Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 23 Building City Sea Salt 1

Year of Long'an (AD 401), March. Sea salt is in urgent need.

Liu prison urgently ordered me to lead the army north to prevent sea salt.

From this point of view, Sun En seemed to have no hope of capturing Huiji through sentences and Shangyu, so he simply went north.

The wall of Haiyan was destroyed when Sun En fled from Wu County and the south of Shanghai last year. Although Haiyan has newly recruited one or two thousand soldiers, there is no city to defend and two unscrupulous generals. The county magistrate led the army. Sun En often transferred tens of thousands of people to invade coastal counties, and the situation of sea salt may be precarious.

Once this sea salt is lost, it opens the door to Wujun, Jingkou, and even the capital Jiankang to Sun En. Today's situation is the same.

Liu Laozhi lived in the heavy responsibility of guarding Huiji County. When it was unknown whether Sun En went north to attack the east and west, he could not leave without permission. Moreover, with my understanding of Liu Prison, he is bound to weigh his interests: if he loses Haiyan and Shanghai blaspense, it can only be called inability to prevent it; but if he loses Huiji in order to protect Haiyan, it is a defeat.

Xie Yan, Sun Wuzhi, Huan Nocai, Gao Yazhi and other famous generals in the north either died or fled, and they were defeated by Sun En. At present, Liu Jaoji and I are the only ones who have met with Sun En but have not lost. Under such circumstances, Liu Jaozhi has no one to send, so he can only send me to leave the sentence for a while, North Shanghai salt.

The Beifu Army has always dominated the world with the navy, but when Sun En was conquered, it did not bring a navy or a warship. Although it is the fastest to take the sea road from sentence to Haiyan, if you meet Sun En at sea, you will only die by yourself. As a last resort, I had to go by land. I left 500 people to assist the county magistrate to guard the stream city, and took another 500 people along the bay day and night to Haiyan.

When passing through Shangyu, Liu Laozhi specially came from Huiji and led the generals out of the city to meet our army and say goodbye.

The soldiers who accompanied Liu Laozhi out of the city showed admiration when they saw the prestige of our army. Even Liu Zhenzhi himself praised me: "Deyu, Sun Wu and I really didn't misread you. Although the number of soldiers under your command is small, the army is better than our veteran generals in the north.

I said quickly and modestly, "The general praised it. On weekdays, he often learned from General Sun and General Liu and benefited a lot. There are still many places to ask the generals for advice in the future.

Liu Jaozhi waved his hand and pulled me aside to talk to me about raising money.

"I have tried out the strategy of raising the money, which is very effective." Liu Laozhi straightened his beard blown by the sea breeze, and then said, "Over the years, I have deeply known that governing the army is more than a hundred times more difficult than marching and fighting. War is a moment of wisdom and courage, but governing the army is a long-term strategy.

"After Liu Bang defeated Xiang Yu, he discussed military achievements. The reason why Xiao He was first and Cao Shen was second was that Xiao He solved Liu Bang's urgent need to govern the army, and Cao Shen solved the urgent need to fight. A general without a meal is the same as a woman without rice. Although she is talented, she has nowhere to perform. The policy of virtue is indeed to solve the long-term difficulties of our army.

I was modest and said sincerely, "It's just that this strategy is a last resort. After calming down Sun En, this policy may not be suitable to continue.

Liu Laozhi nodded and said, "What will happen in the future? Let's talk about it then. It is a good strategy to solve the urgent need. Based on my understanding of the foot, it is not difficult to see that your previous journey is immeasurable. After Sun En calms down, I will definitely report to the Ming court and entrust you with a great responsibility.

"General Xie cultivated. It is fortunate for me, Liu Yu, to be able to work under the general's account. After saying that, he raised his cup to pay his respects to Liu Prison.

After having a simple meal outside Shangyu City, I said goodbye to Liu Jaozhi, He Wuji and the generals, and then took the soldiers to travel day and night. Sea salt is in danger, hoping that it can save the war overnight.

Sun En took the sea road, the speed was slow, but it took a straight line; we took the land road, the speed was fast, but the curve of the winding bank, which took a long time. By the time we arrived at Haiyan, some of Sun En's soldiers had already landed and were camping at the old site of Haiyan City.

The situation of Haiyan City is very different from that of Juzhang City. Although the sentence is small, it is fully prepared for war, and there is still a grain warehouse in the city. The sea salt city wall has completely collapsed, and the ruins stand at will and are crumbling. There is a wolf outside the city.

According to my speculation, Haiyan is far away from Sun En's nest and is easy to be taken away by the court, so Sun En simply destroyed it at that time; Juzhang is the gateway to Yongdong, and Sun En deliberately left a intact sentence as his own defense. Of course, Juzhang City couldn't attack for a long time, which annoyed Sun En and finally destroyed the ancient city.

The thieves who occupied the former site of Haiyan are very busy. Four or five miles away from the thief's camp, the officers and soldiers also set up a camp. The size of the camp is not large. Obviously, the army in that battalion is very small and is unable to attack Sun En's army at all.

When approaching the camps on both sides, I ordered the soldiers to line up in two rows to form a continuous team of nearly a mile. We fought all the flags, shook our spirits, and entered the Jin camp with our heads held high under the attention of the thief soldiers and officers and soldiers.

The leader of this battalion is Bao Sizhi, the son of Bao Bu, the magistrate of Haiyan County. He had long heard that Liu Laozhi sent troops to support Haiyan, but after seeing us, two things were unexpected. These two things are happy and sad. The worry is that the number of reinforcements I brought is so small that there are not even as many defenders of Haiyan; the happy thing is that the leading general is actually Liu Yu.

The fight I fought in Wujun has long spread all over the Beifu camp. In a sentence, the battle of Sun En with Liu prison was even more powerful. Bao Sizhi was naturally very happy to see me.

As soon as I entered the camp, he would write to ask my father to hand over the military power of Haiyan to me. I was busy stopping it. I said that I led my troops to Haiyan just to chase Sun En so far, and I won't stay for a long time. In addition, I can't take people's arms recklessly. Although Bao Sizhi's strong request, I can't accept it anyway. However, I promised them to attack and defend the sea salt.

Although Bao Sizhi is young and mostly brings newly recruited soldiers, the military appearance of this battalion he manages is very strict, and the entry of our army is also properly arranged. I can't help but admire this young player very much.

Knowing that I led my army to Haiyan, Bao Bu also brought soldiers stationed in the county and 200 new recruits to meet. After seeing the ceremony, we began to discuss strategies against the enemy.

Bao asked, "Sun En entered both water and land. How should I respond to the enemy?"

I replied, "Don't pay attention to the thieves at sea for the time being. Although there are many thieves on the shore, the camp is not strong. Our army travels day and night, and the new arrival in Haiyan is the right time to rest. Although the thief soldiers are on guard, they will definitely not think that our army will attack as soon as they arrive. My idea is to ask Lord Bao to send four or 500 people to camp for us..."

"That's nature. When your army first arrives, we will set everything up.

"Lord Bao, I don't really want you to send someone to camp, but to camp in disguise as the people I brought. When the thief army saw that our army was busy camping, they were exhausted. How could there be a physical raid at night?

"This is a wonderful plan!" Bao Sizhi said happily, "Liu Sima, please hand over all the flags of your army to me, and you and the soldiers have a good rest in our camp. I'm going to work hard with my father.

Bao Sizhi aggravated the words "work hard" in tone. Everyone is not surprised.

So Bao Hu accompanied me and several major officers to discuss in the accounts of the Chinese army. Bao Sizhi personally went in with Yu Qiu to take care of our army's entry into the camp to rest.