Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 31 Marrying a Bride 2

The Mohist family is based on the main idea of providing for the people and being close to the people, and has a difference in position from the Confucian idea of governing the people and using the people. Admittedly, almost all schools attach great importance to the people, but only Mohists are those who really take practical actions to promote the concept of the people first in the world.

Masters of other schools usually have only one identity in their lifetime, as is Confucius. Confucius has always been a scholar no matter when he is a high-ranking official or displaced. Mozi is not only a scholar, but also a craftsman, craftsman and doctor. Mozi pursues search, so that the Mohist school involves all kinds of knowledge from astronomy to geography.

The Mo family valued the word "the world" most. This "world" is not the world of the emperor, but the world of the "world and the people". It is our responsibility to take the safety of all sentient beings in the world.

Take the military as an example. Military is the art of attacking cities and lands, while the Mohist military has a reflection on people's livelihood. The highest level of war advocated by Sun Zi is "to subdue people without fighting"; the highest level of war advocated by Mozi is "non-attack". The means of the two are similar, but the purposes are different.

The premise of "not fighting" is "condescending people". If the other party is not surrendered, then they will use means such as plotting, attacking soldiers, attacking soldiers, attacking the city, etc., and finally achieve the purpose of "condescending people". The premise and consequences of "non-attack" are all based on the principle of avoiding war. Whether the purpose of "condescending people" is effective or not, it can still achieve "non-attack". The duel between Mozi and Lu Ban in the State of Chu is the embodiment of this thought.

Tracing back to the source, Mozi is a simple thinker, hoping that the power class can understand the suffering of the people and hope that the war will stop. Its main idea, in addition to the above-mentioned "non-attack", there is also "love". In fact, Kong, Lao and other families have already advocated this, but it seems that Mozi is the only academic master who really implements it.

"Love" can make people treat people and things with tolerance and a broad heart. According to Mozi's original words, "Those who love others will love it, and those who benefit others will also benefit them, and those who harm others will also harm them."

When people find that the implementation of "part-time love" can actually get greater benefits, the country and the people are more willing to "benefit others".

After the lady finished talking about Mozi, she recited Shiren's comments on Mozi:

"There is a right and wrong attack, and if it is not an attack, there is no theory of non-attack; love is unique, and love is more than this. If you save yourself, you will know the love and hate of others; if you save yourself, you will know your right and wrong. Those who benefit themselves are small; those who love themselves are also small. Why is it not beneficial to help others and give love to others? The temple is high, and the rivers and lakes are far away, and those who are worried can't be unaware of it.

"So it seems that Mozi is really an extraordinary person!" I admire that now I have a deeper understanding of this ancestor of the craftsman industry.

Madam laughed when she heard me say that. He said, "Then let me tell you a paragraph from his book. Let's see if you like it."

"Good." I promised and listened to her with a solemn expression.

She turned over the book, read it carefully for a while, then closed the book, put it on the table, and said, "'Fare first'. If you enter the country and there are no soldiers, the country will be destroyed. If you see the virtuous but not in a hurry, you will be relieved. There is no hurry, and there is no need to worry about the country. There is no one who can survive in his country.

She paused and then explained, "This relative is about how to use people. If you make contributions and make achievements, you will be defeated if you don't use people well. The importance of the country lies in the important scholars and virtuous people. If the king does not respect and use scholars and virtuous people, he will be defeated. Duke Huan of Qi, Duke Wen of Jin and King Goujian of Yue have all been exiled to other countries. However, they reused Guan Zhong and Bao Shuya, Zhao Kui, Huyan, Wei Wei, Fan Li and Wenzhong, and finally regained the country and dominated the Central Plains..."

Although I have turned over this book, I have no impression of these words. Now it's far better than reading by myself. That night, we talked about going to bed late.

As a subordinate officer, there are many affairs in the army. But no matter how tired and hard it is, I don't mind. The way my wife reads books and the warmth every night make me intoxicated. I haven't read much since I was a child, so I have a natural respect for those who read poetry and books. Whenever I am with those talkative people, I feel inferior.

I'm not bad at words, but words are also divided into three or six. The farmers selling vegetables and matchmakers in the market are good at talking, but they make scholars stay away. Even in the army, I have a natural barrier with those children. It's not because of my identity, but because I don't have a common topic with them.

The brothers around me can basically be said to be alcoholics, but in fact, so am I. With them, no matter how happy they are when drinking, eating meat and gambling, there will always be a sense of loss afterwards. I always feel as if my ancestors stood in the sky and looked down at me. They looked at me and kept silent. And it's that kind of silence that makes me sit on pins and needles.

Liu Bang, the former emperor, was so poor that he was just a pavilion chief when he was proud. Although I have countless generals and lieutenants above my head, I can still manage at least hundreds of people, including some children of the scholars, although they later became as drunk and meat as us.

Another predecessor Liu Bei, like my pre-military career, made a living by weaving. When he was proud, he only met two alcoholic brothers. However, they can take advantage of the troubled world or dominate one side. In this way, Liu's blood is permeated with unyielding power. This force is always ready to move in my body.

Of course, the original purpose of the army was only to solve the problem of food and clothing, and also to avoid fooling around all day long. He has a stepmother and two underage brothers, and his career is difficult. Although my military rank is low and I don't have a real salary, it is no longer a problem for the military to feed my family. When the second brother becomes an adult, he can even subsidize his younger brother to study. Raising a family is no longer a problem, but my life should not be content with the status quo or muddle-headed.

I understand that countless people have great ambitions, and countless people have higher talents than me. However, those people finally wiped out their ambitions in a plain life and finally fell silent in a helpless, boring and boring life. When you are old and weak, even memories can't get rid of the common things of parents.

After Mrs. Zang Ai married, she brought me not only a new life, but also ignited my ambition that was about to be destroyed.

In her story, the highness and brightness of the ancients, the strategies of ancient generals, and the wisdom of dealing with people, which could not be heard by listening to books and stories before, made me suddenly enlightened. In particular, she linked the experiences of Liu Bang, Liu Xiu and Liu Bei, who have the same blood relationship with me, into a complete story, which made me excited.

The ancestors stood out from poverty and hardship. Why can't I? I have the wisdom of ordinary people, I have the skill of bow and horse riding and shooting as ordinary people, and more importantly, I have the ambition of ordinary people.

After that, I often discussed the battle of the ancients with my wife. Because the third brother's Taoist rules are also obsessed with this after becoming an adult, the three of us often study together at home. I especially like those examples of winning more with less and winning more with excellence.

Wu Zixu and Sun Tzu broke through more than 70 cities of the State of Qi in several months, and the battle of Liu Xiu Kunyang with thousands of soldiers to break through tens of thousands of enemies, Guandu, Chibi, and even Huaiyu, which often lingered in front of their eyes and ears.

Thinking about these wars and the gentle and smiling explanation of my wife. I suddenly remembered a female general and woman in the Shang Dynasty. As a queen, the woman is not greedy for comfort, but she has repeatedly led the army to kill the enemy as a Yuan division and defeated a large area of territory for her husband. It was precisely because of the good achievements of women that the Shang Dynasty, which was about to collapse, was unified and formed a situation in which Emperor Shang unified the world and 800 princes gathered together.

My wife, speaking of military warfare, is no less than those generals in our army. If the wife can lead the army to fight, it must be comparable to the ancient woman.

Maybe his wife became the general of the leading army because of her great achievements. In no way, she became her general, lieutenant, and even her own soldier. Whenever I think about it, I usually find it ridiculous.

The era when women can join the army as generals is gone forever. Since the establishment of women's etiquette in the Han Dynasty, women can only be a female red and deal with small things at home. Major and important matters, especially military and political affairs, can never be interfered by women. Even the laws of the Han Dynasty and Jin Dynasty clearly prohibited women from joining the army and politics.

At that time, I listened to a lot of books and opened my horizons. However, I still like military, strategic and political aspects, and I am not interested in those meaningless articles of poetry and songs. At first, my wife also told me some poems, but when she saw that I was really not interested, she stopped talking about it.

Once when I was about to go out, my mother whispered me into her room. As soon as I entered the room, my mother smiled and said to me, "How are you two doing?"

"It's good." After I answered, my face turned a little red.

"You seem to go to bed late every day."

I blushed even more when I heard my mother ask this question. The person in front of me is not my biological mother. Although she treated me like a biological mother, even more than her, she was still a little embarrassed to talk about private affairs. I didn't support it for a long time before I said, "Love is telling me about the book she reads."

"Oh." The smile on her mother's face faded. She sighed and said, "It's all my fault and your father. There is no money left in the family, so your brother didn't study hard. Lian'er and Gui'er have been in school for several years, but you haven't read a book for a year. I, really..."

I interrupted my mother and said, "But my mother found a good daughter-in-law for me. Love teaches me something in the book every day. Isn't this equivalent to making up for the shortcomings of childhood? Love is also the wife you have worked hard to find for me. If you are ignorant when you are young, you may not be able to study seriously. I also want to learn and teach better than my husband now, isn't that better?

Mother's expression is a little more cheerful. He smiled and said, "Go to the camp quickly. Don't miss the drill."

I answered with a smile and rushed out of the house quickly.