Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 1 1 against a thousand

After having a drink, Liu Jaozhi said, "I was deeply worried to see you look bad yesterday. Unexpectedly, I almost completely recovered today!"

"With the power of General Daojian, his body recovered faster than expected." Daojian is the word of Liu Laozhi.

"When I heard people mention you before, I talked about governing the army and the art of war. Unexpectedly, you are a tiger general. One person is against thousands of people, which is unprecedented! I really hope I was there at that time and could witness your power of Liu Deyu!" Liu Laozhi sighed.

"Where." I hurriedly said, "Liu Yu is just brave. In the battle of Feishui, General Daojian killed the enemy 15,000 with 5,000 soldiers, which scared Fu Jian to leave millions of troops and escape. This is the spirit of a man! With the bravery of the general, he is the so-called 'ten thousand enemies' of Xiang Yu.

This Liu Laozhi was the vanguard of the Jin army in the Battle of Yushui.

The Battle of Yushui took place in the eighth year of Taiyuan (AD 383) in November.

Fu Jian, the king of Qin, north of the Yangtze River, occupies two-thirds of China's territory. He was determined to compete with the State of Jin in the south. For Fu Jian, this will be the most important battle in his life: once he wins, he will completely unify China, and his achievements will be close to Qin Shihuang winning the government and Liu Bang, Emperor Gao of the Han Dynasty; his territory will be far greater than any dynasty in Chinese history.

At that time, the Great Jin Dynasty was worried about foreign troubles (the current Great Jin Kingdom is still the case), and the number of soldiers of the country was less than 100,000. Fu Jian led 600,000 infantry, 270,000 iron horses, and hundreds of thousands of criminals conscripted into the army, with a total of 980,000 troops.

The battle with nearly one million people is unprecedented in history.

Fu Jian's army set out from Chang'an and arrived at Heqi. As long as you cross the water, you can drive to the capital of Jin, Jiankang (Note 6).

In the face of the weak and small forces of the State of Jin, Fu is invincible. He pointed to the water of the river in public and said cheerfully, "Our soldiers are many, and the soldiers throw horse whips into the water, which is enough to cut off the river."

In the face of the unprecedented enemy, the king and minister of Jin were panicked. Situ Xie'an is the only one who is calm. He appeased the kings and ministers in the court, comforted the hearts of the people in the country, and was transferred in the army. I have nothing to do all day, taking my family, relatives and friends on hiking, watching the scenery and playing chess. When the enemy approached, he sent to the waterside to fight, but only the Beifu army led by his brother Xie Shi and nephew Xie Xuan had a total of 70,000 people.

Fight against millions with 70,000. As soon as this plan came out, the whole country was shocked. People think that Xie An is indeed the minister of the state, but he doesn't know anything about military affairs. In the face of the great enemy, he still travels to the mountains and rivers all day long and doesn't know the crisis. Now a few insignless generals have been sent to meet the enemy, and there are not many soldiers. Don't wait to see the final battle. I will wait for the subjects of Jin to be captured by the enemy.

Despite various doubts in China, 70,000 people of the Beifu Army were still stationed on the other side of the Qin army.

It was the vanguard led by Liu Laozhi who took the lead in the Jin army. Liu prison took the lead and waved his army straight up. In the end, he defeated tens of thousands of Qin soldiers with 5,000 people and killed 15,000 enemy soldiers. The thrill of this battle can be imagined.

The next day, the Qin and Jin armies lined up along the water and prepared for a decisive battle.

Xie Xuan sent messengers to ask the Qin army to withdraw from the river first and set aside a battlefield suitable for the decisive battle. Being able to fight a decisive battle on the open battlefield is obviously a must for Fu Jian, who has a strong cavalry. So he ordered the army to retreat and prepare to launch a raid when the Jin army was halfway.

However, as soon as the Qin army retreated, it could not stop the battle, and the Jin army took the opportunity to cross the river to cover up. The Qin army was quickly defeated. In addition to most of the soldiers who were slaughtered, even Marshal Fu Rong was killed in the chaotic army.

This battle only made the three armies of the Qin army angry and frightened. Fu Jian, who was defeated, only led more than 100 soldiers to flee in a hurry.

In fact, on the first day, Fu Jian realized that some things were different from what he thought. When he saw that tens of thousands of vanguard troops were defeated by 5,000 Jin troops, he was angry and asked the coach Fu Rong and others, "Has Aiqing ever said that the Jin soldiers were weak and vulnerable? Pegasus has repeatedly urged me to go to the front line to watch the battle. Now that I have come, what I see is the fierce tiger of the State of Jin. Where is the journey of weakness?

Liu Jaozhi is the leader of the 5,000 tigers in the Pioneer Camp.

When Liu Laozhi heard that I praised him with the old story of Yushui, he couldn't help laughing: "Haha! Let's not mention the old story for the time being. Today's virtue is the enemy of ten thousand people!"

"I dare not. The general is famous and obeys your orders, and the final general is quite beneficial. I sincerely hope to learn more from General Daojian and follow suit.

"Why did you say that? Although there are many people in Jin, there will be a shortage of talents. The scholars advocated clear talks and talked about the art of war, but they threw away their helmets and armor as soon as they went to the battlefield. Otherwise, the great land in the north of the Yangtze River will not be owned by Hu. Zhao Kuo, a clumsy general, can overthrow the powerful State of Zhao in a long war. At present, there is more than one Zhao Kuo in the State of Jin, but thousands.

"General, this theory is incisive."

"Deyu, today you call me 'General Liu', and I call you 'Liu Sanjun'. In the future, I hope to call you 'General Liu', and you and I will go to the battlefield to kill the enemy together. Liu Laozhi had a full drink, as he said.

"I dare not. I hope General Daojian will cultivate more.

"With the talent of virtue, it will be a matter of time before you rank as a general with military merit. At present, we will try our best to fight against Sun En, and we will be aggrieved in our army for a while. When I was about to speak, Liu Laozhi waved his hand to stop me and continued, "When Deyu had proposed to me that Wuji be the vanguard, I did not immediately accept it. The reason why I said at that time that I was worried that Wuji was not good at riding and shooting was just an excuse. In fact, I still have a better candidate in my mind.


"This person is the foot."


"That's right. For generals, command is indeed better than being a pioneer, but as a pioneer, he should still focus on bravery and good combat. Of course, it is best to have both wisdom and courage. At this time, it seems that the only one who can be both wise and brave and not expected by the public is Deyu. If you can govern an army, you will be no less than me in the future.

"The general praised it."

"No, no. Before Deyu came to my account, he had heard many praise from the soldiers in Jingkou. At that time, he just thought it was the polite words of your boss and subordinates, which was not the same thing. Come on, have another drink."

I had to have another drink.

Liu Laozhi continued: "However, in the days since you joined the army, many plans have been calculated in your temple, and you are indeed a wise general. There are also many counselors in our house, but you are not an ordinary wise general, and you are also a fierce general, which is more than I expected. I am also very happy that Deyu has such a great talent. You must be a good general."

After saying that, Liu Laozhi put down the wine cup and picked up the wine pot to serve for me. I quickly stood up, took the wine pot in Liu's hand and brewed it for him.

Although I have received many praises from Liulao today, I know that it is not a day's work to become a good general. There are hundreds of brave and resourceful people in the Beifu army? Since ancient times, good generals have five conditions: wisdom, faith, benevolence, courage and strictness. Wisdom and courage are only two of these "five talents". In addition, there are also conditions called "fivejins" such as "reason, preparation, fruit, precepts, and covenant".

In addition to the above five talents and fivejins, there are many necessary factors for generals. According to the talents of each general, generals are divided into benevolent generals, righteous generals, wise generals, ceremonial generals, letter generals, fierce generals, generals and so on. As a wise general or a fierce general, he is far from reaching the level of a good general.

After I finished drinking and sat back in my seat, Liu prison stared at me and said, "Therefore, in the future, you will definitely rule another army to share my labor."

"Sincerely, General Meng's help me. If I have the opportunity to lead the army, Liu Yu, will do my best to share the general's worries."

"Good! Deyu, you and I made this cup!"

(chapter note:

Note 1-Wu County: Wu for short, which is now Suzhou. Jingkou: the current Zhenjiang.

Note 2 - Military Cao Record Officer: Lower-level literary management in the army, in charge of copywriting, secretary and other work.

Note 3 - Tianshi Tao: that is, the early Taoism.

Note 4 - Scout: Ancient refers to scouts.

Note 5-Sima: The Sima here refers to the deputy general, second only to the general in the army. According to the military system of the Jin Dynasty, the main general of the army was a general, and the general had two deputy positions. Long history of civilian title, military title Sima.

Note 6-Jiankang: Nanjing now.
