Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 49: Showdown [Add Update for Zou Zou of the Red Turban!]

Chapter 49: Showdown

Adrian and Kim Sanmome returned to their office, but after dealing with some daily affairs, they suddenly felt inexplicably restless and couldn't sit still. They pinched their eyebrows and thought about it. After walking around the office several times, they decided to come to the port to have a look.

From 11th to 15th, they are undergoing full final debugging, and they have no meaning in the past. The three Arks 16th, 17th and 18 are also in full swing to carry out the final "sembling" to add chaos and interrupt their normal process.

After thinking about it, Adrian decided to meet his long-lost old friend, Ark 01.

Dozens of guards are very careful and use their own abilities - especially those that even idiots can see unscientific abilities at a glance - when they add a special mind, or directly pull the boundary array or use scroll charms and other props that are blurred and delete memory afterwards. In short, try to make themselves different from ordinary people. Something is hidden.

Zhang Shen wanted to use alchemy, but Deman had already tore open a magic scroll and covered Ark 01 and the nearby space. After this magic scroll is used, the ordinary people in it can't get out, and the relevant memories will gradually be blurred and forgotten after walking out of the boundary, and there will be no idea of telling or recording it to someone. At the same time, ordinary people outside the boundary will instinctively ignore this area, even if they originally wanted to Come on, I will also turn back for one reason or another, such as suddenly remember that there are still clothes that have not been washed, soap has not been picked up, etc...

However, this boundary is useless for Adrian!

He came over like this, completely ignoring the power of Deman's scroll - it was just a little awkward when he "pierced" the boundary.

The scene where Zheng Xiuzhu took action against several onlookers who showed disgusting expressions at him was just seen by Adrian.

"What are you doing? Stop it!!"

Under the influence of inexplicable irritability in his heart, Adrian looked at Zheng Xiuzhu and Zhang Shen's eyes as if there was a flame burning, and the boiling anger was about to condense into substance, which made the latter's uninexplicable mind, and his momentum suddenly weakened by half.

At that moment, Zheng Xiuzhu felt that she was not facing an ordinary indigenous mortal, but her own general Jin San, and also the furious General Jin!

The natural fear and guiltyness made Zheng Xiuzhu not only withdraw the fragrance of flowers released, but also "actively" release the fragrance of mandala flowers that consume a lot but can treat ordinary soul injuries.

The colorless fragrance of flowers came, and the severe pain in everyone's brains suddenly dissipated. At the same time, a cool airflow ran through the whole body, from the inside out, making them moan extremely comfortable, and their faces showed an intoxication.

Looking at this scene, Adrian, who should have been relieved, suddenly felt more irritable! It seems that a group of mice came into the house, rushing around, making holes and squeaking, which upset the host family and hoping to grab them one by one and trample them to death and throw them into the stove to burn them into coke.

One day, the rats disappeared, and it was a poisonous but creepy-looking snake that destroyed them!

How can this make the host family get along with themselves??!

There is no doubt that Adrian is in such a complicated and tangled mentality.

He knew Deman and Zheng Xiuzhu, because Kim and Sam have recently become guests of senior officials of the coalition government - although the latter does not like to be so high-profile, they have no choice but to do so because of "work needs".

The speed of "rising" between the two has naturally aroused the interest of many people. However, after some exploration, the reports in front of the bigwigs made them change their colors.

There is no such person!!

For the defender, forging identity could not be easier. However, in the face of the investigation that almost gathers the power of the whole world, unless it is a precious prop of rebellious cause and effect, it can't be hidden at all!

Even if you have high-tech props, no one in the world has a memory of you. Have you jumped out of the stone and have lived in the deep mountains and forests for so many years and have never met anyone??

As Gong Yu, Jin San, Sam and other elites came to the front, other guards also began to surface and enter the sight of the bigwigs from all sides.

The strange identity (there is his/her data in the database, but it is very clean and unscientific), suddenly appeared at the same time, and each with extraordinary skills...

The more they launched the dark force investigation, the more frightened the bosses are, and the nerves that are infinitely tense because of the end of the world are about to break. Finally, looking at the benefits brought by Deman and others to the Ark Plan, as well as the instinctive warning and sudden burnout in their hearts, everyone coincidentally gave up their intention to continue in-depth study, closed their eyes and pretended not to see it.

As long as you don't do anything too out of the way, we won't violate the river.

This is also the reason why the defenders were able to "rampant" in Zhuoming Valley.

Adrian and Jin San's personal relationship is very "good", so they got to know Zheng Xiuzhu, the latter's right hand. As for Deman, because he doesn't have much contact with Sam, it's limited to the level of understanding.

"Three more..." His eyes swept over Zhang Sanbu Lichen and Li Jing, and Adrian came up with such an idea.

"Can you tell me what happened?" As the highest representative of the United States in Zhuoming Valley and the top person in charge of the Ark Project, Adrian has cultivated something called "aura" and glanced over. Four soldiers and several maintenance personnel unconsciously raised their chests and became respectful and restrained.

Balabala, Balabala...

They didn't dare to hide anything and told the matter as it was. In the meantime, they looked at Zheng Xiuzhu with fear and fear of the unknown. Even if you are an idiot, you can guess what you have become, which is related to the unknown Asian in front of you.

"Okay, I know." Adrian looked deeply at the five deans, pondered for a moment and said, "You leave first. Leave here to me, and I'll give you an explanation."

Everyone heard the fairy's voice, regardless of the basic etiquette, and ran away quickly.

The moment they passed through the boundary, a strange force swept through their brains.

After a brief blank in their brains, their eyes showed confusion and looked slightly dull.

"Well, I'm..." "Today's work is finished..." "Those people have nothing abnormal, so they don't have to continue to follow..." "Cool, today's task, go home and play games to relax..."

After finding a reasonable reason for themselves, everyone's eyes returned to Qingming again and happily went back to each family to find their mothers.

"Is this... your power..." Adrian looked complicated and his throat was dry and hoarse.

All five smiled and said nothing, but looked at his eyes with a little more pity.

"I understand..." Adrian laughed at himself, full of bitterness.

"If I leave, my memory will also be erased by you."

When he first came to this world, Zhang Shen met Adrian in the Lincoln Memorial Hall. The latter's haggardness and sadness impressed him deeply. At this moment, he couldn't bear to see him like this.

"Actually, as long as you publicize it, it doesn't matter." As soon as Zhang Shen's words came out, Deman and Zheng Xiuzhu were stunned and cast an angry look at him, but were directly ignored by the latter.

"Have we met?" Adrian always felt that the person in front of him had an inexplicable sense of familiarity, but there was no picture of this face in his memory.

Wait! One man and two women... two men and two women... Lincoln Memorial? Kakarot, Dorek Kakarot!

"Sorry, I used a fake identity at the beginning. Then let's get to know each other formally." Zhang Shen put Adrian's expression change into his eyes. After being surprised, he smiled and stretched out his hand to him. "It's nice to see you again. My name is Zhang Shen. These two are my girlfriends, Bu Lichen and Li Jing."

As soon as Zhang Shen's words came out, a crimson suddenly appeared on the cheeks of the two women, which was very delicate.

Deman's three expressions also became strange, which made the two women more uncomfortable, and their ears turned red, as if they had applied a layer of powder.

"Yeah, the battle was successful!" Seeing the reaction of the two women, Zhang Shen smiled secretly and cheered for his wits (death) behavior, and was very proud.

"Ha ha, this is really..." Adrian's mouth twitched for a while and smiled dryly, "Congratulations."

"Hey, brother, you are this!" Deman squeezed his eyes at him and gave him a thumbs up, with admiration on his face. Although there are also strong people in the space who are keen on the harmony of yin and yang and even the three thousand harem beauties, those beauties are the products of some kind of "ability" and are not guardians.

You should know that although the defenders are arrogant, especially as minority women, those who can survive often have strong strength. Even those who rely on others are basically unwilling to serve other women.

Of course, there are also those who have the ability to open the harem, but those people are all powerful at the top of the space of the defenders, and their strength is unfathomable. How can a small scum like Zhang Shen have this kind of luck? How can they not make Deman envious?

Instead, Zheng Xiuzhu inexplicably became hostile, especially after putting the reaction of the two women into her eyes, the disgust became stronger and stronger, which was clearly visible on her face, which was really confusing.

"Zhang, this is my business card, please be sure to accept it." Deman came over with a smile and handed Zhang Shen a transparent card carved like a diamond, with a dark cyan strange pattern printed on it. As long as the spiritual power is explored, you can "see" the information stored in it, including the residence, contact information and transmission array permission of Deman in the guardian space. If you have time, how about we have a good exchange?

"Haha, it must be... uh!"

"What's wrong?" Deman asked strangely when he saw that Zhang Shen's expression suddenly stiffened and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"No, it's nothing."

I finally know what it's like to have a sunflower point hand... If I had known it, I wouldn't have let her exchange such a terrible thing...