buli has second-order strength. How can you miss it? Where is Buli? Let him come out. I want to do it myself. Ask?" The words of the head of the coyote tribe have just finished,

One of them immediately stood up and said excitedly that this person's relationship with the coyote tribe can be said to be the best. Now that he has heard the words of the head of the coyote tribe, although he has favored the words of the chief of the coyote tribe, he still can't believe it, because this person has the best relationship with Buili. , so I clearly know what the strength of Buli is. Although the strength of Buli is only the early stage of the second level, and he may not be able to advance to the middle stage of the second level in his life, this person knows that

By chance, Brelli had a dispute with a middle-level person. The two were very unhappy, and finally they even fought, but the unbelievable thing was that Breton was able to cheat with this person. Although Breton has always been at a disadvantage, this person is in the middle of the second-second period. Strength, in the end, neither of them can do anything about it. This matter is over, and this matter is still learned by chance.

Because what happened at that time was very secret, and not many people knew about it, so it was not well known to everyone. However, after this person knew it, he didn't believe it at first, but later he saw the strength of Bulie and believed it. Now when he heard that Buli did not succeed, he immediately wanted to Bulie came out to ask. After finishing his words, the other side of the person who was not incompatible with Bulie also jumped out and said, "That is, at the beginning, Bulie took the initiative to go. Now that the matter has not been successful, the necessary medicine is not listed to give an explanation. The necessary medicine Bulie explained the matter clearly and did it. Severe punishment,"

Several people immediately stood up for secondment at this time and saw that the crowd was furious as the target. At this time, the patriarch of the coyote tribe said with a wry smile: "If you come back alive, I also want to severely punish you, but unfortunately, Buli is now dead. It is unclear, but it is not clear who died in the hands. The only thing that is clear is that none of the people brought by Buli this time, coupled with all the deaths in Buli, have not come back."

"Impossible, how can it be possible? How can Bili die? You know that although Bili is only in the early stage of the second order, it can compete with the middle of the second order. How can you die? I don't believe it, I don't believe it," the person who wants to be good in Bulie is loud at this time. Shout, you should know that the death of Buli is to bring some changes to the coyote tribe. What was occupied by Buli in the past is to be re-detaminated at this time.

This person has always been better than Buili. Relying on the strength of Buili, he has occupied a lot of benefits in the coyote tribe. Now that Buli is dead, but the interests have to be redistributed, but this person knows that he must have nothing to do with himself. In the past, he will definitely jump out and fall into the well, so in When he heard that Buli did not complete the task, this person had some difficult guesses. Now he heard Buli die, but he shouted loudly,

But this person believes in his heart. If he is still alive, it is impossible not to complete the task. In the current scene, it is impossible not to appear. You should know that the strength of Buli is second-order, and there are not many in the coyote tribe. Nowadays, there are many mistakes that the coyote tribe, but the coyote tribe The patriarch will not be too punished, but now it is different. The whole family will definitely become the object of sacrifice of the chief of the coyote tribe. After all, the heart of the chief of the coyote tribe determines the direction of things.

At this time, he is the opponent of Buli. At this time, when he heard the words of the patriarch of the coyote tribe, he couldn't believe it. After all, in the eyes of everyone, although Buli is not the right way, it is undeniable that Buli's strength is not weak. Now that Buli is dead, one by one is silent now. After all, Buli is dead. At this time, it belongs to Buli's interests and will definitely be carved up by himself and others, so at this time, he is not in a hurry and will not fall into the well.

Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, there was still some silence. At this time, the head of the coyote tribe continued to say: "Now that things have not succeeded, it can be said that it has shocked the snakes, which has prepared the Golden Wolf tribe, and with the character of the old patriarch of the Golden Wolf tribe, he will certainly not swallow this breath. Now It looks calm, but it's just a prelude to the storm. What should you do?

The patriarch of the coyote tribe did not express his own opinions at the beginning, but asked at this time. After all, if he directly expressed his own opinions, he would be more domineering and could not tolerate others to speak. As a superior, the patriarch of the coyote tribe knew what to do and what not to do. Therefore, the coyote tribe now has to listen to the opinions of the audience.

And the coyote tribe also wants to know what everyone thinks. After all, there will inevitably be some incomprehension with the attention they come up with. If everyone discusses it together, this can be avoided. This is the difference between the head of the coyote tribe and others. The chief of the coyote tribe can listen to everyone's opinions. That's why the coyote tribe is becoming more and more prosperous. You know, it is very difficult for the patriarch of the coyote tribe to do this. The patriarchs of many tribes are stubborn that the tribe declines.

"Since it can't be avoided, it's better to take the opportunity to attack the golden wolf tribe and destroy the golden wolf tribe in one fell swoop." At this time, the wolf nature, which had been silent, suddenly said at this time. You know, the patriarch of the wolf tribe is not allowed to I don't pay attention to it. After all, the wolf nature is the only second-order peak master in the coyote tribe. The patriarch of the coyote tribe expects the wolf nature to compete with the old patriarch of the golden wolf tribe.

So now that I hear the words of the wolf nature, the patriarch of the coyote tribe said at this time: "I also mean that the golden wolf tribe is weaker than our coyote tribe, but it can't check much, so now I'm worried that if I can't take the golden wolf tribe for a while, then the damage of our coyote tribe It's a big loss. At that time, the other family will come to reinforce, but it will be more troublesome. Although our coyote tribe is stronger than any of the two families, it can't compare with the two tribes. If the Golden Wolf tribe hadn't suspected each other, it would not have been possible for our coyote tribe to grow."

The wolf nature heard the words of the head of the coyote tribe, but silently. After all, the analysis of the chief of the coyote tribe is reasonable. If the coyote tribe faces any of the two families alone, it will not have it, but if the two families fight at the same time, the strength of the coyote tribe is not good.