Infinite Alchemy

Chapter 43: Sneak Attack

Chapter 43: Sneak Attack

It has been several months since countless abyss spirits poured out from Tartarus and ravaged the three worlds.

In the face of the endless and endless enemies, despite the internal contradictions, several major forces have temporarily united.

The three forces of Athena, Hephaistos and Poseidon in the Olympian divine world, the "order" alliance led by the Moon God, the remnant army of Hades Pluto, and Knolos and other Titans.

The gods of the original Olympus divine world were at odds with each other. Hades was malicious to the gods, especially Knolos, who had been imprisoned for so many years, couldn't wait to kill every god with his own hands... In this case, if the spirit of the abyss had not been too powerful, they would have fought internally to share the life and death.

For several months, the world has been completely occupied by the spirit of the abyss, and none of them have been destroyed. After that, the spirit of the abyss launched an attack on the divine world with all its strength.

Although the gods are powerful, they can bite the elephants with more ants. In the face of the endless spirit of the abyss, they are defeated and can only barely defend the Olympic world from being attacked.

Fortunately, the spirits of the abyss have no IQ, just like zombies. As long as they don't enter their perception range, they don't need to care. Otherwise, with the power of both sides, the world will completely fall.

Olimus Divine Realm, the original war temple.

Ares is dead, and this has become the territory of Titans such as Knolos. The power of the God of War of Kratos makes it bloom again and the door opens again.

It is worth mentioning that Athena and several other main gods unanimously agreed to make Kratos the new god of war and inherit everything from Ares.

Kratos thus became the key to connecting the two great enemies of the gods and Titan.

Recently, as the characteristics of the spirits of the abyss are gradually figured out, the gods have mastered the method of shielding their induction, temporarily breathing from endless battles, and the divine world has also ushered in a long-lost precious tranquility.

Kratos is wiping his weapons, and Hephaistos made two blades specially for him.

The spotless knife body flows with a cold light, which is fascinating.

Suddenly, Kratos clenched his hands and held the edge.

The red blood rolled down without money.

After drinking blood, the two blades emitted a dark red light, rising and converging into an air mass. In the fog, a thin figure appeared, as if it were a little girl.

"Pandora." The sound came from Kratos' chest, low and thick, shaking the air and resonating. He looked at the little girl Pandora, and his eyes were full of pain and regret.

Pandora's appearance is the daughter of Kratos!

In another time and space that belongs to the future, Kratos was misled by Ares, the god of war, accidentally killed his wife and daughter, regretted for life, and didn't expect to see him again at this moment.

In the dark red fog, Pandora's thin figure flashed, as if she was in a strong wind and would be blown away at any time.

For a moment, the light on both blades gradually dimmed and extinguished, and the fog and Pandora's figure in it also dissipated.

With too much blood loss, Kratos' face was pale and dark blue, with a serious illness, which was very miserable and embarrassing.

In the bleak description, Kratos's eyes burst out, and he made a decision!

Not long after, he sorted out the necessary things and stepped out of the divine world despite the dissuasion of Knolos and others.

Somewhere in the human world.

In a sparsely populated place, a hole suddenly appeared on the ground, and one person slowly walked out from it.

It is Zhang Shen who has been hidden for several months.

He finally absorbed everything from Zeus, Ares, Paine and other three gods and came out of the retreat.

Before he slowly confirmed the action, the two ghosts of the abyss rushed out of the dense forest and attacked him.

Why are you everywhere? Zhang Shen twitched the corners of his mouth and was speechless, casually destroying the two abyss that happened to wander nearby.

After a few steps, the spirit of the abyss came.

has been eliminated several waves in a row. Although the number is small and weak, it is really annoying.

Although Zhang Shen has not recovered from the closed state, he also knows that extraordinary things have happened in the world during his disappearance.

He hid his whereabouts and carefully began to investigate.

The more you investigate, the more numb your scalp will be.

Even a living human or even an animal has been found in the world, replaced by a wandering abyss!

"Have all human beings been killed?" Zhang Shen was shocked.

The closer it is to the gathering place of the original human beings, the denser the spirit of the abyss is, and there is no end to life. These scenes that enter the sight make his scalp numb and he dare not think about it further.

Zhang Shen touched the divine world, but in the process of going deep, he was almost discovered and exposed by the powerful abyss spirit. He quickly retreated and sweated coldly.

Although he found that his world of truth is useful for this existence before the retreat, it is definitely a death act to fight alone against the spirits of the abyss that occupy two of the three worlds. Moreover, the truth realm cannot exist for a long time. At the same time, the spirits of the abyss are not necessarily the existence of the five scum, which almost expose his whereabouts. It gives him a very difficult feeling.

Perhaps the only thing to be happy about is that there is still resistance in the divine world, and this world has not completely sunk.

Just as Zhang Shen was thinking about how to break through the encirclement and enter the divine world, he saw a familiar figure falling from the sky and falling into the spirit army of the abyss, flying with both blades and killing.

It is Kratos, the god of war.

Seeing the same spirit of the abyss, he suddenly met an acquaintance. Zhang Shen was overjoyed and rushed out brazenly to expand the realm of truth, destroying all the spirits of the abyss around Kratos.

When the spirits of the nearby abyss came closer, there were no shadows of two people.

Zhang Shen repeated his old skills and took Kratos to hide in the ground.

From the latter, Zhang Shen learned about the changes that had happened in several months and was speechless for a long time.

"What do you want to do when you rush out alone?" After a long time, Zhang Shen frowned and asked.

"Find the three goddesses of fate and ask them a few questions." Kratos answered questions very sincerely. However, Zhang Shen did not find that when Kratos' eyes flashed over him, there was a strange light in the depths of his eyes.

According to Kratos, the three goddesses of fate are in a semi-closed small world and will probably not be affected by the abyss frenzy. In addition, they have a special status and have a unique power of fate. They can see through the future to a certain extent. At this moment of panic, they may be able to get useful clues from them.

After listening, Zhang Shen chose to believe Kratos' judgment and went with him to find the mysterious three goddesses of fate.

He had two contacts with the three goddesses before, and each time he was not very happy, but I think the latter should no longer stick to that kind of little thing at this time...



With the "cums" of Kratos, Zhang Shen's concealment is no longer so perfect. I encountered several situations along the way. Fortunately, I was lucky. After all, I arrived at the end and arrived at the destination.

The island of fate is not absolutely closed like a small space. The breath leaked. Many abyss spirits gathered around it and persistently launched another impact on it. When the two arrived, the island of fate had been damaged. In the empty sky, they could actually see the outline of the island of fate. It seems that there is only a cloud, which is faintly visible.

Obviously, if after a while, the Island of Destiny will completely "fall" into the world, and then everything will be too late.

Zhang Shen and Qutos worked together to kill the most powerful abyss spirits in one fell swoop, followed by another killing. After solving most of the abys spirits, they broke the already weak space barrier and jumped into the island of fate before the spirits of the abyss gathered farther away.

Entering the moment, Zhang Shen felt that there was a restless breath on the island of fate, which was originally quiet like a paradise. The creatures on the island were affected and very active, wandering around, migrating, hunting and hunting, making the air more filled with a faint smell of blood.

The two quickly came to the snake-haired banshee hall.

A lifelike sculpture moved, and Medusa woke up from her deep sleep and slowly swam in front of the two. There was clear vigilance and evil spirit in the cold snake pupils.

The moment Zhang Shen entered Destiny Island, the three goddesses knew that they had obviously given her a message, so Medusa, who was affected by this restless breath, did not attack them.

The three goddesses took the initiative to meet them, with an unprecedentedly gentle attitude and expression.

Croso: "Thank you two for destroying the demons outside Destiny Island for us."

Laksis: "But hell and the human world have been occupied by this monster at this time. The number is so huge that it can't be killed at all."

Atropos: "Whether it is for the balance of the world or ourselves, these monsters must be destroyed."

Zhang San couldn't help but be happy when he heard the words: "So, have you three people found a solution?"

Croso Wenya smiled and said, "Please come with us."

After closing the door twice in a row, he actually got the VIP treatment this time. Zhang Shen silently complained and followed closely.

Croso led the way in front, Zhang Shen followed closely, Kratos was behind him, and Laxis and Atelopos were respectively.

The leading the way, the escort, followed by one. At first glance, Zhang is like a leader on patrol.

However, after careful consideration, Zhang is already surrounded by four people!

However, the impression of the three goddesses (mainly the legends from this world have been other gods) made Zhang Shen not think about it at all, but secretly guessed what the "solution" was said by Crosoe.

Under the leadership of Croso, a group of five people came to the mirror of fate.

"This is indeed." Zhang Shen's eyes flashed, and he couldn't help looking forward to it.

In this world, this mirror of fate can actually travel through the past and the future, which really opens Zhang Shen's eyes and trusts his ability very much, thus adding some confidence in Crosoe's plan.

The three sisters looked at each other, operated their power, and activated the mirror of fate.


The next moment, the sound of mirror rupture came from Zhang Shen's ear!

Constered, Kratos moved!

The dark red pattern suddenly appeared, and Kratos punched with a large number of strange "tattoos".

The mirror of fate is broken!

A dark cave appeared at the foot of Zhang Shen.

Unprepared, he was bound by mysterious forces. Zhang Shen fell into the black hole and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

[PS: Suddenly found that Chapter 21 is missing... speechless]

[PS2: Post-holiday syndrome attack...adapting]