Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 076 Reincarnation

“...... I won the second game. Adam pushed his glasses, with a faint smile on the corners of his mouth and a gentle gentleman's smile, as if he was sincerely greeting his closest friend.

In terms of controlling the overall situation, Adam is definitely the first person to deserve.

A alpha spy satellite flew tens of thousands of meters above his head. Everything that happened on the island, no matter how big or small, could escape his eyes. The battle between Bai Yu and Dr. Werewolf and Captain America just now was naturally seen clearly by the two. So in the end, Adam immediately issued an order, and the Legion of Robots fired thousands of guns and directly razed the top of the mountain to the ground...

Lin Xiao was expressionless and said coldly, "It's a pity that you lost the last game."

Adam's eyes narrowed slightly...

In this killing competition, the most entangled with the God Team is the "Cyan Fantasy Team" in Europe and the United States. From the beginning, there is only one Adam left. The other five people or directly or indirectly all died under Lin Xiao. Even Julia, who has such a big killer as "true and false eyes" Why did the three glassesless man who had no surprises live to the end?

There is a good saying: "A dog that can bite people doesn't bark, and it's the boss who lives to the end." The longer you have been in contact with Adam, the more you will find Adam's horror.

In fact, the battle between the two teams was commanded by Julia at the beginning. The real confrontation between Lin Xiao and Adam was the time when Bug Valley met and Julia went crazy to die.

Living is the most original pursuit of a living organism. It is hard to imagine that a person will be crazy enough to give up his life just to disgust the enemy? But Julia did this. Knowing that she would die, she still flew into the fire and was desperate.

In addition, no one knows the reason why Lin Xiao killed Julia mercilessly. Isn't it a matter of dealing with a crazy woman with all the means and all the cards? However, Lin Xiao dared to risk the world and indirectly killed two partners and forced away a potential teammate... This practice is unwise and puzzling anyway, isn't it?

"Oh, it's a pity that I didn't count you." Adam smiled with interest, "How did you find out?"

Lin Xiao pointed to his chest faintly and said, "Language loopholes, strange behavior, and... You who retreated."

"From the beginning when we shook hands, you were intentionally or unintentionally inducing me to instill some kind of idea. Then Julia counterattacked crazily and put me in a dilemma, like a hot potato, which can't be killed or kept. No matter how you look at it, this is a good time for you to counterattack, right?"

"But you retreated... Ha ha, the captain sacrificed his life to get a chance to turn over for you, but you retreated directly without saying anything.

"The third... When Julia and I were talking. Although it's all about it, if I really believe that she likes me, my head will be caught by Ryven. But the meaning between the lines is still revealed: 1. She is very happy, like a girl who makes exquisite dolls, and can't wait to show off to others. 2. She is going to die. If there is no regret and reluctance.

"If the front is all my speculation and there is no evidence, then... My mental scan will never lie to me. Lin Xiao pointed to her eyes, "I 'seeed'... In Julia's heart, there is a dark shadow. If I'm not mistaken, it's..."

"Destroy the core device!"

"You are very smart!" Adam laughed heartfeltly and happily: "Dear Lin, you have let me down."

"Yes, Julia is indeed going to die. Even if you don't kill her, she will never survive the end of the mission. True and false eyes, how can ordinary people use this killing trick? Each use requires the cost of one eye, and there is still no reverse phagocy. But you broke the infinite nightmare, and from that moment on, Julia will definitely die!"

"In addition, I have observed your attack mode, not to mention powerful magic, but also the use of summons and explosives. Tons of explosives are not affordable for ordinary people. So, I made a guess... You already have the home world. Next, the death bracelet, the desert army and even the golden mask all gave proof. If I guess correctly, your home world is Desert Maze, right?

Lin Xiao shrugged his shoulders and smiled, "Then I also have a guess that your home world is Red Alert? The Robot Legion, the spy satellite and the endless rockets..."

Adam nodded for sure. Denying is meaningless in front of smart people.

"Speaking of which, I'm really curious about you." Adam pushed his glasses, but there was a trace of enthusiasm on his face. "According to my observation these days, you are not a reincarnation, but you are not weak at all... In fact, Julia said that it was a confrontation and a test. I placed the incomplete destruction core from the home world in Julia's body, and the detonation device was Julia's heartbeat.

Red Alert III, home world, Rising Sun Empire, destruction of core devices, anti-matter annihilation rays... These words are put together, but give people an indescribable fear.

Adam continued: "Of course, the detonation condition I set was not Julia's heartbeat stop, but the number of Julia's heartbeats... You are lucky to kill Julia 30 seconds in advance, otherwise it will be a real song of destruction.

In fact, Lin Xiao also found this and had to take action quickly. Although it is not clear that Julia was installed by Adam as the core device for the destruction of the Rising Sun Empire, she has some predictions in her mind and will not do anything... Then there is only the destruction of the group!

As for the death of Leng Qingling and Xiao Qi and Bai Yu's departure, although Lin Xiao wanted to explain these things, he had no real evidence and could only keep silent.

For a moment of silence, Lin Xiao suddenly said:

"What you said about 'reincarnation'... What is it?"

"Reincarnation... It's okay to tell you." Adam thought for a moment and said, "First of all, reincarnations are also human and adventurers. The only difference between the two is that the reincarnation is... Adventurer after rebirth."

" hiss~~" Lin Xiao took a cold breath and intuitively knew that he had gradually come into contact with a huge mystery.

Adam said coldly, "What is the city? What kind of existence is the master? This question is tantamount to asking 'What is the ancient heaven and why does the earth rotate'? There is no basis for speculation. How can it be correct! But it is undeniable that the world is really big, and everything you want and can't imagine can be achieved. In my eyes, this is a place where dreams come true..."

"When the level of adventurers gradually improves and their strength becomes stronger, the more things they come into contact with. Gradually, some people found that the ultimate horror... Don't ask me, I don't know what the ultimate horror is! I only know that everyone in front of it is as fragile as an ant.

"Some people don't want to die, but fate makes no one can escape. So some people tried their best to find a way to procrastinate... Through the secret method of reincarnation, you can make yourself a come back as an ordinary adventurer. Although you are still an ant, you are still alive, aren't you?

The ultimate horror, reincarnation, reincarnation... Just a few words, but personal unspeakable pressure! This seems to touch some of the deepest secrets!

turned into a new adventurer and live again as a novice, but with all the previous experiences and memories, they know what to do and what not to do, know the strategies of many mission worlds, and know the secrets that others can't reach. These people hide in the dark and silently accumulate strength. Maybe they are Jiayi Bingding who pass by you, maybe they are teammates fighting side by side with you, or maybe they are the flowers in Yanliu Lane*... It's horrible to think about it!

"I'm sure you are not a reincarnation. That's why I'm really interested in you." Adam smiled and said, "Because of their natural advantages, reincarnations can easily become strong and jump to others. Of course, it is not ruled out that a small part of the unlucky death is not ruled out. But you are not a reincarnation, but your strength has grown to this point, which really surprises me.

"The dominated city is like a real world, with low-level laborers and middle-class white-collar workers, but the real strength is still in the hands of a small number of people. They are the real strong... There has never been fairness in this world. The law of the jungle and natural selection are the truth. If you are allowed to grow up, you are likely to be among those small 'strong people'.

"So I'm very interested in witnessing the birth of a strong man or the death of an ant. It's a very interesting experience, isn't it?"

Adam smiled and nodded, "Well, the last two sentences. First: shooting the first bird, nourishing energy, and secretly accumulating strength is the right way. Otherwise, when you face the ultimate horror, you will know what despair and powerlessness are. Of course, the premise is that you can survive."

"Second: Death is by no means the end."

Lin Xiao listened and said seriously:

"Well, I also want to say a word... You lose the first game, and you will still lose the second game!"

(Well, Julia's death is just the beginning, the first game between Lin Xiao and Adam. Some book friends in the book review area said that I was brain-damaged, and I was not convinced...)