Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 32 Attack on Lou County 1

A few days after I withdrew from Haiyan, I heard that Sun En had captured Shanghai. All 4,000 soldiers who defended Ludu were killed in the battle, and Yuan Shansong, the general of Wu, was also killed. This is the third eunuch who died in Sun En's rebellion after Wang Ningzhi and Xie Yan.

Although Ludu lost the battle, it can't do nothing to defend Haiyan because it can't break Ludu. With the assistance of Bao Bu, I recruited hundreds of recruits in several counties around Haiyan. Together with the remaining Zhang veterans, there are a total of 500 people. I decided to use these 500 people to attack Lou County on the edge of Ludu. This Lou County is the main road from Hudu to Wu County.

It's really not easy for 500 people to attack Lou County with nearly 2,000 defenders.

The time for the siege is set at night.

Since the siege of the city, I have been holding the moon knife and leading the soldiers. Behind me is another Kwain with a knife. After Kwain is the old soldier, and then the newcomer of Haiyan. Liu Rongzu led the bow battalion to assist under the city.

From the intermittent attack at night to the early morning of the next day, Kion and more than ten dead men finally took the lead in attacking the tower.

Just as I returned to bandage the wound on my leg, I was about to order the army to attack, but I saw that Kuai En in the city suddenly raised his body and raised his hand and scattered the long knife in his hand. If it hadn't been for the one next to him holding him, he would have almost fallen from the tower.

I was about to carry a knife to fight in person, when suddenly a man in the rear shouted, "Sima, stay, the young general first!"

He rushed out of the queue from behind me with two guns in his hand and went straight to the city. He inserted his two guns into the ground and jumped into the air. Before falling to the head of the city, he pulled out his right-hand gun from the ground and stabbed several shots at the head of the city. The two thieves fell down tragically. Other thieves were stunned for a moment when they saw that they would fly up in the sky and injured several people before they fell.

After the man went to the city, he shook his guns and protected Kuang and others behind him.

In addition to Kuan, are there such people in our army? I looked carefully for a long time before I recognized that the two-gun young general turned out to be Liu Rongzu.

Liu Rongzu is a sharpshooter, which I have known for a long time. But I have never understood his martial arts skills. Today, I suddenly saw him take action, which was far from my expectation.

I remember that when I was in Wu County, Liu Rongzu's father Liu Huaishen came to see me and mentioned that Liu Rongzu was particularly diligent in training. He said that his son believes that the only admirable general in the Jin Dynasty is not Xie Xuan or Liu Laozhi, but the ancestor of the "middle-stream attack". Liu Rongzu danced like Zu Tyi every day and vowed to be a good general.

At present, who doesn't want to be an ancestor? When I was young, I also learned the style of ancestors. At first, I learned Zudi's military style; when I led the troops to station sentences, I learned some Zudi's military style.

How similar is the situation when I went to the sentence and the situation when Zu Qi went to Yuzhou? It's just that I'm a general in a small town, and Zuqi is a good assassin and general of a generation.

A white-faced teenager like Liu Rongzu usually learns his indomitable spirit, but he did not expect that he would learn martial arts. Dozens of battles took place in Juzhang, Haiyan and other places, and Liu Rongzu and his bow battalion were not allowed to take action. If it hadn't been for Liu Rongzu's coming forward because of today's critical situation, I might never have known that he was a fierce general who was good at two guns.

As a leader, as his relative, he is really ashamed.

Liu Rongzu, who attacked the upper city, protected Ou En and made the enemy afraid to approach. But more and more enemies rushed to the tower. I was afraid that Liu Rongzu couldn't support it, so I quickly let Sun Jigao lead a team to keep up.

Sun Jigao led the team to run to the city, and suddenly there was a burst of stones in the city. Sun Ji's superiors were not wary and knocked over seven or eight people in an in an flash. Sun Jigao was busy retreating and avoiding the range. Soon, the group of people dispersed and ran east.

I was shocked: What does Sun Jigao mean? Is it to escape from the battle?

At this time, it was impossible to think about Sun Jigao's behavior. When he was helpless, he had to order Liu Zhong and Yu Qiujin to lead a team of people to the city. I took the last hundred people as a mobile force.

Liu Rongzu in the city was forced by many enemy soldiers and was forced to the edge of the city. And the soldiers who climbed rope with hooks and ropes were blocked by the thieves in the city, and neither up nor down. Liu Zhong and Yu Qiujin rushed to the city, and a group of people surrounded the seven or eight intact ropes to climb the city.

This situation lasted for a meal, and there seems to be no sign of improvement.

In the deadlock, suddenly there were cheers from the wall. I don't know who cut down the flag on the other side's tower. Then, a group of soldiers of our army came from the east of the city and quickly repulsed the thief soldiers entangled with Liu Rongzu. After the distance between the enemy and us, the power of Liu Rongzu's long gun suddenly increased greatly. Although Liu Rongzu's figure could not be seen clearly under the city, he saw his two guns shaking in the city from time to time.

While the thief soldiers retreated slightly, Liu Zhong and Yu Qiujin marched forward, and the soldiers went to the city one after another.

With the increasing number of soldiers on the top of the city, the military situation of the enemy and us has fundamentally changed.

After our soldiers opened the gate, the thief soldiers saw that the general situation had gone, so they had to open the west gate and disperse as birds and beasts.

I met Sun Jigao in the city head-on, and I didn't have time to ask what just happened.

After cleaning up Lou County, I summoned Sun Jigao to the county government and asked, "Ji Gao, why didn't you obey the military order when attacking the city?"

"Liu Sima, I forgive the crime of arbitraryness. When I led the troops to attack the city, I saw that the enemy soldiers were heavily guarded. The enemy's reinforcements seem to come from the west, while there are no reinforcements in the east. I judge that the defense in the east of the city is not strong, and it should be easier to attack than the main gate in the south of the city. Therefore, it was temporarily decided to turn to the east of the city. It's urgent and I don't have time to report it. Please forgive me!"

Liu Zhong happened to enter the county government to join forces. Hearing what Sun Jigao and I said, he interrupted, "There will be no order from the foreign emperor. Ji Gao is not guilty of responding to the enemy's response.

After knowing that Sun Ji was in response to the change, I didn't mean to blame him. Now listening to Liu Zhong's words, he pushed the boat and said, "It's okay. Read your military achievements today and forgive your sins.

At this time, Yu Qiujin also came to the county government and reported: "Liu Rongzu has sent troops to defend the city defense, and Kwa En and other wounded soldiers have settled into the county government."

I nodded and took a group of people to the back hall of the county government.

From the first night, the battle lasted all night. Although our army finally captured Lou County, it suffered heavy losses. There are 500 soldiers, only 300 left. Among these 300 people, wounded soldiers were also included.

Liu Rongzu and other people who took the lead in the city were injured in different weight, and even I injured a leg. The most regrettable thing is that Love put Kwain's left eye inserted by a blade that was cut and flew up in the battle.

I couldn't bear to see the brave and invincible black-faced man lying on the couch with bandages on his face.

Kai En tried to open his unimped right eye and said slowly, "Liu Sima. I don't matter. It's just a loss of sight. The military doctor said it would be good to keep it for a few days. I will recover from my injury and follow you on an expedition.