Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 56: Slime Fruit [Please subscribe!]

Chapter 56: Slime Fruit

[Can any of you imagine how I feel when I see the number of subscriptions of "2"?!!]


The heart was shining into the body, and the four of them immediately knelt down.

The diet of Europeans and Americans is relatively not so extreme, especially in terms of numbness and spicy. At this moment, this extreme taste suddenly surges into their bodies, and they suddenly scratch their ears and cheeks, stare, clenched their fists, and communicate with tears... How can that scene be described as a "miserable"?!

Yan Beiwang saw the tragic situation of his four teammates and twitched the corners of his mouth. He really didn't know whether he should be angry or happy...

The "small gift" received by Hulk Lowen was [bitter]. Suddenly, it seemed that the bitter gallbladder was broken, and the boundless bitterness spread from the stomach and spread to every hair of every cell of his body. His standard Chinese face suddenly wrinkled into a ball and his eyes could not be seen.

Seeing the anger of his teammate being killed, he was replaced by "pain". His body began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye until he became an ordinary person. His tears, runny nose and saliva covered his face were completely ruined.

The other three are not much better than him. They even crazily hit the floor with their fists and heads, smashing the steel ground into pits one by one.

This strange scene was seen by other guards who came to hear the sound. Their eyes, especially the heart-onest eyes of Zhang Shen, who were suspended on Li Jing's shoulders, suddenly became strange, which contained a strong fear.

Yan Bei looked at the reaction and took out a series of props from the storage equipment one after another, such as the "Qingxin" and "Ning Shen" Fu urn on the fairy side, the "Peace Ring" scroll on the magic side, the "strong sedative" on the technology side, etc. It was used for the four of Taipu, but he was shocked and found that it was almost useless!

When he saw the five people rushing to Yanbei, Zhang Shen had no choice but to realize that the plan to rescue Ouyang Tianqi had failed and began to talk to Bu Lichen Lijing about the evacuation in the spiritual link. Seeing that the four people in Taipu lost their combat effectiveness one after another, Yanbei looked anxious and had no time to take care of them. The three quickly retreated to the entrance of the * while being alert.

A group of guards were very afraid of the strange ability of Lianxin. They were not sure to capture the three people. They simply pretended they didn't see it, but just put soy sauce aside and watched Zhang Shen leave.

"The five senses are closed!!" With a low shout, two figures came into everyone's sight. In addition to the masked man with a bow and arrow, there was also a woman in a black robe and a hood that only showed half of her chin.

The woman in black has five fingers and one palm forward. An invisible fluctuation shot out of her white palm and divided into four paths, falling into the eyebrows of the tragic Tepp four people. The latter's expression was suffocated, and the howling immediately stopped, and her eyes were blank. After a loss of breathing time, the four people who were temporarily closed their five senses returned to normal.

Recalling everything that was extremely humiliating just now, Taipu was angry and afraid. Originally, he wanted to continue to find trouble with Zhang Shen, but since the masked man came forward, it showed that Jin Sanxuan had taken over and could only temporarily press it down... After a while, he did not find that his intention to avenge Musha had quietly faded a lot.

The behavior of other guards beating soy sauce and onlookers made the mask very angry, but Jin San's instructions were still in his ears, and he could only press it. He took a step forward and said with an iron face, "Zhang Shen, what do you mean by this!"

Previously, his spirit was burned by the dark green strange fireflow shot from Bryce's arms gun barrel. Although he used the medicine pill to treat mental injury, Zhang Shen still turned pale and showed a faintly weak look.

What does it mean? Oh, you should be very clear, shouldn't you?" Looking at the guards who surrounded his three flowers little by little, Zhang Shen walked to the abyss and protected the two women Bu Lichen through spiritual contact.

The mask man naturally knows it, but he just wants to delay the time. He has probably seen through Lianxin's attack mode and the strength of Zhang Shen, and is very sure of defeating them.

"Just make up for the previous mistakes!" Thinking of the battle between himself and Ouyang Tianqi, the masked man unconsciously showed fierceness in his eyes, and the atmosphere at the scene immediately tightened.

"I'm sorry to havelei lei you." Zhang Shen had a clear understanding in his heart, and there was a faint melancholy in his tone. When the masked man and the black-robed woman appeared, the air of the three was locked, and even without the guards beside them, they could not escape.

Although he was captured and did not lose his life, Zhang Shen could not imagine the possible experience of the two women...

Li Jing still doesn't feel that Bu Lichen has a clear understanding and smiles: "What's involved? We are one, aren't we? When you say that, my life belongs to you.

Zhang Shen was silent, but the determination in the depths of his eyes became more and more condensed.

At this time--

* suddenly shook violently, like a boat in a storm, and the hull even groaned in inaudible pain!

Unprepared, the guards suddenly turned around and had a close contact with the cold walls on both sides.

It's started!!!

Stabilizing the body, this idea came to the minds of all the defenders.

This day has finally come!

Fear, confusion, uneasiness... All kinds of complex thoughts surged into my mind, and there was also a trace of relief that everyone did not want to admit.

"Run!!" The feeling of being locked was relieved. Zhang Shen roared at the two women and started a preparation array for a long time.

lian into an array, start!

The blood-stained spiritual power was brutally extracted and poured into the formation. In just a few blinks, the strange thunder and lightning flashed, and the walls on both sides and the passages under the feet squirmed crazily and gathered in one direction.

At this time, Zhang Shen is too lazy to think about the possible damage to the structure of the ark!

The steel wall with a thickness of half a meter on three sides suddenly rose, and the surface was bumpy, which isolated the guards of the three sides and disappeared from the sight of Zhang Shen and the three.

"Run!" With a mouthful of blood spewing out, Zhang Shen forcibly endured the severe pain of the needle and knife in his brain and the drowsiness that seemed to fall asleep at any time. He took back the abyss cannibal flowers, while blessing several accelerated rune scrolls for himself.

Bu Lichen's wrist shook, and a moon-white ribbon shot out. It wrapped around Zhang Shen a few times, and his inner breath urged him wildly and ran towards the exit. Captain, this idea is not good~~" She has seen the idea in Zhang San's heart. At the same time, she is moved and secretly hates her weak strength. At this moment, she can't even do a decent counterattack and can only run away in confusion.


The three ran less than 100 meters, and several iron walls made by Zhang Shen were broken, and the mixed atmosphere spread.

"When disaster comes, don't worry about them! Everyone, go out quickly, and according to our plan, try to evacuate and guide ordinary people to board the ark!!" The masked man glanced at the three fleeing Zhang Shen and didn't care. In his opinion, with the strength of Zhang Shen and the three, whether he has joined either side of the two forces, it is absolutely difficult to survive the forced killing from "Death"!

Everyone responded and galloped towards the nearest emergency exit.

Tep and others wink at each other and suddenly accelerated around a corner and left the army. Inexplicably, the hatred in their hearts was aroused again, and even intensified. At this moment, there is only a burning hatred in the hearts of the five people!

The masked man knows this, but he is just too lazy to take care of it.

"Aoba, let's go up and don't forget the general's plan." The masked man is afraid of the green leaves wearing a black robe all year round. Although the latter is definitely a great beauty and pure natural, the masked man dares not have any strange thoughts, just because the ability she showed is too "horrible".

Both sides left, and a corner of the channel that had been messed up by Zhang Shen's alchemy. With a strange sound, a small hole appeared on the floor, which became bigger and bigger, expanding to the size of the mouth of the cup.

A transparent jelly "squeezes" out of it.

The jelly gradually elonged, giving birth to the head and limbs, revealing the eyes, nose and eyebrows.

It's Zamuduoci!

His eyes were gloomy, with a gloom at the corners of his mouth, and his breath was inexplicably stronger than before.

"Tut, it's a pity that the sissy didn't appear..." The blood in Zamuduo's eyes sprouted, and the strong bloodthirsty thought surged and roared in it.

"I thought I had to use their strength to revenge, but I didn't expect my luck to be so good. Jie Jie Jie~~~" Zamuduo looked at his palm and gradually lost color and texture from the normal palm to a transparent substance.

"Slime fruit! Jie Jie, and he also has such a terrible power..."

"Can't be stained with water forever? So what!! With this power, I will definitely dominate the whole guardian space and become a superior!!" Zamuduo's eyes are getting brighter and brighter. If he hadn't been worried about attracting Jin San's attention, he would have laughed loudly.

"Well, when the end of the world comes, Zhuo Ming Valley is in chaos. Take this opportunity to increase your strength first!"

"Zheng Xiuzhu, Jin San, wait for me!!"

Zhuo Ming Valley.

Just like Zamuduo's guess, when the violent shock came, especially after witnessing the cracking of the earth in the distance and the rolling mountains breaking and falling rocks day by day, Zhuo Ming Valley suddenly fell into chaos.

Cries, screams, shouts, roars... filled the whole Zhuo Ming Valley, and even the high-pitched guidance from the loudspeaker was mostly covered by the chaotic noise, making the slightly clearer popularity stamp its feet. After thinking about it, I could only sigh and helplessly join the crazy army of people to the entrance of boarding the ship. Run.


Suddenly, the harsh sound covered the whole Zhuoming Valley, and the sharp cry like scratching glass with a knife spread away. All the people who were infected by the inexplicable atmosphere instinctively stopped and tried their best to block their ears. Some ** people even had a headache and made a "ah" scream.

"I'm Adrian, and we didn't give up on you!!"

"We won't give up any of you!!"

"Please don't panic, keep the basic order, exercise before safety, bring your ticket, and go to the entrance of your respective ark!!"

"There is plenty of time, please don't lose your mind and keep a clear mind!!"

"I, Adrian, have always been with you!!!"