Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 023 Happy Shit Stick

As the saying goes, "It's hard to make money, and it's desolate after people". This has always been the truth. We are not the generation that grew up with golden keys, so only industrious conspiracy and culprits can we survive well in this world.

First of all, three points must be made clear: First, the adventurer's strength in the current world is at the middle and upper reaches, which is more than the same level. The single-handed challenge is definitely not the opponent of the three generals of the navy or the seven martial seas under the king, but some unknown pirates have also been captured~~

The second point is that adventurers travel through various worlds, and the means and accumulated experience are far from being able to see through by these almost "illiterate" guys in the world of pirates.

There is also a third point: the forces on the island are mixed, and no one is a good-tempered master, not to mention that when my brother still has a wall, is it quite normal to stab a knife in the back with a smile on his face?


Under the lead of the old pirates, the movie emperor Wu Daozi took the lead. Behind him was a group of murderous pirates, stepping on the mottled slate road to the end of the east end of the port. Because of the wind and rain in the morning, the port road, which looked beautiful and flat on a sunny day, has now turned into a swamp covered with stones. When walking If you don't pay attention, a dirty earthy yellow water will splash out from the broken stone slabs under your feet, splashing your trousers.

After a night of carnival, the pirates were at a time of mental depression, but after watching a vivid "blockbuster reenment", they were also furious and screaming to take the lead.

The navy school, which has long been deeply wary of this group of evil pirates, obviously has also explored the murderous direction of this group of pirates, directly locking the door, and everyone is strong and waiting for it.

Outside the naval training campus, Wu Daozi, the movie emperor, did not give senior naval officials a chance to resolve the dispute at all. He looked back at the pirates behind him and roared with grief and indignation:

"Today, we stand here, on the land of this island of freedom occupied by the evil navy. Behind me is the extremely powerful military fortress of the navy. You not only killed our partners, but also sank our ships, and now you want to arrest and expel us all from here! What a shame, what a cowardice!..."

"Is there such a group of men standing in front of me who are not chasing their dreams, a group of seamen who can only humiliate and moan under oppression?! ...Your pride is gone. Has your dignity been exchanged for the right to survive?"

"Of course not!" The movie emperor burst into tears and shouted generously:

"We have at least one thing, and that's our bones! As long as we still have bones, as long as we are still alive, we can still walk. The important thing is that the knees in our hearts have not been bent to anyone... We still have a chance!"

"Children across the sea, recall the glory we once had and conquer all our enemies! But don't get drunk in the illusion of the past! Because the dream will eventually wake up one day, and today is the day of our revenge!"

"Children across the sea~~~, recall the suffering and grief we have suffered, think about our partners who died tragically, and think about the ships that swaying and howled in the wind. But don't waste your blood and tears because of sadness! Your blood and tears must be sprinkled on the enemy's body!"

"Children across the sea, are you going to be a coward for a lifetime or a warrior at this moment? Pick up the sword in our hands and wash away the humiliation we have suffered with the blood of the enemy!"

"Blood debt!!"


In silence, a young pirate turned red, raised the machete in his hand, and roared hoarsely:

"Blood for blood!"

"Blood debt!!"

Anger and blood swirled in the chest, and wet flowers bloomed on the black ground~~

How can we stimulate a person's full potential, so that they can put aside all personal preferences and ideas, like a machine, and do what you say wholeheartedly... This is a profound knowledge. But it happened that there was a specialty in the art industry. One of the adventurers was a woman who graduated from Harvard University with a major in psychology. It took less than ten minutes to set a general script for the pirates' bullying, fear, wild and unruly character, and the leading actor was co-starring with a movie emperor-level adventurer who had won the Oscar.

- There is a beast in everyone's heart, and what we have to do is to open the gate and release it.

First of all, you can't rely on fear and coercion, because most people's personalities are like bamboo strips full of toughness and elasticity. As soon as you work hard, he will give in to you, but when you run out of strength and let go of your hand, he will rebound back. The more force you used before, the stronger his rebound will be. . Many countries controlled by independents/layers and tyrants/ monarchs have been destroyed as a result.

So the first step of the adventurer's plan is to cater to the public with empathy, and then attract attention and provoke public anger with valuable treasures.

Secondly, you can't cheat, at least not completely cheat... Because cheating is like a colorful bubble. Although it is very beautiful and dreamlike, it will be shattered one day.

Unfortunately, the adventurer just wants to do something big. As for the future, how about this island... In the infamous famous saying of the extremely conceited French emperor Louis XV:

"After I die, I don't care if it floods!"

Although the lie must be broken, unfortunately, the adventurers will have disappeared by then.

So adventurers use their own methods of various successful classic cases to induce pirates, intensify contradictions, and stir up the pool water.

The last and best way to dominate people is to give them a sense of mission, give them a sense of glory, and give them a sense of humiliation... Just like the Germans during World War II, under the spiritual guidance of Hitler, burst out all the life potential, actually competing with the power of a country against most of the earth, and Miracles and legends still affect the human process.

It's like a Jewish who lost his country and returned home after thousands of years of exile.

Of course, the pirates with their heads on their belts on the sea have no belief. This pre-war mobilization is just to boost morale. The best way is... The trend of hatred and interests!

So, in the face of the approaching of a group of turbulent pirates, a naval soldier standing on the tower defending pulled the trigger blankly under the trembling fingers. The hot lead/blet crossed the sky in a thick smoke and firelight and hit the chest of a pirate. In full view of the public, black blood flowers bloomed in front of the chest. Come on...

After a short and deadly silence, the silent pirates waved machetes and hunting bunkers and roared to the naval academy.

The movie emperor raised a satisfied smile at the corners of his mouth, "Fortunate, the general trend has become~~"

Lin Xiao, who was sitting in the bar slowly sipping rum, received the message and nodded:

"The revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades need to fight internally."


The results of this fight provoked by the adventurers were obvious. The flowing blood stained the earth red. After leaving nearly 100 bodies, the two sides finally dispersed. One by one, they returned to their respective territory to lick/lick/lick their wounds like beasts, but hundreds of people died in exchange for their tragic hatred. But it is no longer difficult to resolve.

At the same time, similar but never different scenes are also staged in other parts of the island.

At noon that day, a four-wheeled carriage with a black veil drove into the castle of the Fox family. This territory is the territory of the Fox family, the largest pioneer of Free Island, and one of the leaders of the island's business alliance. It is also the home of the man Lin Xiao and others met yesterday~~

An hour later, the extremely angry and sad roar of the owners of the Fox family came from the castle. Their voices seemed to come out after being hit thousands of times in the chest, covering the whole castle in an unparalleled way:

"Find out these dirty bed bugs and smash ten thousand pieces!"

Immediately after the castle began to hang black veil and fire cannons to mourn, the residents of the island suddenly realized that an important figure of the Fox family had passed away.

The gossip-loving residents quickly analyzed the matter:

"Well, I saw a strange carriage rush into the castle at noon and seemed to have clashed with the guard guarding the door."

"Hanging black veil and firing cannons to mourn, this is a way of mourning the death of important people. Guess who it will be?"

"Today is Sunday, and it seems that the lady of the castle often goes to the church on the lonely cliff to pray for blessings in the early morning~~


The power in the group is great, and you can guess the truth of the matter in a few words.

A beautiful woman/person who can become the wife of the castle owner will naturally not be an ugly woman. Although she is over 40 years old, she is still charming and beautiful.

She usually lives in a simple life and only goes to church every Saturday - of course, every time she travels in a tall carriage pulled by a sea dragon beast, driven by the most skilled groom in the castle, followed by 20 loyal and fully armed guards, showing off, showing off or having money. It's capricious~~