Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 9: The Darkness of the Early Yuan Dynasty

Chapter 9: The Darkness of the Early Yuan Dynasty

"As of the time of reporting, there were four hundred and 62 bloody conflicts in the United States... Twenty-one large-scale conflicts at the level of 100,000 people... People broke through the isolation belt and had fierce clashes with military and police and even exchange of fire..."

"M Minneapolis... Salt Lake City... Montgomery... Phoenix... Mass suicides... Number of people..."

"The first speaker of the coalition government parliament, Thomas (former President of the United States) and the second speaker of the parliament, Ikaming Vikinov (former President of Russia) and the third speaker of Nonik (former president of the European Union) Gong Minqi (former President of the Qing Dynasty) issued a joint statement today. The statement said that Noah's Ark project is currently progressing very smoothly... At the same time, governments are working hard to build large underground shelters and will never give up any citizen..."

Pope Andrew of the Doomsday Truth held a purification ceremony (i.e. self-immolation) in Detroit's Auto Square early this morning, but after his death, Delph, the former mayor of Detroit, swore to join the sect and took over the papacy at the same time... President Thomas severely condemned this, declaring that it was against the American spirit. The betrayal..."


This is the second day when Zhang Shen came to this world.

The day before, Long Tao and others's actions were very smooth, and hundreds of dignitaries in the Capitol were taken down without resistance. The rehearsal is successful, and today is the time to be "real".

Long Tao and a group of strong people in the "spiritual" world naturally rushed to the "big fish". As for other scattered targets, they were assigned to small teams such as Zhang Shen's team.

This time, the target of Zhang Shen's four people is staying at Arlington National Cemetery.

Arlington National Cemetery is located on the west bank of the Potomac River, across the river from the Lincoln Memorial.

The cemetery has a solemn atmosphere and a quiet environment. Inside, white marble carved tombstones stand silently on the green lawn. In front of each tombstone, there is a national flag flying in the wind, connecting the yin and yang, making the cemetery particularly sacred and impoverishable.

Only American Medal winners, active-duty soldiers who died in the country, long-serving veterans, veterans who have held senior positions in the federal government and their orphans are eligible to be buried here. Therefore, it was almost every American's dream to sleep here.

With the influx of a large number of people*, the former clean Arlington National Cemetery has also become noisy, and a large number of people from all over the world come here every day to visit, visit and hold memorial services. At the end of the world, helpless people especially miss these martyrs who died to protect their country.

Instead of Zhang Shen's goal appearing at Arlington National Cemetery today, this area is assigned to four people. Any high-level dignitaries who enter the cemetery to worship are their target.

Arlington National Cemetery covers a wide area, but fortunately, the politicians who come to mourn the dead will not "run around", otherwise, Zhang Shen would have turned against each other long ago. After all, in terms of area alone, the whole * special zone is only five or six times its size.

Perhaps due to the influence of the overall atmosphere of Arlington National Cemetery, although there are many people, it will not make people feel unbearable.

just came up with this idea, and suddenly there was a noise in front of him.

At the same time, there was the smell of blood, mourning crying and suppressed screams.

The four of Zhang Shen ran over quickly and saw only one person lying on the lawn and stopped breathing. The red blood flowed out from under him, wetting the grass leaves and dyeing it with blood.

The green lawn spreads, and there are many white tombstones, and suddenly a little blood red dotted it, rendering a creepy beauty.

"It's the devil! It must be the devil!"

"They are coming! The radio is right. They have spread to the whole world.

"Is it not even safe?! Damn, where else can I hide!"

"Is the doomsday truth correct? These demons really come to destroy human beings..."

"The Doomsday Truth is right. Let's start the atonement ceremony after returning home today."

The people around them belong to different countries and regions, but the expressions on their faces are surprisingly similar and frightened, and from their whispers, it is obvious that the more frequent "devil" events recently have gradually biased their "faith" towards the "Doomsday Truth Religion".

"Ouyang (Apocalypse), do you see anything?" Zhang Shen and Bu Lichen and Li Jing coincidentally turned their questioning eyes to Ouyang Tianqi.

The latter has already restrained his mind and looked around without letting go of any changes.

For a long time, he shook his head and his voice sounded in Zhang Shen's ears: "There is no abnormal energy fluctuation, and the so-called devil has no trace to follow." Although the tone was as usual, the three of them heard a trace of depression.

There is no doubt that this so-called "devil" is the evil spirit catalyzed by the black gas column of heavenly ink. The source is the traitor who came to this world and suddenly left.

Ouyang Tianqi, as the first person to discover all this, found that there was nothing he could do with these inexplicable "devils", and even his trace could not be traced. Naturally, he was unhappy.

"Do you think there is an intrinsic connection between these demon killings?" Bu Lichen changed the topic, "Or, are there some unknown common points between these dead, such as the end of life, bad luck, problems with the body itself, etc."

This is indeed a problem... Zhang Shen narrowed his eyes and began to think about the possibility of what Bu Lichen said.

"No, there is no connection between them!" Li Jing's resolute words were surprising.

"I made a simple form last night to compare the relatively real information that can be found on the Internet. Although it is rough, it can be seen that there is nothing in common between the victims. It is purely random.

Li Jing talked and noticed that several eyes fell on him, and the surprise, admiration and praise contained in it, especially Zhang Shen's undisguised gentle eyes, which suddenly stained her face with a faint blush and dazzling.

In addition to insisting on practice, Li Jing is also seizing every opportunity to make himself stronger and work hard silently.

Ouyang Tianqi cast a kind and affirmative look. Bu Lichen winked at her. Zhang Shen smiled and stretched out his thumb: "Ajing, well done! However, I remember that you still have a few companions. Don't force yourself too much. It's too hard.

"Huh, they know~~" Li Jing pouted and felt that his cheeks were a little hot.


The "Devil" incident did not affect the normal action of Zhang Shen's target. When the four people reached nearby, seven target figures from several small countries were still in place. They have finished their thoughts and are discussing something.

Around, in addition to more than 20 tall bodyguards with suit sunglasses, there are two teams of ten security guards. It is said that it is a security guard. In fact, looking at their equipment, except for that skin, it is no different from the American soldiers.

Ten security guards dispersed and patrolled, separating an area to ensure that no one came in, while the 20 bodyguards were in a circle, about five meters away from the target, each with pistols openly, and the safety bolts were open.

Zhang Shen put a bouquet of flowers in front of a tombstone. The four seemed to be holding their fists in front of their chests, closing their eyes and bowing their heads to mourn the deceased silently. In fact, they are examining the defense forces around the target character and thinking about how to complete the task quietly.

If you change the location, such as in a relatively closed building, the four people of Zhang Shen can hide directly, then dive to the target, activate the props with the functions of "subjugation" and "duization" to complete the completion of the work.

However, this is Arlington National Cemetery. There are many tourists around it. No matter how secret it is, there is still a risk of exposure, and this risk is Zhang Shen. No, it is something that all guards should try to avoid.

"How about flying over the heads of those bodyguards and creating an illusion boundary and taking this opportunity to moderate them?" Bu Lichen thought for a moment and gave a suggestion that made all three of them nod one after another.

"Wait." Just as he was about to take action, Ouyang Tianqi stopped it.

"Ouyang, what's wrong?" Li Jing just added a charm that could make him have limited floating ability, and his face showed doubt.

"Pay attention to the man in silver-gray clothes diagonally above our left hand side. Pay attention and don't look too clearly so as not to alert him."

The three of them used their abilities to "turn around" to bring the nearby area into view.

It was a black man, wearing a knee-length silver-gray coat, standing in front of a tombstone. At first glance, he was silently praying for the lost soul.

However, Zhang Shen "seeed" that under his coat, there was a gun and a metal object with a chocolate-sized silver shell, suspected to be a bomb.

At the same time, although he seems to be standing and praying, he is actually observing the direction of the target through a small special lens sandwiched between his fingers.

With the cannon fodder throwing stones and asking for directions, Zhang Shen was not in a hurry to act. After silently remembering, he slowly walked around the neighborhood like a normal tourist.

Thirty-two minutes later, the negotiations between the seven target characters ended and began to return.

The bodyguards around them moved one after another, lined up in a formation like an ancient cavalry charge formation to protect them in the center, and glanced around cautiously while moving forward.

Ten security guards also moved, but they were in the rear of China. At the same time, they breathed a sigh of relief and secretly said that these guys who were full of food finally got out of the area they were responsible for.

The man in a silver-gray coat moved. He perfectly disguised himself as a passer-by who was lost in thought and did not look ahead and walked forward.

"Sir, please stop!" Only two or three meters away from themselves, when they were about to bump into each other, the two bodyguards stepped forward and stretched out their hands to make a forbidden action, "For the time being..."

The man moved!

He perfectly interpreted the word "quiet as a virgin moves like a rabbit". His body suddenly moved through the cracks of the two bodyguards. At the same time, his hands shook, and the gun and silver objects suspected of being bombs slipped into the palm of his hand.

tu tu tu!!!

A firelight roared out with a dull roar, and suddenly several bodyguards fell to the ground.

The tourists around screamed, either lying on the ground or running away.

Both bodyguards and security guards are elite soldiers and begin to fight back.

The reality is not a movie. There is no cover. After knocking down nearly half of the bodyguard, the attacker was hit by several bullets, and blood-colored flowers appeared on his body. His legs were as difficult to move forward as if they were filled with lead, and his consciousness began to blur.

At this time, he was less than 15 meters away from the frightened target, and he could clearly see the faces distorted by panic. He recalled the vigorous or serious expression he saw on the electronic screen. At the same time, he became more and more determined about the correctness of his behavior.

He knew that he was about to die, but at this moment, he only felt calm from the inside out.

"In the darkness of the early Yuan Dynasty, the believers are with you." He recited a prayer in his heart, and he let out the last roar of his life.

"Sinners who betrayed tens of millions of compatriots, atone for their sins!!"