Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 2 The birth of the slave 2

After my father's death, the situation at home was getting lower and lower. As a minor, I began to go out to do all kinds of work to support my family. Heavy and relatively well-paid activities such as opening mountains, dredging rivers, and building walls are not every day. Most of the days, I weave some straw shoes and straw mats to sell, which has gradually become my main business.

Dajin has an extremely strict hierarchical view, and people like me belong to the bottom of the country. People often use "mongers and pawns" to refer to lower-class civilians, but I can actually be regarded as half a peddler. Farmers still have half an mu of land to cultivate, pawns and fixed monthly feed, but we have nothing. The only thing is a few rooms that the previous generation has picked up.

The childhood in my memory was almost bullied. The stepmother is a weak woman who is struggling with her family. Even if she is bullied, she can only endure it. What can I do?

Desp, I always feel uneasy about the status quo. Deep in my heart, I have always been the glorious royal family of the Han Empire, and the blood of Liu Jiao, the king of Chuyuan, is flowing in my body. If I was born in the reign of the world, a commoner like me without a scholarhood will not be out at all; isn't it a good time to go out in troubled times?

However, this idea is just to make it difficult to fall asleep late at night. No matter how much I think about it, I can't change the fact that I have to go to the morning market early the next morning.

When I was young, I didn't always understand my stepmother's helplessness and passed many years ignorantly. At that time, relying on his courage and blood, he did a lot of things with his fellow friends.

People in the market often say that "good things are not done, bad things are done" is a portrayal of me when I was young. The teenager's mind is indeed unimaginable now. The so-called rooster and dog thief can often become a hero in the eyes of the teenager. All kinds of unbearable past events will blush when I think about them now.

As I get older, my preferences are constantly changing. But no matter how it changes, I love gambling, especially (Note 1).

At that time, I drank when I had money and drank water when I didn't have money, but whether I drank wine or water, I would always leave some money to gamble. Gambling is the only thing that my stepmother hasn't really blamed, because as long as I focus on gambling, I won't lead a group of teenagers out to make trouble. She will also be much more worry-free because of this.

For young me, gambling is of incomparable importance: on the one hand, it is cool; on the other hand, it is because it can attract and appease a group of brothers; in addition, I can really win some supplementary money through gambling.

However, after many years of immersion, I finally understood that there is a way to win money, and there is a way to lose money. The difference between the two lies not in money, but in righteousness.

If you can't win, then what you lose is money, and you will also lose. Because gamblers think you are an idiot;

If you win and don't lose, then what you win is money, and what you lose is people. Because gamblers will never be friends with you again;

If you can lose a few games at the right time when you win money, you can win both money and others. Because gamblers think that although they have lost money, they have won dignity. The dignity of gamblers has turned into respect for you. And this kind of respect doesn't cost you a penny, and it's exchanged for the money you win. Isn't this the highest level of gambling?

This last realm was realized after many years of practice. And it was just a beggar on the street that made me realize this.

One day, I went to a teahouse for a drink with a group of brothers. The so-called teahouse actually has not only tea, but also wine. Most of the visitors are the same as us. When you have money, you mostly drink this family's wine; when you have no money, you mostly drink this family's tea. When I can't even pay for the tea on credit, I have to drink a few bowls of water.

Fortunately, the shopkeeper is a bold person who has never recorded accounts; we are also righteous people, and if we have money, we must pay back the accounts. Over time, no one can remember whether we owe him or the wine he owes us.

That day, I went to the teahouse to pay back my old debts and invite my brothers to drink, because I happened to have some spare money on hand those days.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I walked near the teahouse, I was tripped over by a beggar sitting on the ground. The fall was extremely ugly, and some people couldn't help laughing in the distance.

I got up from the ground with a bellyful of fire, rushed up to grab the beggar's collar and prepared to teach him a lesson.

The beggar did not shy away and said with a smile, "Why don't you and I bet once?"

Huh? What?" My fist stopped and was stunned by his cold words.

"I heard that slaves are good at gambling. Why don't you gamble with me?"

Hearing this, I felt angry and funny. I looked back at the brothers who were ready to watch the fun, loosened his collar, and couldn't help laughing and asking, "A bet? If you beg, is there anything you can bet on?

"One sentence."


"One sentence." More people gathered around. When they heard this, they felt that the bustle was very interesting.

"Is your bet a sentence?"


Although I am angry, I am also a little interested at this time. I smiled and was about to speak when the beggar asked me, "What do you bet on?"

I laughed, took out the money I just won from my arms, shook it in front of everyone, and said, "You can see it. There is nothing else in this bag, only money.

Then I squatted down and shook the money bag at the beggar and said, "Do you hear me? There is not much money, but it is not small for you. If you win me, I'll give you half of the money."

He shook his head and looked at me with a smile.

I saw that he seemed dissatisfied. I looked back at the onlookers and smiled: "This beggar took a sentence as a bet, and I took half a bag of money as a bet. It seems that he is not satisfied.

The brothers who came with me laughed. The onlookers found it more interesting.

After everyone laughed enough, I said to the beggar, "Then what do you want?"

"If you lose, all the money will be used to invite you to drink."

We were stunned when we heard this sentence. This beggar seems crazy! Although I don't have much money in my purse, it's enough for such a beggar to beg for a month. He won the money and even spent all his money to invite everyone to drink.

Although I know that a mountain is higher than a mountain, I'm afraid there are few people who bet better than me in this Jingkou city. What's more, the opponent is just an ordinary beggar. If this beggar can bet more than me, does he still have to grab other beggars on the street every day?

Since this beggar made a big talk on the street, he wanted to bet with me. I had nothing to do, so I just played with him and made everyone laugh.

After a brother went to the teahouse to get a pup, he set up a scene for us. The spectators gathered in a circle and occupied more than half of the road.

The gambling ended soon after the beginning. However, the end of the game was fruitless, because we were tied.

The draw is just a lay's view. The insider has long seen that I am the loser among them.

The gambling is fruitless, but it is not fruitless. As a result, I paid half of the money to invite beggars and spectators to drink, and the beggars gave me a word. This sentence is:

"Win money and lose people, lose money and win; don't win or lose, win money and win."

After a group of people had fun in the teahouse that day, the beggar disappeared and could no longer be found out. I only remember that the beggar's last words to me were: "If gambling is like this, so is it."

Many days later, I noticed a detail: the beggar always spoke in a literary way. Where have you seen a beggar talking like that?