Witch's handsome man's workshop

Chapter 33 How can a bird have no gorgeous feathers

Chapter 33 How can a bird have no gorgeous feathers

Wu Linger patted his hand discontentedly: "Don't keep screaming as a little girl. I'm also 20 years old. Aren't you a few years older than me?"

"Well, I'm just 26 years old, only a little younger than your brother Qin!" Shi Zhijun stood up with a smile, with his hands in his trousers pockets, but he bent down to Wu Linger and said, "How's it going? Do you want to call me big brother, too?"

I thought Wu Linger would agree, but Wu Linger turned her head and said, "No!"


"It's no problem for Brother Qin to scream, but if you call him Brother, it feels like he is cursing you! As a face control, I won't do such a thing!" Seeing Shi Zhijun's stunned expression, Wu Linger smiled very proudly: "Besides, isn't it good to be a friend? You have to be the eldest brother. The eldest brother is very tired! Haven't others been singing for a long time? I haven't been a big brother for many years!"

Seeing Wu Linger smiling so happily, Shi Zhijun also shook his head with a smile: "You guy, you are really heartless! All right! It's getting late, wash and go to bed! I don't know what's going on tomorrow!"

"Well, good night!" Wu Linger knew that Shi Zhijun had something to do when he came to Brown's house. Now that he was with him all day long, it was time to leave some time for him to do things.

Shi Zhijun smiled and turned to leave the room. Wu Linger also stretched back to the bedroom: "Brother Win, why is it so quiet today? I'm not used to it!!" Even when there is danger, Brother Win doesn't have any warning. Isn't it strange?

Brother Win was in the hands of Wu Linger and jumped to ** tiredly: "It's okay, just a little tired!!"

"Yes, you are a new year... Ah, no, you're going to advance!!" Wu Linger almost said that menopause was coming, but fortunately she stopped in time, otherwise she was afraid that Brother Win would leave again. He has a bad temper now, so it's better to provoke less.

I found that there was no one else in the room, and Ji Zai also walked out of the bag: "I said, when can we go back!" How can a handsome bird like me stay in a bag all day long without breathing fresh air or sunbathing? It's not good for the skin!" Speaking of this, Ji Zai took a look at his image in the mirror.

Wu Linger ignored Ji Zai's complaints. Anyway, he is either praising himself handsome or complaining about the bad impact of the surrounding environment on his appearance, or complaining at the same time as praising his handsomeness. It's better to pay less attention to such a guy.

"Alas! I don't know when I can grow beautiful feathers! Although I am also handsome now, how can I be a bird without gorgeous feathers? I..."

A pillow hit Ji Zai's body fiercely, and Wu Linger fell tiredly on **: "Shut up! I want to sleep!!"

"Women will get pimples if they don't take off their makeup!!" Ji Zai poked his head out from under the pillow to warn Wu Linger: "He is already ugly and can't take care of himself..."

"Bang!" Another pillow smashed over, but this time the force was much greater, which directly knocked Ji Zai unconscious.

After being entangled for a long time, when Wu Linger was struggling to get up and wash, the door was suddenly knocked. Wu Linger quickly jumped up and threw Jizi into the bag. As for Brother Win, he had already shrank to the bottom of the pillow to sleep and didn't pay attention to him at all: "Please come in!"

A very imposing middle-aged woman and four young maids appeared at the door of the room: "Miss Li, the young master said that you are not in good health today and were frightened again. You must not have the strength to wash, so send us to help you!"

"Ah?" Before Wu Linger understood what was going on, the maids helped her to a soft couch like a beauty bed: "Please lie down and leave the rest to us!"

Ah? What are you doing? I'm going to bed!"

"No, as the future female owner of the Brown family, all details must be taken care of! Please enjoy it at ease! We will definitely make you very relaxed and comfortable!!" The middle-aged woman loudly stopped Wu Linger who wanted to get up: "Please don't embarrass us!!"

Wu Linger struggled to get up, but was pressed tightly on the soft couch by four women: "Let go! I didn't promise to be anyone in the Brown family!! I can do whatever I like!! Let go!!"

"It's so rude! As the future female head of the Brown family, how can she be so capricious? Sure enough, I didn't have a good education before, so..."

"Casalin!" Daniel suddenly appeared at the door: "It's so rude!!"

"Young master!!" Because of Daniel's appearance, the maids let go, and Wu Linger also successfully jumped off the soft couch and didn't wait for Daniel to speak again. Wu Linger has picked up a pillow and hit Daniel: "Get out!!"

Although she usually has few roots, it doesn't mean that Wu Linger doesn't mind her background. Now even the servants of the Brown family dare to laugh at her like this. How can Wu Linger not be angry?

"Miss Li, it's so rude!! How can you..." Before Casalin finished her words, Wu Linger's other pillow had hit her face: "Shut up, too! How about I'm a fatherless wild child? How about I lack education? It's none of your business?" After saying that, Wu Linger directly turned around and picked up her handbag and bumped away Daniel, who was in the middle of the road: "I don't live in your Brown family! Thank you for your hospitality! There will be no future!!"

Daniel suddenly grabbed Wu Linger: "I have never laughed at your background! For God's sake..."

"So what?" Wu Linger shook Daniel's hand fiercely: "Enough of your bad jokes! For people like you, there is no one who values it except yourself, right? Disgusting!"

When she heard that the young master was scolded, Casalin couldn't help saying again: "Miss Li, you..."

"Shut up! Don't say that I'm not the head of the Brown family now. You don't have the right to control me. Even if I become the head of the Brown family, I'll only teach you a lesson! Don't be confused about your identity. A servant must have a servant's consciousness! Do you really think you are superior after staying at Brown's house for a few years? Wu Linger interrupted Casalin viciously: "You should be glad that I didn't hit ordinary women, otherwise you would have lie down for me!!"

Just as Wu Linger rushed to the door, she bumped into Shi Zhijun: "I heard that you are making trouble again?"

Seeing Shi Zhijun, Wu Linger's face is aggrieved. She may be very strong in front of others, but in front of familiar people, she will become weaker: "Some people call me an unbredged wild child. I can't stay here!"

"Fat!" A crisp slap made Wu Linger turn her head and happened to see Daniel slap on Casalyn's face: "Casalyn, the Brown family doesn't need you anymore. Pack up and let's go!"

"Young master, you are for such a woman..."

"Don't say it again! Get out!!" Daniel turned his head and looked at Wu Linger: "The servants are so rude, it's really my misdiscipling, Miss Wu, you..."

"Ling Er, what's going on?" Vivian also rushed over when she heard the servant's report. Behind her, James also hurriedly chased her: "What happened?"

After knowing what happened, Vivian looked at Casalin: "Casalin, thank you for taking care of the Brown family for so many years! Now, you can go back to rest! Go to the housekeeper, and he will deal with it!"

After watching Casalin leave depressed, Vivian took Wu Linger's hand: "Linger, I know you are not satisfied with Daniel's handling of the proposal, but please believe me, Daniel is absolutely not malicious. He just does whatever he thinks of. If you don't like..."

"No one will like this, right? If a man who has only known each other for less than a week and is not even familiar with you suddenly tells people all over the world that he wants to marry you, but only doesn't tell you, will you like it? Shouldn't two people respect each other when they fall in love? After saying that, Wu Linger took a look at James behind Vivian: "Because her lover has something to do, she will understand and accommodate her. This is the expression of love, right? It's not a family background, it's not a flower dress!"

Even James was a little embarrassed when Wu Linger said this: "That...I..."

"Anyway, Linger, don't leave like this! It's still so dangerous to stay at Brown's house. What if you go outside? Moreover, as you can see, I'm about to get engaged and need a friend's help. If Ling Er can do it, I will be much easier!" Vivian took Wu Linger's hand and begged: "Please!! Just think of me begging you!!"