Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 2 The birth of a slave 1

After two days of rest, not only did the army recover its combat effectiveness, but I also completely recovered my combat effectiveness. Although there are still several traumas on the body that are still healing, it's okay. I couldn't help it. I went to the county early in the morning and still assisted Liu prison to deal with daily affairs.

When routinely patrolling the city at night, they passed a military camp. From time to time, shouts came from a big room in the camp as a council hall. I opened the door and looked at it. There were two or thirty people sitting in the room. One of the crowd was talking loudly to the crowd:

"With only a 'bang' sound, a long gun suddenly stabbed out from the right side. Liu Sanjun shouted 'ho' and gently stroked the long knife in his hand, and the long gun flew out like an arrow from the string. The head of the gun was inserted into the head of a thief, and the tail of the gun ran through the chest of another thief. This is the so-called 'one shot and two thieves'. At this time, Liu joined the army like the birth of Thor. One knife on the left and one knife on the right, and the thief soldiers died when they met him.

The speaker made a gesture while speaking. When he turned around, I saw that man was Wuji. It turned out that he made up stories about my affairs here.

He Wuji said, "Do you know what Liu Sanjun thinks at this moment?"

Everyone shook their heads and remained silent.

With a "pop", He Wuji suddenly slapped the crowd and trembling: "Liu joined the army to kill the thief, while thinking of the battle of the giant deer of the overlord of Western Chu."

I was stunned when I heard this: How did he know that I was thinking of the overlord at that time?

"The overlord killed hundreds of thousands of enemies with thousands of people in those years. Liu joined the army and was more heroic than the overlord." He Wuji raised his hand and raised his index finger and said, "Since the overlord can defeat a hundred times, Liu's army can naturally defeat a thousand times. So, the long knife passed by, and the flesh and blood flew everywhere.

This knife splits a thief soldier into two pieces from top to bottom; this knife splits a thief soldier into four sections from left to right... What? How to split a person into four sections with one knife? Didn't you hear it just now? The vertical knife just now was split into two pieces, and another horizontal knife is naturally four pieces...

What? Liu's army doesn't have time to split people horizontally and vertically? That's why he said that he was born. The thief soldiers saw that the situation was not good. When they wanted to escape, they saw... Oh, Liu joined the army, are you also here?"

He Wuji glanced at me standing at the door and suddenly felt very embarrassed. All the eyes in the house turned to me.

I laughed and said, "I'll listen to the story, too."

"Is this man Liu joining the army?" Although I have been in Liu's army for some time, there are still many people who don't know me.

"Yes. He killed thousands of thieves outside the city with one person.

"Ah! It's really a brave look.

A bravery? In my opinion, what is generally called bravery is mostly fierce and ugly. Am I so ugly?

I ignored everyone's whispers and said to He Wuji, "The story you told is really wonderful, but who didn't hear it clearly?"

He Wuji scratched his head and said with a smile, "These people don't know how you defeated thousands of thieves outside the city that day. I described the story to them.

"Ah? So it's about me?" I pretended to be surprised and said, "How did the process become so wonderful? I thought you were talking about ancient legends.

He Wuji knew that I was joking him and smiled, "Haha. Why did you say this when you joined the army? They just like to listen to this."

A junior officer stood up and shouted at me, "Can Liu join the army tell me about that day? How on earth did you retreat from the enemy at that time?

The crowd began to make a lot of people around me.

I waved my hand and said, "There's nothing to say. I didn't retreat from the enemy, but the enemy didn't kill me.

"Whether you retreat from the enemy or not, you can still return to thousands of enemy soldiers. Who has sacrificed to join the army?"

When everyone heard this, they began to make a lot of coax again.

I know that there will be no end to explain it, so I have to refuse to say that I am leading troops to patrol the city, and I will talk about it later.

Although everyone heard that I meant to refuse, after all, it was also true that I was leading troops to patrol the city, so I was no longer reluctant.

As soon as I came out of the house and walked into the street, I bumped into a pedestrian who violated the curfew. Originally, he wanted to arrest him for disposal, but he argued that he was just a fugitive and walked on the street because he had nowhere to live in Wu County. I heard that his accent is like a Guazhou native, which is half my fellow countryman. After carefully questioning and confirming that it was not a detailed work, I asked a soldier from Beijing to take him to rest in a Taoist temple in the city that shelters vagrants.

After witnessing the man leave, I couldn't help but feel a trace of sadness: I also wore the ragged clothes I wore when I was a child. At that time, although Jingkou was the place where the Beifu soldiers were stationed, ordinary people's life was still poor. Most of the residents of Jingkou have moved from the north. Rich and powerful people can still set up an industry in the city, and ordinary people often don't even have a place to live.

When I was a child, the head of the Liu clan told us that our ancestors were the elder brother of Liu Bang, Emperor Gao of the Han Dynasty, who was once extremely rich.

At that time, my favorite story was the story of Liu Bang and Xiang Yu competing for hegemony. Although he was still young at that time, he did not favor his ancestor Liu Bang because he was a member of the Liu clan, and he was also full of respect for the overlord Xiang Yu. For me, who is taller than other children, I have much more overbearing pride than ordinary people.

Xiang Yan, the ancestor of the overlord Xiang Yu, was a general of the State of Chu, while the ancestor of Liu Bang, the king of Han, did not even know his name. Liu Bang himself is just a small pavilion chief. Liu Bang can neither be an enemy nor a ten thousand enemies. He can still walk around the world with a three-foot sword. Why can't I, Liu Jinu?

How powerful the Han Empire was! The country is vast and rich in products. Chang'an or Luoyang is a place where worshippers from all countries gather. Although the Later Han Dynasty declined, after decades of strife, it finally unified the world by this dynasty. However, after only a few decades, the capital Chang'an, Luoyang and even the emperor fell into the hands of Hu. The proud people were forced to flee their homeland and were driven to the south by the Hus.

I don't know how many times I have imagined that I am the generals in those works, leading thousands of troops and horses to kill the Hu Fu to throw away their helmets and armor, drive them out of Chang'an, Luoyang, drive them out of Chinese territory, and restore my prestige.

At that time, not only ordinary soldiers and generals looked at me with admiration, and maybe even the emperor would look at me, and said in his rather majestic tone in the golden hall: "General Liu Yu, with great achievements... Give Liu Yu... Give Liu Yu's mother, Mrs. Xiao..."

These scenes have been interpreted countless times in my mind, and each time they make me happy and proud.

The reason why I have such an unrealistic idea at such a young age comes from an unrealistic thing.

Once there was an epidemic in the village, and many people fell ill within a few days. So I was entrusted to invite the heavenly master to the village to divination to eliminate the disaster. When the heavenly master and I passed a barren mountain, the heavenly master suddenly stopped and pointed to a tomb in the distance and asked, "Whose tomb is that?" The future generations must be very good.

When I look around, the heavenly master seems to be referring to my father's tomb. I was very surprised and confirmed to him, "Sir, are you referring to the one on the far right?"

The heavenly master simply jumped off the donkey, crossed the ditch, and walked all the way to my father's tomb. He looked at it carefully and shook his head and said, "It's unusual! Unusual! Who is buried in this tomb?

I didn't answer his question, but urgently asked, "How unusual?"

He said mysteriously, "Ordinary tombs are either rich or noble. This tomb is not only rich and noble, but also unspeakable. Unspeakable! I didn't expect that there would be such a beautiful tomb in the countryside. I'm afraid this is not done by manpower.


"Hmm. This is God's will, God's will!"

"Sir is joking. The poor are buried in this wilderness. How can there be no unspeakable people buried here?

"How can you know a middle-class machine? The so-called way of heaven is given to people, and people cannot violate it. One is the wealth of people, one is caused by their own efforts, and the other is caused by fate. The destiny cannot be violated or resisted. If the people behind this tomb work hard, the future is immeasurable.

Tianshi has been talking to me as a teenager all the way, so we went our separate ways and didn't have much to say. Since he saw my father's tomb, he talked a lot and told me a lot about Tianshi Tao. I was confused and didn't know why. However, although he is not credible to know that his future is immeasurable, he is also quite proud.

There used to be noble blood in my body, but unfortunately, the richness of the old days has been like a cloud of smoke. With the change of dynasties and wars, many descendants of nobles have become grassy people. In my grandfather's generation, our family is the same as most immigrants who moved to Beijing from the north, and they only have poverty.

My birth has nothing to do with wealth and noble, but some of them are just suffering.

My mother Zhao died of dystocia when she gave birth to me. This was a double blow to my father: the pain of losing his wife and the fatigue of his adopted son hit him at the same time, which overwhelmed him. For a man from a poor family, it is inconceivable to raise a baby who needs milk alone. In the end, my helpless father abandoned me.

The word "abandonment" is easy to pronounce, but it is often done with unimaginable, incomprehensible and unbearable pain. I can't imagine the sadness and sadness in my father's heart when he made an abandoned decision and when he made an abandoned act. Because when I became sensible a few years later, my father was no longer there.

My mother's sister and my aunt Du changed my fate. She sympathized with our father and son's situation and took me back to her home to raise me. My aunt's son is a few months older than me and is also breastfeeding. My aunt nursed and raised me like her own son.

After my father continued the string, he took me home. My stepmother Xiao was very good to me. Even after having two half-brothers, my stepmother still treated me as her and loved me.

Although it is my misfortune to come from a humble background, in addition to having a biological mother, I also have an aunt and stepmother who treat me as my own child. One person and three mothers, this is my great luck!

My father gave me the baby name "the slave", which, according to my understanding, should mean "the person under the fence". However, my stepmother explained to me that this represented "a person with high expectations". Naturally, I hope to do something in the future as my stepmother explained. But as for what I can do, it has always puzzled me.

Since I was a child, my family and villagers often call me by my maiden name, so that people think that my name is "Liu Jinu", but my big name is "Liu Yu", but not many people know it.

Whether a person's status is promoted depends on how many people mention his or her name and how he or she mentions it. When people changed my name from "slave" to "Liu Yu", it confirmed my growth; when my name changed from "Liu Yu" to "Liu Deyu", it confirmed the change of my rank and official position. The process of changing from "Liu Jinu" to "Liu Yu" and then to "Liu Deyu" took many years.