Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 55: Killer [Please subscribe!!]

Chapter 55: Killer

Bu Lichen came with a blow, integrating the meaning of the rotation of the four seasons into the sunflower point hand, gently pointing out, completely smashing Musha's already fragile soul, and also defeating the contract that has not yet formed.

After the strange blood light in the Koran lags, it burst and collapsed!

faintly, Zhang Shen seemed to see a pair of slightly angry cold eyes, so high, overlooking the world. Ten*, the owner of those eyes is the object of Musa who wants to launch a forbidden spell to conclude a contract with it - a big man who exists in an unknown world...

The cold eyes flashed, making Zhang Shen almost think that he had hallucinations.

"I inexplicably offended such a big man. Damn it, it's really unlucky..."

However, whether it is anger or hatred, it is all about the future. Zhang Shen's biggest trouble at present is the five people running over the other end of the channel.

Although Loden chose a different path from the Hulk, he would also be affected when he was angry. At this moment, he has turned into a green muscle giant more than two meters high - the channel itself is a little high. He spewed white steam from his nostrils like an old cow, and his mouth made a dull low roar, like a continuous low drum. Heart-warming.

Every step of Loden stepped out, the strong channel shook, making the welding mouth of the surrounding steel emit an unbearable slight moan, as if it was about to fall off at any time.

A black and shiny spear appeared in Buddy's hand, throwing hard, and the sharp tip of the spear cut open the air, shooting at Bu Lichen with a choking "woo" low sound.

Yan Bei looked at the chessboard with his left hand, quickly knotted the seal with his right hand, made a series of seals at the chessboard, and exhaled in one breath: "Fight the stars move, edict!!" The next moment, a strange wave around Musa's body rippled, covering him whole.

Zhang Shen's spiritual power is still connected with the "steel suit" that bound Musha, but with a strange light wave, he found that there was an "empty" feeling in the steel suit. When he fixed his eyes, Musha's body suddenly disappeared and appeared in front of Yanbei and was held in his arms.

There are more than a dozen penetrating wounds on Musha's body, and the flesh and flesh can almost be seen when the skin is rolled up, the flesh and blood is blurred, and the blood is soaked in the clothes, especially the eyes that do not close their eyes, which look miserable.

The five people in Taipu became more and more angry and almost went crazy.

Loden's eyes were covered with a layer of green, and the muscles on his body were piece by piece, which looked like a strange force (Pokemon), which made people smack his tongue. Taipu roared, his eyes turned into brown vertical pupils, his arms became bigger and thicker, ten black and yellow sharp nails poked out from his fingers, and strange light yellow lines began to spread from his face to his whole body, and suddenly turned into half-human and half-animal!

He opened his mouth and roared silently, but a visible shock wave shot out of his sharp-toothed mouth, and then came first, together with Buddy's black and bright short spear, attacking Bu Lichen.

"Forty-nine of binding the way, there is no fixed door!!"

Li Jing typed the last handprint. As the spell fell, half of the ebony gate carved with strange pictures and text condensed out of thin air, emitting a heavy sense of history, blocking the impact of the short spear and sound waves.

*-shaped sound waves hit the fixed door, shaking half of the wooden door, and cracked cobwebs spread in all directions from the center of the impact, covering the whole area of the fixed door in a blink of an eye.

Although it looks like it is about to collapse at any time, the fixed door is still barely maintained until the black and bright short spear that follows it penetrates through it, containing the magnificent energy and a strange breath, making the fixed door completely collapse and dissipate.


The abyss cannibalism greeted excitedly, and two jagged knives were cut down at high speed, cutting dozens of knives in a row, each of which was accurately cut on the tip of Buddy's spear. Waves of wave-like violence broke down and destroyed Buddy's costly exchange for a trace of evil god's power ("evil god" is just that The short spear of the world, not the name of the god.

"I won't let you die happily!" Grace's face was ferocious, and his hands shrank to the cuffs, and then in the sound of a machine bracket rotation, two gun tubes that were a little thicker than the airborne gun protruded from under his clothes. The surface of the barrel was painted with complex patterns that made people dizzy and spread to the neck of Grace's neck.

Injecting energy, the two gun tubes sprayed a red and green stream of fire, like a dragon going out to sea, rushing towards Zhang Shen with its teeth and claws. The bright red fire stream emits a hot temperature, and even if steel hits it, it will melt instantly; another dark green fire stream gives people a miserable strange feeling, which is more dangerous.

If you have to choose between the two, Zhang Shen would rather be burned into coke than try the power of the green fire!

lian into an array and start!!

Zhang Shen started the prepared "blank" into a formation, and his spirit poured out, like the veins of leaves, bringing everything in the surrounding area of more than ten meters into his control.

The running Hulk Lowen suddenly found that the hard and cold ground under his feet suddenly turned into a ball of plasticine, and it was super sticky. He stepped on it and couldn't pull it out!

He lowered his head and turned his eyes that had turned into green emerald. Then he was stunned to find that the ground under his feet was squirming rapidly, and cold steel snakes came out of it and wrapped around the five people of Taipu.

Ha!! Lowden exhaled, and his calf muscles suddenly tightened, and a huge force that was enough to overturn the galloping truck came along his tendon muscle membrane and hit the iron snakes, trying to shake the latter off his leg.

It's useless!

The iron snakes that seem to be made of mud are connected to this area under the spiritual control of Zhang Shen. Unless Loden explodes all its power in an instant, there is no way to cause any damage to this steel area at all!

Tepley waved his claws and cut an iron snake into several sections, but in less than a blink of an eye, it became a piece of iron snake squirmed, merged with each other again and recovered, and still persistently wrapped it around Taipu's body.

Under the spiritual control of Zhang Shen, two sharp steel thorns with straw thickness were suddenly shot out on both sides of the channel, stabbing at the junction of Bryce's shoulder and arm barrel respectively. At the same time, two steel walls rose on the ground to intercept the two streams of fire ejected by Bryce's barrel.

The temperature of the bright red fire flow is frighteningly high. As soon as the two came into contact, Zhang Shen adjusted his fire resistance to the highest steel plate like thin snow under the scorching sun. In the blink of an eye, it melted into a real pool of "iron water" and rolled up towards Zhang Shen's side. Fortunately, his spiritual connection is still Without interruption, even if it is controlled, it will not let this pool of turbid iron water flow freely and destroy this area.

Ah! Zhang Shen was about to directly control the iron water to intercept Bryce's bright red flame, suddenly made a sad scream as if someone was pricking his head with awl. He took a few steps back, his face turned white, and big sweat rolled down his forehead.

His spirit suffered a heavy blow and was severely damaged!!

At a close look, the culprit is the dark green flame sprayed by Bryce!

In addition to burning the heat-resistant steel plate made by Zhang Shen, there is a strange force full of "corrosive power" following the spiritual clues of Zhang Shen in the steel plate, going up against the current and tracing back to the source, which is only a few steps away from the spiritual source of the latter.

Perceiving that the strange force showed a decline, Bryce made a decision and detonated it, which immediately hit Zhang Shen!

The raging steel snake stopped its activities and turned into cold iron pimples again. The shape is strange, but it is vivid, giving people the feeling that it is just temporarily asleep and will wake up at any time.

Zhang Shen suddenly suffered a heavy blow, and the abyss was okay. The movements in the hands of Bu Lichen and Li Jing immediately slowed down. The original coherent movements were defective and immediately fell into the wind, leaving only the strength to fight.

"Heart-to-heart!!" Seeing this, Li Jing immediately summoned a heart-to-heart green onion ready to be a killer.

The green onion is still tender and crystal clear, even more crisp than before, making people have the desire to eat at a glance.

"Taste deception!"

"Acid!! Ma!! Bitter!! Spicy!! Sweet!!"

Five extreme flavors of the world, five almost invisible crystal beams, shot at the five people of Taipu respectively.

Knowing that this is the means that the enemy is going to use to turn the table, how could Lowen and others be careless and wait one by one?

Loden swept away the solidified steel around him, and then his body shook. The creature could spray out of the huge heart that occupied half of his chest and poured into the skin. His green skin surface was suddenly covered with a thin light that was difficult to detect with the naked eye, and his defense power was greatly increased, and he could resist a full body in terms of physical defense. The high-speed rail in the form of speed does not fall behind, and at the same time, it can ignore most of the low-level spells.

Typ's vertical pupil condensed slightly, and the whole person's "animalization" trend increased by another point, which is a tiger demon that failed to transform...

Buddy took out a headdress with three bright feathers and put them on his forehead. At the same time, several small pieces hanging on his body also began to shine strong or weakly.

Lines like a circuit diagram appeared on the Grace body surface, and the light blue light flashed on the lines, which suddenly evolved into a strange rune array, capturing the surrounding free energy and transforming it into a blue energy mask to protect Grace himself.

Yan Beiwang pinched a corner with one hand, blocked the chessboard in front of him, and poured the power contained a trace of spatial attributes into it. The black and white chessboard released a strange light wave, covering him.


In addition to the spatial ripple isolation of Yanbeiwang, the defense of the other four people was directly ignored!

Acid! Ma! Bitter! Spicy!

Four flavors that reached the limits of the world poured into the four people in a flash.

In an instant, time and space seemed to stop.

Ah, ah, ah, ah...

The extremely sad screams resounded all over the circle.