Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 42: Dramatic Changes [End of Annual Leave, I'm Back]

Chapter 42: Dramatic Changes

The ice world, the other end of the gate of time and space, the commander is about to vomit blood, if it has this ability.

Hundreds of years of preparation, see success in front of you. Hundreds of thousands of former troops have arrived in a different world through the gate of time and space, but they have been destroyed by one move?!

The commander standing at the top of the giant beast held the weapon in his hand and roared. The most elite driving mount in the army accelerated into the gate of time and space that took great effort.

Gao Wen and Duan Hongchen stood in the void, looking at all this with a meaningless expression.

"Knowing that it was futile, it's really..." Duan Hongchen clicked inexplicably and slowly clenched his fist, and the subtle changes that could not be perceived quietly happened around his fist.

At the moment when all the elites who were relied on by the commander as hope stepped out of the door of time and space, his fist fell.

One punch, shot through the air.

Bland and without any vision.

But when the light flashed, it was not dazzling, and then the army disappeared.

Once again!

The commander looked up to the sky and roared silently, but the ultimate grief, indignation and fear clearly spread to everyone's heart.

It retreated decisively.


Gao Wen shook his head: "Come as soon as you want, leave as soon as you want. How can it be so simple?"

In the small space, Lie Gang crushed the last burning ice element and suddenly showed a look: "So..." His eyes flashed, a little unwilling and a little trance, "Inexpectedly, he is not dead yet..."

"Give him back in the same way and strengthen the source... Good plan!"

Lie Quan smiled ferociously and crushed the altar fiercely: "How can you succeed so smoothly!"

The moment the altar broke, the huge door of time and space shook.

Duan Hongchen's eyes swept this way, and his sharp eyes seemed to have crossed the space barrier and landed on the twisted Lieguang, muttering with a voice that only he could hear, "Little mouse, really came out."

At the same time, in the mysterious 51 area, the huge final brain moved in the nutrient solution, creating a series of bubbles.

A great power rushed out of the final brain disease, broke through the clouds, and poured into the door of the swaying time and space. The latter stopped turbulence in an instant, such as Mount Tai, which remained motionless and even expanded a little.

My existence was discovered, my calculation was destroyed, and the expression of Lie's eyes changed rapidly for a while, fixed on the evil twisted smile, as if he was expecting something.

In the camp.

A series of changes that occurred in a short period of time made Lichen and others lose their voices together.

The previous moment, I was still playing the game of "Monster Siege" step by step. The next moment, the sky was discolored by lightning and thunder. A huge crack was torn open. No matter how you look at it, it was an ominous omen. Sure enough, an army of monsters that made people's scalp palsy drilled out of the suspected plane door, and the number made people desperate!


With a flash of light, the two venerable men appeared on the stage, and with only one move, they destroyed all the attacking monsters...

The endless changes, the weird development, and the power that people look forward to...

On the Antarctic continent, two camps, even though surrounded by countless monsters, people are still excited.


A voice rings from the bottom of the hearts of all capable people!

Everyone was panicked, frightened, surprised and at a loss.

The original guards such as Bu Lichen were full of surprise after a short warning.

The voice of "Great Will"!!!

The voice that has been different for many years once again sounded in the hearts of the guards.

At this moment, Bu Lichen didn't know what emotion was in his heart, but he didn't know that all the guards had burst into tears.

[Main Mission: Conbating the Ice God World]

[Mission 1: Weaken and erase the resistance of indigenous creatures in the ice divine world]

[Mission 2: Grab the four sources of the ice god world]

[Reward: Find the six guardians of the original world (Earth) to ask for it]

The voice of "Great Will" is as indifferent and detached as ever, but Bu Lichen actually heard the "excitement" from it!

Generally speaking, the "great will" is the evolution of the will of the human race in the heavens and the world. It is similar to the "heavenly way". There is no emotion, emotion or self-will.

"It's my illusion..." Bu Lichen rubbed his temples and thought to himself.

The guards are still immersed in the excitement of the "lost and recovery" of the great will, and their thoughts are entangled, while most of the other capable people are confused and looking at each other.

The voices of Gao Wen and Duan Hongchen sounded in everyone's ears in time.


The goal is the ice world!

The simple "explanation" of the two made all those who are still alive shine their eyes, rub their hands, and regard this sudden ice world as a peerless treasure.

Precious treasures, genius treasures to improve their strength, the guidance of the venerable, powerful unique learning... and so on. After all, they are the venerable people of the "Fa" realm. Only six people have made the secondary copycat version of Chengtian Tower, which stimulated everyone to scream like wolves in winter night.

Ronald Linpu, the "ancestor of life" towering into the clouds.

After receiving the message of Gao Wen and the two, Ronald Linpu's simple face on the tree trunk moved, and the ancestral tree suddenly turned green. Hundreds of thousands of green leaves fell off the tree and turned into a vast colorful green river, crossing space and coming over the Antarctic continent.

The sky suddenly appeared green, and in the vast ocean, meteors fell in front of every capable person.

This is a piece of green leaf carved like flawless jade, with clear veins and verdant green, emitting vitality, which is very kind.

This is something prepared in advance by the six venerable people, just like the mark of the great will left on every guard such as Bu Lichen, with communication, recording, protection, crossing and other functions. Only by holding this green leaf into the ice world can we avoid the oppression and rejection from the laws of another world to the greatest extent.

At the moment of seeing Fei Ye, everything about it naturally entered the hearts of everyone.

Bu Lichen and other guards were familiar with each other and reached out to touch it with nostalgia.

The jade leaf dissipates and integrates into the body of the toucher, forming a green leaf mark on the wrist, palm and other parts.

Fei Ye combined with everyone for a moment, and his strong vitality was quietly released, washing away the wounds, dark wounds and boils in the human body, and had a slight effect of spiritual cleansing. Everyone suddenly felt refreshed, and many people's powers were upgraded to the next level on the spot.

This gift makes everyone look forward to the next journey to the alien world.

High in the sky, Gao Wen and Duan Hongchen took all kinds of things below into sight, and couldn't help exhaling secretly and relieved.

They have not been "premended for a long time" for everything today. They have been completely driven out in the past few days. Fortunately, they have not been separated from the previous derivation and responded well.

"Great will..." Duan Hongchen looked up at the sky, and his slightly empty eyes seemed to penetrate the invisible barrier and fall on a mysterious existence.

Gao Wen's expression is also a little strange, and a large number of emotions are mixed and evolved, which is particularly awkward.

In the ice god world, the commander seemed to have received some information and roared angrily for a while. His army began to disperse, turning into zero under the command of generals and dispersing everywhere.

The commander's eyes are full of murder, but there is nothing he can do. For a long time, when the army under its command almost withdrew, it looked at this side with hatred and drove the giant beast under it to leave.

On this side, after figuring out the use of Fei Ye, the slightly cooled people began to "team" towards the ice god world, fighting monsters and upgrading to do tasks.

Small space.

With a "bang", the space barrier was broken, and the figures of Gao Wen and Duan Hongchen appeared.

What came into their sight were the bodies of three ice-burning elements such as Camoya and the altar broken into small pieces.

There is nothing else.

"It's quite fast."

Duan Hongchen frowned, and there was a trace of irritability in his heart.

This kind of hide-and-seek action made him feel like a cat teased by a mouse, which was very unpleasant.

When he left, Duan Hongchen punched him and pointed straight to the core of the small space.


A brilliant fireworks suddenly appeared in the sky, and its dazzling brilliance even exceeded the magnificent door of time and space, attracting the attention of Bu Lichen and others.

Two figures appear closely with the blooming brilliance.

It is the broken world and Gao Wen.

The turbulent energy, gorgeous light and shadow, the mysterious realm, the things revealed by this fireworks made many people with the ability to recognize goods applaud.

However, they didn't see that Gao Wen and Duan Hongchen looked bad in the sky. No, they were ugly.

The punch of breaking the world was originally a way to vent its anger. Under normal circumstances, it would only destroy the small space and would not produce such a big reaction at all.

The two were overshadowed by the hidden hands left by Lie ang!

Although it was only a little skin injury, it made the two very embarrassed.

In the secret confrontation of this round, Lie Kong won the victory and played with Duan Hongchen, who were the venerable people of the "law" realm, between applause.

"Daw! Damn it! Damn it!!" Broken Hongchen gritted his teeth, and his finger bones creaked.

Gao Wen's face was gloomy, and his warm eyes were replaced by murderous intent: "Little mouse, don't be caught by me!!"

If the performance of the two at this moment falls in the eyes of people who are familiar with them, they will definitely be very surprised.

Gao Wen is generous and proud of himself. The former is broad-minded, and the latter is arrogant. It is completely impossible to lose his temper because of this little thing!

Even before breaking the world, he will not directly punch and attack the core of the small space - there are many ways to destroy such a space, and most of them will not react.

Obviously, the two were affected by some kind of power!

That kind of power is quiet but very domineering, and even the two people of the Venerable in the Dharma realm have overturned the boat in the sewer!

Everything in the sky, or everything that happened to Duan Hongchen and Gaowen, fell in Lieang's eyes.

When the two were full of murder and gritting their teeth, he was standing in the camp, quietly watching the scene, smiling at the corners of his mouth, and very satisfied with his masterpiece.

He didn't even change his face!

The ghost king, who was meditating, raised his head and looked this way from the other end of the continent. His sharp eyes seemed to cross the whole continent and fell on Lie Can.

"I found you!"

[PS: Holiday syndrome...]