Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 22 Penglai Fairy Island

This island is so close to the mainland that it is suspected that it was originally part of the mainland.

There are not many other animals on the island except seabirds, but the plant species are extremely rich. The so-called fragrant grass is delicious and colorful, and that's all.

There is a man standing on the boulder facing the sea. He looked at the distant sky with his beard. Above the sea level, the clouds moved quickly and pressed towards the island, as if to crush the island.

The waves in the distance hit one by one. They bravely moved forward and jumped ashore, but they could not cross the soft sand. The fine sand pulled the skirt of the waves, and the waves struggled in vain. With only a little effort, the clothes were torn by the fine sand. However, it was not only their skirts, but also their bodies that were torn apart. The waves looked helplessly at the land close to the island and slowly integrated into the sand.

The waves behind are unwilling to be buried in the sea and under the sand, and seem to be full of energy to rush to the shore. They gathered together and shouted the horn together. The sound of the trumpet became louder and louder and more exciting, and finally formed a roar. The waves held hands and rushed to the shore violently and quickly. The first few rushed to the top of the boulder happily, and they wanted to drown the man standing on the boulder.

The man looked too depressed. Although his depression has nothing to do with the waves, his depression affects the fighting spirit of the waves. Flood, drown! However, what was finally submerged was just a pair of his shoes.

The man who was meditating raised his feet in shock and angrily crushed the waves on the boulders.

"Master!" Hearing that someone called him later, the man turned around.

The man stood under the stone and looked up and said, "Master, please go back. All the elders (Note 1) have arrived and are waiting for you to discuss.

The man stamped his feet, jumped off the huge stone, and left with the hand of the person who came. The waves seem to have lost the motivation to fight, and they have gradually become lazy, no longer rushing to the boulders or the beach. Everything was scattered and everything calmed down.

This is Yongdong, which is called Xiandao.

Yongdong is in the easternmost sea of the empire, which was called "Haizhongzhou" in ancient times. At that time, the First Emperor of Qin sent people to sea to visit Xianshan in order to visit immortals. Countless people died tragically because they got nothing. Finally, a Fangshi who called himself Xu Fu volunteered to meet Qin Shihuang. He said that the reason why Fangshi could not find Xianshan and pick Xiancao to refine the elixir of immortality was that Xianshan was difficult to find with the power of several people alone.

So at Xu Fu's request, Qin Shihuang selected thousands of spiritual boys and girls and went to sea with him to find the fairy island. Xu Fu led the boys and girls in a big boat to Yongdong Island and went to the fairy here. This island was called "Penglai Fairy Island" by later generations, echoing Penglai Island in the Bohai Sea in the north, and has become one of many fairy islands like abbots and Yingzhou.

After Xu Fu ascended to immortality, countless people came here to ask for immortality. This includes the man who just stood on the boulder. He is Sun En.

The death of his uncle Sun Tai touched Sun En a lot. He knew that it was not easy for his uncle to preach for more than ten years. Hundreds of years ago, this religion has suffered a lot since the three heavenly masters founded and spread the heavenly way.

When Zhang Daoling's predecessor was founded, there were not many followers, and the inheritance was limited to the countryside; when Zhang Heng's predecessor inherited Taoism, he was almost regarded as a heresy; during Zhang Lu's period, countless people suspected that he was related to the Taiping Road of the Yellow Turban Army. Cao Cao once used Zhang Jiao as a metaphor for Zhang Lu, and Sun Ce also used it as a metaphor for Zhang Lu, which shattered Zhang Lu's dream of saving the world from war and suffering, and could only live in a corner of Hanzhong.

After Sima won the world, the peaceful and prosperous era is suitable for the inheritance of Tianshi Dao. I never thought that Shamen Buddhism from the West invaded Chang'an and Luoyang at this time. Suddenly, there were only some famous old families who still believed in the heavenly master's way.

The founder of Shamen was originally a prince of a Western country, and then practiced his enlightenment and became an immortal. He was known as a Buddha. The teachings of this religion are similar to the heavenly teacher, but entering the religion is not as complicated as the heavenly teacher. Therefore, as long as you practice Buddhism, you can enter Buddhism, regardless of your talent and identity, or the Huayi race, which makes the northern Hu people also practice Buddhism one after another. Except for the Chinese, no one believes in Tianshi Dao.

Nevertheless, the southward movement of the dynasty has expanded the power of the old people in the south, and Tianshidao has also been given the opportunity to develop. Uncle Sun Tai took the opportunity to expand his influence, which made more and more people believe in Tianshi Dao. However, his uncle's ultimate defeat was that he still had a dream for Jin. Sun En is convinced of this.

Uncle wants to become the master of facts by influencing the political arena of Jin. He is too confident and too credulous for the purpose of people's faith. Even the purpose of his uncle's own channel was later impregnated by desire.

He was addicted to his achievements, and he believed that the ministers and nobles who respected him would be like emperors who respected them; he mistakenly thought that as long as he raised his arms, the ministers and nobles would abandon their emperor and gather under his wings. After all, what can't be abandoned by people who can even give up their wealth? After all, how can a human country be better than a perfect kingdom?

However, the religious power has not fought against the imperial power after all. Because the imperial power can legally own the army and land, but the right of religion does not. My uncle's defeat was that he believed that the doctrine could defeat the army, occupy the land, and lead to peace. The failure of his uncle was that he did not reflect on why his predecessor Zhang Lu could only defend Hanzhong but could not calm down the world, and why he finally did not defend Hanzhong and surrendered to Cao Cao.

For Zhang Lu's failure, Sun En believes that he was defeated at the right time:

Zhang Lu's Hanzhong was originally a military key point and the throat of Shuzhong and Guanzhong. However, because its terrain is easy to defend and not easy to attack, although it is a must-have place for soldiers, there is also a tendency to be a man who can't open up. However, it is precisely because of its superior geographical location that it is coveted by the warlords in the south, north and east. Zhang Lu was poor in coping with foreign invasions, which made the treasury empty, the troops plummeted, and the good generals were not attached.

Sun En thought that if Zhang Lu was good at using diplomatic skills to attack southern Shu with Hanzhong as his base camp, the victory or defeat would not be known.

Unfortunately, Zhang Lu missed a great opportunity. After Cao Cao quickly swept the Central Plains and defeated Lv Bu, Yuan Shao, Ma Chao and Han Sui, Zhang Lu had become Cao Cao's last resistance in the north. Zhang Lu, who is weak, can't even find an alliance. How can he resist the 100,000 elite soldiers transferred by Cao Cao from the southern expedition against Sun Quan and Liu Bei?

Zhang Lu became a prince with the position of a local powerhouse. Sun Tai is a person who is trusted by the emperor's relatives and important ministers of the imperial court. Why worry about his fame and reputation?

Sun's father Sun Tai also told him these truths when he was alive, but Sun Tai did not care about it. Finally, in the unknown, he left the religious people to ascend to immortals.

Sun En verified his analysis from his uncle's failure. He saw that the internal strength was not enough to touch the State of Jin, and at the same time, he saw the power of the people. The reason why the Yellow Turban Army failed to succeed at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty was not that they did it wrongly, but because of their poor strategy and even bad luck, but they encountered an era of heroes.

At present, there are no heroes in the State of Jin except Liu Laozhi and others? And Liu Laozhi is just a minion under Sima Yuanxian. They are afraid of being unable to guard against Huan Xuan in the West and Qin and Yan in the north. How can they care about it?

When Sun En fled to Yongdonghai Island, he found that it was not only a refuge, but also a center for accumulating strength. Because although the Huiji County where Yongdong is located is the fief of Sima Daozi and Sima Yuanxian, it is also the most dissatisfied with the people's policy of the court. The hearts of the southeast are available!

Is it the will of the master that made him return to Yongdong and Penglai?

Sun En is committed to avoiding the way his uncle Sun Tai fights spontaneously by teaching the people. This method proved to be unworkable by the Yellow Turban Army 200 years ago. He wants to build a real army.

Sun En is constantly searching for talents who understand war. However, to his disappointment, although there are many scholars and literati in the State of Jin who believe in Tianshi, there are very few officers and soldiers. Those who don't know the military, but those who know the military don't believe. Looking around, no one can get into his eyes. Although Sun En knew that he was not a good fighter, he had no choice but to come to the front line in every battle to boost morale.

Now Sun En is preparing to discuss the next action plan with the congregation after being defeated by Liu Jaozhi and Liu Yu.

When Sun En stepped into the hall, all the congregation stood up, put their hands together on their chests, and read, "Master Hong De is infinite."

"My Taoist friends, Hong De is boundless."

Sun En walked to the innermost part of the hall, first dusted his clothes, straightened his head, and then respectfully saluted the three plaques on the incense case. After that, he slowly turned around, glanced at everyone, and said, "This time the teacher is not good. It is the heavenly master to test us. We have a large number of new Taoists, and not all Taoist friends can understand morality; second, you have not participated in the French military.

"Although morality is on my side, we still need to fight against mortals. Fighting is a matter of mortals, not a matter of Taoist friends. In a critical autumn, we have to deal with mortal affairs in a mortal battle. The first division has a purpose and does not understand military tactics and military affairs, which will inevitably hinder us from doing great righteousness in the world. In addition to practicing teachings, please also practice the art of war. Now we will calm the world with military aircraft, and we will govern the world with morality and righteousness in the future. Please encourage each other!"

There is a solemn feeling in the hall. Lu Xun, Yao Sheng and others standing on both sides bowed their heads and said no. A long-bending man behind Lu Xun has been staring at Sun En. After Sun En finished speaking, he glanced sideways at Lu Xun, even if he followed Lu Xun and lowered his head.

Sun En saw that his words were a little heavy, which made morale a little depressed, especially a few generals who led the attack Shangyu and Sentanzhang. Sun En realized that this is the time to boost morale, not to hit everyone.

He turned his words and said, "Jianzhang City's siege is not favorable, which is not Yao Shuai's past, but God's will. Yao Shuai doesn't mind. The same is true of the Battle of Shangyu. I watched the sky last night and saw that Western stars have been dim recently, and a star in the East has become clear. This is a blessing for my Taoist friends. Everyone knows that victory or defeat is a common thing for soldiers.

"I think the reason why the Yellow Turban Uprising at the end of the Han Dynasty finally destroyed the whole army was that it was because it was too important to pay too much attention to losses. The teacher repeatedly warned me that everything should be moderate and not forced. When the heroes rise together, you can't compete with each other. It's better to wait for the opportunity. How can Liu Bang, the king of Han, defeat the overlord? It is nothing more than waiting for the opportunity to annihilate it again when the overlord is tired of dealing with the confrontation between the parties. Success may not be good; failure may not be abandoned. Please also encourage all Taoist friends."

After he finished saying this, the long man behind Lu Xun couldn't help nodding and smiling.

Seeing that the master was not harsh, the teachers became excited again. For a moment, the solemn atmosphere in the hall was lost and the noise was restored.

(chapter note:

Note 1 - Long live. Tianshidao calls the teachings of the people as the living beings.
