Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 022 Blood Debt

Early the next morning, when the drunken pirates returned from the carnival all night, all they left were the floating bodies in the harbor and the sunken ruins.

The brains of a group of pirates have not yet turned around under the paralysis of alcohol and tobacco, and they are still staring at the empty harbor and are at a loss. The powerful actor and the winner of the Oscar gold medal has cried bitterly and howled loudly.

"Golden Lion! My Golden Lion!"

The adventurer named Wu Daozi suddenly rushed to the sunken ruins and knelt down and screamed. He was as traumatized as an injured beast. It can be said that the hearer was sad, and the listener cried, which made many people cry and feel uncomfortable.

At this time, the pirates also understood why the harbor was empty and directly blew up their lungs. After all, pirates without a boat is equivalent to a man without a little brother. It is absolutely intolerable!

At this time, the furious Wu Daozi pulled out a thin and weak old man from the crowd and shouted:

"Old Sean! You are the greatest alchemist on the ship. Be sure to find out the sinner who sank me the Golden Lion! I will kill him with thousands of knives and smash ten thousand pieces~~"

The angry pirates were quickly attracted by the loudly quarreling master and servants, and some of the bought pirates proudly preached the magic and skills of the great alchemist Sean...

Wu Daozi took out a silver conch with a black face that was quite famous and valuable in the world of pirates and shouted:

"You blood-sucking bug! As long as you find the murderer for me, I will give you this 'Ocean Grazer Horn'!"

"The horn of the ocean grazinger?" There was a sudden exclamation in the crowd, and the shameless master and servant also succeeded in attracting everyone's attention.

"Is that the legendary silver horn that can graze sea kings?"

"That's true! I have seen this conch in the most authoritative newspaper!"


Yes, this is one of the most precious collections that only exist in the legend: the horn of marine herders. For pirates, this is synonymous with wealth, power and status. No pirate can refuse this kind of **, and no pirate can tremble with unhappiness after seeing this magical treasure!

"Meet my wish, then your wish can be fulfilled!"

The voice of the movie emperor Wu Daozi echoed on this beach, with a dead coldness and majesty. But at this time, Sean, the great alchemist, could not take care of this. He opened the wooden box he carried with him with a degree of madness, and then the pirates' eyes became bigger and bigger... What is amazing is that the space in the box seems to be endless. Soon a wide test bench built on this beach, with lit alcohol lamps, messy test tube racks, and messy books and experimental notes appeared. After hurriedly mixing several potions, Bacon mixed them and heated them on the alcohol lamp, then scooped up from the sea with a small test tube and poured the seawater into the crucible. Then after careful observation for a while, he definitely reached the first conclusion in a professional tone:

"The ghost of the crew told me that they were killed around two o'clock."

"Find out the murderer!" Wu Daozi, the movie emperor, roared hysterically, and his voice even made the dewdrops on several coconut trees nearby fall: "Find the murderer, immediately!!"

"Calm down!" Old Sean hurriedly said in a soothing tone:

"I promise you that you will find the murderer, as long as you give me ten... No, five minutes! Now please let go of the grazing horn and watch it hold my heart so hard as if it is twitching violently, which will seriously affect my work efficiency!"

Wu Daozi, the movie emperor who bit blood from the corners of his mouth, snorted, took a few deep breaths, and finally suppressed the anger in his heart under the comfort of the rest of the pirate captains.

Old Sean took out a big crucible that could cook people from his box and quickly put a stove on the ground. Then put some ** in the pot, put it on the stove, and ignited the wood below. The bright yellow flame licked/licked the bottom of the pot happily, and the dry pine branches made a crisp explosion in the fire from time to time. The curling smell of burning resin mixed with the pungent smell in the pot, with indescribable strangeness Feeling, and then everything calmed down. Old Sean couldn't take his eyes off the crucible. Although the fire below was very big, the ** seemed to freeze and there was no movement at all. As time went by, in the curse and scolding of pirates, the ** in the pot finally changed.

At this time, the adventurer's plan has just begun... At this time, the bartender came over and poured a glass of wine for the mysterious and deep Lin Xiao sitting in the shadow corner, and the dense bubbles rolled out of the golden wine, like another boiling world full of psychedelic, which was fascinating/illusory. At the bay less than four kilometers away from here, the ** in the crucible of old Sean finally boiled. At the same time, the rest of the adventurer's plans were also launched.

Looking at the boiling ** in the crucible, old Sean took out a brown glass bottle from the box. Looking at the appearance of holding the glass bottle, he was extremely careful, lest he hit a little bit, and then Sean began to sprinkle powder into the pot, and the ** in the pot immediately burned, forming a purple-black flame. The flame seemed to melt the bottom of the pot in an instant, falling drop by drop, and quickly melted the surroundings together, forming a purple-black fire.

This strange flame came and went quickly, melting and burning the soft and white beach, leaving a pit half a meter deep and about two meters long. The strange thing is that the deep pit actually sprayed a cold chill outside, and even the surrounding air was filled with a white fog! The skin of the people next to him doesn't feel good, but the coldness spreads out from the depths of the bone marrow, which is really very strange and strange.

At this time, Old Sean asked a pirate to carry a large bucket of seawater into the pit, and began to recite some esoteric words. At the same time, the dense white fog began to twist, as if there was something to break free.

A group of angry pirates were also attracted by this spectacle and stared at the captains of the sunken pirate ship standing in front of them.

And the old god stick did not disappoint this time. After a strange chant that no one could understand, the light in the dense fog gathered in the air, forming a ghost-like existence, but the ghost looked quite weak, and the slight light on his body seemed to be blown away in the air at any time. Like in the middle. Then some messy images appeared in the continuous distortion, which was the messy fragments that happened in this harbor last night.

Under the double** of anger and curiosity, all the pirates present naturally stared at it and would never miss half a detail.

But soon, the face of the movie emperor Wu Daozi changed, from pale to red, and then switched to iron blue! It can't be said that Old Sean's "Black Magic" is quite magical. The scene in the fog is very clear, which is simply a clear reproduction of 3D images.

After reading all the zero fragments and knowing the "wist of the cause" of the matter, a group of pirate captains couldn't stand it and roared furiously:

"Damn navy! Damn Fox family! Blood pays for it!"