Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 48: Noah's Ark [,!]

Chapter 48: Noah's Ark

Entering Zhuoming Valley, Zhang Shen was stunned for a while and couldn't speak for a long time.

"Good... majestic~~" Li Jing stared at the overpass across the east, west, north and south, and his little face turned red.

"This is the power of the human heart." Bu Lichen looked at everything in front of him, his beautiful eyes were shining, and he muttered.

Zhang Shen praised: "What a huge project... Is this a miracle that has gathered the power of the whole world? It's amazing, it's amazing!"

Although in terms of scale alone, the buildings in Zhuoming Valley cannot be compared with the space of the guards - the two are completely different, however, the power of people's hearts hidden in these bridges and high-rise buildings amazed Zhang Shen and others.

Even if the nine Deman have been here for a while and see them again, they still sigh in their hearts.

"Unfortunate, soon, all this will turn into nothing." Thinking of the coming end of the world, the steps under Zhang Shen became heavy, and the amazing praise on his face also restrained.

Bu Lichen carefully noticed his emotional changes, and there was a trace of doubt in his beautiful eyes: "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Zhang San shook his head, but his determination became stronger and clearer for the road to be taken in the future. If all this is destined to happen, I will do my best to save more people!"

On the way, they also had a certain understanding of Zhang Shen's alchemy Deman and Zheng Xiuzhu. After discussion, the three decided to save time. After arriving at Zhuo Ming Valley, they went directly to the parking place of the ark and asked Zhang Shen to use alchemy to "strengthen it".

It's just that there was something wrong during the execution.

Zamudoci insisted on working with Zhang Shen and refused to be sent somewhere with five stupid officials to settle down temporarily. Naturally, Deman will not agree with such an unreasonable and inexplicable request.

"Don't forget that you promised me that you will be struck by lightning if you eat your promise!" Zamuduo stared at Deman with wide eyes and was very excited. Looking directly at him with all kinds of strong emotions, the latter remembered that he had been hit all the way by thunder when he crossed the Atlantic for no reason, and his momentum was relieved and his tone became weaker.

"Don't worry, since I have made a promise to you, I will definitely sit down. I, Deman Ig, always keep my word!"

Zamutuo stared at Deman for nearly a minute, and suddenly grinned and showed his big white teeth: "I'm just an ordinary person. Even if you are fat, I can't help you."

"But, please remember--"

"People are doing it, God is watching!"

"I can't do anything to you, but I don't know what God will do."

"If you agree, you must do it!"

Feeling the sharp eyes sweeping across his face, Zhang Shen was stunned and knew that this was for himself.

"This guy is completely crazy..." The extreme but calm and watery murderous intent contained in that look made Zhang Shen have a deeper understanding of Qatar.

"Okay, stop pestering and waste time. Since we have said it, we will do it. Of course, the premise is that you stay here and don't make trouble for us. Zhang Shen also replied in his own way.

Zamuduo laughed strangely and left with five stupid officials and seven other people.

Zheng Xiuzhu has a bad perception of Zamuduoci. If she had directly taught him an unforgettable lesson, she would have done nothing at this moment. She just quietly became a bystander, and her eyes of the long peach blossoms flashed complexly from time to time.

After Zamuduo and his party left, Zhang Shen and the five also began to move towards the place where Noah's ark was parked.

The road is very crowded. Even if the five-person car has a special license plate, it still took more than two hours to reach the place where the ark was parked at the green light.

Completed, a total of 15 arks.

Because it is a very important thing related to the inheritance of human civilization, all people who come here for the first time to contact the Ark must go through at least ten all-round inspections - even if the heads of the coalition government come!

Zhang Shen understood very well and received a series of tests very cooperatively. After a full half an hour, he was able to really enter.

This large port has parked 15 completed arks. In addition to the workers who come and go to store various materials in the ark, there are a small number of technicians responsible for daily inspection and maintenance.

The goal of Zhang Shen's five people, Ark 01, has been completed for a long time because it is the first batch of construction. Except for more than a dozen maintenance personnel in loose silver-gray coats, there is no one else, which looks a little lonely.

Naturally, Zhang Shen and the five people don't care about this.

Although Deman and Zheng Xiuzhu both have high authority, the five still followed four security personnel. Looking at their fierce iron-blooded breath and keen and flexible response, they are obviously the absolute elite in the coalition government army, belonging to the kind of soldier king who can fight ten even without weapons.

Ark 01, which appeared in front of Zhang Shen, is a huge ship with a lead-gray painting.

At a glance, the giant ship is about 1200 meters long, 250 meters wide and 250 meters high (the data comes from Baidu Tieba "2012 Bar" netizen "Wise People Outside the White Road Club". To be honest, I admire him very much. Interested students can poke Du Niang by themselves). It looks like the front of a subway, slightly It looks weird.

There are huge movable fenders on both sides and the top of the ark. After removal, there are more than 20 portholes on both sides and two helicopter stations on the top. In addition, many facilities suspected * launch ports can be seen, which are the weapon system of the ark.

Returning from a brief exclamation, Zhang Shen put his hands on the outer armor of the ark and began to stimulate his mental strength and feel it carefully.

Spiritual power is like a radar and a huge spider web, spreading and expanding little by little, gradually wrapping the whole ark in, and not letting go of any remote corner.

Not long after, an ark model with a three-dimensional view took shape in Zhang Shen's mind.

Through this model, Zhang Shen has a deeper understanding of the Ark.

Except for heavy armor, power, auxiliary and other cabins, the structure of the ark is actually not complicated.

The space of about 100 meters from the bottom up is almost a pure material storage compartment, like a grid, separated by grid, and it seems that boxes of goods are piled up in the warehouse, leaving only an aisle to transport supplies in the middle.

The space of more than 100 meters in the middle is basically a living cabin for people.

It is composed of one "basic structure" after another.

The "basic structure" is roughly in the shape of a round cake, connected to each other with a huge square hollow pipe that looks like screws, and adds some other things to form the whole living compartment area.

A few parameters show that there are about 15 beds in each "round cake", and each bed is furnished with an upper and lower bunk structure. If you squeeze it, each bed can sleep two people...

After a simple calculation, the passenger capacity of Ark 01 is between 430,000 and 480,000!

That is to say, 15 arks can only be stuffed into 7.5 million people!! This is still calculated based on the seriously overloaded 500,000 people.

How much materials do more than 7 million people consume every day?

After thinking about it, you know that the coalition government can't let so many people board the ship!

No one knows what the so-called "end of the world" is. What if we have to live on the ship for several months or even a year, carrying six or seven million people, what if there are not enough living materials at that time?!

Therefore, according to the loose standard of one person per bed, an ark carries less than 200,000 passengers!!

"Is this the hope of human beings in this world..." silently summed up the numerical calculations, and Zhang Shen sighed in his heart. Inexplicably, he suddenly had an impulse to shout.

"The truth of the world is always so absurd." Forced to restrain the sadness and other emotions in his heart, Zhang Shen exhaled deeply and loosened his hands.

"Zhang, what's the result?" Deman waited impatiently and strode out, staring at Zhang Shen with blue eyes, hoping to get the answer he wanted from the latter.

"You look tired. Do you want to take a rest?" Bu Lichen noticed the change in Zhang Shen's mood, stared at Deman angrily, walked to Zhang Shen and asked softly.

"I'm fine." A warm current suddenly gushed out from the bottom of Zhang Shen's heart, and the warm feeling was very comfortable.

"No problem, we can start the transformation now." Zhang Shen nodded to Deman and Zheng Xiuzhu, and they immediately breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

The strange behavior of Zhang Shen and the five people aroused the curiosity of several maintenance personnel, thus forming a group of onlookers.

Zheng Xiuzhu smiled, as if dozens of flowers were blooming together in the garden. The beautiful scenery made several onlookers stunned for a moment, and some people even exaggeratedly flowed out of the water.

Zheng Xiuzhu's bright smile was so lethal that even the four king-level soldiers responsible for monitoring Zhang Shen's five people were in a trance for a while, and their combat effectiveness dropped from 100 points to 10 points.


Zheng Xiuzhu noticed all this, and her expression suddenly became gloomy, and a cold hum came from their mouth and nose and entered their minds.

Zheng Xiuzhu had the intention to punish, and everyone suddenly felt as if someone tried their best to prick their heads with awl. The intense pain made them wake them from the beautiful "illusion". Before they could be ashamed, they were overwhelmed by the pain and made a sad scream at the same time.

Even the tough-willed soldier can't stand the pain at the soul level. He grasps his head with both hands, his bones are white, and his blue veins bulges like snakes.

Elite warriors are still like this, not to mention the weak maintenance personnel.

They cried and screamed loudly and communicated with tears, almost rolling on the ground.

"Give me stop!!"

There was a slightly hoarse low shout.

[PS: Please collect and click on the red ticket comment!!]

[PS2: Is there no reader willing to help provide several flowers, sad...]