Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 116 Fusion

Everyone looked at each other in connouriately, "What is this naughty child going to do?"

The 100-meter-high giant corpse slowly turned his head, stared at the burning corpse king with big dark eyes, suddenly cried with a "wow", and then suddenly lowered his head and swallowed the corpse king!

Eat the corpse king and evolve himself, or?

In any case, this variable is what people don't want to see.

The tears of the blazing angel in the belly of the corpse king are still burning, and the sacred Sanskrit sound of the holy flame evolution almost runs through the sky. Under this power, death is an inevitable ending, but it is only a matter of time.

In this case, all the adventurer needs to do is to hide far away from the death of the corpse king. Some people have even begun to drool and fantasize about how much benefits they can get later and so on...

But what's wrong with you swallowing the corpse king?

Everyone frowned slightly, and Haotian had said in a low voice, "Everyone launch an attack and don't give the corpse king any chance to turn over."

Cut the grass without rooting, and the spring breeze blows again. Adventurers naturally understand this truth. They must not relax their vigilance without hearing the master's prompts, because any negligence may pay the price of bleeding...

The fourth round of the adventurer's fire attack was launched again, and this time the target was the corpse doll sitting in the square and grounded.

Dazzling flames and lightning cut through the sky, and machine guns, mortars, arrows and other attacks fell like rain.

The corpse doll does not have the strong body and sensitive speed as the corpse king, so the blood rain spilled all over the sky...

Even if the adventurer's attack is not as powerful as *, the tiger can't withstand the wolves. Such a dense attack and incidental magic damage still make the corpse doll scarred all over in an instant. In particular, the sacred attack methods of some adventurers can give it great pain.

The 100-meter-high corpse doll is like a child abandoned by adults, crying. After swallowing the corpse queen ignited by the holy fire, its white and tender face has turned red, and there is a rising heat all over its body, and flames like energy flowing under its skin. He just wanted to eat the child with a bad stomach and rolled up on the ground crying loudly.

Under the fierce struggle, the building leaning behind the corpse doll was overthrown by a terrible force and collapsed.

However, the adventurer's face is getting more and more solemn:

"It's been 13 seconds... The corpse king is not dead yet!"

21 seconds... The master still has no hint!"


Under the bombardment of the fire, the corpse king who "eaten his stomach" did not return at all, but the extremely thick fat and flesh can isolate and absorb most of the damage. But strangely, the body of the corpse doll began to shrink, as if the doll stuffed with candles began to absorb and fuse inside...

At first, people didn't care about it, but when the corpse doll shrank to only 80 meters, everyone found a clue, although they were shocked.

Haotian hurriedly looked at the star eyes of the spiritual person in the team, but saw that the woman's face turned pale and her face was pale, trembling:

"I just saw the earth sink... Corpse is everywhere... The light of fate is dark.

Haotian's face suddenly sank. Needless to say, the name of the goddess Athena is, and the talented ability of the purple spiritual star eyes is the "bean eyes of fate" and can see the fate of others, which can be called against the sky. Of course, there are also times when this "fate" is not accurate, so in order to maximize this ability, Haotian once exchanged a bottle of Athena's virgin blood in a difficult area, so that the star eyes can truly grasp the power of prying into fate...

Under the dual effect of talent and blood power, the star eyes' prying on fate is close to the "prophet". Her prediction is basically nine out of ten.

The battle plan previously formulated by everyone is actually in the fate of the star eyes.

In the original "fate", everyone will successfully kill the corpse king with the tears of the blazing angel after paying a certain price. But now, a new branch of fate has begun to appear... In the new fate, what awaits everyone will be blood and death!

The corpse doll was still crying under the attack of everyone, but its body seemed to be a melted candle, and began to shrink rapidly, from 100 meters high to 80 meters high, and then 50 meters high... When it struggled violently, the smoke and dust rose everywhere and was in a mess.

Then, its twitching and curled body suddenly stretched out, stood up, and looked down at the crowd, with a sneer on its face that was absolutely inconsistent with the previous innocence!

"Very good feeling... Speaking of which, I still want to thank you. How could I have become like this without your help?

Hearing this, everyone's heart was cold.

"Are you the king of corpses?" Someone couldn't help screaming.

"Yes or no." The still giant-level corpse doll moved his hands and feet, and then a sneered at the corners of his mouth, "This is a double fusion of flesh and blood and soul... In return, I will send you all to the west!"


When the words fell, the giant corpse king disappeared from hundreds of meters away, and the next flash had appeared in front of everyone. It was not until this time that the remnants left in the retina of the people finally dissipated.

"It's so fast!" Everyone took a deep breath.

Then, what greeted everyone was a shocking punch!

The car-sized fist fell from the sky, hit the head with the momentum of Mount Tai, and even hit a fighter-like sonic explosion in the air. The air at the front end of the fist was squeezed and exploded, showing a circle of pale white shock smoke waves.

...... Boom!

It's irresistible and defenseless!

This punch directly teleported Haotian, the captain of the Sirius team, and shot Chu Yuntian, the president of the alliance, to pieces and sprayed blood. The rest of the power fell to the ground, just like a * bombarding into the sea. The cement slate-paved square shook in an instant, and the soil and gravel rolled up a black "wave". Spread and splash around... A horrible punch!

What kind of terrible catastrophe will it be when the 20-meter-high giant corpse doll has the speed and power of the corpse king? At this moment, there was a piercing cold behind everyone, which filled their foreheads.

The two captains were blown away with one punch. The corpse king grabbed the star eyes of the Sirius spirit who had not yet escaped, and threw them into the mouth in the girl's tragic voice. The sharp teeth directly bit the star shield, and then chewed it with a big mouthful. Blood and meat dripped down the corners of his mouth, barbaric and cruel.

Athena blood strengthener, a girl with a talent of "the eyes of fate", finally failed to control her own fate and became a delicious meal in the mouth of the huge corpse king.

"No! Damn it!!" Haotian, the captain of the Sirius team, cracked the corners of the handsome young man's eyes. His ten fingers pierced deeply into his palm, and the blood dripped down. His body trembled, but suddenly turned around and let out a beast-like roar and roar from his throat, "Let's get out of here! Get out of this damn world with the scroll!"

Giant body, horrible speed and power, more proficient in 18 kinds of martial arts, coming and going like the wind... There is no solution for such a corpse king. I'm afraid that only the nuclear bomb that "destroy the whole picture" can kill it into scum.

Now, what is placed in front of everyone is no longer how to kill the corpse king, but how to overcome this difficulty... Was it killed to death by the corpse king, or was it wiped out by a nuclear bomb falling from the sky?

No matter which choice, the final result will be the sinking of the earth... Corpse is everywhere... The light of fate is dark...

However, as one of the veteran top four teams, how can it be without a plot out of the scroll?