Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 28: First Victory

Chapter 28: First Victory

The first thing to fire is still the artillery array on the city wall.

The gunfire roared, and the sound of explosions was endless. The oncoming giant army kept falling down and spewing out into thick steam. Some of them were killed by shells, but more were trampled to death by the same kind rushing up from behind.

A huge amount of high-temperature steam, like a falling cloud, spreads and covers the small half of the giant's body, which is a big trouble for the gunners on the wall. After all, there are people below, and they can't be as casual as usual.

"Ryst: Great Wind!!" The blue phoenix scepter waved again, and a gust of wind suddenly blew from the right side, blowing away most of the endless thick white air, so that the human side could see a rough idea.

Bang Bang!!

Under the command of the old general, the infantry formed four rows. Because the loading of * is relatively troublesome and the shooting speed is not fast, they use segmentation. After the first row of soldiers fight, the second row is immediately connected, and then the third row and the fourth row, which ensures the strength and density of firepower.

This is a good shooting tactic. However, in the face of the huge height difference, they were destined to only aim at the giant's ankles, knees and other parts to attack in order to break their joints and make them fall to the ground and be trampled to death by later giants.

In the final analysis, in this battle, the infantry is just cannon fodder and experiment.

The real main force is still the artillery.

After the infantry array, there is the artillery camp.

With an order, the gunner ignited the fire and moved neatly and skillfully.

The gun body was shocked, and hundreds of dark bombs shot out of the barrel, drawing beautiful arcs and attacking the giant army. It is still a height problem, and the landing point of the shell is often the position of the giant's abdominal muscles...


The sound of earth-shaking explosions came one after another, and the dazzling firelight burst, breaking through the thick fog above and shining the area hundreds of meters around red.

The violent impact blew the giant into azhan, and a large number of broken bones and meat pieces of internal organs were thrown away, dragging cigarette tails, like a destroyed plane, falling to the ground.

The front row of giants was killed on the spot, followed by a strong shock wave, and most of them were trampled to death by the third row of giants.

In the first round of shooting, hundreds of giants were killed!!

The burning spirit burst out of the eyes of all soldiers and turned into Xiong's will to kill.

The second wave of shelling followed. Unfortunately, Datoucai learned the lesson just now and ordered the giants to disperse each other, greatly reducing the effect of this wave of attack and killing less than 50 giants.

After several rounds of shelling, the giant rushed to the warning line of the restored army - within 50 meters.

The sharp corps moved, and Zhang Shen also moved.

lian into an array, start!

The electric light spreads like a snake, and the earth rumbles. Hundreds of mud column fountains spewed out from the ground. Seeing the wind solidify, they turn into yellow-black hard soil pillars with thin thighs and stand proudly.


As the power, the gas gas is ejected by ropes, and the claws at the top fall on the soil column, and the improved claw blade penetrates deeply into it. The rope contracted, driving the figures to rush into the sky, and several breaths rose by dozens of meters.

In a brittle sound, the long knife came out of the sheath, and the cold light flowed.

Three-dimensional maneuver can not be used by everyone. Balance ability, reaction speed, courage, courage, calmness... Only with these qualities can you become an excellent assault soldier.

Relying on two ropes, they incarnate the apes Mount Tai, swinging around among many earth pillars, looking for suitable attack angles and opportunities, and the blades point to the giants entering the warning area.

A giant with 16 abdominal muscles rushed over, hit it with both hands and patted a soldier, like a fly.

The man's pupils condensed, the rope was put away, grabbed a pillar of earth beside him, and flew between the giant's two palms dangerously. With a sneering sound, his claws fell on a pillar of earth not far from the giant's head. The rope quickly contracted and pulled his body over, like a swallow cutting water, with elegant and simple movements.

At the same moment when it fell on the soil column, another rope was released, tightly grasping a soil column not far away. With the help of the huge power brought by the contraction of the rope, he rolled over in the air and appeared in the back of the giant's head.

"Disgusting monster, go to hell!!" Turning the anger in his heart into strength, he twisted his sword and cut the place where the back of the giant's neck and skull were connected.

The sharp blade, ignoring the skin tougher than the cowhide of the giant, tore open the skin and fall on the bones.

The knife was slightly stagnant, but it still cut the giant's bone and cut off most of its head!

The giant's palm finally closed, and then closed, the head also fell forward, leaving only a piece of skin and flesh connected, and the bone was completely broken under the action of inertia.

The T virus began to exert force, and a large number of sprouts drilled out of the fractures on both sides, and they were about to be entangled together. With the exaggerated self-healing power brought by the giant's thick nerves and T-virus, it can appear alive on the battlefield again in a few minutes!

However, this is a battlefield after all.

The silver knife light flashed!

Another handsome figure crossed by, and the last piece of connected skin and flesh was cut off, and the giant's head fell to the ground.

A palm made of dirt jumps up from the ground, slapped it, and patted its head into a pool of debris.

The giant died completely.

In this way, with the cooperation of the assault soldiers and Zhang Shen, the giants who broke into the warning area died one after another, turned into a fragile white bone, and were trampled into a pool of bone slag.

Seeing this, the old general changed his strategy in time and ordered the infantry to give up the attack on the giant's joints and turn to deal with these giant pioneers who were played by Zhang Shen and the commandos. For a while, the giant's vanguard was killed and injured, and was almost slaughtered.

The big head dish finally sent out the elite under his command.

Dozens of giants with bone plates are like a layer of bone armor. Judging from their abdomens that are not covered by bone armor, the weakest also has 27 abdominal muscles, and the strongest giant, even has 40 abdominal muscles, 50 meters tall, and the instinctive momentum is shocking.

The speed of these bone giants is also amazing. The short-range charge speed is extremely fast and flexible. The shells from the wall and the artillery array are difficult to hit them and are flexibly dodged by them.

It's too late to marvel that several skull giants have appeared next to the earth pillar made by Zhang Shen.

With their arms closed in front of their chests, they were like rampaging chariots, hitting a pillar of earth that is not as strong as ordinary steel.


The sound of collision sounded, and the result was--

The soil column broke and turned into countless pieces, as if it had suffered a blast and shot around. More than a dozen soldiers who could not escape were hit by the soil block. They were immediately wounded and red at the corners of their mouths.

"It's time for us to take action." Yi Chao gently patted the horse on the back, and the fighting spirit in his body was turbulent. He jumped and soared. Several ups and downs fell on the top of an earth pillar.

The moon ghost began to practice, and as soon as he rotated, the torrent of sword spirit roared out.

Secret Sword: Shocking romantic!!

The sword spirit rolled over, like a dragon going out to sea. With only a gentle twist, a skull giant was rolled into pieces by the sharp sword frenzy and turned into endless steam to rise to the sky, leaving only the fine bone slag scattered on the ground to prove its existence.

"You go too." Blue Phoenix has been using the law to disperse the steam on the battlefield and maintain various auxiliary states on the soldiers. Seeing that Yi Chao joined the battlefield, he turned his eyes to Jiang Chaohui and others.

To be honest, Moke and others don't want to be associated with this dangerous war, but they have low strength and dare not dare to resist the "oppression" of Blue Phoenix and others. They can only restrain their emotions and invigorate their spirits, and dismount to enter the killing battlefield with "limited luxury supreme version" * "ash" and smoke.

"Law Order: Power! Agile! Sharp! Physical strength!" A series of gain effects fell on the newcomers. They intuitively felt that a warm stream flowed through their bodies, and their quality was at least doubled and their confidence greatly increased.

Although after the death of Ling Youzhuang's two teammates, Blue Phoenix's heart has changed a little and is no longer as kind and gentle as before, her essence remains unchanged, at least she will not deliberately force Jiang Chaohui and others to die.

After Yi Chao entered the battlefield, Li Jing and others also joined one after another.

He wanted to try his progress and limit. Under the protection of Li Ji, Li Jing concentrated on casting spells. The spiritual power in his body surged like a boiling spring, and his long hair and clothes were automatically without wind. The surging spiritual power began to affect reality and condensed into a disk-shaped spiritual light according to the inexplicable trajectory.

"Seventy-six of breaking the road ยท The strong light of teeth!!"

With a delicate shout, the spiritual light flashed, and more than a dozen laser-like light columns shot out of the disk. After completely penetrating the oncoming giants, the rest of the situation continued to advance and penetrated dozens of giants in a row.

At first glance, these giants are like kebabs, skewered into a string by an iron brace.

Unfortunately, Li Jing could not control this ghostly. Although the giant's body was penetrated, it was not the key and began to heal quickly under the influence of the T virus.

The left hand held Li Jing, which was a little weak. Li Ji's eyes flashed coldly. His right hand stretched out, and his palm turned out. His thoughts moved, and his spiritual power converged and condensed into a basin-sized green light sphere.

Flash, go!

The huge virtual flash cut out a light tail under the control of Li Ji, fell in the center of the giant injured by Li Jing, and exploded.

The explosive spiritual power blew up more than 20 giants around, and nearly half of them were blown into pieces.

Li Jing saw this and smiled helplessly.

After so many days of getting along, she also found the changes in her sister. In the face of this almost doting care, she could only smile helplessly and accept it completely.

"Unfortunately, when the realm has arrived, the spiritual power can't keep up." Li Jing was pleased to find that if she could keep up with her spiritual strength, now she could release all the ghost magic she had learned!

[PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of "Gentleman in the Wind"!]