Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 030 Join

"My name is Bai Xiaofei, and I'm nicknamed 'White Dragon in the Wave'..."

"In the live-action survival journey, I met the gentle and generous policewoman, the lovely little kindergarten Lori, and other people who struggled to survive in H city."

"I was walking on the way to find Xiaowei, but before that, I went to find Xiaolu's mother, although I didn't have much hope in my heart... Just this morning, a companion was added to the survival team again, a boy next door wearing a priest's robe and smiling happily.

After a fight between the God Team and the Wind Team, the two groups finally compromised with each other and said happy...

Before testing the other party's cards or formation of endless hatred, there is naturally room for both sides to turn around. After all, this is an adventurous world, and most of the actions are interest-centered.

Decisive to fight here means that all the cards are set off and the teammates are killed. No one wants to see this kind of loss.

Under the gaze of everyone, the wound on Lin Xiao's body began to heal rapidly, and soon even the faint scar disappeared. He said lightly:

"If you hand over the knight, we will expose this matter."

Leng Phoenix didn't say anything, just waved his hand, and an assassin in a black cloak came over with a knight who had fallen into a dying state.

Seeing that the knight was dragged over like a dead dog, he silently and the little fat eyes suddenly turned red. He gritted his teeth and took the knight over and stared behind Lin Xiao.

"Lin Xiao, are you the God Team?" At this time, the woman Leng Fenghuang suddenly opened her mouth, and there was an inexplicable light in her eyes.

"That's right." Lin Xiao nodded.

"If you don't fight or don't know each other, it's just a small matter. I promise that no one will chase the three of them in the future." Leng Fenghuang threw a sweet date and smiled, "So, Captain Lin, are you interested in making some transactions?"

"Tpeak and listen." Lin Xiao touched her chin and played with the taste, "If it's interesting, I may agree."

Cold Phoenix was not annoyed and said:

"It's very simple. Our Wind Team can help you fight against Yuntao, but in return, you must help us qualify for the top four teams."

Lin Xiao refused: "I'm not interested!"

Leng Fenghuang was stunned and waited until later. Lin Xiao waved his hand as if he were driving flies, and his disdain was overflowing.

"Hey." With a sigh, the woman said nothing more and led several members of the Wind Team to turn around and leave.

Lin Xiao's eyes were faint. After this group of people left, he looked at the three little fat people and said:

"Since we have met, let's act with us. If there are many people, there will be a care..."

Little fat tears rolled, "Brother, you are still righteous!"

After dressing the wound on his body and drinking a bottle of nutrition fast line, the knight also recovered, briefly talked about the situation after the break, and said with a wry smile:

"Phoenix and I are actually surviving companions in the same novice trial. Unfortunately, later, the ideas and encounters were different, and the two sides gradually became estranged. I didn't expect that one day we would go to the point of life and death... I can feel that she really wanted to kill me.

Everyone listened and sighed silently. Obviously, the knight is also a man with a story. But the past can't be chased back...

When it comes to adjusting the atmosphere, Xiaopang is naturally a laughing point. This guy touched his big belly, patted his head, and said:

"Yes, we met the protagonist of the original plot before, and he was being chased by zombies. Haha, he was also drunk when he was the protagonist..."

Lin Xiao's heart moved and said, "Is that Bai Xiaofei?"

"Well, it's him, followed by a big wave of police flowers, holding the cute Loli deer in his hand, hugging left and right, and enjoying the blessings of all people." The fat man smirthed, with an obscene smile on his face that everyone knows, shook his head and sighed, "Unfortunately, in the case of adventurers entering randomly, the plot will inevitably be deflected and corrected. Once the protagonist status of the little white children's shoes is not guaranteed, I'm afraid he will be one of the cannon fodder scum who is angry."

As a real world that is constantly changing and developing, there is no fixed protagonist here. The so-called protagonist is just a clue to promote the development of contradictions and plots. If one dies, the master can easily get another one. For example, Alice, the heroine in the biochemical crisis, once set a trap to kill her, and "King Ida" soon replaced Alice as the protagonist...

Hearing the news, Lin Xiao's eyes flashed and meditated for a moment. Lin Xiao said decisively, "Tell me where you saw Bai Xiaofei. There are some things I plan to ask him for help... However, the killing value can't fall, so we have two ways. You go to sweep and hunt the corpses around you, and I'll get in touch with the protagonist.

Although this decision was very abrupt, everyone had always been convinced of Lin Xiao, and no one said much. After pointing out the location, Lin Xiao quickly rushed over.

Needless to say, Lin Xiao's method of finding three ordinary people with almost zero mobility is really not too easy, as long as they are not killed by the corpse brother.

Thirty minutes later, near the aunt's square in a community, Lin Xiao successfully tracked down the protagonist trio. After "fighting hard" to kill a dead brother, Lin Xiao successfully mixed into the survival team with this name.

For the current world, it is only divided into two camps, one is human beings and the other is corpse brothers, so joining the team is still very simple. It shows the identity of human beings. If you are gentle and kind, you can easily get the favor of Xiaobai.

At this time, Bai Xiaofei had just injected the superman potion and was taking the policewoman Hua Xiaohui to find the mother of the cute Loli deer. Lin Xiao's mother has long become a dead brother, but he naturally won't say it. With a handful of decoration*, he followed the protagonist and slowly walked into the unit where the deer's mother was...

Take the elevator from the first floor to the 18th floor. As soon as the elevator door opened, a strong familiar smell came to my face.

Bloody smell!

As soon as I entered the door, a strong smell of blood rushed over my face.

The layout of the ordinary community entered the corridor and turned the corner, but the survival team was suddenly stunned...

There is a dead silence in the corridor, and the eyes are blood red, and the walls, the ground, the top of the head...

From the perspective, the whole corridor seemed to have been brushed with blood. In a low-lying place, the shoes stepped on it, and the accumulated sticky blood even flooded the soles of the shoes.

It is impossible to imagine how many people will die to create such a scene.

Strangely, in addition, no dead brother was found in the corridor, let alone any bodies were found.

The survival team looked at each other and saw a trace of solemnity in the other party's eyes...

The sticky blood water accumulated on the ground and even covered the soles of the shoes. I don't know if it was an illusion. Looking over, it seemed that even the air was filled with a faint layer of blood-colored fog.

I can't imagine how many people will die to cause this tragic situation like a bloody prison.

This hell-like deep tragedy directly scared the little white child's shoes and legs to soften. It took a trembling to stand firm, and the beauty of Xiaohui was about to fall down with a squeak, and was quickly supported by Lin Xiao's eyes.

"If you want to vomit, you can vomit. If you vomit, you will get used to it." Lin Xiaoyou said leisurely.

"Your sister, you seem to be very experienced!" The little white children's shoes roared and looked at the little deer children's shoes covered by Lin Xiao, and the hesitation on his face quickly disappeared. "Forget it, it's all at the door. How can you turn a blind eye to it! "No matter what the Longtan Tiger's den, we will also break through!"


I didn't see a dead body or a dead brother.

The corridor is empty...

No wind, no sound, dead silence, gloomy silence makes people panic.

Maybe the abnormality in the corridor gave the fearless little white children's shoes a sense of crisis, which made him a little hesitant whether to continue to go in.

Faced with his inquiring eyes, Lin Xiao just nodded affirmatively and said leisurely:

"Don't be afraid, at worst, another good man in 18 years!"


In fact, from the bottom of his heart, the little white children's shoes are now very impulsive to turn around and leave. The atmosphere here is too depressing and uncomfortable, making him almost breathless.

But on the one hand, he agreed to Xiaolu, and on the other hand, he did not want to lose face in front of Xiaohui. After a moment of hesitation, he finally bit his teeth fiercely, carried a watermelon knife, and strode into the corridor.

Everyone was on guard, covering each other, and slowly moving inside.

Most of the doors of the houses on both sides of the corridor are open. It is not difficult to tell from the items left inside that these rooms have been inhabited by residents. After all, the virus broke out at night, and most people have gone home. Unfortunately, they have disappeared inexplicably now.

Occasionally, you can see one or two blood-red fingerprints left when struggling on the wall, and on the ground of some rooms, you can also see the blood stains left when dragging the body one by one.

After walking dozens of meters for more than ten minutes, he finally entered Xiaolu's house. After looking around, he did not find his mother's existence. After a little discussion, everyone planned to leave quickly. Because of the corridor outside, the scary smell is getting stronger and stronger.

Everyone walked out of the room and walked to the elevator. However, at this moment...


A muffled sound suddenly came from the end of the corridor, a little like the sound made when the door was closed.

But there is no wind in the corridor.

And judging from the direction of the sound, it seems to be a security door.

The survival team looked at each other and seemed to think of this. They suddenly nod their heads. The three accelerated almost at the same time and ran towards the stairwell.

When I arrived at the elevator room connected to the stairwell, as expected, the safety door that was deliberately opened by the three people was closed and locked from the outside.

What's more strange is that two elevator doors, which were supposed to be closed, are now opened.

Are there any other survivors in this building?

Like before, they locked the security doors on each floor because they were afraid that the corpses on other floors would run out?

It seems that this is the only way to explain...

After a moment of hesitation, the little white children's shoes finally decided to try...

"Is anyone there?"

The voice was very low, but I just hope that the survivors who just closed the door have not left yet.

"Is anyone there?"

Xiaobai shouted again. This time he raised his voice a little, but there was still no movement.

Lin Xiao held the deer in the back and sighed helplessly, "This kind of IQ can also come to the present. It is definitely the protagonist's aura! Haven't you ever heard of 'the more you know, the faster you die'? Don't you have to come out and say hello to him when you encounter something unknown? Do you want to pull the hand? Hello, how are you, everyone?

The deer in his arms raised his head and looked at Lin Xiao with cute big eyes. "Uncle, the deer is hungry and wants to eat grandma."


"What kind of person..."

A shout of little white children's shoes suddenly came from behind him. When Lin Xiao turned around, he saw that the goods had suddenly accelerated and rushed out into the corridor with a watermelon knife.

Lin Xiao rolled his eyes and could only catch up in a hurry...


A muffled sound suddenly came from the front, and then Xiaobai suddenly heard a muffled hum.

When Lin Xiao arrived, he rotated sideways, dodged the smashed Bai Xiaofei, and let him hit the wall. He only saw a red figure at the end of the corridor.

Xiaohui held the little white children's shoes and said anxiously, "Are you all right? Is it the corpse brother?"

Lin Xiao nodded affirmatively, ignored the resentful eyes of the little white children's shoes, and said, "It's indeed a corpse brother, and it's also a female corpse brother."

The three looked at each other and were just about to leave. At this time, the cute owner Xiaolu, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, cried again: "Mom, that's mom. I want mom!"