Wu Ling Tianxia

Chapter 016 Mysterious pool

Chapter 16 Mysterious Pool

"Bang!" A loud noise.

The thick snake tail of the mysterious ice dragonfly collided fiercely with Wang Yue's fist!

The appearance of the Xuanming ice anato was too sudden and too fast. Wang Yue did not have enough time to react at all. When the thick snake tail of the Xuanming ice anatose pulled over fiercely, Wang Yue only had time to gather the spiritual power in his body to his fist to form a small unformed cyclone, and then followed Xuan The tail of the dark ice aphidyx collided fiercely.

With a "bang", Wang Yue's whole body was like the stone of the catapult used by Chu Yunguo to attack the city. He was thrown out of hundreds of meters by a huge force, and then fell fiercely into the bushes not far from the pool, smashing the bushes to pieces.

"Hiss..." Xuanming's ice ances is also uncomfortable. It is as thick as the thick forehead and tail of a water tank. It is covered with hexagonal ice crystal lines. Ordinary swords can't even leave scratches at all. At this time, it has burst, revealing a bottomless blood hole of the size of a fist, and the blood is like a spring. Following the rotten meat rolled out, it keeps coming out...

If it hadn't been for the rush of time, Wang Yue could not show the strongest power of spinning and killing. I'm afraid that the whole tail of the mysterious ice aphid would have been stirred into meat sauce by drill-like spinning!

This is also the drawback of the spinning killing skill!

If you want to fully exert the power of the rotary killing method, you must have a certain preparation time to gather the spiritual power in the body and form a fast rotating cyclone, so as to achieve the same destructive power and attack power as a high-speed rotating drill.

Once the martial artist is suddenly interrupted when he is spinning and killing, it will even cause the spiritual power to reverse and reverse, causing great damage to his own meridians. The heavy person will even cause the spiritual power to explode and die!

It is also for this reason that only a few people are allowed to practice, such a mysterious martial art similar to the secret method, even in the Wang family, and the threshold for practice is extremely high. They must reach nine times of the quenching period to be allowed to practice. Once the practitioners show signs that they are not suitable for practice, they will be banned immediately. Stop practicing.

However, everything has its disadvantages. Once someone can break through to the extraordinary world by practicing and killing, he will directly have the strength to challenge the martial artists in the middle of the extraordinary world after stepping into the extraordinary world.

Wang Yue's father, Wang Ming, the last head of the Wang family, is the best proof.

Although Wang Ming only has the strength in the middle of the extraordinary world, but because of the high-level martial arts skill of spinning and killing, even if he is close to the perfect state in the later stage of the extraordinary world, he may not be his opponent, and the strongest martial artist in the whole town is just the middle of the extraordinary world.

This is also one of the reasons why the Wang family can dominate the four major families in Zhenyuan City for a long time!

Speaking of the intermediate spiral condensation in this part, we have to start with the ancestors of the Wang family. In fact, a hundred years ago, the ancestors of the Wang family were just ordinary medicine pickers in the southern countryside of Chuyun, and the most powerful person in the family was just six times in the quenching period.

Once when the ancestor of the Wang family was collecting medicine, he accidentally saved a warrior who was seriously injured and almost died, and carefully took care of him until he fully recovered.

In order to thank the ancestor of the Wang family for his life-saving grace, the martial artist secretly handed over the remnants and condensation to the Wang family ancestor, and told the Wang family to be careful when practicing, not to be greedy, and must not publicize after successful cultivation, so as to avoid being killed by the martial artist. The sect where he was learned that it caused the murder.

At that time, the ancestor of the Wang family was already in his fifties and could no longer practice rotary killing, but gave the spinning killing method to his three sons. One of the sons was extremely talented. In his thirties, he actually successfully practiced spinning killing and broke through to the extraordinary world in one fell swoop.

However, the ancestor of the Wang family remembered the advice of the unknown martial artist and did not immediately show his strength of spinning and killing martial arts skills and extraordinary realms. Instead, he waited for decades before choosing to leave his original place and came to the northernmost town of Chuyun for development.

Relying on the power of spinning and killing, the ancestors of the Wang family quickly gained a firm foothold in Zhenyuan City, and relying on their ancestral medicine collection skills, quickly accumulated a lot of wealth and gradually became one of the four major families in Zhenyuan City.

"Bang!" With a sound, Wang Yue fell into the bushes fiercely. Before Wang Yue could stabilize, the injured mysterious ice anarch seemed to be crazy. With a huge snake tail, it rushed to Wang Yue like an arrow, and couldn't wait to swallow Wang Yue in one bite.

This mysterious ice anthus is a hegemon with a radius of dozens of miles. Where do fierce beasts or warriors dare to provoke it? Not to mention hurting it.

However, today, a small warrior like an ant who is not even an extraordinary martial artist actually injured the mysterious ice anthea that has lived for more than ten years! How can this mysterious ice aphid not be crazy?

Wang Yue, who was knocked out by the mysterious ice dragonfly, has been staring at the mysterious ice dragonfly in mid-air. At this time, he saw the mysterious ice dragonfly rushing up again like crazy. How dare he fight with it? As soon as he landed, he quickly got up, resisted the sweet blood of his throat, and desperately used the wind shadow. Step, run to the depths of the valley.

"Young master, help me...ah..." A scream stopped abruptly as soon as it sounded.

Wang San, who originally held Wang Yue's thigh tightly, loosened Wang Yue's thigh when Wang Yue was thrown away and wanted to take the opportunity to sneak away, but he didn't expect to be hit by the furious mysterious ice aphid. Wang San, who had six-fold strength in the quenching period, was directly knocked into a pile of minced meat and splashed everywhere before he could make any reaction.

"Run!" Wang Yue only had this idea in his mind.

He desperately squeezed out the little spiritual power left in Dantian and ran wildly. Wang Yue ran away to the other side of the valley like an arrow from the string, and fled without looking back...

The road when Wang San came with Wang Yue was extremely narrow. At this time, it was impossible for Wang Yue to retreat quickly. Moreover, at this time, the Xuanming ice anth was blocking the direction of the intersection. Wang Yue wanted to escape along the road unless he killed the Xuanming ice anth.

But how can Wang Yue's strength be the opponent of the mysterious ice anth?

Therefore, Wang Yue could only choose the opposite direction and rushed to the depths of the valley, only to escape the pursuit of the mysterious ice hell.

At the same time, behind Wang Yue, the mysterious ice anus twisted its huge body and quickly caught up with it. A big tree with a thick waist in front of him, and the mysterious ice anus hit it directly regardless of it. Under the strong impact of the mysterious ice dragonfly, big trees fell to the ground one after another and folded into two sections, and the leaves and weeds splashed around, keeping a distance of about 100 meters from Wang Yue.

Fortunately, Wang Yue has just broken through the fivefold of the quenching period, condensed a spiritual cyclone, and the spiritual power has been greatly improved. Otherwise, I'm afraid he would have been caught up and torn to pieces by the mysterious ice ances.

Run, run as hard as you can.

Half an hour later, Wang Yue had run nearly a hundred miles away, and the mysterious ice anus still followed Wang Yue far away and did not want to give up at all.

"Daw! This mysterious ice antelope is really difficult to deal with! It's been hundreds of miles, and I'm still chasing after it so tightly. This is already the depths of the frost forest. I hope I don't encounter a more difficult and powerful spirit beast. Otherwise, my life will really be here..." Wang Yue ran and thought secretly.

At this moment, Wang Yue suddenly opened his eyes, and the trees suddenly became sparse, revealing a rooftop, which turned out to be a cliff.

The cliff is hundreds of meters high, and there is a deep pool under the cliff. The pool is hot, but it is a hot spring.

Wang Yue didn't think about it. He jumped and jumped down, but he didn't find that the mysterious ice ances chasing him suddenly stopped. His original bloodthirsty eyes were full of fear, as if he had thought of something terrible.

Then, Xuanming ice aphid suddenly turned its head and ran out as if it were fleeing in the direction it came, blinking and disappeared.

With a "bang", Wang Yue fell into the pool and splashed huge water.

"It's so warm... I didn't expect that there was such a hot spring hidden in the frost forest..." As soon as he fell into the water, Wang Yue couldn't help sighing secretly.

emerged from the water, and Wang Yue subconsciously swam quickly to the pool, trying to continue to escape in case he was caught up by the mysterious ice dragonfly. However, when Wang Yue looked back, he found that the mysterious ice anthyx did not continue to chase after him.

"Huh? Why didn't the mysterious ice anus catch up? It has been chasing me for so long, how can it give up so easily? Is there anything in this pool that makes the mysterious icefish afraid? Wang Yue thought and hurriedly looked around.

The place where the pool is located is surrounded by mountains. Except for a flat place with some water, grass and trees, the wall stands like a square box. There is no way out at all. Even if Wang Yue wants to escape, there is no way to escape!

"What should I do? Is there really any powerful existence in this pool that even the mysterious ice dragonfly is afraid of? Am I really going to die here?" Wang Yue immediately frowned and surged out of his heart.