Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 077 Dangerous Xu Le

Xu Le gasped, covered his eyes with blood mixed with sweat, and his eyes were blurred red. The heartache of the left rib,

It seems that tens of millions of ants are gnawing.

"My~~ The ribs must be broken. This nigger really has a grudge." Xu Le grinned, but he refused to give up. He mocked, "Does your parents know that you are so sucking?"

"Ty, keep talking!" Hunting licked the blood on the blade and said coldly, "You will know what 'sarcasm' is later. Next, I will take out the internal organs, chop them up and feed them for you, or take out your shit, pour them out of you, and then pull them out of your mouth!"

Xu Le's face turned black, as if he had eaten hundreds of flies, and his whole body trembled angrily. "Do you have a grudge against me? Killing people can't nod their heads. You have to use this disgusting method!"

"Hey, because I hate other people's discrimination the most. Every person who says I'm a 'nigger', I will pull out their tongues and feed them their own feces. Of course, because your sarcasm is very good, I will specially add a meal for you.

Grey past, gray childhood...

The United States Declaration of Human Rights states that people are born equal. But for hunting, this sentence is tantamount to the greatest irony, as well as humiliation and anger deep into the bone marrow.

During the primitive accumulation of capital, notorious slave traders ran rampant in the sea, capturing thousands of indigenous people from Africa and sending them to the sparsely populated Americas that had just been discovered at that time. The hunting grandfather was such a black man. In 1743, he was caught by slave traders and sold it as goods to America.

They get up earlier than chickens, sleep later than dogs, and do the hardest and most tiring work all day, but they have no freedom, no salary, and no dignity. They can only eat smelt that pigs don't even want to smell, and rely on tattered straws to keep warm in the cold night... In the eyes of the earth lord, they are just a group of animals in human skin. Without freedom, let alone dignity.

A hundred years later, * the general defeated the United States, so the whole country cheered. President Lincoln broke through the north-south pattern, and blacks were liberated.

But is there really equality? Bullshit!

Even in the United States, which claims to be free and equal, there is still dirty, rotten and abhorrent racial discrimination in the dark!

How many Americans are unwilling to take taxis driven by black drivers? How many Americans don't want to eat in the same restaurant as black people?

The whole United States seems to have an invisible barrier that separates everyone. On one side is the American, and on the other side is... Black people!

However, life must continue. Hunter once naively thought that no matter what others think, he just needs to live happily. It was not until that accident that he knew that he was wrong and perfect...

I remember that it was a sultry afternoon. The sky was very gloomy, and the air seemed to be filled with the smell of rain. A thunder thunder is more urgent than heavy rain... Mother is dead.

How can it be? How could it be! Didn't your mother work at Mr. Howard's house on the street? How could you die? The hunt was anxious and hesitant, but waited for his bloody father and a white man with a big belly... Lawyer.

Ha ha, lawyers, forensic pioneers, should be noble and fair people, but some of the scum and scum are more ugly than demons. They eat people without spitting bones, and they eat people with blood.

I still remember that the middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses said in a disgusting and indifferent tone, "Sorry, the Supervision Bureau has determined that you do not meet the scope of legal aid objects stipulated by this city, because... You are black."

Black... Ha ha. Hunt never thought that a simple character would be so sarcastic, sarcastic and disgusting.

Three days later, the bad news came again, and my father... Dead. Hunting couldn't figure out why his father was just an ordinary black driver and happened to be killed by a hooligan fighting on the roadside. Until Hunter found a note from his father's notebook. So... Revenge begins.

First the indifferent lawyer, damn it! One midnight, the hunter cut his throat with his own hands and looked at the man's helpless eyes and rapidly flowing blood in the bathroom, and an unparalleled pleasure arose. Secondly, it was Mr. Robert on the street, the fat and disgusting man who cut open his stomach with his own hands, took out the greasy stomach, squeezed the liver, and poured gastric juice, bile, poop urine and blood into his mouth... Listening to the man's frightened sobs, it is simply the most beautiful movement in the world.

And the three-year-old cute girl Windsor, with soft golden wavy hair, as cute as a porcelain doll, so exquisite that people can't bear to touch it. But in order to stimulate Mr. Howard, he took out specially prepared scissors and cut off the girl's fingers and toes in front of the man. Looking at the warm blood splashing, the man couldn't help begging for mercy and crying, and the hunt cut the throat of the girl in his arms without hesitation.

Is it wrong? Maybe... But I will never look back!

We are not Nanda, and the United Nations will not fly the flag at half-mast for our death. We are just ordinary people, just small people, but why don't we take our lives? Black people deserve to die. No one will shed a tear of mourning for them. Should they lie on the cold dissection table and wait for the doctor's autopsy?!

If you don't break out in silence, you will perish in silence.

This is the cry and struggle of little people, from anger, helplessness, despair to the final liberation. If you don't let me live, then let's die together!

(Uh, it's off topic, damn it...)

Xu Le naturally doesn't know what the hunter is thinking. There are difficult scriptures at home. Your sadness is none of my business! I only care about my life and death!

However, the reality is very cruel. Xu Le sadly found that in the face of hunting this tiger and wolf-like teenager, he could not last for a minute... Are black people born to be battle maniacs? The fastest record of 100 meters is Bart, and it is also black people who rush to the front line during the big fight. Sure enough, is this race born for battle...

"Okay, I'll send you on your way, waste wood."

With a ferocious smile, he will directly crush Xu Le's throat. Through the battle just now, he has figured out Xu Le's details - melee-like, ordinary physique, without the big gun in his hand, nothing!

"Dad", suddenly a string of bullets swept over, and a girl carrying a huge machine gun rushed out of the oblique thorn. The bullet rain forced the hunt back, and then the girl turned her head and hummed, "Life is life, how can we clear!"

"Don't, help me kill him, so that it's clear." Xu Le gasped for fear that the woman would run away after one shot. He hurriedly said, "Lao Huang has solved the battle and is coming. You can't leave me alone at this time!"

The beautiful big eyes of the gun girl turned and said disdainfully, "Waste wood!"


"Ho, the barrage time has started again. This is my stage!"

The girl took off the Vulcan Gatlin, held the barrel thicker than the waist, and fired crazily. Twelve tubes of bullets were fired at the same time, directly interweaving a net of death, escaping the hunter's confusion.

"Ah ha ha..." Hearing the girl laughing so arrogantly, Xu Le closed his mouth wisely.

"Damn it!" The hunting frown twisted, and the murderous spirit surged in his eyes, smashed a lead-gray armband. Three roars sounded, and three huge fat figures flew out of the air like shells, crashing straight into the air!

Three fat summoning creatures trampled on the earth, and the ground shook. They actually blocked twelve machine guns with fat meat!

The after-hunting!

The two were shocked. Just now, they had learned the strength of hunting and close combat. One of them, a long-range fireman and an auxiliary, was a dead word!

At this time, the change is rebirth! A tall body rushed straight from afar with a tragic breath. In the middle of running, it actually cracked an inch of stepping on the ground, and the gravel flew.

"Good luck!" Lao Huang shouted violently, did not flinch, and strode to meet the three summoners.