Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 10: Holy

Chapter 10: Holy

Although the number of political elites who have a certain status in * and are worthy of the action of the defenders is relatively large, in the face of the hunting of 222 non-human beings, they are unintentionally calculating. Finally, this morning, the last fish also fell into the net, and a mysterious seed was planted deep in the heart.

Just wait for the moment when the spring thunder blows and breaks through the sky.

At noon that day, a spacious and bright room with a terraced conference room on one floor of the Executive Building not far from the White House. All two22 defenders gathered here.

Long Tao, Sam and seven others sat in the front chair, and everyone focused on them.

"The preliminary work has been completed, and it's time to start the 'sermon'." Feeling that many eyes are focused on himself, even after a long battle, Long Tao couldn't help but feel a little complacency in his heart.

"Take it*, which is equivalent to gaining the 'support' of most of the world's high-level officials and holding the leadership in their hands. In this way, no matter what secret hands those traitors leave behind, they can't shake the situation.

For the possible secret hand of the betrayer, even Long Tao and other strong people at the peak of the "spiritual" realm are also afraid. However, these days, they have used all means and have not traced any obvious traces and known its specific content. In addition, after using methods similar to "prophecy" and not detecting the potential forces that can threaten the existence of the "spiritual" realm, people came to a conclusion.

Those traitors came to this world mostly by chance and in a hurry, leaving hidden hands just as "habitual nature" and did not include the strong people in the "spiritual" realm as one of imaginary enemies, so there was no means to target the existence of the "spiritual" realm at all.

After all, according to the "practice" or plane law, such a low-level world will not allow "spiritual" individuals from different worlds to enter at all, so as not to cause great damage to the world and damage the fundamentals of the normal operation of the world.

The reason why Long Tao and others appeared here was that it happened to be in the parliament tower that day. The great will detected that there was a crisis of destruction in the world. A strong man was temporarily captured, and a big net was spilled down, dragging all the guards present at that time. At the same time, the will of the world has been hit hard, and the great will has "arcjusted" from it, so it turns a blind eye to these high-risk creatures.

This conclusion is naturally questioned. But it is the only relatively reasonable "explanation" that people can think of. Coupled with the pride or self-confidence of their own strength, although many people have doubts, they are only pressed in their hearts and feel that even if there is anything, they can postpone it.

.........sp... cut......... line......

A meeting is being held in the White House conference room.

This is an internal meeting in the United States. Except for Adrian Helmris, an upstart, there are traditional representatives of forces from cabinets, courts and the army.

Adrian changed his decadence and confusion at the Lincoln Memorial a few days ago, dressed in formal clothes and introduced the latest information detected by the National Academy of Sciences to everyone.

"...The temperature of the center of the earth rises faster than our original calculation. Affected by the latest explosion of solar particles, the heating speed of the center of the earth has increased by 0.3 degrees Celsius per hour on the basis of the original prediction..."

One person interrupted his speech, and his bloodshot eyes glowed with dissatisfaction because of the rise of the internal fire: "Professor Helmris, we took time out of our busy schedule, not to come here to listen to your science lecture!"

Although as the pinnacle of one side of the power, everyone was also busy and dizzy during this special period. At this juncture, they were called here and were already a little unhappy. At this time, they heard a lot of professional knowledge that had been disturbed during this period, and did not directly scold Adrian for seeing President Tomma. It's face to face.

Edrien turned his eyes to Thomas, who rubbed his temples, pressed the fatigue of his body and soul, and nodded slightly.

"Well, I'll go straight to it." Adrian looked solemn, and his sharp eyes swept over the crowd. The meaning contained in it made them suddenly thump in their hearts and said something bad.

"Day of Destruction will come ahead of schedule!!"

"Day of Destruction" is their name for the end of the world. According to a large amount of data, on that day, the geocentric magma will be heated to a critical point, thus breaking through the shackles of the earth's crustal continent and meeting all human beings.

At that time, the originally stable continental structure completely collapsed and the plate shifted. The mainland shattered, and earthquakes and volcanic eruptions can be seen everywhere. At the same time, affected by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, an unimaginable terrible tsunami was set off in the ocean. Huge waves attacked the mainland, and even completely involved the whole land under the sea. No one was spared it!

Although the coalition governments and national departments on radio, TV, and on the Internet have been advocating that many underground shelters and air-raid shelters they have established during this period can allow ordinary citizens without boat tickets to successfully pass the Day of Destruction, it is only to maintain order and appease the fragile and changeable hearts of the people. Ling, just let yourself board the ship safely.

According to the previous calculation, the Day of Destruction will come on December 31, 2012, but--

Before Adrian fell, several people suddenly stood up and were dumbfounded.

"Ai, Ai, Adrian, what did you just say?! Say it again!!" A man's eyes stared like a bull's eye, and his fingers trembled slightly.

"Mr. Adrian, please explain it to us!"

"Professor Adrian, what the hell is going on?"

The quiet conference room was immediately echoed by a noise. Thomas looked at the excited crowd and stood up and shouted, "Quiet! Be quiet! Gentlemen, please control your emotions!"

Under the pressure of hot eyes, Edry smiled bitterly and took a deep breath: "The geocentric reaction exceeded expectations. Originally, the day of destruction should have come on December 31, but now..."

"According to our latest calculation results, it will be advanced by two weeks to a month..."

"It's November 2nd. If it's the worst result, the 29th of this month... If it's better, next month..."

"Can you be sure of this result?"

"Sir, I'm 100% sure this time that I won't be wrong."

Adrian's assurance made everyone smile bitterly, and the conference room suddenly fell silent, and the air was full of depression and depression.

"Tut, I didn't expect to hear such explosive news. It's really amazing." A low male voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears, and his tone was full of sarcasm and ridic jokes.

Who is it?!

A wary and surprised look followed the sound, but a black man appeared out of thin air with a joking smile on his face.

This amazing scene made Thomas and others even forget to call the guards for a moment.

"Sure enough, no matter which world, the so-called politicians are the same ugly faces." The braided beauty Musknoya evoked an arc of emotion and sarcasm.

All 23 "spiritual" strongmen appeared one after another in this closed conference room.

Although Thomas and others were shocked by the strange appearance of Long Tao and others, they only blamed it on some kind of high technology. They were not well-intentioned. They quietly reached under the table and rang the emergency button hidden above.

The small movements of several people were seen by the strong people in the "spiritual" world, and there was no intention to stop them at all.

Sure enough, nothing happened!

In the face of a joking and sarcastic look, Thomas and others suddenly turned pale.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Thomas stood up and wanted to negotiate.

"At this moment, any act that wants to create internal chaos will only make the harm of this disaster greater. I hope you can take the survival of the whole human civilization and not make yourself regret it."

"The survival of the whole human civilization? Tut, what a big hat..."

"How many of you can represent the whole human civilization? Don't make me laugh!"

"Your self-feeling is a little better."

Thomas's solemn remarks made some defenders who were not interested in the United States immediately laugh and sarcastically. Even Sam and others couldn't help but have some funny emotions.

As a "professional" "savior", although not to mention it, there is still more or less a sense of superiority in everyone's heart.

This "superiority" is not the gap in the knowledge of many defenders of the world for the local buns who are limited to a world, but a special emotion spawned by the experience of long-term "heroes" - although it has not left a reputation in many cases - saving countless ordinary people in deep trouble.

This emotion is more or less in the hearts of all defenders.

The ridicule from these inexplicable and strange guys in front of them made Thomas and others look a little ugly, but the meaning revealed by their unscrupulous behavior made these old foxes more frightened.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Thomas bravely stepped forward, but saw one of them suddenly stretching out his finger to himself. The next moment, his body could not move. He wanted to speak, but he couldn't make a sound at all!

At this moment, Thomas, who had lived for more than 60 years, understood for the first time what it was like to tremble all over!

Adrien saw that Thomas was suddenly wrong and wanted to rush up, but the light flashed in front of him, and then fell into a similar situation, as if the control of his body had been taken away, and an extremely scary feeling exploded in his heart, making him sweat all over.

"Don't play, just do it." It was Sam who took the action. Lu Zion, it's time for your performance.

Hearing this, behind Sam, a blonde young man who was not as handsome as human came out. His eyes swept over Thomas and others, and then his body was shocked. Five pairs of white angel wings came out from behind, and the warm holy light spread.

"Ha ha, I haven't played this trick for a long time. I miss it a little." Next to Long Tao, a young man smiled evilly, and his body burst into golden light. In the light, a lotus platform appeared. Sitting on the twelve-pin lotus platform, it was a solemn and self-important Bodhisattva.

"In this case, we can't fall behind. The light of the Holy Spirit!"

"Supreme Lord, show your power!"

Several guards who exchanged similar inheritance came out. At some time, this small conference room was full of brilliance, gorgeous and dazzling, or sacred or majestic or solemn or gentle atmosphere.

Thomas and others were completely dumbfounded.