Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 27: Counterattack! Counterattack!!

Chapter 27: Counterattack! Counterattack!!

Zhang Shen and others came to this world on the twenty-first day.

Just the day before yesterday, Blue Phoenix finally calculated the appearance and position of the "leader"!

The real situation is amazing!

The leader of the giant group is actually just a mini giant less than two meters tall!!

Its strength is very weak, with only one abdominal muscle, and the muscle curve on its body is not really obvious, but it has a large head that is obviously beyond the normal proportion, with gray hair and wrinkles on its face, which seems to be overuse of the brain.

Zhang Shen and others kindly named it Big Head Cabbage.

According to the observation and statistics of people these days, there are at least two kinds of abilities of cabbage.

One, issue orders in an unknown way to manipulate other giants to fight;

Second, separate a wisp of "consciousness" and parasitize other giants in the form of parasites, making the latter become their own "spent" and make up for the common intellectual deficiency of the native species.

The second ability of Datoucai is the conclusion inferred by everyone from the performance of the water giant in the two night attacks. In the two night attacks, the giant used the means of self-detonation (the second time was unsuccessful), and according to the ex post facto statistics, there is always a giant's eye that is obviously different from other individuals in the night attack, and the resentment and yinness are trembling.

This "different" deeply betrayed it, allowing the ability of the cabbage to be exposed to the world.

Combined with the data of the previous giant's attack statistics from the relevant departments in the kingdom, everyone inferred that as long as they can successfully kill the big head vegetable, the giant acting on their broken instincts will become a plate of scattered sand, which is not fearful at all!

Especially today, when the bird gun change has been completed in the kingdom, the scattered giants have not been noticed for a long time.

However, if you want to kill the cabbage, you must first solve a big problem.

Blue Phoenix's prophecy also got an important information: Datoucai has a bodyguard, or a mount!

In the giant group, the petite beaver is like Olev who has entered the giant country. If he doesn't pay attention, he is in danger of being trampled to death. Therefore, it usually sits on the shoulder of the other giant, and the latter is a mount and points to the country.

According to prophecy, the giant guard is very powerful!

The number of its abdominal muscles has reached an unprecedented 53 pieces!!

Its height has also reached 70 meters as never before!!

You should know that the strongest giant Zhang Shen has ever seen is only more than 30 meters high and 30 abdominal muscles. To that extent, he and Li Ji joined hands, coupled with the increase of the stone of the sage, and the giant's own "light enemy", and various factors were combined to narrowly win.

"Strong enemy, real strong enemy!" Zhang Shen and several people looked at each other and saw the solemn color in each other's eyes.

Although you also have high-end combat power, you know with your toes that you will never give them this one-on-one opportunity!


What should come will always come.

"It's time to get out of the high wall and have a face-to-face battle with the giant!" Just yesterday, Blue Phoenix made this suggestion. I know this is indeed a little urgent for the human side, but don't forget our position.

Blue Phoenix's eyes are a little cold: "For us, destroying giants is the top priority. As for some casualties, ha, any country will pay the price when recovering its territory.

"What's more, haven't you noticed that Darris's attitude has been a little different recently?"

"The premise that we can mobilize the power of a country is absolute force suppression. In addition, your recent large-scale food and armament refining has also gained us a lot of prestige. But this is just the attitude of the middle and lower classes!"

"For Daris and others, the replacement of armaments and sufficient food reserves mean that they have more control and no worries."

"Don't underestimate people's desires!"

"Don't underestimate the shamelessness of politicians!"

Blue Phoenix's words seemed to be a blow, waking up Zhang Shen and everyone, who had recently been immersed in the gratitude of countless people.

Zhang Shen recalled carefully and found that the tone of Monte and other ministers these days was indeed different from that at the beginning... He was refreshed and shocked.

"What if they refuse?" Li Jing frowned his beautiful eyebrows, "Can we still force them?"

Yi Chao skimmed the corners of his mouth and expressed disdain: "Believe me, the more people in power, the more afraid they are of death!"

"If they dare to refuse, let them know how the dead word is written!"

.........sp... cut......... line......

Today is the 21st day when Zhang Shen and others came to this world, which is a big day for human beings in this world.

Fightback the giant and recover the land!!

Both sides of the road are full of nationals, and the scene is spectacular, close to the first-tier cities of a certain country in the real world. Most of them wore the recently refined hemp clothes of gray-brown ginseng, with long necks and looking in the middle. Their eyes were full of tears and their faces were full of excitement, but they bit their lips tightly and suppressed not to cry out in case of alarming the giants outside the wall.

In the middle of the road, the morale of the reinstate army was high, and they lined up in array.

They all changed into the nearest armored weapons, and the open food supply filled them with strength. They only waited for the door to open and rushed out to kill the enemy and kill all the giants.

The center of the queue is the most important part - the gun truck.

With the help of Bo Jue, the most suitable field cannon for field combat has been designed and included in the equipment. Although it is not as powerful as the newly replaced cannon mounted on the wall, it is enough to compare with the previously unimproved artillery.

In addition to the artillery regiment, there are only infantry regiments equipped with *, sharp regiments that rely on three-dimensional mobile operations, and a small number of cavalry scouts, which are only more than 10,000.

After all, this is the first time for the new army to fight, and Zhang Shen and others dare not be too aggressive. They only plan to move near the city wall and within the scope of cannons in order to get fire support on the wall.

When the last brick blocking the city gate was removed, the soldiers and the surrounding people could no longer suppress their excitement and shouted one after another!

For a moment, the cheers shook the sky and went straight to the sky.

not far away, Darris and others witnessed all this. At the same time, their hearts were full of excitement, which was unspeakable for a moment. Looking at Zhang Shen and others who brought all this, the emotions in their eyes suddenly became more complicated.

As expected by Blue Phoenix, witnessing the changes in the Kingdom, they did have some thoughts in their hearts and were fiercely opposed when they were "notified" to carry out a counterattack, but...

When the vague threat of Blue Phoenix and others came out, they were cowardly at that time.

Even if they hate and are unwilling, they dare not gamble their lives. With no choice, Darris and others could only give Zhang Shen the right to transfer troops on the spot with humiliation and declare that they would be fully responsible for the counterattack and other matters...

The aggrievedness of yesterday came to my mind, reflecting the happy scene in front of me. For a moment, Darris and others felt even more desolate.

Li Ji sensed the complex eyes behind him, and there was a trace of meaning at the corners of his mouth.

The hard hunting during this period made her go further on the road to transformation towards the broken surface. A small piece of mask quietly broke and dissipated, revealing a small half of her smooth chin, revealing infinite**.

At the gate, when all the debris was cleared, someone released a signal.

Receiving the signal, the soldiers who had been waiting on the wall for a long time set fire one after another. Suddenly, the rumble explosion passed through the wall and came to everyone's ears, many of which were mixed with the roar of giants.

How can you not know the big head dish with such a big movement in the city?!

On the other side of the gate, hundreds of giants wandering nearby had gathered for a long time, and the farther giants also rushed to this side under the order of Datoucai.

The shelling at this time was to clear the road for Zhang Shen.

regardless of the loss of shells and * like a rainstorm, they soon swept away the nearby giants, leaving only scattered white bone fragments and curling steam.

"Open the door!!" I don't know who shouted for the first time, and the next moment, everyone shouted loudly, as if the humiliation and sadness suffered by human beings in the past few months would be vented by this roar.

Open the door! Open the door!! Open the door!!!

Under the attention of the public, the door that has been closed for several months slowly opened.

The warm sunlight shines through the gate, shining into the bottom of everyone's heart and dispelling the cold in the depths of the heart.

"Let's go!!" The old general shouted loudly, and the cavalry rushed out first, followed by the same three-dimensional mobile sharp regiment. Following the pace of the sharp regiment, the infantry paced neatly and trotted out of the door, and finally the artillery regiment.

Zhang Shen and all the other defenders - except for the people who would rather die - rode horses and followed behind the artillery regiment, tightened their nerves one by one, and the faint evil spirit dispersed.

As soon as I came out of the city gate, the atmosphere suddenly changed!

At the top of the head, the white steam that has not yet dissipated blocked the sun and casts a shadow;

At the feet, there are full of craters generated by the explosion of the shell. Where it enters the eyes, there is a burning smell, and you can also smell the strong scorching smell, which is the smell produced by the giant being burned by gunpowder, which is stagnant;

In front of you, looking up, a large number of giants are rushing this way quickly. The tall body blocked the sun and cast ferocious shadows, which was particularly shocking.

This scene is completely different from what you see on the wall!!

The veterans who fought with the real knife* and the giant have almost died a long time ago. Almost all the recruits here have only gone up the wall before, and were immediately deterred by the momentum of the giant's impact. 30% of morale dissipated out of thin air, and many people's faces showed panic and fear.

"Law: Courage!!" Blue Phoenix had expected that the purple gold scepter waved, and the invisible breath spread and integrated into everyone's body.

The soldiers' faces suddenly changed, their faces were full of resoluteness, and the faint military spirit dissipated and floated in the sky, turning into courage to fight.

zhen zhen zhen against the enemy!!

The old general couldn't marvel and issued orders one after another.

War is imminent!