Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 115 Kill 2

At this time, Li, who had been waiting for a long time, finally found an opportunity...

The lurking of two minutes and 31 seconds, which is not long for him to accumulate his anger to the edge of an outbreak that urgently needs to be vented, the humiliation of being easily captured by the corpse king, the fighting spirit of the half-demon hunter's blood, the trust and trust of his partners...

The blood is boiling and burning all over, but the mind is becoming more and more empty - bringing together all the anger, all the hatred, all the fighting spirit, all the murderous intention, and all the magic with their own soul, spirit, flesh and blood, twisting into a ball into an amazing force that makes you extremely surprised!

Like a dexterous bocat, he fell silently from the roof of a distant building, at the moment when his feet bent because of the cushioning completely stepped on the ground--

"Crazy Potion: Outbreak!"

He looked up and poured a bottle of potion. Under the violent medicinal power, the blood in Li's body began to boil, turning into a roaring blood to transport the hot blood energy to all the cells all over the body in an instant. Under the ultra-extreme burning, the body full of energy torrents A powerful momentum like the tide broke out. It even turned into a substantial strong wind sweeping around.

He sank his waist, ejected, stepped and ran fast. He turned into a sharp arrow at the bottom of the landing. The sensitivity of the cat, the agility of the leopard, and the fierceness of the tiger!

Roll up the wind, tear the air, and move forward. If you don't reach the goal, you will never stop. You are bound to turn the enemy in your eyes into a must-kill arrow!

This is Li's choice and belongs to his own way. The target is a controlled and immovable corpse king, which is a move that is absolutely unavoidable and can kill...

Those who can master this trick to the best undoubtedly belong to those assassins who can't escape thousands of miles and walk in the dark.

Li is not a qualified assassin. He can hide his breath to a certain extent, but it is impossible to launch a fatal blow without revealing his breath at all.

But he is a real warrior... Kill the enemy before he kills himself! It is the only way to win for battlefield warriors.

Simple, direct, fierce, brave, at the same time invincible, and irresistible! This is a blow to bet your life and carry everything.

The fighting spirit that seemed to tear people apart like ancient fierce beasts was so strong that the corpse king, who was venting his anger, clearly felt a sharpness that made his eyebrows ache. He suddenly turned his head and grinned.

"It's you who ran out without sneaking yourself... Are you in a hurry to die?"

He said sarcastic words, but his movements were not dull at all. Instead, they became more and more fierce. There was a second collision of an arm with the thickness of ordinary people's thighs, and all the veins on it were bursting, twisted like a little snake!

With a loud "click" sound, he actually penetrated the starlight barrier with one punch.

Everyone's heart stops suddenly, but don't make any difference at the last minute! Fortunately, the corpse king stretched out only a left arm, and its body was still trapped in the pentagram array.

Li's action was very fast. Under the full explosion of power, he crossed dozens of meters in one step and appeared beside the corpse king two seconds later.

However, the expression of the corpse king has not changed much. Looking at Li, who was running wildly, he just calmly raised his arm. Under the flashing light, his arm seemed to turn into a sharp axe in an instant, shining with cold light, and waved the most ordinary standard chopping at Li, who rushed to the front with the power of cutting everything into two pieces!

However, it is because of the ordinary that this blow is so powerful.

There is no extra fancy action, just pouring all the power that can be released into such a simple action. This blow injected with great power directly breaks through the sound barrier and cuts out a sad whimper in the air!

The sharp arrow turned into a glimpse, the arm that even disappeared under the split, and the strongest blow that instilled the greatest belief and the greatest power collided with each other without surprise... If you can't dodge, whoever takes a step back first will be directly dismembered in the next moment; if you can't defend, such a powerful blow will undoubtedly collapse; the only thing two people can choose is the strongest vs.

Blood splashes, instantaneous victory or defeat... The collision ended with Lee's other arm being cut off. However, don't forget the really deadly "blazing angel tears" in Li's hand!

It is worth a double B-level side plot 8,000 points super prop. From the beginning, it is a killing item prepared for the corpse king!

When Li was cut off his right arm by the knife of the corpse king, his left hand had burst into the mouth of the corpse king with an unstoppable momentum, allowing his finger bones to be smashed by his teeth. Li suddenly exerted his strength and crushed the bottle of golden tears in the palm of his hand...

Boom! What will happen when the most evil person in the world swallows the most holy tears in the world?

The Sanskrit singing of angels comes, and the holy flame burns...

When the sacred flame belonging to the blazing angel Gabriel began to ignite at Li's finger, the end seemed destined to be no reversal.

The corpse king saw his end in an instant, and the holy flame burning in his chest destroyed his withered internal organs without pity, and directly deprived him of the power to make a living.

His fingers were soft, and the lost strength made him unable to hold his fist any more. His vision blurred, and his sense of depression made him almost unable to support his extremely heavy eyelids. His touch was numb, and the burning of his nerves made him unable to feel the unparalleled pain from all over his body, the pain of burning ashes from the inside out, from the flesh/body to the soul.

But... his corpse king is not dead yet!

As a zombie who has not died for thousands of years, he was once a great minister and vowed to create a new race of corpse king. How can he give up so easily?

As long as the breathing has not completely stopped, as long as the heart has not stopped beating, and as long as the strength has not been completely lost, it is not time to give up!

The most deadly battle between life and death is not physical weakness but mental hesitation. Only those who can pierce each other's chest wholeheartedly when their throat is cut are the ones who have the best chance to win.

The holy flame burning from the chest quickly took away the power of the corpse king and rudely deprived him of his perception of the world, but the edge of death that could be felt so clearly condensed his spirit unprecedentedly at this moment, which was pure The ultimate idea immediately awakened his primitive fighting spirit and desire to survive buried in the deepest part of his heart... Then, a new unearthed force began to gallop wildly in his body.

"Blood, life... Death!"

Mobilizing this little but absolutely enough power, the corpse king's hands, which had been relaxed due to weakness, once again turned into steel-cast blades and grabbed Li hanging on his body in his loud roar... The starlight shield that bound it fluctuated and broke, and the other arm of the corpse king also broke free. The ten fingers were like hooks and penetrated deeply into Li's chest.

It has even felt the powerful beating of the object, and felt the elastic and delicate touch of the fierce impact of the scarlet** inside!

The holy flame is still burning in its own body. As an immortal witness to thousands of years of vicissitudes, it knows that this power cannot be fought against by itself. Its internal organs are burned, and life and death are in one thought.

But it has no time to regret or hesitate. It can only keep moving forward and struggling! It ignored the indescribable pain and extremely strange perception, and knew that the dying corpse king made an action that only belonged to the vampire by instinct... His neck stretched nearly 30 centimeters in an instant!

Its neck bone was split at this time, just to send its mouth to the softest part connected to Li's head and body... Then at that moment, the corpse king did not hesitate to open his sharp mouth with sharp teeth and bite fiercely on a large number of red and smelly necks flowing under the skin! Then there was a loud swallowing sound...

The heart was clen, the blood vessels were torn, and the blood flowed out like a fountain. Li couldn't move any more. He, who could almost kill the enemy, was finally defeated, and the last power squeezed from the depths of his body also quickly lost with the blood that was quickly pulled away from his body.

(to... Have you failed?)

(It's a pity that the final mission was not completed.)

At the moment when the corpse king was about to crush his heart, the captain of the wind team turned into a strong wind, cut off the corpse king's no longer hard right arm and snatched Li back.

The flame on the corpse king has burned more and more, but the white warm flame burns black light, which is strange and horrible.

"Roar~~!" For the first time, the corpse king roared like a beast with anger, unwillingness, pain and despair, as if the fireworks in the night sky were about to wither at the brightest moment.

But this roar attracted the corpse doll who was having a good time. The 100-meter-high giant corpse slowly turned his head, stared at the burning corpse king with big dark eyes, suddenly cried "wow", and then suddenly bent down his head and swallowed the corpse king!